Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 804: this is so powerful

"Your Excellency is..." Looking at the burly man in front of him, Jiang Heng already guessed something in his heart.

It seems that these three elders are good people, and they came here to give advice and discuss the Tao for themselves.

This made Jiang Heng look forward to it. The person in front of him should be the third elder. He didn't know what the discussion was about.

"Xuan Xingzi, the third elder of the Xingyun Sect!" Xuan Xingzi cupped his hands towards Jiang Heng uncomfortably, "This time Xuan Xingzi wants to discuss the Dao with his uncle and master, using all aspects of martial arts!"

"Discuss all aspects of Taoism and martial arts? I don't know how many kinds?" Jiang Heng was surprised, but the direction of this discussion is much wider.

"Naturally, it is divided into martial arts theory, a contest at the soul level, a contest of martial arts will, and a contest between the principles of the Dao, and finally it is actual combat!"

Xuan Xingzi's actions were beyond the expectations of Tian Xingzi and Di Xingzi, and he planned to ask this master uncle directly for a lesson or two as soon as he opened his mouth!

"The first few are fine, but the actual combat is here?" Jiang Heng frowned.

"Naturally there is a special place. My nebula sect has a strong style of fighting, and there are all kinds of fighting arenas and martial arts arenas everywhere. I hope my uncle can give me some advice!"

As he said that, Xuan Xingzi bowed his hands again, and there was nothing wrong with his attitude.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded his head. There is no problem after all, and he just wanted to demonstrate what level of strength he has reached now.

"The first is the theory of martial arts!"

Speaking without waiting for Jiang Heng to respond to Xuan Xingzi, he talked about his understanding of martial arts on his own.

Jiang Heng was fascinated by what he heard. Xuan Xingzi is worthy of being the elder of the Xingyun Sect. He has an extremely rich background and has lived for tens of thousands of years. This is what he said clearly and logically, whether it is some analysis in actual combat or theoretical understanding.

For Xuan Xingzi Jiang Heng, he sincerely admired him. The other party's understanding of martial arts was far superior to his own. This was understandable because of his lack of foundation.

This lecture lasted for three full days, not to say that there is nothing to talk about, but that Xuan Xingzi can't tell everything all by himself, this discussion is all about you and me.

Jiang Heng was still immersed in the martial arts theory told by the other party. He didn't come back to his senses until the other party gave a signal.

Xuan Xingzi listened slowly, nodding his head slightly from time to time, this master uncle understood his narration quite quickly so he could draw inferences from one instance so quickly. He didn't mind giving pointers, so he answered some of the questions Jiang Heng raised at this time.

But what happened next was somewhat beyond his expectation. At first, he was able to deal with it easily, but after a few days, the questions asked by the other party became more and more profound, and many questions even made him unable to answer.

"How could this kid have such a strong comprehension? I've just said it before and he dissected it to such an extent?" Xuan Xingzi was horrified, what kind of monster is this?

But he was not in a hurry, he had too many martial arts theories in his mind, and before Jiang Heng could continue to ask questions, he continued to talk about his own martial arts theories on his own.

This back and forth is another month, and the two are fighting with each other here.

"The third elder's martial arts insights are far superior to mine, so I'm defeated!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was finally subdued, Xuan Xingzi let out a sigh of relief, this time he could be regarded as convincing this kid.

The ghost knows how he got here this month. He has a reserve of martial arts theory far better than this kid, but this kid is also a monster, like a sponge. Whatever he says here, the opponent can absorb it perfectly, and it will still bounce back A sponge, because he can ask some questions that are difficult for him to answer in a short time.

Fortunately, the other party didn't pursue and fight fiercely in this regard, so this test has passed.

"Since that's the case, the next step is the contest of souls. I wonder if Uncle Jiang is ready?"

Xuan Xingzi straightened his expression, it is quite risky to fight souls, so we still have to prepare for each other.

"Since it's a contest of souls, then the soul weapons must not be used?" Jiang Heng asked after thinking about it.

"That's true!" Xuan Xingzi gave an affirmative answer.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief. His soul-like weapons were really broken. If so, it was a pure contest of soul strength.

Almost at the moment when the voice just fell, both of them were already in the state of their souls leaving their bodies.

In this state, both souls are visible to each other, and the domain master-level souls can only be called souls or souls.

