Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 815: The first confrontation between the way of the sword and the way of time

Remember [New] in a second! Patriarch Yueshan never imagined that not only did he not see anyone, but he was delusional even to last two or three breaths. He would not exist in this world at all if he didn't take one breath.

The law roared, and a majestic earth-yellow law power returned to the long river with the fall of the Yueshan ancestor.

And until then, about half a light-year away, a series of figures emerged from a very secluded star gate.

The number of people who came out was not many, only a dozen or so people, but each of them exuded the aura of demigods at or above the median level, especially the leading one exuded the aura of high-ranking demigods.

"Senior, brother Yue Shan's aura is gone, it looks like we are late!"

An old man with white hair, white beard and black robe with an old face sighed, this person is the current suzerain of Minghuo Sect, a fifth-rank demigod.

However, it is such a person who is presently accompanying that high-ranking person with a humble expression.

It was said that the high-ranking demigod exuding an obscure aura closed his eyes slightly as if he was meditating on something, or sensing something.

This person looks rather strange, with a rather big head and a pair of rather slender tentacles on top of his head. At the same time, he is wearing a white robe with dense light golden spiral patterns on it, making it easy for people to see. Dizziness.

"This person should know the existence of this seat, and he should be extremely careful in his shots, but let him be clever, otherwise he will still be able to meet him for a while!"

Shi Huan demigod opened his eyes with some regret, and a round of golden vortexes in the eyes was constantly circulating, which looked quite mysterious.

"Then what should we do next, senior?" Ming Mingxin, the patriarch of Minghuo Sect, looked forward to the time ring.

"Let's go and see where the corpse is!"

Shi Huan looked around and couldn't help sighing: "Jian Wushen has some ability to deal with the Great Zhou and the Empire as a loose person!"

After receiving the order of the senior from the temple of the gods, a group of people quickly left to the place where the incident happened.

Just looking at the starship like a ghost, everyone is silent.

"There is not even a trace of soul left, what a powerful method!" Ming Xin was amazed, and the surrounding demigods also showed astonishment.

It is not easy to kill a demigod, but it is even more difficult to kill so thoroughly.

Even in some situations where there is not much difference in realm, even if you kill the opponent's physical body, it is difficult to kill the opponent's soul, and in the end the opponent may be able to seize the body and be reborn.

"It's more than nothing, it's just erasing this person without leaving any traces. Jian Wushen is such a powerful method!" Shi Huan narrowed his eyes slightly, and circles of golden rings swirled in his eyes.

"I wonder if senior can go back in time to find out how Jian Wushen killed the people in my hegemony?" Ming Xin pondered for a while and looked at Shi Huan with a little hope.

"It's not difficult!"

Shi Huan nodded slightly, and saw that he pointed towards the cabin in front of him out of nowhere. When his finger touched the void, it was as if he had touched a layer of water surface without waves in an ancient well. Come.

Soon Ming Xin and the other demigods felt that everything around them seemed to be stagnant, time began to stagnate, and as time completely stagnated, a feeling of going upstream followed.

Everything in the field of vision began to be reversed, and the four figures quickly returned to their original state. These four people are none other than Yue Shan demigod and his three disciples.

They should be talking about something at this moment, suddenly the starship trembled suddenly, followed by Yue Shan's quick response and began to use the secret method to prepare for the situation to delay the time.

Seeing this scene, all the demigods nodded their heads. From issuing the alarm to trying to use the secret method to delay the time, there was no problem with these operations, and Yue Shan was also very timely in responding to the situation.

However, the situation took a turn for the worse in the next moment, and the three disciples who hurriedly went out froze, and immediately collapsed into a blood mist, but soon the blood mist disappeared, as if they had been wiped out of the world out of thin air. generally.

Immediately after the change was Yueshan demigod, whose body was also as if struck by lightning, followed by the collapse of the physical body, followed by the collapse of the soul, and was erased and disappeared from this world just like the first three people.

The demigods were horrified by this weird method.

After watching all this, time flowed down again, and soon everyone no longer felt strange.

"Senior's swordless method is too treacherous. It's hard to defend even if the opponent doesn't see it. So it seems that last time he raided our hegemony, he let go a lot!" Ming Xin's face was full of lingering fear.

