Master of Fist

Chapter 763: distribute


At this moment, the Sixth Prince Le, who had been closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, finally opened his eyes. His demeanor was as calm as water at the moment, making it impossible to see what he was thinking in his heart at the moment.

Hearing the words, everyone turned their gazes. Everyone wanted to hear what the principal was going to say next, and they all had a guess. It was probably a problem with the distribution of spoils.

"A total of four fellow domain masters died in this battle! I am deeply sorry for this!" Said the sixth prince Le, bowing slightly with a serious face.

Seeing this, many domain masters also showed grief, and some who had made good friends with the deceased couldn't hide their grief.

It is a very lonely existence to become a domain master, and there are only a handful of people who can make friends.

"Although four comrades were lost in this battle, we also gained a lot. Two starry sky behemoths that were comparable to the late domain master level fell and one was sealed. I think everyone is also very concerned about the distribution of spoils. The loot has been profited, but do you think this is fair?"

The Sixth Prince Le obviously didn't intend to cover up and straight to the point, his eyes were also sharp at the moment, scanning the crowd with a pair of sharp eyes, especially focusing on where the Eighth Prince was.

"Sixth brother's words are very good, and my younger brother also feels that it is unfair to rashly distribute the real **** warriors in this battle. For this reason, I am willing to hand over all the profits I just made to Sixth brother for you to distribute."

The eighth prince's words immediately caused many domain owners present to look at each other. They thought that the eighth prince had collected the most resources this time, and he should be the most against the sixth prince's decision. He never thought that he would be the first to agree.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng and the elders were extremely calm, but everyone under his command became a little impetuous.

"My lord, you are the one who has contributed the most to beating the giant beasts. Is it possible that we have to hand over all the gains?" Patriarch Lie Yan said anxiously through voice transmission.

She was a little displeased. The corpses of giant beasts they had just received were enough, at least worthy of the previous efforts. If it is really turned in, it is naturally not willing.

"Hand over! Yes!" Jiang Heng replied flatly.

Hearing that Lieyan Patriarch was helpless, she didn't dare to disobey Jiang Heng's intentions, after all, Jiang Heng had already demonstrated his strength as a master in the previous battle.

At this moment, the Eighth Prince waved his hand, and dozens of filled storage rings flew towards the Sixth Prince Le.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng took a photo of the storage ring on the hands of Patriarch Lie Yan and others, and immediately controlled it and threw it at the sixth prince. It's the same with the old man, Lei Yuan still resisted, but after being swept by the old man's calm eyes, he honestly threw out the storage ring.

Hundreds of storage rings floated in front of Sixth Prince Le's eyes at once, and the contents of each ring could not be hidden from any domain master present. Everyone's perception was extremely clear, and they could clearly perceive the breath inside.

This can't be faked, maybe some of them have hidden some privately, but just like Jiang Heng, what's hidden is some ordinary flesh and blood and the number will not be too much.

"Everyone can do this, and I won't be biased when I share it." The sixth prince nodded, and he looked at the few rings in the center. The aura emanating from those rings was the most amazing, and naturally they were giant beast spirits without thinking too much. where the blood is.

Everyone also felt it, and the blood essence left by the two giant beasts totaled as many as sixty drops!

"According to what the elder said in advance, you need fifteen drops of the giant beast's blood essence, and your performance is enough. Fifteen drops are yours!" The sixth prince gently stretched out his finger to touch one of the rings.

I saw drops of dark golden blood gushing out from the ring, no more, no less, exactly 15 drops, the sixth prince waved it lightly, and the 15 drops of blood immediately flew towards the elder.

Seeing the blood essence flying towards him, a look of joy appeared on the pale face of the elder. Although it was not five drops of blood essence for each of the three giant beasts as expected, the total amount remained the same, which was good. He quickly took out a small jade bottle with a strange shape from his arms, opened the bottle stopper and stretched out his hand to control the essence and blood to be drawn in directly.

After distributing the elders, everyone's eyes fell on the few blood essence rings again, and everyone had no objection to the distribution just now.

After all, the elder almost lost his life because of this, and he deserved it, and besides the blood essence, the elder promised not to share anything.

This time there are a total of sixty drops of blood essence, even if fifteen drops are divided, there are still forty-five drops. This number makes many domain owners secretly hope that maybe they can also share a few drops.

