Master of Fist

Chapter 792: disturb!

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He glanced at the direction of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion, seeing that the other party's aura was not hindering Jiang Heng, he felt relieved.

Feeling the restless atmosphere of law around him, Jiang Heng's spirit also tensed up.

"The next thing is the third change!" Jiang Heng turned his mind, "If it is still the same intensity as I used to deal with Jiutian before, I will definitely not be able to bear it. But it should not be possible. It was obviously aimed at him earlier. This thunder disaster seems to be It is excluding outsiders from interfering in it.”

Thinking silently in my heart, the third wave has emerged.

The same nine blood dragons emerged from the void. Looking at these blood dragons, Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay! The intensity is much weaker than before!"

I saw that the appearance of these blood dragons in front of me was much more vain than before. They looked like blood dragons made of blood, but they were still stronger than the first wave.

Jiulong circled around, his eyes constantly scanning, as if he was a little puzzled as to why that guy wasn't there just now.

Realizing that there was no outsider involved, Jiulong's eyes fixed on Jiang Heng again, and the sound of Qiqi dragon groaning came out of his mouth, and the next moment he lashed towards Jiang Heng like **** whips.

"So fast!!"

As soon as Jiang Heng's vision was captured, the Nine Dragons were approaching. The next moment, blood dragons rushed towards him, like whips containing terrifying power, directly whipping at the painful Jiang Heng, whose face turned red and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Late stage of the physical body!"

Feeling the opponent's strength, Jiang Heng made a rough estimate, and each of them was in the late stage.

Seeing that the blow was successful, Jiulong circled around for a while, showing playful and playful expressions. They were aggrieved by being hanged and beaten before, but now they are naturally happy to meet a bully.


Jiang Heng silently watched the expression changes and actions of these blood dragons.

"These blood dragons don't seem to have any changes in martial arts moves. Most of them just rely on hard power to go straight. It just hurts."

Jiang Heng spat out the remaining blood in his mouth. Being hit by these blood dragons would give him multiple feelings.

At first it was painful, excruciating pain! Immediately afterwards, the laws of the physical body in the body seemed to be drawn for real, yes! It is to ignore the defense of the physical body and directly draw the source of the law in the body.

This kind of taste is extremely uncomfortable, and it will also be stagnant when invoked by the power of the short-term law.

"It's no wonder that the longer the delay in dealing with them in the previous nine days, the worse it became, so we can only make a quick decision!"

After thinking about these things, Jiang Heng's face became extremely serious, feeling the change of the little guy in front of him, but the nine blood dragons were extremely disdainful.

But they still rushed to bite again, this time they wanted to bite this little guy hard, they enjoyed the original feeling of the law of biting.

"It's now!"

Jiang Heng roared in his heart, and the next moment his speed suddenly increased, and the thirty layers of Xingyun Palm suddenly exploded.

The leader, Yilong, was about to open his mouth to bite, but he didn't avoid Jiang Qiu's palm, so he wanted to bite Jiang Qiu directly.

However, at the next moment, the palm that was hundreds of times smaller than the blood dragon fell on the surface of the blood dragon, and then under the eyes of the other eight dragons, the blood dragon exploded directly into the power of law, and part of it merged into it along Jiang Heng's arm , and part of it escapes into the long river.

"So that's the case. Is this the welfare of the victims?"

Feeling the sudden rise of the law of the flesh body, Jiang Heng glanced at the other eight dragons, and the next moment his body disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared on top of another dragon's head, without any words, a palm fell without hesitation.


The surging force caused the hit blood dragon to turn into two strands of law before it even had time to wail, one strand merged into the long river and the other strand was absorbed by Jiang Heng.

The rest of the blood dragons also reacted at this moment, and came to besiege Jiang Heng one after another.

The seven blood dragons shot together still caused Jiang Heng some trauma, but in the end it was safe and safe, and they were blown up by Jiang Heng's palm after palm.

The third wave has passed!

Jiang Heng didn't dare to slack off and began to take the opportunity to recover quickly.

"Master Jiang looks very relaxed!" Seeing Jiang Heng's performance of palm after palm, Tianxing couldn't help but admire.

Jiu Tian, ​​who was at the side, shook his head, and he couldn't help but solemnly said, "He is not easy now, if he wants to survive the Nine Profound Nine Transformations, it is best to maintain his peak state before the first five waves.

