Master of Fist

Chapter 770: The Law of Stealing (Part 2)

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"Brother Tianshuang just lent you a little power of law, and I paid it back every time. Why is it so stingy?" The twin ancestors shook their heads, and then sighed: "Oh, that's all, I've been hiding for so long and now I'm putting all my eggs in one basket , and there is nothing to hide."

Seeing everyone's curious faces, the twin ancestors did not hide it, and began to briefly explain the characteristics of their own laws.

The law of stealing belongs to one of the very rare avenues, and it is also the kind of trail that cannot step into the realm of the true gods. The characteristics of this law also highlight the two characteristics of strangeness and strangeness.

The most important ability is to steal everything, and it can temporarily steal and borrow anything, for example, he stole the law of frost from the ancestor of Tianshuang before. Not only the law can also steal its martial arts, but even short-term thinking and memory.

The reason why he is so well-informed is also because he steals other people's memories, and it is difficult for others to detect after the theft.

"Twin ancestors, you hide it so deeply!" Xingyun demigodly sneered, his complexion was a little ugly, but there were many secrets hidden in his mind.

"Hehe, if I don't hide it deeply, I'm afraid I'll fall away a long time ago." The twin ancestor shrugged. Ever since he knew that his family had mastered the law, he knew that he had to be cautious in his life.

After all, no one likes to be peeped into their inner thoughts.

In fact, the twin ancestors knew themselves, and his ability to steal was limited, and things like thinking, memory, and ideas also needed to be determined according to the strength of the object being stolen.

For a mid-level demigod like Xingyun demigod, the twin ancestors can steal thoughts and ideas within dozens of breaths at most.

But the twin ancestors are more clever, and often before stealing memories, they will stir up topics to make the other party unconsciously recall some important information, so that if they steal again, they will naturally be able to steal extremely important information.

Just like just now, some of his initial information was not stolen temporarily, but learned early. In this way, the topic is raised, and the demigods present are unconsciously vigilant. However, when they are vigilant, they can recall very secret information, because these information are their secrets and they least want others to know.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Patriarch Tianshuang. When he clicked on the other party earlier, he actually stole the most secret secret from Patriarch Tianshuang's heart.

"It seems that I have to talk to Brother Tianshuang in private, what is going on with this sword god?"

With such thoughts in mind, some of the demigods present have asked questions again.

"Twin ancestors, you said that the law of stealing is so treacherous and domineering, doesn't it mean that your avenue is strong when it meets the strong one? You can steal and use it at will even in the face of the top avenue, such as time and space?" God, he was also quite touched by the Dao of Stealing, and it made him quite afraid, so he wanted to know more about how to guard against such treacherous opponents in the future.

"That's too flattering of him." The ancestor Tianshuang sneered, "The twin brother's ability also has a lot of restrictions. For example, if the realm is much higher than him, his ability will not work at all. Ruuo's law level He is much taller than him, and his laws can't pry the opponent a little bit, so naturally he can't leverage his strength."

Ancestor Tianshuang still remembers that in the early years when his strength was at its peak, he was often borrowed by this guy. Although the opponent's law of stealing was treacherous, it was not at a high level and belonged to the small way. But fortunately, his level of Tianshuang Dao is not particularly high, it belongs to the upper middle level, so he can borrow strength.

Therefore, the first time the two fought against each other, Patriarch Tianshuang wondered for a long time. The rules of the two are the same, the martial arts are the same, and even the thinking of fighting is the same, just like how the people in the mirror are fighting to prevent people from being depressed.

"Brother Tianshuang, it's over by exposing me like this!" The twin ancestor looked at Tianshuang ancestor with a smile on his eyes, and at the same time quickly transmitted the sound.

"Brother Tianshuang, we will find time to chat privately later. I'm curious how you met that sword god!"


These words were like a thunderbolt in Patriarch Tianshuang's mind, causing his expression to change slightly. Fortunately, everyone was thinking about the law of stealing and didn't pay attention to them.

After another chat, the group of demigods finally got to the point, and began to discuss the next eastern region combat meeting.

Several of them are now one. According to their prior discussion on the side of the Hundred Nations Alliance, the Eastern Region and the Southern Region can be divided into two theaters. The two sides can jointly attack the Hegemony Star Alliance. Naturally, we can only hold together to keep warm.

