Master of Fist

Chapter 782: lift the veil (on)

Faced with such an impenetrable attack and attack again, Xiaoya was a little miserable.

Although he had expected the situation here, he never expected that Chuzhi would face such a dangerous situation.

The power of the law hardly counts for consumption, trying to offset these impacts as much as possible.

However, no matter how much she resisted, these near-substantial saber energy continued to penetrate her body through her superficial law defenses.

"Persevere! Persevere! I can't hold you back!"

"Haha! Persevere? I see how long you can persist!" The four-armed monster grinned grinningly, and the four-armed blade attacked more frequently than once. The dense blade light was like substance, scraping Xiaoya's skin with layers of white marks .

With the passage of time, mottled signs appeared in many places, and the repair speed of the law could not keep up with the destruction speed of the opponent.

"Haha! Little girl, your power of law can no longer hold up, and I will kill you within ten breaths!"

Having said that, but Xiaoya is very clear, why do you need ten breaths, if you take three breaths, she will be completely exhausted.

She never thought of resisting, or even fighting to the death with the opponent, but just as soon as she thought about it, the opponent's attacks came overwhelmingly like a tsunami, and the airtight impact made her have no time to care about him.


The four-armed monster grinned, and waved its four arms together, seeing the slashing aura of the four blades in its hands merged into one and turned into an incomparably magnificent and rough saber aura, slashing towards Xiaoya angrily.

If this knife is cut for real, Xiaoya will definitely die.


At this moment, a huge force suddenly exploded from his lower ribs, the four-armed monster felt pain all over his body, and most of his body fell into a state of paralysis for a while.

This impact directly made his saber energy disappear invisible as if he had lost his breath, and he couldn't help turning his head in shock.

However, before he turned his head away, he felt that his head was firmly held by a big hand, and the huge force made him unable to resist at all.

"You... who are you?!"

He wanted to ask this person, but unfortunately the other person didn't say anything, but the strength in his hands gradually increased.

But the four-armed monster could only helplessly feel his head being crushed little by little until it exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

A group of legal fireworks suddenly rose.

The moment Xiaoya saw the person coming, Xiaoya was relieved, but he couldn't help but feel a little lost in his heart, and in the end it was still dragging his feet.

"Don't be dazed, this person's laws are similar to yours. Although they can't be directly absorbed, they can still be used to restore injuries!" Jiang Heng waved his big hand to drive these laws as much as possible towards Xiaoya.

This person's law should be the law of the sword, with a hint of metal.

It is definitely not possible for Xiaoya to be used for cultivation, but it is still possible to borrow a little to recover from injuries.

Hearing this, Xiaoya quickly extracted some of the laws that he could use, and as the laws were swallowed, Xiaoya's pale complexion improved a lot.

The battle is still going on, and regular fireworks rise from the battlefield every once in a while, and the personnel on both sides are rapidly decreasing.

At the same time, Kui Jin already felt that the situation was not good. Right now, it seems that they can still fight against each other, but he knows that their hegemony star alliance is all about quick battles. Once time drags on and waits for the backlash of the secret technique, the defeat will come quickly.

"Your Highness! Something's wrong!" A late-stage domain master of the Broken Gold Empire couldn't get close to Kui Jin, but he had a lot of injuries all over his body at the moment, and when he approached, he also brought a chasing The Nebula sect late stage powerhouse.

The two sides confronted each other again, Xing Yun Zong Tian Xingcong and his younger brother were looking at Kui Jin and the others.

Just now, the two fought another hundred moves, and it seemed that both sides were equally matched, but in fact, both sides had already suffered a lot of hidden injuries.

The dominance of the Nebula Palm was beyond Kui Jin's imagination, and the restraint of the Broken Law against the physical martial arts was also beyond the imagination of Tianxing Cong.

Neither side can do anything about it.

"Your Highness, what should we do now, as long as you say a word, the subordinates will definitely fight to the death!" The late-stage domain master of the Broken Gold Empire also knows the difficulty of this battle, and if he doesn't give the order to retreat, the outcome will be decided soon up.

"Withdraw! Don't fight! It won't help if you continue to fight!"

Hearing this, Kuijin made a decision almost without thinking. It seemed that their Hegemony Star Alliance fought bravely and fearlessly every time they fought, but in fact every battle was purposeful.

