Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Another demigod senior

Remember [New] in a second! It can still be like this!

Jiang Heng felt that the four-dimensional beings were really aggrieved. Even though their average strength was going to crush the three-dimensional beings, they could only watch helplessly as they came and went freely.

"It is said that every high-level demigod has his own dojo in the dimensional world, otherwise it would still be dangerous for ordinary low-level demigods to enter it."

Tianxing led Jiang Heng all the way to the corridor, while talking about the dimension space.

"So it seems that there are still some powerful high-dimensional demigods in the dimensional world?" Jiang Heng asked.

"That's right! High-dimensional demigods have always existed. They may have existed longer than many demigods in the main universe, but because the Dao Changhe is in the main universe, it is more difficult for them to comprehend the Dao, so although the longevity is longer But the realm grows slowly."

"However, their strength is extremely strong in the same level. Generally, the strength of high-dimensional demigods is only second to the existence of the top Dao level. Maybe the Dao they master is not strong, but they can use it to their advantage. From the normal point of view of high-dimensional life forms, it is difficult for low-dimensional demigods to analyze their avenues, so we often lose more and win less when facing them at the same level as our main universe demigods."

"This is a bit interesting, but I don't know what kind of perspective high-dimensional beings use to see me and other low-dimensional beings!" Jiang Heng became a little interested.

"The forces of all parties have captured some high-dimensional beings for research, and borrowed the perspective of the other party with the secret method of the soul. They found that they can easily see through our essence, whether it is the analysis of our martial arts or the analysis of the avenues we have mastered. That's all!"

"Isn't it true that I have almost no secrets in front of high-dimensional beings?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

"Almost, it's still the same principle, just like when we look at two-dimensional things, we can actually see the things in it at a glance." Tian Xing nodded affirmatively.

Jiang Heng was a little surprised when he heard that, such means are more intuitive than any talent. It is not comparable to the general detection of weaknesses, even the Dao can be analyzed, which also means that the threat of one's Dao in front of the opponent has plummeted to several levels, and can easily hit places where the law does not run smoothly.

"Master and Uncle's matter is naturally not something we need to worry about, but all high-level demigods have dojos in high-dimensional space, not only that, but even the three major forces also have garrisons here. Among them, the dimension of the Super-Dimensional God Kingdom stationed is more in-depth, It is said that they are already stationed in the ninth dimension.

It is rumored that there may be a tenth dimension there, but it may also be the frontier of the universe. Going out is another universe. "

"Another universe?" Jiang Heng is quite interested in this topic, "I know that there are many universes. I wonder if anyone has tried to enter other universes?"

"This is not clear. It is rumored that it was the end of the ancient gods. A major factor in the fall of the gods may be that someone from the outer universe sneaked in secretly. People don't know this even more when they step into the outer universe.

Some people say that even if there is, perhaps only His Majesty the Martial God has this ability today. "Tianxing shrugged and shook his head helplessly.

Are the ancient gods related to the invasion of outsiders?

Although this was just a rumor, it was a wake-up call to Jiang Heng.

"However, there is a doubtful point. It stands to reason that my strength and others come from the Dao Changhe, but if we go to the outer universe, the connection with the Dao Changhe will be broken?" Jiang Heng asked in a deep voice. "In this way, even if you step into the outer universe, your strength will have to drop several levels, and you may not be able to maintain the demigod realm, right?"

"Well! This is also the reason why many people only regard this matter as a rumor, because if the strong in this universe need the help of Dao Changhe one day, they can only act honestly in this universe, and it is impossible to set foot in the outer universe. "

Tian Xingcong nodded but was noncommittal.

"Master Uncle is here at the end of the first floor of the treasure house, and through this passage is the second floor, which is the domain master level treasure house!"

As he spoke, he saw another thick stone door in front of him, and this was already the end of the corridor.

Indeed, as Tian Xingcong said, this is the first floor, and there are many compartments on both sides of the corridor, but Jiang Heng also checked the things in the compartments, and they were almost all treasures below the domain master level. It is not meaningful.

"Senior Xuan Guizi? Senior Xuan Guizi!"

But I saw Tianxing came to a compartment next to the stone gate from strides, the inside was very empty, except for a bed and a pair of tables and chairs, there were densely packed wine jars, and among the group of wine jars was this Huhu Blind old man sleeping.

The old man looked old, with white hair and white beard covered with folds, but his eyes were covered with gauze. Dressed like an old farmer, his figure is slightly thin.

Jiang Heng probed carefully with his senses, and suddenly took a deep breath.