"That's it for everyone. I, Nebula Sect, will take the lead in exploring the way in the early stage, and you will be the assistant. I have already sent the first batch of advance troops, and the construction of the star gate may be in the next few years. I hope you will not slack off at that time." !” Demigod Xingyun made a conclusion.

"Brother Xingyun's words are very kind, and there will inevitably be a small-scale conflict in the central area. At that time, I will not be able to end the demigod. In terms of combat power, whether it is a demigod level or a domain master level, your Nebula Sect is the strongest!" Xiji demigod Smiling and echoing, since someone dares to be a pioneer, he naturally has no objection.

Hearing this, all the demigods also nodded, and everyone was quite sure about the strength of Xing Yunzong's body martial arts.

Especially the news that the demigod Xingyun has admitted that he is from the Great Zhou Army just now, so it is not difficult for everyone to guess the Xingyun Sect's martial arts footsteps, presumably there are many shadows of the Nanhe Great Zhou Heavenly King.

It is well known in the world that all physical martial arts linked to the Great Zhou Empire are bound to be far superior to ordinary Ye Luzi's physical martial arts. Nothing else, it is the terrifying background brought by the God of War.

It can be said that the founders and pioneers of Martial Gods belonged to the Dao of the Body, and they also laid an extremely solid foundation for the Dao of the Dao of the Body.

Especially the four kings who can sit in the surrounding area, without exception, are all high-ranking demigods in the body, Tao, and absolute superpowers.

This alone cannot be cultivated by Ye Luzi, because looking at the entire universe, if one does not practice Dazhou's physical body Dao martial arts, it is almost impossible to reach the high-level realm of the physical body, no matter how evil the talent is.

"Hey!" At this moment, the twin ancestors on the side suddenly let out a light hey sound.

Hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but look at the twin ancestors.

"Everyone, I just stole some not-so-good information here." The twin ancestors looked a little unhappy.

Hearing the words, everyone was silent. After the understanding just now, everyone also knew the weirdness and abnormality of the power of the law of the twin ancestors.

Even the corners of the Dao Changhe can be pried, as if you can directly borrow strength from the Dao Changhe. Of course, the consumption is more than usual, and the power that can be borrowed is even less. After all, the corners of the Dao Changhe are not so easy to pry. Belongs to the thankless kind.

"Just now I tried to steal the nearby Dao Changhe, and found that the law of the Dao Dao in the central area is called frequently. I think this is someone who has settled in the Central District and can try to absorb the laws of the Dao Changhe. Infinitely close to this realm." The twin ancestors looked around the crowd as they spoke.

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Daochanghe is a magical place, which can be compared to a large Internet channel. Of course, the minimum limit is that a demigod must be a demigod to open the network authority.

In addition, because of the different laws, the Internet that each demigod can link to can only be the network of its own same-origin law. Except for the alternative of the twin ancestors. He can roam freely in the long river of the avenue and steal other avenue laws at will, but he can only borrow them for a short time and must return them in the end.

"It seems that Ba Yu has a lot of genius disciples this time. A domain master who is comparable to a demigod exists, and this central area is now a dragon's pond and a tiger's den."

The Four Pole Demigod's face is ugly, of course he understands what the Twin Ancestor meant, being able to connect the Dao Changhe already shows that the other party has the possibility to mobilize the power of the Dao Changhe.

Generally speaking, this can only be done at the domain master level, but there are also some guys who are stuck at the pinnacle of the domain master level. This kind of comprehension of their own laws has reached an extremely deep level.

This kind also has another name, that is false demigod!

"Hmph! It's rare to say that such a ruthless character can be so calm. Of course, it doesn't rule out that the other party breaks the rules of the game and enters the central area in advance with a demigod." Xingyun demigod snorted coldly.

"It shouldn't be possible. The opponent already has a huge advantage now, so it would be shameless to do so." Patriarch Tianshuang stroked his beard and shook his head endlessly.

"Hey, I'd better make preparations early, and I don't know how many direct descendants we have worked so hard to cultivate this time will survive this catastrophe." The twin ancestors sighed.

He has already fought to the death, and now the survivors under his command are either close relatives or direct descendants. Any one of them died made him feel bad.

After some discussion, the final tone of the meeting was set.

Time flies, and Jiang Heng of the Ninety-two galaxy is naturally unaware that the demigods of the No. 1 galaxy in the Eastern District have already held a meeting.

At this time, Jiang Heng was quietly listening to the news reported by his subordinates.