But just now he was hit three times, it was not easy to be hit by these guys. If he hadn't absorbed the power of law, I'm afraid he would be powerless to fight now. "

"So serious? I see Master Jiang's uncle is in good condition." Tian Xing was suspicious.

From what he felt, Jiang Heng's aura was indeed still at its peak.

"What do you know, this is the injury of the Great Dao. Right now he has absorbed a lot of physical laws, and temporarily suppressed those original injuries with these physical laws. But the more he is hit later, even if he still relies on Absorb the power of law to stabilize the wounded.

But these original injuries will not disappear with the absorption law, but will continue to accumulate until the last straw that overwhelms the camel! "

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion commented sharply.

Hearing this, Tian Xing never could not help becoming serious, and he only learned about Jiuxuan Jiuchang from the classics and master. He had never encountered this thing when he broke through to the later stage.

"Then Grand Master Jiang will not..."

"Hey, it's probably close to ten. If there is no special method, I guess it will be the limit in the fifth wave!" Jiutian nodded and sighed softly.

At the same time, Jiang Heng, as they said, was calm on the surface but a little anxious inside.

"Is this the original injury? It can't be healed by the law, can't it be touched by these things?"

Jiang Heng couldn't help frowning. Just now he thought of many ways to heal the original injury in his body, but the result was not very effective. He reckoned that if he wanted to heal this injury, he would have to wait decades for it to recover slowly.

"This is troublesome. If you continue to be touched, even if you make it through later, I guess it will be useless."

At the same time, the fourth wave has emerged. It is still nine blood dragons, but this time it is obviously much clearer. Some scales can already faintly see some outlines, and the ferocious appearance of the blood dragons is also clearer.

Whoosh whoosh!

This time, Jiulong didn't have any warning, and directly shot out, the speed was obviously several times faster than before!

"So fast!"

Seeing the speed of this wave of Nine Dragons, the brows of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion in the distance were frowned.

"It seems that my calculation was wrong, this kid probably won't be able to survive this wave!"

"The speed of each one is already comparable to the limit of the late stage of the physical body!" Tian Xingcong also frowned, he reckoned that even if he was one-on-one or one-on-three, he could still deal with it calmly, so that the other party would not touch him at all. .

But right now there are nine blood dragons, and all nine dragons are coming out. In this situation, even Tian Xingcong can't think of how to avoid it.


However, at the next moment, everyone gasped slightly.

"How could this be? What kind of secret technique is this?" A domain owner couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"Is this really a secret technique?"

I saw that at the moment when Jiulong was about to bite Jiang Heng, Jiang Heng appeared behind Jiulong without warning at the next moment, and then easily killed Yilong with thunder.

Everyone can see clearly that this is by no means a performance of extreme speed, but a real short-distance teleportation.

"Isn't this the legendary law of space?" After a while of discussion among the crowd, one of them suddenly said.

These words caused many people present to look at each other in amazement.

"That's right! The law of space can't be more simple to do this, so this person is a double law of the Tao of the flesh and the Tao of space, and the Tao of the flesh is still so accomplished?"

This time, everyone felt that the possibility of Jiang Heng mastering the laws of space was extremely high. After all, few people could truly teleport. Often, the teleportation of domain masters and even demigods was just a visual manifestation of a sudden surge in speed, but Jiang Heng's hand just now was too abrupt.

At least from everyone's point of view, there is no sign of Feidun at all, so there is only the teleportation ability of the law of space.

"Huh! A group of little dolls who have never seen the world, what do you know?" At this moment, the voice of the Nine Heavens Demon Lion interrupted everyone's discussion.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Jiutian with some puzzlement. Although they were quite dissatisfied with Jiutian's tone of contempt for them, they didn't dare to say anything more due to Jiutian's strength.

"Since senior Jiutian said that I don't understand, then tell me what is it if it's not the law of space?" a twin empire domain master dissatisfied.

"You are gasping for ignorance. In addition to secret arts, there are supernatural powers in this world. Some supernatural powers of evasion can achieve short-distance teleportation! Even to a certain extent, it is better than the short-distance teleportation of the law of space. Don't give up too much!" The Nine Heavens Demon Lion looked around and sneered.

Hearing this, the domain master of the Twin Empires was stunned, and couldn't help turning his head to look at his companions, but how did they know this.