The soul of this level has the ability to move and travel around the world, but it is far behind the soul of the demigod. The soul of the demigod is at the level of performing soul-like martial arts to a certain extent. It can be called a divine soul, and its mystery is far from comparable to that of a domain master-level soul.

However, at this time, both of them are domain master-level souls, so there is nothing to say.

Both of them attacked at the same time, so terrifying that soul coercion began to erupt from the bodies of the two souls, and the surging soul power rushed towards each other one after another.

"Can you be on a par with me?!" Xuan Xingzi raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that the other party's coercion would not let him down in the fight.

This was beyond his expectation. Not only did his physical body reach the peak at his age, but even his soul had already reached the peak.

The only thing missing, perhaps, is the polishing of martial arts will and a little chance to become a god.

However, time passed little by little, ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour.

Although Jiang Heng's performance was a bit strenuous, he was still struggling and didn't say anything as if he was about to collapse.

"This kid is really only in the late stage? Why is the soul strength not much worse than someone who has just stepped into the peak?"

Xuan Xingzi wondered in his heart.

However, the shock had only just begun, until three hours had passed, Xuan Xingzi was almost scolding his mother in his heart, thinking that those who had just stepped into the peak state might not be able to bear it.

My own soul realm has already reached the extreme level of the peak realm, and generally the same level that has just stepped into the peak can last for three hours under his pressure, which is the limit.

This kid is only in the late stage. Why is his soul toughness so terrifying?

Jiang Heng had indeed shown signs of being unable to hold on for a long time, but after so long, he still persisted.

Time passed little by little, until the next day, when Xuan Xingzi was almost unable to bear the exhaustion, the other party finally slowly withdrew his coercion.

"The soul of the third elder is far inferior to mine!" Jiang Heng cupped his hands wearily, he was really tired, extremely mentally exhausted.

Hearing that Xuan Xingzi waved his hands again and again, he was also a little tired, but because of face, he had to turn into a calm and breezy look.

"Master Jiang's uncle is already very good. It is really rare to be able to persist for so long under the 50% pressure of the disciple's peak state." Xuan Xingzi coughed lightly.

"Sigh, I'm still not strong enough. Thank you, Third Elder, for your guidance today. Let me understand that I still have a long way to go on the road of domain master!" Jiang Heng cupped his hands in thanks, and seeing this, Xuan Xingzi quickly returned the salute.

Xuan Xingzi was quite proud of winning two rounds in a row.

If he wins the next few rounds in one go, then he can brag for a long time in front of the boss and the second.

The next thing is naturally the contest between the will of martial arts and the contest between the principles of the Dao.

The will of martial arts compares tenacity and strength, and the law compares comprehension, progress and thickness.

As a result, Jiang Heng won directly in terms of martial arts will, and his crushing posture almost prevented Xuan Xingzi from collapsing, but the shock in his heart could not be added.

"Next is a contest of laws, Master Jiang, be careful!" Xuan Xingzi was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart. He was a senior who had practiced for tens of thousands of years, and he was completely defeated in terms of martial arts will.

"Also ask the third elder to enlighten me!"

Jiang Heng said with a solemn expression.

Seeing this, Xuan Xingzi hummed softly in his heart, directly hooking up with the laws in his body and smashing them away with the strength of the laws of the body.

He intends not to give the opponent the slightest chance.


Two invisible law fluctuations bombarded in the air, and both of them compressed the law as much as possible so as not to affect others.

Even so, the two invisible forces are still roaring in the air, like two evil dragons fighting in the air.

Seeing that the two evil dragons were in a stalemate, both of them cast the Nebula Palm at the same time.

He planned to use the superimposed power of Xingyun Palm to call more power of law, and the surging power intensified again.

This time, the evil dragon transformed by Xuan Xingzi clearly had the upper hand. What he cultivated was the real Xingyun Palm, and the superimposed efficiency was far from Jiang Heng's ability to gain the upper hand in an instant.

But Jiang Heng was clinging to it firmly, only moving with a slight gap.

Seeing this, Xuan Xingzi couldn't help but snort coldly, the other party was still stubbornly resisting.

With this in mind, he directly stacked up to thirty layers!

The power erupted by the thirty-layer True Nebula Palm is far beyond that of Jiang Heng's simple version. In an instant, Jiang Heng, the giant dragon, was directly pushed forward, almost losing the whole thing.

