Master of Fist

Chapter 779: Row up

"I don't think there's any need for everyone to make the relationship so divided. What do you two say?" said the elder who hadn't spoken much at this moment.

"Who is this...."

Seeing the voice of an older domain master in the opposing camp, Xiangyu said politely as he didn't want to make the relationship too stiff.

"Yuan Qi! I think you are about the same age as me, how about we call each other brothers?" The old man smiled and responded.

"Of course you can!" Xiang Yu nodded, and he was able to say that the other party was trying to smooth things over.

The Sixth Prince Le on the side looked indifferent, he was not angry, but now he was glad that someone came out to smooth things over, otherwise this cooperation would not be possible.

Both parties are very clear that this cooperation is inevitable, either they will negotiate a result in private, or they will wait for the Nebula Sect to issue an order directly, and then they will not be able to disobey it.

Now is the right time for the elder to come out. He is old enough to have enough qualifications, and he has enough weight to speak out at this time.

"Brother Xiangyu, and the Sixth Highness, I think everyone is talking about this matter calmly, but in fact it is just that it is difficult for both parties to maintain an even balance of effort.

But have you two thought about it, now that this is the time when our two sides are united, you don't think that the forces of the Eastern Region coalition forces are working together? "The elder said with a serious face.

"Brother Yuan, what do you mean by that?" Xiangyu showed a strange look on his face.

"Brother Xiangyu, you are very clear, and I think your sixth highness is also very clear. In addition, all of you are smart people and you know it, but you dare not talk about it." The elder said so.

These words made many people in the room look even more weird, thinking that if it is difficult to say clearly, then you dare to say it.

Seeming to see through everyone's thoughts, the elder put his hands on his chest and said with a sneer: "You can also understand at the previous meeting that the Nebula Sect is indeed the most powerful of the five parties, but of course we have contributed to this distribution. There are not many reasons, but there is also a certain tendency.

You can also imagine that this Xingyun sect is afraid that it will be closer to the people of the four extreme empires, and it is not a concern that the Xike empire belongs to the wall that is directly excluded. In contrast, our two parties have become expendable things. "

Seeing that everyone was still silent, the elder had a sneer on his face, and continued: "Since you are still pretending to be ignorant, then I will explain it more clearly.

This Zhan Xingyun and Siji do not treat us equally, but as tools! "

As soon as this statement came out, many people's complexions really changed.

"Brother Yuan, be careful!" Hearing this, Xiangyu was also taken aback, how could such a thing be said so easily.

However, the old man glanced at him and ignored him, looking in Jiang Heng's direction.

Jiang Heng, who saw it at this glance, complained incessantly in his heart, saying to himself, you old boy, don't take me with you at this time.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, I think you are also a sensible person, everyone knows it very well."

With such a point, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Heng one after another, which made Jiang Heng in a dilemma, so he had no choice but to stand up.

"Everyone, in Jiangheng, I have my own views on this matter, so I don't think I need to express it here."

Jiang Heng's words were vague, and he had guessed in his mind about the elder's statement before, but he'd better not make a famous statement about this kind of thing, but he didn't expect the elder to do such a thing.

"Jiang Heng?" Xiang Yu looked at Jiang Heng, then glanced at the sixth prince, as if he was saying that it was people from your side who were dancing.

The sixth prince was also being roasted on the fire at this moment, and someone pushed him under his hand, so he could only bite the bullet and go on this moment.

"Xiangyu, I think we should have less estrangement. Since this battle is divided in this way, we can only stay close together to keep warm, otherwise we really can't guarantee how many people will survive in the end!"

The sixth prince was also vague, as if he deliberately erased what the elder said just now. But his meaning is also very obvious. Now that we have made it clear, then we should work together and stop messing with those idiots.

Hearing this, Xiangyu also nodded, how could these leaders not understand the twists and turns, even better than Yuan Lao and others.

"That's the only way to go! From now on, I'll ask brother Le to take care of me!"

"To each other!" Le Ye smiled and nodded, and the two heaved a sigh of relief almost at the same time.

After that, the discussions between the two parties became much more relaxed, and the final result was that each took a step back.

Among them, the Tianshuang Empire is the main force to defend the first step, but the corresponding twin empire must take full responsibility for the third step, and the part of the fleet that must be shared must be temporarily taken over by the first step's Tianshuang Empire.

