Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 802: give pointers

"Senior Nine Heavens?!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Jiang Heng hurriedly got up, looked around, and his eyes finally converged on the giant relief in the palace.

It was in the shape of a nine-headed lion with its teeth and claws open. It looked like an ordinary stone sculpture, but after a careful perception of Jiang Heng, it was still possible to detect the difference.

"You're so lucky, kid. You've been able to survive the Nine Mysteries and Nine Changes, and you've been able to skyrocket ever since. Your future is limitless!"

Nine Heavens Demon Lion's voice was exhausted, but he still tried his best to answer Jiang Heng.

"I don't know what happened to senior Jiutian. I saw that senior Jiutian was injured before, but the junior was unable to rescue him at a critical time. I apologize for that!" Jiang Hengchao cupped his fists at the giant stone sculpture.

"It's okay, I still can't die. I can recover from this injury in ten thousand years, but my master is in a bad situation this time." Jiu Tian sighed softly.

"Master? I don't know how the old man is doing, Master?" Jiang Heng was easily brought into the role of apprentice. Without him, Xingyun's gift is too great. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the grace of regeneration.

Without the treasure that protects the soul body and the treasure that nourishes the body and soul afterwards, Jiang Heng knew very well that he would have died a long time ago.

"I'm still in retreat, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out in the near future. However, my master has ordered you to learn whatever you want during this period, but you can just say it, everything about my Nebula Sect is open to you." !"

Jiutian's words are a big promise, Xingyunzong is also a power inherited to the Great Zhou Empire, and it has been operating for hundreds of thousands of years, its background can be imagined.

"Of course, there are some advanced martial arts that only my master has, which can only be determined by him after he leaves the customs. During this period of time, you can practice here with peace of mind. As for your galaxy, I will send a special envoy to communicate with the sky. Negotiate with the Frost Empire, and at the same time, I will divide a piece of land for your clan to manage."

It can be said that Jiutian considered everything in great detail, which made Jiang Heng heave a sigh of relief.

Now that he has joined the Nebula Sect, the only thing he is more worried about is his subordinates.

"Thank you so much Senior Jiutian!" Jiang Heng bowed his hands respectfully.

The stone sculpture carved by Jiutian nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with Jiang Heng's attitude. Right now, Jiang Heng is the most valued disciple of his master. If Jiang Heng's behavior is misbehaving, Jiutian doesn't mind letting him suffer a little.

For several days after that, Jiang Heng was placed in the planet Xingyun Zongzhu Peak.

The first galaxy in the eastern region is the galaxy where the main peak is located, and this star around the sky is the core area of ​​the first galaxy, and Jiang Heng has been arranged to reside here now.

Not only was the entire mountain peak allocated, but tens of thousands of servant disciples were also available for dispatch.

Handyman disciples are the lowest-level service personnel of Xingyun Sect, but in fact they all have some martial arts skills, and they are all low-level warriors at the bottom.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this, but just went to the Sutra Pavilion on the main peak every day without warning.

This time the Nebula Sect's participation in the battle can be said to be a disaster, almost uprooting the entire Nebula Sect.

I heard that this Ke Huantian star was the main star of the Nebula Sect. This time, it was directly moved here, including the countless foundations and savings of the Nebula Sect.

For this, Jiang Heng can be said to be happy to miss Shu, and just a Buddhist scripture pavilion opened his eyes,

Although the Xingyun Sect is a Taoist sect of the physical body, the collection of martial arts alchemy recipes and blueprints for refining equipment can be described as all-encompassing. It seems that you can always find favorite classics here.

Jiang Heng couldn't stop watching, and kept splitting into clones to sit on each floor of the Sutra Pavilion to read.

There are ninety-nine floors in the Xingyun Zongjing Pavilion, from low to high, and the content involved is more profound as it goes up. The lower ninety floors cover all the content of the demigod level, whether it is martial arts or alchemy and refining blueprints . And above the ninetieth floor is the real demigod content.

"I can only barely hover below the eighty-fifth floor, the eighty-fifth floor is considered the pinnacle level, and the ninetieth floor is the level of the demigod realm.

This is the real benefit of relying on big forces. "

Not only was Jiang Heng deeply moved in his heart, he would never have been able to come into contact with such a top-secret place in the Tianshuang Empire.

Even for the Xingyun Sect, there are quite a lot of restrictions on the Sutra Pavilion. For example, the disciples of the inner sect can only view the 50th floor, and the true disciples can only view the 85th floor. The true lineage is below the ninetieth floor.