"Senior Jiang Hengjiang! Senior Jiang, you have done the most to slay the powerful monsters, and it should be the first work! For this, you can share twenty drops of essence and blood, and the bones, flesh, blood and blood of the giant beasts account for one-third of the powerful monsters. So distribute Is it reasonable?" The sixth prince said, looking at Jiang Heng with a deliberative attitude.

"Yes!" Jiang Heng nodded. These incomes are almost the same as the amount collected by his group before, especially blood essence. Before they were pressed for time, they only had time to collect fifteen drops. Now it is a surprise to have five more drops. .

For this profit sharing, many domain owners were extremely jealous. However, jealousy is jealousy, but everyone knows it well, and it was indeed Jiang Heng who did the most to slay the giant beast in the previous battle.

Even in comparison, the contributions of the elders seem unsatisfactory.

Received Jiang Heng's reply, Le this will directly pop out dozens of rings and fly towards Jiang Heng, watching these dozens of rings fly towards Jiang Heng, everyone is breathing heavily, good guy, the old man is fifteen drops, here directly It is the amount of dozens of storage rings.

After assigning Jiang Heng, Guangyao followed.

"Guangyao, you are under my command. Your achievements in this battle are no less than that of Senior Jiang and the elders. You have held back the most troublesome beast of the fight by yourself. However, the beast of the fight is now sealed, and even if it is unsealed in the future, there will be great dangers." Use. Therefore, you can only share five drops of essence and blood, and the bones and flesh of giant beasts total 10,000 tons, so are you willing?"

Hearing what the sixth prince said, everyone looked at Guangyao with some surprise.

At the same time, everyone couldn't help muttering, if this monster of fighting is not killed, do they want to take it under its command?

Will such a crazy and bloodthirsty monster as the Battle Behemoth really submit to him?

"Yes!" Guangyao's expression was flat, obviously he had expected such a distribution.


Then the six princes named and shared the spoils one by one. After Guangyao, the two of the Vajra Sect were immediately followed. Because the deputy headmaster of the Vajra Sect died in battle, this headmaster directly shared two shares, a total of ten drops of blood, six points One of the behemoth bones and flesh.

The spoils were continuously distributed, and it took nearly ten minutes to distribute these spoils to each domain owner.

Calculating carefully, the sixth prince's share was the least. It can even be symbolically expressed that the entire sixth prince's camp shared only five drops of blood, and only 10 million tons of giant beast bones and flesh.

Needless to say, the essence and blood, 10 million tons is just drizzle compared to the huge corpse of the giant beast, just like the dandruff of the giant beast. Valley

Everyone is naturally very satisfied with this kind of sharing, and everyone knows that since the sixth prince wants to use the Douzhi Beast, he will naturally have to make great concessions on the corpses of the other two behemoths.

Even Jiang Heng didn't expect that including his own side, the essence blood had already reached twenty drops, which was equivalent to more than half of the essence blood of a giant beast of strength.

"After this battle, you can return with confidence. All actions will wait for the order from above before making a decision. I hope that you will come in time when you receive the order."

The sixth prince made the final conclusion, which also meant to let everyone go back and wait for the news.

Returning to the port, Jiang Heng will naturally not stay here for a long time. He will need to spend time digesting and digesting the essence and blood and the bones and flesh of giant beasts.

All the way without words, the first thing to do when returning to Jiangheng, the core area of ​​the Eastern District, is to call all the alchemy professions to gather together, and at the same time distribute a small part of the flesh and bones of the giant beasts.

The remains of the starry sky behemoth this time are definitely a huge treasure trove of resources. Just randomly distributing 100 million tons of behemoth flesh and blood is enough for everyone in the entire Galaxy Fleet to practice martial arts, and even upgrade to the middle or even the upper level as a whole.

As for the bones, Jiang Heng can only pick some broken bones for these refiners to refine. If it is really a complete skeleton of a giant beast, let alone they cannot refine it, even if they can refine it, the weapons they refine must be domain masters. Level, ordinary warriors can't use it at all.

But even a few bone fragments are enough to equip the entire Galactic Fleet with a piece of superior equipment for each person.

"It's done!"

Jiang Heng was deeply moved. Now he wished that his refining level could be raised directly to the domain master level, but he had no choice but to evolve avatars as much as possible to speed up the level of refining alchemy.

Otherwise, it would be a sad thing if such a large treasure mountain could not be used.

Of course, the blood of the giant beast can be used for bathing even without any processing, and it can be regarded as slightly improving the strength of the physical body. As for the blood essence...

