Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 826: 9 master is angry

Remember [New] in a second! North Star Gate—

This is a place located in the hinterland of the garrison in the northern region of the hegemony. Most of the surrounding stars are far apart, mainly to make this place an open area, so that if there is a foreigner sneaking into this place, the enemy can be found at a glance.

The star gate is located on a small island suspended in a vacuum environment. It looks like a huge interstellar port platform. From time to time, a patrol fleet lands on it to rest, and will leave after a while to continue patrolling the formation nodes around it.

That's right, it's not just as simple as the openness of this place, but also a dense array of guards has been arranged around the star gate. Without the joint token of the leaders of the three forces, the large array here cannot be opened at all.

"Master Jiu, why don't you go back and rest first, I'm worried that you're tired after sitting here all the time!" A late-stage domain master humbly said to the bearded man who was sitting cross-legged near the star gate very courteously.

That appearance is as humble as you want, just like seeing your own grandfather's level of humility.

The overall image of the bearded man is very burly, even if he sits cross-legged, he is nearly a hundred meters tall, and his entire figure is almost one-tenth the size of the star gate.

You must know that although this kind of stargate is a small stargate, it can only accommodate small starships, even if it is so, it has an aspect ratio of nearly a kilometer.

The man was covered with a tattered robe to hide his burly figure. This person's hair is also extremely long, and those who don't know it from a distance think it is a small mountain covered with a thick layer of black hair.

The messy black hair almost obscured the person's features.

"Tiancang's little devil is playing, or I will eat you!" A low and hoarse voice sounded, the tone was low but resounding, and the ears shook and the brain buzzed.

"Jiuye! I just want to understand and understand you. How many days have you been sitting here? You are a senior and you can't let you do all the work of guarding the door alone. If this is seen by others, then you can't complain Our subordinates are not good at doing things?" Hearing that the late-stage domain master in armor was full of reason.

"Hmph! Let me see whoever dares to gossip, I'll eat whoever dares to! It just so happens that you, Ninth Master, I haven't eaten meat for a long time!" While speaking, the head of the burly man slightly lowered, revealing his ferocious face covered by black hair.

It was a face that could not be ignored at a glance. The face was shaped like a beast, and the muscles squirming on the face looked like a wrathful King Kong roaring.

"What Jiu Ye said is true! Jiu Ye, you can do whatever you want, it's unnecessary for this junior!" As if frightened by the other party, the man in armor staggered back and almost fell to the ground.

"Hmph! You are a late-stage doll, why are you so timid, why are you so afraid that I will eat you, my ninth master?" Seeing this burly man, he snorted softly, and said in a bad mood.

"Forget it, when it comes to eating, I miss the meat that Kui Jinna kid sent last time! By the way, what kind of meat is that? It's quite chewy." .

"Yes... yes... it's the meat of a giant starry sky beast!" Hearing this, the man in armor responded quickly, as if he was afraid that he would be eaten by the other party if he was too slow.

"Well, it's the meat of the giant beast!" The burly man nodded, unknowingly drooling, "I think that kind of meat is good. It's Kuijin who is stingy, so I gave one, and then said Give me nothing."

"Speaking of which, I would like to taste what a descendant of a demigod like Kui Jin is like? It would be even better if it was the meat of his ancestors."

Speaking of that, the lips hidden under the messy hair slowly parted, revealing rows of sharp teeth. The sharpness makes people have no doubt that if it is bitten by this thing, it will definitely be bone shattered Not even the dross is left.

"Hehe, Ninth Master, you are still so humorous. How can those elders in the base camp eat it?" The man in armor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking that this senior really dares to say anything, but those elders don't mind This senior's nonsense.

Buzz buzz!

At this moment, the star gate not far away began to shine brightly, and the star gate trembled slightly, which was a sign that someone from the star gate was about to teleport over.

"Jiuye, it seems that someone from the North District is coming, then you should rest first, and I will meet Yi Er!"

"Hmph! Go, a bunch of annoying guys!" The burly man waved his hands like swat flies.

Seeing this man in armor hurriedly came to the star gate, at this time the four rotating domain masters who were in charge of standing guard at the star gate cupped their fists and saluted the coming man in armor.