"Naturally, it's time to let the water go, otherwise you think you can pose any threat to a high-ranking demigod with a large number of you? The gap between high-ranking and middle-ranking is too large, and only the best at the peak of the digital median can barely compete with the weakest demigod." High-ranking demigods wrestle with each other, otherwise no matter how many people come, they will die!"

Shi Huan spoke calmly, never looking at Ming Xin and the others, but kept observing the situation in the cabin as if analyzing something.

Seeing that the big man didn't give him any face at all, Ming Xin was not annoyed but became more attentive.

"It's just that, what is the purpose of this person? If he is to save the remnants of a hundred countries, but he can go straight to Huanglong, why is he hiding his head and showing his tail like this?"

"I'm afraid his target is me! Don't worry, leave this person to me to deal with. You just stay by my side honestly, as long as I'm here, he doesn't dare to attack you." Shi Huan said nonchalantly, mouth Li also murmured: "I want to know whether the rumored pioneer Jian Wushen is really as slippery as the rumors."

After some investigations were fruitless, the group left slowly through the star gate again.

It wasn't until there was no demigod breath left in this star field that a figure appeared in an instant.

This person is impressively the tall and heroic Jian Wushen with a pair of sword eyebrows, and a simple and unpretentious sword blade on his back all the year round, which looks like an ordinary weapon.

"Who is the temple of the gods I came here for? It turns out to be the demigod of the time ring and time, one of the twelve gods of the temple of the gods!"

Jian Wushen has a heroic look on his face. His face is impressive at first glance. Although it is not rough, it has a strong heroic look and a chivalrous temperament.

The robe fluttered, and his figure had once again arrived in the cabin where Shihuan and others had stayed before.

Like Time Ring, he also looked at the situation in the cabin and analyzed it carefully, as if the remaining laws remained in the research.

"Jian Wushen, I knew you would come again!"

Just as Jian Wushen was observing carefully, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in this space.

Wen Shengjian's expressionless expression didn't change much, he just looked around, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It was rumored that the demigod can play with time at will, but now it seems that it is not all false, at least your hand is very good!"

Jian Wushen glanced around and finally landed somewhere not far from his side.

At the position where Shi Huan had stood before, a small twisted vortex appeared, followed by a figure of a man in white robe slowly emerged.

With a pair of golden ring pupils, the person who came was Shihuan demigod.

"Your Excellency Jian Wushen has admired your name for a long time, and it's a pleasure to meet you today!" Shi Huan bowed his hands very politely as soon as he appeared, like a celebrity.

"Heh! You're also impatient, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Jian Wushen cupped his hands slightly.

"Since Your Excellency Jian Wushen has been caught by this seat right now, please don't struggle, and honestly explain why you came here. This seat may bring you back to the main hall of the Temple of the Gods and hand it over to the three Crown Princes." I will deal with you. With your amazing and brilliant swordsmanship skills, I believe that the three of you will also find a position for you in the Temple of the Gods!"

Shi Huan spoke slowly, as if telling an established fact.

Hearing that Jian Wushen narrowed his eyes slightly, wisps of murderous intent shot out from his eyes.

There was a stalemate between the two sides, and Jian Wushen's hearty laughter resounded in the cabin for a while.

"Why are you laughing?" Shi Huan asked indifferently.

"I'm just laughing at you, dealing with your temples, what I admire most about you is that you have thick skins!" Jian Wushen sneered.

"Your Excellency, don't be ashamed of your words. Although it is rumored that all the gods will fall under your sword, so you are called Jian Wushen! But what kind of opponents did you face before?" Shi Huan shook his head slightly and said with a sarcasm: "Under the top avenue, all trails are subject to surrender. You don't understand this truth, do you?"

Shi Huan looked at Jian Wushen with contempt, he had to make the other party realize the reality, why time is called one of the top avenues, and all trails under the top avenue can only be obeyed, otherwise they can be killed easily .

Shi Huan is extremely confident in this point. On the one hand, this comes from the Dao he has mastered, and on the other hand, he also has a long history of 82 million years. On the other hand, the opponent has only risen for about 200,000 years, and he can't even compare with him by a fraction. What can the opponent use to win him?