As for the 90th floor and above, only the elders and suzerains can watch it.

Of course, Jiang Heng has to be added now.

"It's a pity that with my strength, I can't watch those advanced levels for the time being."

Jiang Heng looked at the upper passage and not only sighed lightly, he had also tried about the demigod classics before, but the demigod classics here are more of a kind of dissemination of martial arts will.

By storing a wisp of martial arts will for later generations to observe, perhaps one can see the martial arts knowledge contained in it.

Of course, there are also some demigod golden pages that Jiang Heng has seen before, but there are not many of them. There are only five demigod golden pages in the entire Nebula Sect above the 90th floor.

In fact, compared to the demigod golden page, the will of martial arts is easier to be comprehended by latecomers. Of course, the advantage of the demigod golden page is that it can be preserved for a long time and is not easy to be damaged. But the will of martial arts is different, the will of martial arts that stays outside tends to gradually weaken with the passage of time until it disappears completely.

"I think this little brother is the uncle Jiang Shi who just came here not long ago?"

Just as Jiang Heng was flipping through the classics quietly, a sudden voice sounded, which startled Jiang Heng who was immersed in it.

"Master Jiang, don't be surprised. I am one of the three elders, Tian Xingzi! Besides, there are Di Xingzi and Xuan Xingzi!"

The white-haired old man stood in front of Jiang Heng with a smile like a tumbler, looking at his brows like a kinder old man.

"Senior Tian Xingzi! Master uncle is only a seniority, please accept my worship!"

Seeing this, Jiang Heng clasped his hands together, not ignorant, he knew that his airborne master uncle would be very unpopular, so he tried his best to do some necessary etiquette.

"Jiang Master Uncle is an old man, don't think that the old man has other meanings when calling you Master Uncle. In my Nebula Sect, there is an iron law of generational differences, so Master Uncle should not do this to the old man again!"

Tian Xingzi had a solemn expression on his face, Jiang Heng saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, and he thought it was true.

"That's the only way to do it. I don't know why Elder Tian Xingzi knows my background?"

"Master Uncle Jiang was joking. Every old man on the 80th to 85th floors can recognize him, except for your face, Uncle Master, who is very recognizable."

Feelings are still regular customers of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

"I saw my uncle holding the book of formations in his hand, could it be that he is also good at the way of formations?" Tian Xingzi asked in surprise.

"Oh, I can't say that I'm good at it, but I'm still thinking about it." Jiang Heng didn't have the nerve to admit it, after all, he was only at the level of the master-level formation.

"Master uncle is humble. Since I like this book, why don't I discuss it with my master uncle?"

As he said that, Tian Xingzi looked at Jiang Heng with a smile, his attitude was as warm as ever and even respectful.

However, he came here this time with the intention of taking the school exam, and it was also because the three elders were a little uncomfortable with the suzerain that he accepted an outsider junior as an apprentice at such a young age.

However, with the discipline of the sect, they had no choice but to honor the young man in front of them as Master Uncle, but in the end they were unhappy.

The three elders are all at the peak, and they were also the favored sons of heaven in their early years, so they are not valued by the suzerain and the old man. They want to see what is special about the young man in front of them that can be valued by the suzerain!

"Alright! But since the elder's name is Tian Xingzi, don't you know that Tian Xingcong is the elder's disciple?" Jiang Heng asked suddenly.

"It's the old man's beloved apprentice, who was taken care of by his master and uncle before." Speaking of this, Tian Xingzi was still very grateful to Jiang Heng. If it wasn't for Jiang Heng, his beloved apprentice would have died on the spot.

But he didn't believe the situation that day described by his disciples. How could the regional master in the late stage be the opponent of the strong demigod, let alone such a fantasy as forcing the strong demigod to deform his body.

It must be a rumor!

Thinking of this, he smiled even more happily, and his temptation became more obvious.

In Jiang Heng's inner thoughts, he remembered that the name of the master mentioned by Tian Xingcong before was not like this, so he didn't think it was strange that it was a Dao name.

"Okay, if that's the case, please ask the elders to give me some pointers!"

Jiang Heng really asked for advice. After all, he was very clear about his own formations, and he was barely at the mid-term level of a domain master.

The two of them just sat on the floor on the eighty-fifth floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and began to discuss the Tao.

On the eighty-fourth floor, at the same time, two people were pacing back and forth a little restlessly.

One of them is a boy carved with jade, but he looks solemn and dignified in his clothes. Looking at the clothes, it is obviously not something a disciple can wear.

