Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 794: Live to die!

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Following the eunuchs in the palace all the way into the palace and dismounted, Jiang Heng looked at the **** who had been smiling and wanted to accompany him, and he also felt quite strange, as if he should not appear in such a place and should not have such a thing happen.

All the way in silence, until entering the inner hall and looking at the luxurious and elegant royal scene, the strange feeling in Jiang Heng's heart became even more strange.

A royal family banquet seemed to be a happy one. Not only did the emperor express his love for the new top scholar, but also the queen and a kind of concubine, the prince and princess, were very close to Jiang Heng.

That night, the emperor was even in a good mood and directly let Jiang Heng, the new top scholar, enter the cabinet as an official. This is an honor that has never been seen in all dynasties. However, Jiang Heng pretended to be surprised and grateful on the surface, but his heart became even weirder.

When he got home, Jiang Heng sat alone at his desk thinking about it, as if he had fallen into a state of sluggishness.


There was a knock on the door, and mother Dou walked in with a bowl of hangover soup with concern on her face.

"What? I saw that you looked unhappy when you came back. Could it be that His Majesty is dissatisfied with you?" Dou asked curiously.

Jiang Heng shook his head, looked at his mother with a knowing smile and comforted him: "No, His Majesty took good care of me, and even ordered me to go to the cabinet to take office the next day!"

"Cabinet?!" His mother, Dou Shi, was obviously shocked when she heard the words, she immediately revealed a look of ecstasy, and said with a smile: "This is a great thing, I heard that the cabinet is a place where only high officials of the imperial court can enter. Our old Jiang’s family can be regarded as ancestors have accumulated virtue, tomorrow I will ask Er Hai to take everyone to worship ancestors! We must tell our ancestors about this great event!"

Seeing his mother's smile, Jiang Heng was also happy in his heart.

But for some reason, Jiang Heng was a little confused when he saw his mother's joy that he didn't remember much.

"In the dream, my mother was never happy about this kind of thing. Maybe it's because of the dream. Why doesn't my mother want me to become a talent?"

Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, then shook his head and chuckled.

"Xiao Heng, that's great! You've finally come to the top after studying hard for more than ten years!" Mother Dou smiled with tears in her eyes.

However, under her extremely realistic and even emotional performance, she felt the temperature in the room drop suddenly.

She looked around suspiciously, and finally her eyes fell on Jiang Heng who was sitting on the chair sinking like water.

"Xiao Heng? You...what's the matter with you?"

Her voice trembled a little, as if she was frightened by Jiang Heng's terrifying expression in front of her.

"What's the matter? Don't pretend, this illusion is very good, it blurs my memory, and it's hard work for you to even perform such a big show for me!" Jiang Heng slowly raised his head, and his originally confused expression gradually emerged. A smirk.

"Xiao Heng...what did you say? I...I don't understand!" Dou Shi was still confused, and then forced out a touch of Jiang Heng's mother's incomparably warm smile in his memory: "Perhaps it is Xiao Heng, what are you doing today?" I'm too tired to enter the palace, I'd better rest early and I'll be fine tomorrow morning!"

"You are so brave, it's fine to be someone else, but you want to be my old lady!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng suddenly exploded, and her big hand suddenly stretched out and pinched the white neck of her mother Dou Shi in front of her. The huge force made Dou Shi a little out of breath, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Xiao Heng...Stop...Stop...It's me!~"

"Yeah, I know it's you, the body is you!" Jiang Heng sneered.

Hearing this, Dou's struggling movements stopped immediately, and its face gradually changed, one moment was Jiang's father, another uncle, and today's majesty.

Even the voice gradually became distorted, and there was a strange feeling that everyone came together.

"How on earth did you find out? I obviously simulated it according to your deepest thoughts! In addition, it is almost impossible to find abnormalities under your blurred soul, and you will only sink into it!"

It roared unwillingly, and its words were full of unbelievable meaning.

"That's right! It's true. After being blurred by your memory, at most I just feel a little unaccustomed, and I feel a little weird in my heart, but this discomfort under the inversion of reality and illusion can only be attributed to dreaming."

Jiang Heng nodded, that's true. He had always felt this way before, and it was obviously a bit weird, but under the inversion of reality and illusion, he could only subconsciously treat reality as an illusory dream.

"Then how did you get rid of it? It's impossible!" The blood dragon soul was even more puzzled, which completely violated its previous cognition.