As the perception penetrates into the opponent's body, it feels like a plunge into an abyss, and there is a bottomless darkness inside.

But if you try to probe in, you can barely detect a galaxy slowly surrounding the dantian, as if you are evolving a small universe where only one galaxy is located.

Demi god!

This old man is actually a demigod!

Because the realm gap was too large, Jiang Heng was unable to find out whether the other party was a demigod, but the news that the Nebula Sect had a second demigod was shocking enough.

"This senior is..." Jiang Heng looked at Tian Xingcong in a low voice in surprise.

Hearing this, Tian Xingcong quickly whispered through sound transmission: "Senior Xuan Guizi is an old servant of the suzerain's old man in the early years. I don't know the exact origin. I only know that Senior Xuan Guizi was born when the sect was established. It already exists, and it should have the same background as the uncle of Master Nine Heavens!"

"You mean to say that the old man is a giant beast?" Jiang Heng asked.

However, before Tian Xingcong could answer this time, an old voice sounded with a touch of playfulness: "That's right! This old man is a royal family of the lineage of giant beasts and black turtles. The little baby looks so nervous!"

This voice also sounded in the minds of the two of them, which made Jiang Heng startled. They were transmitting sound in secret language, but they were clearly detected by this old senior.

"Senior Xuanguizi, this is the suzerain's newest disciple, Grand Master Jiang Hengjiang!" Tian Xingcong hurriedly introduced after hearing the words.

"Xiao Xing has taken in apprentices again? Last time I was optimistic about each of them, they are all a bunch of good-looking people!" Xuan Guizi had already staggered to his feet this time, and his words were quite disdainful.

"Come here, kid!"

Without waiting for Jiang Heng's reaction, Jiang Heng just stretched out his hand and felt an invisible big hand grabbing him and pulling him towards the opponent.

The two are only half a body apart at the moment, the old men are not tall and only reach the position of Jiang Heng's chest, but Jiang Heng doesn't dare to look down at each other at all, and just leans slightly.

"The sixth level of the astral body, the Xingyun palm is well practiced. Why are there so many messy traces of cultivation in your body, it seems that you are from Ye Luzi?"

Xuan Guizi sized Jiang Heng up and down, and immediately revealed the details one by one with just a glance.

"However, I don't think there's anything unusual about you kid. Compared with the previous ones, it doesn't seem much better. Could it be that Xiao Xing's head was kicked by a donkey?"

Jiang Heng's face darkened when he heard this, the old man's mouth is too bad.

"That...Senior, Uncle Jiang has gone through the Nine Mysteries and Nine Changes before, and also passed the test of the suzerain's will, and not long ago, Uncle Jiang and the three elders had a match that was determined by a draw."

Tianxing started to defend himself from this meeting.

"Oh! Nine Mysteries and Nine Changes, this is really interesting! Throughout the ages, those who survived the catastrophe of abnormality are hard-headed, no! Could it be that your kid is a certain heir or prince?"

Xuan Guizi kept scanning Jiang Heng with his senses, as if he wanted to turn Jiang Heng over and over to see it thoroughly.

"I don't know what the seniors said. I'm just a person who has risen from the bottom. To have such an achievement, I have the opportunity to have my own perseverance. I'm not some prince or prince!"

"Aren't you?" Hearing this, Xuan Guizi frowned, but he still had doubts on his face, as if he didn't believe it.

"It's fine if you don't talk about it, kid, but if you can attract the Nine Mysteries and Nine Changes, it means that your kid's bloodline is unusual. Either he is the illegitimate child of a royal family member or he is a descendant of a great nobleman in the old Zhou Dynasty."

Jiang Heng was completely dumbfounded by the strange words of this strange old man, but he also understood some meaning. It's just that the fact that I can get to where I am now is largely due to the early help of the disk in my body.

Without Yuanpan's continuous strengthening of his aptitude and foundation in the early days, no matter how talented Jiang Heng was, if his foundation was crooked at the beginning, he would not be able to achieve his current attainments.

Of course, this kind of thing must not be said to the outside world.

Even facing a strong demigod, Jiang Heng didn't even dare to think about it at the moment, but his brain was empty and he didn't know what to say.

"Since he is Xiaoxing's disciple, then the old man can't be stingy, you can take this thing!"

As he spoke, he saw the old man feel for it from his bosom, but he couldn't get it out, so he started to look for it in a pile of drunk wine jars, and after searching for a long time, he finally found a black ball.