"Your Excellency, don't show off your courage for a while, otherwise I will have to exercise a little bit, so that you can know what a senior is!"

The last sentence already carried a stern warning and threat.

However, Jian Wushen, who was silent for a moment, grinned grinningly and said, "You people in the temples are really... making people uncomfortable!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire cabin erupted with a terrifying kendo atmosphere, and in just a moment, the entire starship, which was still in good condition, was torn apart and disappeared as if it had been directly wiped out.

"This sword is not bad. It analyzes the way of the sword in such a subtle way. This sword alone is worthy of praise. It's not bad! It's a pity that it's still Xiao Daoer!"

A figure appeared above the void again, the sword didn't cause any damage to him just now, his white robe was still fluttering, not even a single corner of his clothes was damaged at all. He even commented on the sword just now very easily.

Hearing this, Jian's expressionless face froze slightly, then he smiled lightly and said: "I only have three swords in my life, and it was just some tricks dismantled by the first sword."

"Sword One!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of surprise in an instant, as if the sword disappeared in the scabbard behind Wushen.

When seeing this scene from a distance, Huan's face showed surprise, and he was obviously quite surprised by it. But seeing that the scabbard only moved at the beginning, there was no change after that.

Feeling this weird situation, Shi Huan not only did not relax but became more vigilant.

"not good!"

Shi Huan quickly opened his hands, and saw that the golden ring texture on the surface of the robe on his body suddenly burst into layers of golden ripples, and the time of the ripples became stagnant in an instant.


As time completely stagnated, Shi Huan had time to observe the surrounding situation.

Ten meters away from the time ring, a layer of golden ripple shield has been shrouded. This layer of shield seems to be the ability to isolate its own time from the outside world.

The flow of time inside the shield is normal, but outside the shield time has stagnated.

However, what imprinted on the eyes were countless dense invisible spikes stagnating on the surface of the shield, and a few of them almost pierced through the time barrier and pierced the time ring.

When seeing this scene, Huan's eyes narrowed slightly, and cold sweat broke out on his back unknowingly.

"How? This speed!"

Shi Huan frowned, and his eyes were full of shock.

Jian Wushen, whose gaze had fallen in the distance and was also frozen in place, looked at him with the same grinning expression.

"Okay! What a sword Wushen, who can ignore my time to a certain extent with the way of the sword?"

"If that's the case, then I can't keep you!"

Shi Huan, who had always been indifferent, had his face distorted at this moment. He glanced at the dense sword aura around the time barrier, swung his big hand, and the time returned to normal in the next moment, but those sword auras were when Shi Huan crushed the time barrier. Also all shattered.

Jianwushen didn't think it was strange to see that the blow failed. If the opponent was even with the sword, it wouldn't be a top way.

"Your Excellency has such a great ability, today really opened my eyes, if this is the case, I can only let you die!"

Shi Huan snorted coldly, and his figure disappeared instantly.


When it reappeared almost the time ring seemed to have crossed the time and came directly to the right side of Jian Wushen, flicking a small emerald green cone with his fingers, it pierced towards Jian Wushen.

There are obviously layers of golden rings on the surface of this emerald green cone. Under the agitation of the rings, the speed is unbelievably fast.

Jian Wushen's reaction can't be too fast, and kendo seems to pay great attention to moving, dodging and eyesight skills, and Jian Wushen can react in time almost every time the small green awl is pierced.

"Hmph! This is just an appetizer, let your Excellency see why time is the best way!"

Seeing that Jian Wushen had no time to look at him, Shi Huan laughed lightly, and saw a vortex suddenly appear behind him, and the vortex swirled and quickly swallowed him.

Seeing this situation, Jian Wushen showed a dignified expression, and his intuition told him that the opponent's disappearance like this must not be simple, and if he is not sure, there is some ultimate move hidden.

Suddenly, at this moment, Jian Wushen, who had been dodging the attack of the green cone, suddenly burst into a cloud of blood mist on his shoulders without warning.

Following that, Jian Wushen felt as if there was an inexplicable memory in his memory.

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