Either it is a necessary sacrifice to consume the opponent, or it is a desperate fight when there is a great chance of winning. After all, you can't lose money, even if you die, you have to die for value.

Right now it's worthless! Go on, and soon there will be a large number of signs of falling.


Following Kui Jin's order, this order was quickly conveyed to every domain master's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a very orderly situation appeared on the entire battlefield. The Hegemony Star Alliance side was retreating, while the Eastern Region coalition forces were pursuing, but the strange thing was.

Some Hegemony star alliance domain masters did not even think about killing the coalition forces without hesitation. They were all determined to die, and their purpose was just to delay the pursuit of the coalition forces.

"It's so orderly! How can this group of barbarians in Bayu do this?" Looking at all this, Tian Xingcong's face was extremely ugly.

"Senior Brother! It's difficult to say that it's not difficult or difficult to do this. If it were us, it would be extremely difficult. The forces of the coalition forces are intricate. There may be many factions on any of our five parties. In this case, let alone Orders and orders are prohibited, and it is difficult to pass the order to everyone's ears."

This master late master of the Nebula Sect shook his head and smiled wryly.

Hearing that Tian Xingcong is also Wei Wei's forehead, he has no way to solve this kind of thing.

The Hegemony Star Alliance retreated very quickly, just like their fighting style, coming and going like the wind and very organized.

Faced with this style of play, the second batch of advance troops who had confronted them for the first time seemed very uncomfortable, and in the end only the dozen or so domain masters were left behind.

Jiang Heng was also struggling a bit, and he couldn't help but be speechless secretly because of the consumption of the law after this fight.

"Looking around, everyone is using secret techniques. This group of domineering barbarians are really desperate."

Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a haze in his heart. When all the opponents were using secret techniques, the advantage of physical martial arts has been infinitely reduced.

Every domain master can display a strength far beyond the same level, so Jiang Heng beheaded a total of five domain masters in this battle, including four in the early stage and one in the middle stage.

Except for the two early-stage domain masters, it was easy to solve it under the surprise attack, and the rest were more difficult than the other, especially the mid-term domain master. Jiang Heng seemed to be facing the late-stage domain masters.

Obviously only beheaded five domain masters, but it gave Jiang Heng a feeling that it was more difficult than beheading ten domain masters.

The chest heaves violently, and the physical body is trying its best to absorb the energy of the universe.

The war was over, and all the domain owners counted their casualties one after another.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the domain masters who directly participated in the battle were all present, and the soldiers under their command only participated in the battle indirectly from a distance.

After doing some counting, I found that in just such a short period of time, fifteen domain masters were killed in battle! At the same time, the corpses of twenty domain masters from the opponent were also found.

To be able to achieve such a record in the case of an advantage in numbers and a surprise attack made many domain owners present a little astonished.

After all, what I learned before was only from the perspective of a bystander. After experiencing the battle with Tyrant this time, everyone seemed extremely silent at the moment.

"How is everyone?" Jiang Heng couldn't help but look at everyone under his command.

None of them fell, and the most seriously injured should be Xiaoya. In comparison, although Chen is also in the early stage, but he has the double law, and he will not benefit at all if he doesn't know it.

As for Lieyan Patriarch, the situation is similar. With the Vulcan Orb in hand, her law power has more than doubled, and her strength is much stronger than before. She can also deal with some of the same level who perform secret arts. As for losing immediately.

"My lord, our situation is not bad, but the power of the law is consumed too much. Even if we consume the elixir, it will take a few days to recover to the peak at the fastest." Patriarch Lie Yan smiled wryly.

Under this kind of fighting that exploded with all their strength, both sides did not care about the consumption of their own laws, and the hegemonic side desperately squeezed the laws in their bodies, wishing to use up all the laws of the whole body. They were forced to fight with the same high consumption.

"These overlords are really a bunch of lunatics. I've never seen such a fight. It's really at the cost of longevity and future!" Chen also said with lingering fear.

Previously, he deliberately chose an early opponent, thinking that his double law power would be extremely easy to deal with him. However, as soon as he came up, the other party cast an extreme secret technique without saying a word, as if he was fighting with the power of law and blood, and his advantages disappeared after such an explosion.

"Yes!" Jiang Heng nodded, "But it's not absolutely true, I think they still have concerns about some of the shots!"

Hearing this, several people were taken aback for a moment, and then recalled it carefully.