Seeing Jiang Heng's muscles all over his body bulging and trying his best, Xuan Xingzi laughed secretly in his heart, can this still make Jiang Heng win?

Jiang Heng snorted softly in his heart, and directly used the pseudo-nebula palm that he was still grasping with his full strength fifty times in an extreme posture, and the dragon was flat again. This made Xuan Xingzi slightly surprised, but he didn't think much about it. Hold on for a while.

The law comparison between the two is still going on, and time is still slowly passing by.

"It's been half an hour and this kid can still carry it to death?" Xuan Xingzi frowned, he had this confidence than consumed, but if he wanted to use his peak cultivation base to crush a later stage, even if the opponent was a genius, how could he still be able to defeat him at this time? It's overwhelmed.

It's just that another hour has passed, and Xuan Xingzi is a little restless now. This kind of superimposed nebula sect competition rules regardless of consumption is very energy-intensive.

This point was too much for him, but looking at the other party, as early as more than an hour ago, he was in the posture of blood spurting and muscles bulging, and now he still looks like this, and he hasn't changed at all.

"How can this kid have such a terrifying background?"

How did he know that since Jiang Heng passed through the Nine Profound Nine Transformations and recast his body with the essence of the law of life, his foundation has long been comparable to that of the direct descendants of the Great Zhou Empire who also went through the Nine Profound Nine Transformations.

May I ask how terrifying the background of the members of the direct line cultivated by one of the three major cosmic forces is?

It is no exaggeration to say that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is even more powerful than the peak powerhouse of the physical body at the same time!

An hour later, Xuan Xingzi couldn't sit still anymore. Although the giant dragons on both sides were still in a stalemate, if he continued, his rules would really bottom out.

Seeing this, Xuan Xingzi took a deep breath, and shouted: "Uncle Jiang, do you want to continue? I don't know if it continues, why don't we just let it go?"

"it is good!"

Xuan Xingzi asked with anxiety, and he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he got Jiang Heng's reply.

The two of them stopped immediately, and if they continued to fight, they might hurt the foundation.

At least Xuan Xingzi was like that, but he didn't know what happened to Jiang Heng.

"Third Elder, since this is the case, how about a draw in this battle?" Jiang Heng panted heavily and cupped his hands.

"That's what I mean too!" Hearing this, Xuan Xingzi smiled awkwardly, he really couldn't even maintain his dignity, and he was also a little blushing and thick-necked.

"The next three elders, I think we should take a rest for a while?" Jiang Heng tried his best to calm his breathing.

The third elder had no objection to this either. He always felt that the other party was accommodating him, maybe it was his own illusion, so after thinking about it, he nodded in agreement.

Jiang Heng did still have spare energy, which he himself did not expect.

This is still in the case of not using the law of space, using the pure physical law to face the peak powerhouse is no less inferior.

Therefore, Jiang Heng is looking forward to the next actual battle even more. He wanted to see what would happen to him in the face of a strong man at the peak of the physical body?

Especially in front of the third elder of the Xingyun Sect who still overwhelmed him in martial arts.

The two of them rested in the Sutra Pavilion for another two days, and then, under the leadership of Xuan Xingzi, they went to a martial arts field outside the planet.

Accompanying him this time were the First Elder and the Second Elder, as well as some true disciples of the Nebula Sect who had come to inquire.

It is said to be a martial arts platform, but it is actually a land of chaotic stars. This place should be a specially arranged interstellar meteorite belt. There are also some special metal stars nearby that often release a very strong gravitational field and electromagnetic field. This gravitational field and electromagnetic field can interfere with perception and have a slight offset effect on flight escape.

"Master is right here, let's try to simulate the chaotic situation in the universe!" Xuan Xingzi said with a slight smile.

Jiang Heng glanced around and nodded slightly. The environment here is not bad, there should be some formations around, and he can often hit some medicine **** at the speed of light years.

"Who is that person? Why is the Third Elder competing with him?"

"I don't know, but this guy must be unlucky. I guess he will be pampered by the iron fist of the third elder!"

"Beloved? Thinking too much, this is our newly promoted uncle!"

"It's this one?!"

Hearing that a disciple couldn't believe it, he looked carefully at the man in the middle and couldn't help but whispered: "This is too young."

"Of course he is young. It is said that our great-uncle Jiang is only about a thousand years old. Not long ago, he has fully endured the baptism of the suzerain's will."

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