On the other side is a burly, bald-headed middle-aged man with swollen beard and hair. The whole body is a furious thunder king. His tendons and flesh seem to be wriggling slightly all the time, like a walking devil with muscular muscles.

The two are none other than Di Xingzi and Xuan Xingzi, the other two Nebula sect elders.

"Second brother, do you think the boss can easily solve this kid?" Xuan Xingzi, the bald third son, said anxiously.

"What's the rush? Formation theory is a very long matter, and it can be as short as a month, and it is common for a few years or even a hundred years to be delayed."

The second child, Xingzi, obviously had a childish look on his face, but he hummed softly in an extremely old voice.

"Didn't it be agreed in advance that the battle should be settled quickly? There is no time to slow down when the war is constantly going on. We just want to use thunderous means to give this master uncle some color and let him know that even if he is honorable, we are not just waiting for him. Driven." Xuan Xingzi said angrily.

"No hurry! No hurry!"

The childish Xingzi closed his eyes slightly and said calmly, but the tightly clenched little hands showed that he was also a little up and down at the moment.

In fact, it didn't take long, about seven days passed, and a figure walked down the stairs with a bit of a daze.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Tian Xingzi seemed to have lost his soul, the two of them hurriedly moved closer together with surprised faces.

"My son, this son is terrible!" Tian Xingzi babbled in a daze while shaking his head.

"What's the situation? Boss, you should explain it clearly!" This made the two of them even more anxious.

After gathering his composure, Tian Xingzi looked at the two of them and said, "Three days ago, I completely suppressed them with my powerful knowledge of formations. I once thought that this son would surrender and beg for mercy within a day."

"and then?"

Hearing this, Xingzi hurriedly said.

"As a result, on the fourth day and the fifth day, not only did he not beg for mercy, but he was absorbing my formation knowledge and mastering it, yes! That's the feeling, I feel that my formation skills are being quickly learned by him!"

When Tian Xingzi said this, he seemed to recall something terrible, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

"How is this possible? The way of the formation is already obscure and difficult to understand, not to mention the theory, even if a famous teacher breaks it down, it will be extremely difficult to listen to it." Hearing the words, Xingzi was also full of disbelief, he doubted His boss is lying to him.

"I don't know why, but this kid is so weird. On the night of the sixth day, his formation skills were almost on par with mine, and on the seventh day he has already faintly overwhelmed me! Weird! Weird!" Tian Xingzi said at the same time He kept shaking his head and sighing like a ghost.

"Perhaps this person is very good at formations. Before coming to him, he was hiding his clumsiness~ He just lured the boss into a trap step by step until he was at a loss!"

Di Xingzi pondered and thought.

This explanation seemed to make sense, and Tian Xingzi nodded slightly, but when he thought about the scene of discussing with Jiang Heng, he still found it hard to believe that this was the clumsiness he had hidden before.

"Hmph! Then I'll go and try his martial arts level. I don't believe that he can pretend to be one of the formations. Can he even pretend to be able to do it?" Xuan Xingzi was a little annoyed when he heard that, and he got up and was about to go up.

"Wait a minute!" Di Xingzi hurriedly stopped Xuan Xingzi and scolded: "Third son, don't forget the school rules and discipline. If it's not necessary, we'd better use words to win. Why use swords and guns? Let me try his alchemy." road!"

Said Xingzi has got up and went up.

At the same time, on the eighty-fifth floor, Jiang Heng let out a long breath and then slightly opened his eyes, which were full of the meaning of a flying figure.

"I didn't expect Elder Tian Xingzi's formation skills to be close to the level of the late stage. This discussion has benefited me a lot. It seems that I have to thank Elder Tian Xingzi next time."

Jiang Heng was sincerely grateful.

Of course, I couldn't help being a little suspicious in my heart, thinking that since Elder Xingzi came to give pointers this day, why did he explain the main points of the formation so quickly.

"If I didn't have more than a hundred incarnations cooperating to deduce this time, I'm afraid it would be difficult to understand the main points of Tian Xingzi's story."

Jiang Heng was filled with emotion, thinking, although this Elder Tian Xingzi is good, he doesn't seem to be very good at teaching students.

Shaking his head, there was a sound of footsteps at this moment, but he saw a child standing quietly opposite Jiang Heng.

"You are......"

"Di Xingzi, the second elder of the Xingyun Sect!" Said childish Xingzi, who was very polite, bowing to Jiang Heng, his set of movements seemed a little rusty, as if he hadn't done this kind of etiquette for a long time.


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