"Does the Stargate record show that the senior from the North District came over this time?" The man in armor asked directly, because this time period is not the usual time for transporting materials. There are important people from the district.

It was said that the domain owners all looked at each other, and one of the domain owners frowned and said: "Master Commander! It seems that there was no report in advance this time, and the frequency and location of the star gate's positioning this time are all different. There are some deviations, it seems a little weird!"

"Oh?! Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, the armored man frowned immediately.

"Not the positioning coordinates of the North District?"

"No! It's an unknown coordinate, and we didn't give permission for the transmission, but it seems that they are forcibly tampering with our instructions and are coming towards us."

"Not good! It's an enemy attack!"

This man in armor already feels bad. Although he doesn't know why the other party has the ability to tamper with the star gate, since the comer is not good, he has to fight!

"Everyone prepare, defend the enemy!" The man in armor shouted loudly, and at the same time looked back at one of the domain masters and ordered: "Quickly issue a warning, let the resting domain masters meet the enemy!"

However, as soon as the voice fell to the star gate, dozens of figures appeared, and the moment these figures appeared, the attack had already arrived.

The physical way of martial arts warriors' fighting was so brutal, these figures shot out one by one as soon as they appeared, and rushed towards the domain master in front of them.

The man in armor saw that several junior and middle-level subordinates of the domain master level around him were knocked down by the leaders in just an instant.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

While crushing the communication talisman in his hand, the armored man unhesitatingly cast a secret technique and rushed towards the late Xing Yunzong who was rushing in front of him.

Ignoring the overlord leader who was besieged and killed by four or five Nebula Sect disciples, Jiang Heng and his party flew out of the star gate.

"I didn't expect things to go so smoothly!" Tian Xingzi followed Jiang Heng's side, and was overjoyed to see that the passage through the Star Gate had come so smoothly.

"Great elder, don't let your guard down, let's destroy the star gate first!"

In fact, without Jiang Heng's instructions, the Xingyun Sect disciples who fell last and walked out of the star gate have already spontaneously launched an attack on the star gate.

With the means of domain master-level powerhouses, even if there are many solid inscriptions engraved on the surface of the star gate, they will be destroyed in an instant.

Seeing this situation, everyone felt relieved, and felt a little unreal, and things seemed to go too smoothly.

"This is too simple? Could it be that their defenses around the star gate are so sparse?" Some people thought it was incredible.

"It's not because they were lax in defense, it's because our master and uncle are powerful, who would have thought that the person who came out of their star gate would be an enemy! I guess they never dreamed that such a thing would happen!"

Some people just joked directly, and in fact it is true. After all, no one would have imagined that their star gate could become the opponent's space coordinate channel.

"Master Uncle, I don't think things are that simple. This should be the star gate between the Central District's resident and the Hegemony's North District. But there should be a star gate connecting this place with the Hegemony's West District resident." Tian Xingzi frowned.

"The Great Elder said that there is another star gate, but that star gate is not here?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng also frowned. Valley

"That's right, please master uncle to teleport me to another star gate again." Tian Xingzi clasped his fists again.

After the move just now, Tian Xingzi admired Jiang Heng's space means extremely.

This kind of weird method that can directly use other people's star gates is simply impossible to guard against.

Jiang Heng nodded, closed his eyes and began to pull the nearest star gate with his own space power.

Jiang Heng just sensed it for a long time, but opened his eyes in confusion.

"How's Master Uncle?" Seeing this, Tian Xingzi asked suspiciously.

"It seems that there is something strange here!" Jiang Heng frowned and looked around.

"Strange? Master Uncle felt that something was wrong?" Tian Xingzi was also puzzled, but he didn't feel anything at all.

"Hmm! There seems to be a very strong interference and isolation formation around here."

"So..." Tian Xingzi seemed to think of something.

"So this place is a prison!" Jiang Heng said with a gloomy expression.

"Could it be a demigod formation?" Tian Xingzi was a little uncertain.

"I can't see through it!" Jiang Heng used his avatar to improve the level of the formation a while ago, and with his eyesight he could only see a rough idea.