"It's true that there are a few people who are hiding behind and haven't used secret techniques much. Is there anything special about these people?" Patriarch Lie Yan thought for a while, and remembered that there were indeed three people who hadn't completely burned their blood.

"It's nothing more than a higher status. It seems that the class of the Hegemony Star Alliance is very clear. Do you know the specific system and internal system of the Hegemony Star Alliance?" Jiang Heng looked at everyone while talking.

"I don't know much about the specifics. I only know that because of the particularity of its super galaxy group, all the groups in it have nomadic characteristics, just like a group of organized and disciplined interstellar bandits!" Chen Chen Think back for a moment.

"The particularity of the super galaxy group?" Jiang Heng was puzzled.

"Yes!" Hearing this, Lieyan Patriarch replied, "The Overlord Star Alliance is a super large spiral celestial structure composed of dozens of super galaxy clusters. It is different from ordinary galaxy celestial bodies. It's constantly moving. It's like a walking vortex that keeps moving along a certain track.

It's also like an interstellar storm. Every time it passes by, the powerhouses of these Hegemony Star Alliance will organize and sweep all the forces along the way. "

"So it's really comparable to interstellar pirates!" Wen Yan Jiang Heng nodded thoughtfully.

"They are indeed large-scale interstellar bandits. It is said that in the early days, there were only five spiral celestial bodies composed of five supergalaxy clusters in the entire Hegemony Covenant. However, with millions of years of voyage, this whirlwind continued to sweep, and the powerful gravitational field of galaxy clusters It took the lead in engulfing some galaxy groups with low mass.

However, most of the forces coerced by local hegemony powerhouses will kill if they refuse to submit, and those who submit will be taken under their command. Over time, the Hegemony Star Alliance has developed to a total of nearly a hundred super galaxy clusters, demigods and nearly a hundred domain masters, countless cosmic-level forces. "Ancestor Lie Yan said with a solemn expression.

"How much do you know about the Hegemony Star Alliance? Tell them all!" Jiang Heng felt that the information was very valuable. As the saying goes, if you want to deal with a person, you must first understand this person.

Hearing this, Lieyan Patriarch nodded respectfully and said: "My lord, I also came from the former Chamber of Commerce's ears and eyes. I heard that the system of the Hegemony Star Alliance is very different from our Hundred Nations Alliance's mutual checks and balances."

"What's the difference?" Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"They are implementing the three ladder system!"

Hearing the words, everyone was a little puzzled, this term sounds a little strange.

Patriarch Lie Yan organized his words a bit and continued: "The three-tiered system is based on the three major sects in the initial hegemony, and the forces that will join later will be divided into stages according to the time of joining and overall strength.

The first step is naturally the three sects, which can also be called the three demigod kingdoms, namely Suijin, Tiancang, and Minghuo!

These three sects are also the real masters of the hegemony, but all the people of this level of power are the ruling class, and the other powerful people on the level are inferior to the disciples of the three sects.

Immediately after that is the second step. The minimum requirement of this step is that there is a strong demigod in its power. The disciples of this step are also called the noble class.

After that, there is only the third ladder left. This ladder is also called the civilian ladder, and it is all some domain master-level forces. The status of these people in the Hegemony Star Alliance is nothing more than cannon fodder. "

Jiang Heng listened but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that there were many unreasonable things, so he couldn't help saying: "With such a cruel and strict class system, it stands to reason that these class contradictions should be extremely large. Yes, why are there some things I saw and heard today..."

"My lord, this is why the Hegemony Star Alliance formulated this system." Patriarch Lie Yan said solemnly.

Hearing the words, everyone was refreshed, knowing that this was the point of the talk.

"The three-tiered ladder is the basic system of the Hegemony Star Alliance, but there are several iron laws on top of it, and it is precisely because of these few iron laws that the Hegemony Star Alliance as a whole seems indestructible!

First, Hegemony rewards those who make meritorious deeds, and punishes those who have done wrong!

This article includes all aspects, such as the war launched by the hegemony against our hundred countries, if one of the third-tier domain masters made a great contribution and even beheaded our digital domain masters. As long as he gathers enough military exploits, he and the forces behind him will have the opportunity to get rid of the inherent class restrictions, and Rongsheng's second step will become the aristocratic class. "Ancestor Lie Yan stretched out a finger and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's heart was shocked, isn't this just a military merit award! Moreover, this reward is much more precious than resources and treasures, and it can directly get rid of its inherent identity.

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