Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 822: Deduction of martial arts comprehensive upgrade

Remember [New] in a second! Time passed in the blink of an eye, and a month passed. After this month, Jiang Heng was almost fully fired, and the increase in physical strength after taking Tongshen Haohua Dan was indeed extremely obvious.

At the same time, a trouble also appeared.

"After taking more than ninety pills, it seems that this kind of pill is useless to me, and I have developed resistance to it!" Jiang Heng frowned, and now he has pushed the star body to the peak of the seventh floor by relying on the magic pill. It seems to be stuck in a bottleneck.

"It's still a little bit worse!"

Jiang Heng felt that his efficiency was still too slow, but he didn't know that his speed would make others envious and jealous, especially those disciples of the Nebula Sect who had cultivated the astral body, including the third elder Xuan Xingzi.

It may take tens of thousands of years for them to reach the level of the seventh floor, but Jiang Heng can advance by leaps and bounds by relying on the God of God.

Do you want to say that other disciples have not taken the Tongshen Haohua pill?

That is naturally impossible!

Ordinary low-level disciples may not have the opportunity to get in touch with such precious medicines, but some true disciples can still get in touch, and they may need to create a lot of value for the sect before they can be bestowed.

Of course not to mention these things, at least Xuan Xingzi, as the elder of the Xingyun Sect, has an unlimited supply of God-bending Good Fortune Pills.

Even so, it took nearly ten thousand years for his astral body to advance from the seventh floor to the eighth floor, and it took about 10,000 to 20,000 years to cultivate to the seventh floor. This is definitely not caused by insufficient elixirs, but because the physical body has limited endurance and absorption.

This is the talent. Xuan Xingzi's talent is already a rare talent in the Nebula Sect. After all, it is not bad to be an elder.

But in comparison with Jiang Heng, the verdict is superior.

"Then try this thing?" His eyes fell on the black mud pellet again, resisting the discomfort in his heart, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and swallowed it whole.

As the elixir entered his stomach, the effect was astonishing. Almost instantly, Jiang Heng felt hot all over, as if an oven had been turned off, but a big fire was ignited directly after the elixir entered his stomach.

The raging flames were burning in the body, as if cooking with a fire made Jiang Heng's skin instantly turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not daring to neglect Jiang Heng, he immediately began to slowly wear down the power of the medicine according to the route of the astral body.

"No! This energy is too much!"

After running for a while, Jiang Heng opened his eyes again, with some shock and anxiety in his eyes.

The medicinal power of this mud pill is simply beyond imagination, and the speed of energy consumption when the star body is running is incomparable, and the energy in the body is still increasing geometrically.

If there are outsiders here, they must be able to see that Jiang Heng is like a very unstable nuclear reactor at this moment, and energy is constantly escaping from the body surface. The balloon burst open.


"Vatican Martial Eucharist!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng directly deployed all the physical martial arts he knew, and even the overlord body, which had been in passive operation, was trying to consume this energy.

But the sum of these martial arts is not as fast as the astral body, so it seems like a drop in the bucket.

"Damn! I won't be the first domain lord to be overwhelmed by energy, right?"

Jiang Heng felt a little depressed, this good thing came to him, but he couldn't handle it in the end.

Jiang Heng wanted the avatars to share his pressure, but it's a pity that it's okay to let the avatars use their brains, and letting them bear such a huge amount of energy would be courting death.

With the incarnation far inferior to the body, the physical body will explode in an instant.


"How did I forget about them!" Jiang Heng slapped his head suddenly, and suddenly remembered that his avatar is equivalent to his auxiliary optical brain? With so many computers helping me deduce it together, why not let them deduce the Brahma Martial Saint Body, Hegemony Body, and other outdated physical body Dao martial arts as soon as possible.

"Try it!"

Jiang Heng immediately gave deduction orders to many incarnations. It is difficult to shake such a huge amount of energy just by relying on the level of these physical martial arts. Only by improving the level of martial arts and increasing their demand for energy, can they also Distribute the pressure of the astral body.

All the avatars began to deduce with their legs crossed and their eyes closed. After Jiang Heng watched many martial arts secrets in Xingyun Zongjing Pavilion for so many days, Jiang Heng's understanding of martial arts has finally caught up to the same level.

Even because he had come into contact with the miraculous skills of Beihe Dazhou Tianxing in advance, Jiang Heng's understanding of martial arts even surpassed that of his peers.

In just a minute or two, the hegemonic body originally limited the third level to the upper level, and directly deduced that the fourth level corresponds to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

Immediately, the hegemony body absorbed some of the past energy, and at the same time, due to the influx of massive energy, the fourth layer of the hegemony body was quickly cultivated to perfection.