The most difficult and most dangerous part of the Nine Profound Nine Changes is the soul robbery, because it has nothing to do with strength, even a demigod who experiences the soul robbery is close to death.

Jiang Heng sneered, didn't say much, but suddenly increased his strength and directly broke Dou's neck in front of him.

This blood dragon soul does not have any resistance, it is only good at illusions, itself is extremely weak, so it can only become stronger and stronger by continuously sinking the trapped people in illusions.

This process may take several years or even tens of hundreds of years, but there is no such thing as Jiang Heng who can detect the authenticity of the illusion in less than a day.

It died extremely aggrieved and puzzled.

As the blood dragon soul dissipated, Jiang Heng only felt his world spinning for a while, and what he saw when he opened his eyes again was the space of his sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, his soul body grew stronger again.

As for why he was able to break through the disguise of this blood dragon soul, it was naturally because of the other party's ten years of hard work.

There is a deepest secret in Jiang Heng's heart, and that is the secret of rebirth.

Even in the illusion, Jiang Heng clearly believed that he was just reborn into this body through time travel, subconsciously blaming the original owner for the credit for being the number one scholar.

Therefore, Jiang Heng didn't have any doubts about the authenticity of the illusion created by the blood dragon soul at the beginning, but once the other party mentioned ten years of hard work, it was equivalent to unlocking the password lock deep in Jiang Heng's heart.

After recognizing the flaws in the other party's words, Jiang Heng soon realized that the dream may be the reality. When he realized this, all the illusions would be self-defeating.

Glancing at the Blood Dragon Soul that was still biting on his shoulder, Jiang Heng sneered, and again manipulated Ling Yuesuo to stab at him.

This time there were no other obstacles, and the blow directly sank into the opponent's body, and the blood dragon soul screamed and began to fly out of Jiang Henghun's body, flying and circling around as if waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

"If you still have something hidden, don't hide it, let's come together!"

Jiang Heng ignored the blood dragon soul hovering above him, and scanned around the Sea of ​​Consciousness with his perception.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Heng finished speaking, another phantom came from the dark, followed by another one, a total of six in total, plus the one hovering in the sky and the two that were killed earlier, a total of nine.

Except for the blood dragon soul hovering above, the other six blood dragons pierced towards the surface of Jiang Heng's body like the first two.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng felt that he was trapped in another space again, and as he appeared in this strange space, Jiang Heng felt his hairs stand on end.

Looking around, the surroundings were extremely dark, and in this pitch-black space, Jiang Heng seemed to feel countless sinister eyes peeping at him in the darkness.

"Are you afraid?"

Seeing all this, Jiang Heng's expression remained unchanged.

The things in the depths of the darkness seemed to be humiliated, so pairs of scarlet and even glowing eyes began to emerge in the darkness.

And Jiang Heng could feel sticky sensations coming from the surface of his body, as if there was a sticky black pool around him, and from time to time, there was a feeling of snake-like scaly molluscs gliding around.

Accompanied by bursts of stench and bursts of wild beasts or heavy panting.

All these senses of smell, hearing, touch, and vision seem to be conveying an extremely real message, that is, Jiang Heng is currently in a place surrounded by extremely dangerous beasts.

However, I felt that these Jiang Heng just stood quietly in the same place and closed his eyes silently, without the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

"Break it!"

Jiang Heng shouted loudly, and that invisible martial arts will suddenly magnified countless times.

In the next moment, an invisible and terrifying power hit something in the depths of the darkness like a heavy hammer, and there was a mournful scream.

Then the illusion shattered.

Jiang Heng had expected this a long time ago, having experienced the baptism of the will of a demigod in martial arts, these fears are like a mayfly shaking a tree vulnerable to a single blow!

As the illusion of fear shattered, Jiang Heng found himself in another place.

Looking at everything around him, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank slightly.

I saw that this was the familiar Qinglan Realm, and not far away was Hengjiang City.

The space here seems very strange, as Jiang Heng consciously wanted to enter the city, he immediately appeared in a predetermined position in the city.

There is a lake in the distance, and there is a gazebo in the lake.

And in the gazebo, there is a woman who is very important to Jiang Heng, none other than his wife, Lin Yanwei!

Seeing this scene, blue veins popped out on Jiang Heng's forehead, and a nameless anger began to grow slowly.