Jiang Heng thought about swallowing it directly, but when he thought about the rarity of blood essence, swallowing it directly was indeed a great tonic, but it was too wasteful.

As far as Jiang Heng knew, a drop of blood essence could become the main material of a pot of magic pills.

Tongshen Haohua Pill, a elixir that greatly increases the strength of the physical body, is effective for the later stage of the main level of the physical body Dao Domain and even the peak.

Taking this pill can make the physical body have a weak link with the long river of the physical body in a short period of time, so the effect of cultivating the physical body during this period of time is definitely hundreds of times that of the past.

After all, it is possible to bypass the domain master-level ability and directly open the practice at the speed of pseudo-demigod practice, and communicate with the bridge of the road and the long river.

However, Jiang Heng was in a bit of trouble, not to mention that his own level of alchemy was not enough, even if it was enough, it would be of no avail without such magical alchemy formulas.

"Maybe we can take a trip to the spiritual world!"

Jiang Heng immediately thought of Wanbaozhai, the place where Wanbaozhai in the spiritual world claims to be able to do business with high-ranking demigods, and there should also be the Dandan formula of Tongshen Haohua taken at the domain master level.

"It's time to go, and find out about the spirit weapon refiner by the way."

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng took out the Wanbao Token that he hadn't obtained for a long time. It feels a little unclear about the structure of this thing now, but judging from the construction method, it should not be made by ordinary weapon refiners.

Sinking into the mind, the consciousness penetrated into it, and soon the soul appeared in a gray and white world.

The place where Jiang Heng appeared this time was Tianren City. Looking around, there were still familiar scenes, and his spiritual perception was still a bit unclear at this moment.

The rules here are like this, restricting outsiders' mental power to be released, even if Jiang Heng's soul strength is released at the late stage of the current domain master level, the perception can only be within a hundred meters.

As far as it goes, it can't be done.

"It seems that the statement that this world is the ocean of the will of the ancient true **** is extremely credible. Unless it is completely integrated with this world, the power of repulsion is unimaginable."

Jiang Heng's feeling is even more obvious this time. Complete integration with this world is actually the death of the body. The soul is completely placed here, and it is impossible to leave this world afterwards.

"Senior, do you want to buy it? A good soul fragrance will definitely be refreshing, even if it is still effective for some demigods." At this moment, a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks covered in fluff leaned over. His voice was extremely low, as if he was afraid that other people besides Jiang Heng would hear him.

"Hunxiang?" Jiang Heng looked suspiciously at the guy approaching, not knowing what purpose this guy had, remembering that there was nothing like this when he came here last time.

"Yes! Good soul fragrance, whoever uses it knows the taste!" This guy is still talking cheaply with a very low voice.

"Isn't the fragrance of soul used to refresh the mind and calm the mind? How can it be called cool?" Jiang Heng wondered. He knew that the fragrance of soul was something similar to the fragrance of soul mint. It is beneficial to alchemy, refining equipment, array formation and even the key to cultivation.

"You don't know? This soul fragrance is not that soul fragrance! Have you heard of Wan Faxiang?" This guy was very patient, and he explained with a smile when he saw the confusion on Jiang Heng's face.

"Oh, what is the effect of this thing?" Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"This thing naturally has miraculous effects. Hearing it, the three souls and seven souls are floating like immortals. You can see all the laws of the universe emerging in front of your eyes, and all the troubles in the world are forgotten. Others need a hundred spirits to exchange for one gram. Here I am Fifty spirits and five grams! Definitely cheap and cheap!"

The guy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks is very enthusiastic, and he highly admires the Wanfa incense in his mouth.

Now Jiang Heng understands, isn't this just spiritual opium? Why do you hear that you can see all kinds of avenues, what a joke. If it is so easy to see the laws of all things, what is the need for demigods? With so many beings in the universe, why bother to pursue the Dao?

"Is this thing still addictive?" Jiang Heng asked with a sneer.

Hearing this, the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked guy was stunned for a moment, then spit and cursed, turned his head and walked away, muttering as he walked: "Since you know what to pretend to be in front of me, you are wasting my time!"

Looking at the guy going away, Jiang Heng couldn't help shaking his head, the spiritual world really has everyone. The other party is clearly a domain master level late-stage powerhouse, who is definitely a big boss in the outside world, and now he actually does this kind of thing.

However, the other party's routine is not a new trick for Jiang Heng. At the beginning, it was 50 points of psychic quality. Jiang Heng reckoned that when he really became addicted, it might be a sky-high price.

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