The improvement of this small step is completely a drop in the bucket, but right now Jiang Heng can only hold on a little bit, trying to let the avatar continue to deduce the subsequent layers as soon as possible.

Time passed little by little, until the evening of the next day, the initial deduction of the fifth layer of the hegemony body corresponding to the domain master level was completed, and Jiang Heng also quickly completed its cultivation with massive energy.

On the fourth day, the sixth floor is deduced, corresponding to the middle stage of the domain master level. Half a month later, the seventh floor will be deduced, corresponding to the late stage of the domain master level.

At the same time, the Brahma Martial Saint Body has been deduced rapidly, but unfortunately because of the special nature of this martial art, the deduction speed has been relatively slow. .

The Brahma Martial Saint Physique is different from the pure physical martial arts such as the Overlord Body and the Star Body. The Brahma Martial Saint Physique is more like a martial art that learns from others' strengths. It is a strange martial art that learns from other people's physical strength to strengthen one's own physical strength and learn from each other's strengths.

Previously, there were three forms of the Fanwu Holy Physique, which were divided into Qingtian Bian, Lei Peng Bian, and Xuangui Bian. Corresponding to the aberrant Ape, Golden Wing Lei Peng, and Heavy Water Turtle respectively.

Right now, the fourth change is being deduced. For this fourth change, the avatars have deduced countless templates, but unfortunately they rejected them one by one.

These incarnations have inherited the thinking and emotions of the ontology, thinking that either they should not make it, or they should make the best template at the moment.

So after deduction and deduction, in the end, the target was selected on the giant starry sky beast of the Earth Xing Avenue that was slaughtered in the Ninety-two galaxy.

I plan to use it as a carrier for deduction. It just so happens that Jiang Heng still has a lot of blood essence from that giant beast before, not to mention that there are still many flesh and bones of that giant beast that have not been used yet, so he can just take advantage of it.

Time flies, and another year passes in the blink of an eye.

This year, Jiang Heng's muscles and bones became stronger and stronger, but the cracks on the surface became more and more obvious, and the energy seemed to continue to expand, as if it was not a mud pellet at all, but a small universe, filled with a huge amount of energy in one world.

At the same time, Xuan Guizi, who had already drank most of the wine Jiang Heng sent, lay buttoned up on his body, and his body was itchy after not taking a bath for many years.

"Hey! Why is there a mud pill here?"

Suddenly, the palm of his hand seemed to have touched something, and when he held it in front of his eyes, it turned out to be another mud pill, but this mud pill was more than ten times smaller than the one given to Jiang Heng before, it looked only about the size of a soybean . Gu Jian

"It's a bad thing! Isn't that old mud pill I saved up? I still want to use it for Little Xing Xing. By the way, where did that mud pill go?"

The drunken Xuan Guizi scratched his head and couldn't remember for a while. He glanced at the soybean-sized mud pellet in his hand, and flicked it directly into the empty wine jar next to him.

"Forget it, I want to sleep after drinking too much!"

Stretching for a while, Xuan Guizi didn't bother to use his brain, and just lay down on the ground, and soon the sky-shattering snoring sounded.

How did Jiang Heng know that the energy of the mud pill he swallowed was inconceivable, because it was basically prepared for demigod-level physical powerhouses, and it was shocking that he could survive for more than a year after swallowing it.

Even so, Jiang Heng's appearance at this moment is still pitiful, there is no good place in his body, his bones are blown up and healed as much as possible, if it is not that his foundation is strong enough, he can suppress this energy with three kinds of avenues in turn, I am afraid As soon as it entered the stomach, it exploded on the spot.

However, the situation of the nearly 200 incarnations is not optimistic, most of them are covered with silver hair, and these black hair turned into silver hair are all incarnations who deduced the Brahma Martial Holy Body.

The difficulty of deducing the Brahma Martial Saint Body is beyond imagination, and the overlord body has been deduced to the peak level of the domain master. Although the increase in the physical body is still far inferior to the astral body, it can barely share a lot of pressure for the main body.

On the other hand, Fanwu Holy Body is still working hard to deduce the fourth change.

"If this is just not what I want, the template of the giant beast is not suitable for me!"

The latest versions of many incarnations were fed back in my mind, and the main body directly rejected it after a quick glance.

The set of templates they deduced was still based on the giant earthen beast, but Jiang Heng felt that it was not suitable for him. After deduction, it would only be reduced to a foil for the astral body.