"The demigod formation is not enough, but the core inscription of the formation here should be written by the demigod powerhouse, and the rest are arranged by some domain master-level formation masters. With the demigod inscription and the base point, this road is arranged Although the formation is not a demigod formation, it is far superior to the general domain master formation."

Jiang Heng frowned, his own spatial law was only in the middle stage of the domain master level, if it was an ordinary domain master level formation, he could stay or stay as he wanted.

However, this formation is almost equivalent to the cut-down version of the demigod formation, and the people who arranged the formation were very cautious, and the inscriptions in it even have some effect of strengthening the space. This made Jiang Heng extremely uncomfortable.

"Master Uncle, can you crack this array?"

After the previous discussion with Jiang Heng, Tian Xingzi had already had a good understanding of Jiang Heng's formation skills. It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Heng's formation skills are the highest here. If Jiang Heng can't decipher This formation, then can only be trapped here to death.

"No! I can't simply break the formation for the time being!" Jiang Heng shook his head, this formation is obviously a super-level problem for him right now, and it would be **** if he could solve it.

However, when Tian Xingzi was lost, Jiang Heng said again, "We can try to crack it with brute force!"

"Crack it with brute force? This is a formation that is close to a demigod..." Tian Xingzi was a little confused. It would be **** if this thing could be cracked with brute force.

Even the weakest formation has nodes for unloading force, not to mention the number of unloading and defense nodes in this formation covering a small star field may be unimaginable.

"Don't forget my law of space, space is best at breaking formations with brute force!" Jiang Heng grinned.

"Oh!" Hearing this, Tian Xingzi's eyes lit up, he really didn't know this, after all, space is really rare.

"The formation here is obviously unmanned, and it operates on its own. Although someone checks it from time to time, it is not difficult to crack as long as there is no one in the main formation!"

Jiang Heng is quite confident, can he not be confident, after all, the space cutting of the space is the best at breaking the formation.

No matter how complicated his formation is, as long as the level is not too much higher than his own realm, he can use brute force to directly cut a passage to break the formation with space cutting.

"If only I were a demigod right now, with the power of the Great Dao and the River, I can cut through even a big formation arranged by the middle demigod!"

It's a pity for Jiang Heng. After the space becomes a demigod, it will become more and more out of hand.

After all, the space demigod's ability to travel anywhere in the universe is not just for fun. Otherwise, it would not be one of the top avenues.

"That's good! I don't know how Master Uncle needs me to cooperate?" Tian Xingzi said hastily.

I can't help but rejoice that this action brought this Supreme Emperor, otherwise it would be really difficult to move an inch.

"Protect me for ten breaths, within ten breaths I will cut out a passage!"

As he spoke, Jiang Heng began to perceive the weakest part of this space with spatial perception.

There are spaces reinforced by formations everywhere, and it takes a little effort to find the weak spots.

"So it's not friends who came in, but food?"

A deep, thunderous voice suddenly sounded from a mountain not far away.

At this time, all the disciples of the Xingyun Sect discovered that the hill on the platform was not a real mountain, but a person? !

"kill him!"

Seeing that there are still people alive, a Nebula Sect disciple said loudly.

Hearing that the nearest Xingyun sect disciple was so angry that he culled and killed them.

“I didn’t expect food to be delivered to my door!”

As soon as the voice the hill slowly stood up, and as the burly man stood up, his figure rose again, five hundred, seven hundred, nine hundred and one thousand!

Until the other party stood upright, the height of nearly a thousand meters stood like a **** among the masters of the nebula sect.

"It's just a bit bigger, and its size is far worse than that of the starry sky behemoth, everyone, kill this official!" Seeing this, some people snorted coldly.

In fact, these domain masters have seen a lot of big ones, so there is really nothing to be afraid of.


However, the burly man took a deep breath, and immediately a shocking roar erupted suddenly, and the huge sound formed a substantial wave of air that swept across the nearest domain masters.

Among the people closest to them were the domain masters in the early, middle and late stages. However, after being affected by this real energy wave, the physical body of the early domain masters was directly blown into a cloud of blood mist.

Some mid-stage domain masters kept squeezing blood clots, while some late-stage domain masters were in better condition, but they also vomited blood, staggering and flying out.

"what is happening?!"

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