In addition, if there are casualties in the Tianshuang Empire, the Twins Empire must promptly dispatch domain master-level powerhouses to temporarily change their guards. In addition, the Twins Empire must also send at least one late-stage and three mid-terms to assist the Tianshuang Empire to defend the first step for a long time.

Only in this way can the matter be settled.

In this way, the Tianshuang Empire suffered a bit at first, but there was no way that the number of domain masters in the Twin Empires was far inferior to Tianshuang. However, this kind of cooperation between the two parties can be regarded as making up for the serious shortage of high-end combat power of the Tianshuang Empire.

As the matter was finalized, both parties also withdrew their projections.

Jiang Heng will directly go to the old man Yuan Lao.

"Old man, you are really not righteous enough. At that time, you would drag me out?" Jiang Heng said angrily.

"Hey, it's not that it's unpleasant to see these two people yelling, I just want to add fire!" The elder waved his hand a little embarrassedly.

"So you added more fire to my head?" Jiang Heng said angrily.

He could more or less guess what kind of attention this old boy was playing, he just wanted to show himself, so that he could talk to some famous people in the future.

Jiang Heng also knew that the next war would definitely be wave after wave. In addition to strength on the battlefield, he had to have a certain reputation. The greater the reputation, the right to speak combined with strength, naturally followers gathered.

This kind of war period is the best time to subdue your subordinates. If you don't want to die, you will naturally seek the protection of the strong.

This old boy is building momentum for himself.

"Hehe, little friend Jiang, don't be angry. I just can't stand their temper. Seeing that you are not the master of peace, I will call you out to liven up the atmosphere together."

The old man responded with a smile on his lips, while Jiang Heng nodded silently.

"Old man, you have a heart!"

"Hey, I really can't hide it from you, boy, why are you interested in making a big one?" The old man was not surprised.

"I don't know what the elders think is big?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Let's just keep chatting!" Jiang Heng stretched out his hand and pulled out a simple and simple pavilion from the void.

Seeing this scene, the elder's pupils shrank suddenly, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Space law!"

It is difficult to open up a storage space in the void, even if you are a demigod, if you don't have this avenue. It's not that powerhouses like demigods can't break void and space, but that they can't maintain and stabilize this kind of space.

Jiang Heng's hand directly exposed the essence of his space law.

"The old man has good eyesight!" Jiang Qiu smiled, and immediately stretched out his hand, "Sit! Even this tea is brewed with the blood of giant beasts, and it smells like blood. It's quite suitable for me and other physical warriors!"

However, the elder didn't have time to pay attention to the tea, he stared at Jiang Heng with burning eyes, and sighed after a while in amazement: "I'm not blind, your spatial ability is really well hidden!"

"The law of space, I never expected that one day I would be able to meet a master of space with my own eyes. This is something worth bragging about for a long time!"

"Don't! Elder Yuan, don't brag about it!" Jiang Qiu begged for mercy repeatedly.

"Hmph! Of course I know what's going on! Even you are too good at hiding your clumsiness, why do you want to show your hand in front of me today?" The elder couldn't help but joked curiously.

"Isn't this trust in you? You and I have known each other for a while, and I don't think I can misread your old temperament." Jiang Heng said solemnly.

"Oh? You're so confident in me? I don't think so myself, aren't you afraid of me talking nonsense to the outside world?" The elder had a playful look on his face.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng pretended to be helpless, "Then I will definitely drag you into the water, and say that you, an old boy, actually have the Dao of Time in your body, at worst, report it together!"

"No one will believe what you say, kid. Who doesn't know that I, the old man, can be so powerful!" The old man sneered, then waved his hand and said impatiently: "Okay, I won't be joking with you anymore."

"Tell me about your physical body, Tao and space, what is your current state, and how do you need this old man to cooperate with you?"

Yuan Lao is a smart person, he vaguely felt that Jiang Heng would not tell himself all this so simply.

"The old man was joking, old man, you are a senior, how dare you let you cooperate? As for the realm of the junior, the two laws are all in the middle stage."

"What?!" Hearing this, the elder was taken aback even if he had some guesses in his heart.

"Tell me how old you are now?"