Seeing the old man's strange actions, Jiang Heng felt the corners of his mouth twitch, and his eyelids twitched when he saw the black ball in front of him. Is this thing reliable?

"This is the clay pill from the old turtle's body. It's a good thing. It contains the qi and blood that the old man expelled. Don't underestimate this thing. It is useless to the old man, but it is a treasure of heaven and earth to you. One can definitely greatly increase the strength of the physical body!"

Xuan Guizi explained with a serious face.

But no matter how he explained, Jiang Heng still didn't dare to pick up this thing, it was too embarrassing.

"Uncle Master! This is a good thing. There are rumors in the sect that the second disciple of the sect master was physically weak because of the heavy injuries he suffered in the early years. It was because of a coincidence that he was bestowed by the senior Xuanguizi. After taking it, his physical strength jumped to become The most outstanding existence among the suzerain disciples!"

Tian Xing quickly explained from the side.

"You mean Xiao Er's baby? Why doesn't the old man seem to see him for a long time. When he begged the old man to reward him with a mud ball before, he promised to give me wine every year. It's only been a long time now, so I forgot Already?" Hearing what Tian Xingcong said, Xuan Guizi immediately raised his brows and said in displeasure.

Seeing that Tian Xingcong was a little embarrassed, he couldn't help but coughed and smiled wryly: "Then...that...senior...the sect master's second disciple...he has passed away long ago."

"Passed away? So soon? Didn't I just see that kid yesterday?" Hearing this, Xuan Guizi was surprised, as if he had heard something unimaginable.

Hearing that Tian Xing was even more embarrassed, he touched his nose and said helplessly: "Senior, you don't feel the time after you sleep, in fact, it has been tens of thousands of years since you saw the second master uncle last time."

"It turns out that only tens of thousands of years have passed, no wonder I feel like I've taken a nap." Xuan Guizi sighed with emotion.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that trash, and blame the old man for misreading that kid, and blinding my baby Niwan for nothing."

Jiang Heng was stunned to hear it, is emotion still a treasure that is still more effective than the magic pill?

"What? You little doll actually compared my Niwan with that magical pill. What kind of thing is that? Even the old man's booger can't be compared with the old man's Niwan!"

Seemingly seeing through Jiang Heng's mind, Xuan Guizi immediately scolded with displeasure.

"Master Jiang, why don't you thank senior for the gift!" Seeing this, Tian Xingcong tugged at the corner of Jiang Heng's clothes.

After knowing the effectiveness of the Niwan, Jiang Heng naturally couldn't refuse, so he hurriedly bowed his hands.

"Thank you senior for giving me the treasure! This junior is very grateful!"

After saying that, he reached out to grab the black mud pill.

"Hmph! You kid, I can give you something, but I'd better take the old man's palm!"

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Heng struck out without any defense.

The sudden change made Jiang Heng's hair stand on end with fright, the opponent's speed was almost faster than his own conscious reaction, and in desperation he could only instinctively use the force of movement.

The figure appeared behind Xuan Guizi without warning, and the speed of using the space ability was naturally faster.

But Xuan Guizi is worthy of being a demigod, as if he instantly sensed the strangeness behind him, he couldn't help but let out a little gasp, in such a light gasp, his figure had already turned around and he slapped him again.

Jiang Heng was so frightened that he flashed his figure again and quickly pulled away again. Xuan Guizi could see clearly this time and narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't move any more.

"The law of space! No wonder Xiaoxing accepted you as an apprentice, which made me want to accept you as an apprentice too, but it seems that I don't have this Xuan Guizi was amazed, Jiang Heng also I don't know why the other party was more surprised when he saw his own space law than he had gone through the nine mysteries and nine changes.

"Senior! I don't know what is worth paying attention to in mastering the laws of space. Could it be that this is the top law?" After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still couldn't hold back his inner curiosity.

"You're quite curious, why do you want to know so much!" Between the words, Xuan Xingzi's head moved towards Tian Xingcong.

Before Tianxing reacted, Tianxing felt that he was being held by a big hand, and then he saw Xuanguizi open his mouth, turning into a blood basin with hundreds of feet, swallowing the defenseless Tianxing in one big mouthful. belly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng immediately became vigilant.

"Don't panic, it's just that it's temporarily inconvenient for him to know what I'm going to say next, so let him stay in the space in my stomach for a while." Seeing this, Xuan Guizi waved his hands repeatedly.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's heart sank. It seems that there are some important secrets involved in it?

"Everyone in the world knows that the avenue of the flesh body is the most compatible and can be compatible with all avenues in this universe. This has also led to many people with double laws."

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