What the Nine Heavens Demon Lion said is completely beyond their reach. After all, in the eyes of most domain masters, secret arts are still the limit of their reach. As for supernatural powers, which exist only in legends, perhaps only those who have achieved demigod powerhouses have the opportunity to come into contact with such existences.

"Hmph! I have lived for hundreds of thousands of years and haven't seen anything. Sometimes you have to watch, listen, and learn more. Don't pretend to understand what you don't understand!"

Jiutian's words were very thorny, but the domain master of the twin empire didn't even dare to say a word of nonsense, but just hid in desperation and didn't dare to say more.

Now everyone has put a question mark on whether Jiang Heng's display is the law of space. After all, for nine days, the oldest and strongest being present has personally endorsed it. Naturally, everyone can't ignore his remarks.

However, when Jiutian looked at Jiang Heng again, his heart was already in turmoil.

The traces of Jiang Heng's use of the law of space are extremely subtle. It's okay to hide it from others at such a distance, but how can we hide it from Jiutian, who is only one step away from the demigod.

Just because it is clear, Jiutian can be sure that this is the real law of space!

"Looking at the strength of the law of space, it is already at the mid-term level. He can actually raise the law of the body to this level while mastering the law of space. This kid really gave me another surprise!"

Jiutian was terrified in his heart, he felt that Jiang Heng came here specially to scare him.

Nine days of geniuses has seen quite a few, but he can be sure that the geniuses he has seen in the past are a bunch of **** compared to Jiang Heng in front of him.

Jiu Tian also knew some information about Jiang Heng, and was even more shocked just because he knew it. At the age of less than ten thousand years, he has mastered the two laws of physical body space at the same time, and his cultivation base is above the middle stage.

This kind of cultivation speed is already comparable to that of some direct descendants of the royal family who are highly trained.

"If I knew it earlier, I would have let this kid go back to the sect to learn as a teacher. Here, the master will not be able to get through!" Nine Heavens Demon Lion was anxious. He regretted it now, regretting that Jiang Heng hadn't been asked to go back to the Xingyun sect to learn as a teacher.

In that way, such secrets will not be revealed in front of people.

"I don't know how long I can fool these people?" Jiu Tian glanced at the people who were talking endlessly, and even thought of killing people to silence them.

It's not that Jiutian, a starry sky behemoth that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, thinks the law of space is so great, but the other law that Fan Jiang Heng masters is the other types of top laws, and he doesn't pay so much attention to it.

But only the law of space is different.

"A physical genius who masters the laws of space, the master must be notified of this matter as soon as possible!" Jiu Tian thought so, and immediately closed his eyes quickly.

A ray of fluctuations that outsiders could not perceive flew out from between his brows, and quickly headed towards the East District at an incredible speed.

He is the war beast of Xingyun, and since his ancestors have had a special way of contact with the ancestors of Xingyun, and now he is using this way of contact!

After just one or two breaths, the calm and majestic voice of Xing Yun sounded in Jiu Tian's mind.

"What happened to Jiutian, that you used this method to contact me?"

At the same time, Xing Yun, who was far away in the eastern district, was sitting in the hall, somewhat puzzled.

He is very aware of this unique way of contacting him with Jiutian, but he also knows the price involved, if it is him, a demigod, the price can be ignored. But the price of initiating contact from Jiutian is a bit high.

But now he also knows that Jiutian must have something important to say.

"Master! I saw the apprentice you want to accept!" Jiutian responded quickly, and without waiting for the other side to be puzzled, he continued: "This person is very extraordinary, he is going through nine mysteries and nine transformations!"

Xing Yun felt puzzled when he heard it, and thought that he was so excited when he saw someone. Immediately after hearing Jiuxuan Jiuchang, he became a little uneasy.

"Are you serious? Is Dao Lei punishing Jiuxuan Jiuchang?"

"Yes! In addition, he is a fellow practitioner of the double law The other law is space!"

"You... what did you say?!"

Xingyun's eyes widened in horror, but then there was ecstasy!

space! It turned out to be space!

"Master, you know better than me what the combination of space and physical body represents. This matter is too big, please decide!" Jiutian spoke extremely fast, and every second of this contact method was a huge price, so it had to be short and fast.

"Okay! Now I want you to save this person for me at all costs, and I will go there myself!"

"But over there..."

Hearing this, Xing Yun was silent for a moment, and then showed an extremely resolute expression, "Don't worry about it!"

After speaking, the contact was quickly cut off.

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