He couldn't believe it and wanted to seriously confirm Jiang Heng's real age.

Originally, it was extremely difficult to practice the Dao of the physical body, and some people who originally thought about both the Dao of the physical body and other avenues often struggled for life in the early or even middle stages of the domain master level.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the number of double law powerhouses who can truly achieve the pinnacle or even demigod is rare.

He roughly sensed it, and clearly sensed that Jiang Heng in front of him, his physical body was definitely not more than ten thousand years old, not even five thousand years old.

How could he not be surprised at such a young age.

"Should be around 800 years old?" Jiang Heng pondered for a while, but he really couldn't remember exactly how old he was. ,

This is also normal, as the domain owner often can't remember the detailed ten-digit age, and can only remember tens of thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of units.

It seems to be even more exaggerated in the realm of demigods. Those strong people have lived for too long, and they can only remember how many years old they are, and they can't remember the thousands and hundreds below them.

"Is it less than a thousand years old?"

Hearing this answer, the elder's lips trembled for a while, not knowing what to say.

After a while, the elder looked at Jiang Heng like a monster, and couldn't help but sigh: "Your boy is really not a direct member of a certain powerful force, but just sent here to experience life?"

Without waiting for Jiang Heng to respond, he muttered to himself, as if he was thinking about which big force would agree to this condition.

"Mastering the law of space is one of the top laws. This kind of force is extremely mysterious. Currently, the most famous master of this way is the Temple of the Gods. However, if it belongs to the Temple of the Gods, you will not sit here. You should sit Overlord Star Alliance."

The old man seemed to be reasoning about something ramblingly, Jiang Heng listened amusedly.

"Of course I'm not from the Temple of the Gods!" Jiang Heng smiled wryly.

"Well, I don't think it's possible. If you tell me now, you're looking for death!" It is even more shameless to use means.

"Old man, do you want to know what power is behind me?" Jiang Heng thought it was interesting, so he chuckled.

"I haven't figured it out yet. In addition to the Temple of Gods, there are several other forces that seem to have top law owners. For example, the Three Gods Mountain force, that force has always been mysterious. It is rumored that the Three Gods Mountain was built by three high-level demigods. Some people say All three of them may be top law experts. It's a pity that the old man is not high enough to understand the inside story.

By the way, you don't really come from Sanshen Mountain, do you? "Speaking, the elder looked at Jiang Heng suspiciously.

Those looking up and down seem to think that this possibility is extremely high.

"I've never heard of the Sanshen Mountain, Yuan Lao, why don't you tell me what kind of power it is?" Jiang Heng asked curiously.

"You really don't know?" The elder squinted his eyes, but he couldn't see anything tricky about Jiang Heng, which made him quite depressed.

"Three Gods Mountain is said to exist in the interlayer between the main universe and other dimensional worlds. People in Three Gods Mountain rarely go out and walk on weekdays. Therefore, the world has never known much about this power, only knowing that its strength should not be underestimated.

Moreover, I heard that there are few people in this faction, and the name Sanshen Mountain is actually established in the form of a sect. Except for the three high-ranking demigods in the sect, there are only a hundred disciples left. "

"Only a power of a hundred people, this power is really quiet and inactive!" Jiang Heng sighed.

"It's just that these hundred people are all demigods!" the elder said softly.


Jiang Heng was speechless, one hundred demigods plus three high-ranking This power cannot be underestimated.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, you haven't said what you want to do next?" The elder looked solemn, leaned forward, and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Xiaoyou, I know your temper will not be like that Always return to the ordinary, since you told me such a secret today, I think you will have a lot of ambitions in the future."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng smiled, but did not deny the elder's judgment.

"Old man, you are also a person who is rough but fine. It is true that I don't want to be ordinary. Since I have such strength, I must make some noise. Why do you always want to make trouble with me?"

"To make a fuss? That depends on how big you want to make a fuss!" the elder snorted softly.

"Of course, make as much noise as you can!"

"Oh! The old man has to take it easy, my old bones can't compare to young people like you!" The old man stroked his eyes and smiled lightly, a madness that had been concealed for a long time was hidden in that smile.

The same is true for Jiang Heng who is sitting opposite. The old and the young are all unwilling to be lonely. Perhaps this is the time for them to truly show their true nature on the battlefield.

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