"You are very courageous, dare to illusion Yan Wei!"

Jiang Heng's tone was cold, as if speaking to the air alone.

But at this moment, the situation in the pavilion in the lake suddenly changed, and at some point, a handsome strange man suddenly appeared.

The moment the man appeared, Jiang Heng saw Lin Yanwei in the pavilion in the lake smiling happily at the man.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng's anger was about to erupt, but soon his heart suddenly bulged, and the next moment, the anger melted instantly as if being poured with a basin of ice water.

The situation in the pavilion in the lake became even more extreme, but Jiang Heng just looked at all this with a gloomy face, and always maintained a state of calmness in his heart.

And this seemed to be a kind of stimulation, and the actions of the people in the pavilion became more and more irritating.

Jiang Heng looked at it for a while, and finally walked slowly towards the pavilion.


Jiang Heng kicked the strange man down, and his big feet stepped on the man's head and rubbed against it.

"You... who are you?" The man screamed with difficulty.

"Master!" Lin Yanwei also exclaimed at the strange man at this moment.

Lin Yanwei was about to rush to pull away the vicious man in front of her, but she grabbed her full head of hair with one hand and lifted him up like a chicken.

This scene stunned the man on the ground, and he watched this scene in disbelief.

"To be honest, the acting was terrible!"

Jiang Heng smiled grimly and looked at the 'Lin Yanwei' in his hand, and then at the strange man on the ground.

"Then should we guess who is the main body now?" Jiang Heng pretended to think.

Hearing this, the expressions of 'Lin Yanwei' and the man changed drastically.

"Forget it, let's kill together!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng made a sudden move, and the illusion was shattered.

If it was the blood dragon soul that made the move from the beginning, it might have caused Jiang Heng great trouble. Unfortunately, after experiencing the illusory and real Sims experience before, Jiang Heng's resistance to this thing has become higher.

Feeling the situation just now, Jiang Heng thought for a while.

It should be the feeling of anger that ordinary people have. Once anger is used by others, it will be a huge flaw. Obviously, this blood dragon soul just wants to keep stirring up Jiang Heng's anger. It seems that its ability will follow the anger. Exploding and skyrocketing.

And then came another space, but this time Jiang Heng forcibly cleared the way with his martial arts will before they could act.

As he experienced more and more illusions, Jiang Heng found that they could only invert and blur his own consciousness with only a negligible effect. Everything is easier when you are conscious.

After a while, Jiang Heng's consciousness completely returned to the sea of ​​consciousness space, looking at Du Miao hovering above.

"You are the only one left, let me guess what you are me, right?" Looking at the other party, Jiang Heng smiled.

The next moment the blood dragon soul heard the words, it rushed towards Jiang Heng and began to bite, but this time Jiang Heng just watched silently and allowed it to devour the soul body bit by bit.

Feeling the disintegration of his soul and body, Jiang Heng felt a struggle in his mind, but he was quickly held back by himself.

Until it is completely dark.

But soon Jiang Heng opened his eyes again, this time he has regained the control of the physical body, feeling that the soul body has been solidified like a substance!

"Soul robbery is indeed the most dangerous, is it to live to death in the end? Perhaps this is the biggest challenge to the will of martial arts."

Jiang Heng murmured softly, even though at the last moment he had already judged that it was a kind of psychological test of life from death, but even if he knew it, he almost shrank back for a moment.

Sometimes martial arts will not only represent strength or weakness, but also a kind of courage to go forward without regard for Soul Tribulation was silent, until Jiang Heng stood still for a long time, and then moved again after a while.

Seeing this nine days, he let out a sigh of relief, and immediately couldn't help but be amazed.

He has never experienced the horror of the Nine Profound Nine Transformations Soul Tribulation, but he has experienced the ordinary small Soul Tribulation, even if it is so, it makes him feel like he has walked through the gate of hell.

As for the soul robbery of Jiu Xuan Nine Changes, it is almost nine times the power of ordinary soul robbery.

"This kid might be able to carry it through. Once he makes it through, he will really leap into the dragon's gate. Even if there is no master to take care of him, the empire will have to cultivate it vigorously!"

Jiutian murmured in his heart.

But the rest of the domain masters looked a little unclear, and the soul robbery was silent, and they just felt a little baffled at the moment.

On the other hand, Tianxing Cong, Lieyan Patriarch and others were relieved to see Jiang Heng without hindrance.

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