It has been ten years since he just entered the Sik supercluster of galaxies. In the past ten years, Jiang Heng's defensive circle system has begun to take shape.

Many natives have also learned some common language of the universe and the ability to operate basic machines. So far, the speed of infrastructure construction and resource mining of the entire Jiang Heng's forces has skyrocketed.

If other forces are only busy with preliminary construction, Jiang Heng is already busy building planetary warships in batches.

Even the stellar cannon is under construction. It can be said that the galaxy defense system has been rapidly taking shape on Jiang Heng's side. When it is truly complete, if it does not encounter enemies several times its own, I am afraid that this place will become the strongest. fortress.

Waving Jiang Heng to let this warrior under his command is actually not important information, it is nothing more than another star gate has been built.

After ten years of development, the entire five galaxies of the Tianshuang Empire have actually completed the initial intercommunication of star gates, but everyone is very conscious and has not easily sent troops to other galaxies.

According to the rules of war, troops stationed in other galaxies are not allowed to enter other galaxies unless they are ordered by the military.

Even so, the small-scale inspections between them have never been rare. Jiang Heng's monitoring department has monitored tens of thousands of long-distance detections of alien starships in the past ten years.

Jiang Heng didn't bother about this, he was just exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy, as long as he didn't break into the interior, he didn't bother to bother.

Jiang Heng kept a relatively high degree of secrecy about the internal situation. After all, no one knew whether there were any secret operations of the Hegemony Star Alliance in the Tianshuang Empire.

In fact, it can be seen from the layout of the Tianshuang Empire at the beginning that the high-level leaders also have this concern, so their respective garrisons are not allowed to step into other galaxies at will. It is also to guard against a problem in a galaxy, which will cause the power of all galaxies to leak.

However, just after Jiang Heng was free for a while, news from the headquarters came.

The smart bracelet swayed for a while, and then the figure of Commander Hong was projected.

"Master Domain Master!" Hong took the lead in bowing slightly and respectfully.

"What happened?" Jiang Heng frowned. If there was no important situation on Hong's side, he would not bother him. Now the sudden contact seems to be because of important military matters.

"Master Domain Master, just now a military order from the top came from the core!" Hong said quickly without daring to neglect.

"What?!" Hearing this, Jiang Heng was startled. He didn't expect that the first military order had already been issued in the past ten years.

"Send the military order!"

Soon the wristband received a message, the content of which was very brief, 'The military order has arrived! Urgent! The whole army assembles! '

After reading this message, Jiang Heng frowned.

In fact, according to the normal process, it is reasonable to say that Jiang Heng needs to see the real physical military order, but now the other party is so eager to speak, it is obvious that there is no doubt that is about to gather urgently.

"My lord, there is a message from His Highness the Sixth Highness. He said that he will quickly gather 50% of his soldiers who can fight in the core area in one month."

"After one month? So urgent?" Jiang Heng pondered for a while, and after thinking about it, he waved his hand to turn off the communication.

It has to be said that the vast territory of the Sik super galaxy cluster is still quite painful, and the perception of the domain master-level powerhouse cannot be completely covered. .

Jiang Heng wanted to directly ask His Highness the Sixth Highness via voice transmission.

But after thinking about the rush of time, he didn't dare to delay, and quickly ordered Hong to gather 50% of the army to assemble in three days.

After giving these instructions, Jiang Heng summoned the three sisters to discuss matters with Chen, and got the same message from them as he did, that the military order had indeed arrived.

As for the specifics, if you want to come, you can see the true face of the military order.

Jiang Heng knew that the military order was a Frost Token carrying a breath of demigod law, and he had seen it from the information given by the Sixth Prince when he set off to the Sikh Super Galaxy Cluster.

The appearance of the military order is second, mainly because of the aura of demigod law contained in it, which cannot be forged.

All warriors under Jiang Heng Group heard the order and did not dare to neglect to gather quickly, and at the same time followed the order to follow Jiang Heng and other domain masters to the core area.

As Jiang Heng arrived here, starships were already densely packed here, and there were dense clusters of starships everywhere.

"My lord, it seems that the front line has already been drawn out, and the battle in the central region seems to have begun!" Chen slightly pondered.

Jiang Heng nodded.

"Follow me to meet His Highness!"

Jiang Heng ordered, and at the same time his figure was already flying towards an area that looked like an imperial flagship.

At this time, he already remembered Le's order to gather in his mind.

You don't even need to think about it, but you know that something really big is about to happen.


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