It is unacceptable for Jiang Heng to get such a result after paying so much blood essence of giant beasts.

"Is there any other template for reference?"

The brain was thinking quickly, and Jiang Heng soon thought of two templates in front of him. One was naturally the Nine Heavens Demon Lion, a giant beast family at the peak domain master level, and the other was the demigod level in the treasury. The lineage of giant beasts and black tortoises.

"Senior Xuan Guizi is a demigod. I can't even hold his clay pills, let alone borrow his blood essence." As for Xuan Guizi's blood essence, let alone whether the other party would lend me a drop, Even if the other party was willing to borrow it, Jiang Heng would not dare to take it.

"That's Senior Jiutian, just Senior Jiutian..."

Jiang Heng felt that if he asked for it, the other party would give him a drop, but is the nine-day one really suitable for him?

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still shook his head.

"Who else?"

Jiang Heng also thought of the old man, but unfortunately, although the old man also has the blood of a giant beast, he is not as good as a real giant beast, so he is naturally out of consideration.

"That's right! Fighting Behemoth!"

Suddenly, Jiang Heng remembered another giant beast in the Ninety-two galaxy, which was the Dou Zhi Dao giant beast captured by the Sixth Prince Le.

"The Dao of Dou is good at fighting, which is very compatible with my physical body, and the Star God Art I practice seems to activate the profound meaning of the word Dou, and it has a complementary effect."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng began to think about it, and soon an avatar was ordered to stop the deduction and quietly exit the cave and go outside.

"Your Excellency Jiang Heng, if the information about this prince is correct, you should now be the most important person in the Nebula Sect after the suzerain! I don't know why you have time today to visit my old friend?"

Ninety-two galaxies, the Sixth Prince Le, who sits in the core star field, looked at Jiang Heng who suddenly appeared in front of him with a rather strange expression.

It's just that after many days, the status of the two parties who met again has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The warrior who used to be able to serve only under his own command has now surpassed him in status and reached the level of his father.

The fact is true, Jiang Heng is now a figure at the level of Grandmaster Xingyun's uncle, correspondingly, even Emperor Tianshuang has to treat him politely.

Looking at Le in front of him, Jiang Heng looked calm. Although it was a private visit, but with his status, he was accompanied by two mid-stage disciples of the Nebula Sect.

This is a kind of card, especially when Jiang Heng is not doing well yet, the two Nebula Sect disciples behind him already have their nostrils upturned.

This kind of attitude is very normal, the Nebula Sect has always looked down on most members of the Hundred Nations. Considering that there are still many forces in the Hundred Nations Alliance, the Nebula Sect can also be ranked as a force on the first tier.

"Your Highness, don't be too polite, this time I also have something to ask for!" Jiang Heng also slightly corrected his posture when he thought of the purpose of this trip.

"Oh?" Wen Yanle was a little surprised, he couldn't imagine that with Jiang Heng's current status in the Nebula Sect, what would the other party need from him.

Jiang Heng was too lazy to be polite and straight to the point, he flipped one hand, and more than ten drops of blood had already been suspended in the palm of his hand.

"This is not..." Seeing the blood essence, Le was naturally very clear.

"Your Highness, I want to exchange these blood essences for a few drops of the blood essence of the Dou Zhi monster you imprisoned!" Jiang Heng said straight to the point.

"That's it..."

Although Wen Yanle didn't know Jiang Heng's purpose, she couldn't help but hesitate.

Although he can't use this kind of thing, after all, the Law of Dou itself is much rarer than the common stuff like Tuxing.

But after thinking about it carefully, he still nodded.

"I don't think there is any need to change a few drops. After all, you and I are old acquaintances. There is no need to change the blood essence. I will give it to you directly."

Le's attitude was beyond Jiang Heng's expectation, but after thinking about it, it became clear.

Indeed, Le didn't want to offend the current Jiang Heng, and even wanted to curry favor with Jiang Heng.

After all, no one knows how the war will go in the future, and it is always a good thing to make more good friends.

"It's just that I only collected ten drops of blood essence one after another before, so how about giving ten drops as a gift? I'm afraid of hurting the life of that beast. It's too small for that beast to die, but I still think about being able to serve as a gift later. It is a weapon of war, so it has been kept."

"Ten drops are enough, far enough!" Jiang Heng still politely bowed to the other party, "The Sixth Prince is so kind today, Jiang will definitely thank him someday!"

Although he doesn't feel too cold about Le's behavior in his heart, since the other party is so willing, he also accepts this love. As for the future, let's talk about it later.

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