Master of Fist

Chapter 761: Kill one more head!

"You can't kill me just like this?" Although he didn't know what happened, but the giant power beast found that the abominable bug's aura was extremely weak, and obviously he couldn't do that weird method again.

"Humble and poor bug, you will never know how terrifying the physical body of my family is!" He sneered in his heart, he only needed to manipulate his headless body to reconnect with his head to restore his original state.

Even if the head no longer needs only a forearm, it can be restored to its original state. As for rebirth from a drop of blood, the stronger the starry sky behemoth, the more energy it will consume to recover, which is far beyond the comparison of ordinary races.

As for the moment, the separation of body and head is not a big deal.

" could it be!"

Suddenly he found that something was beyond his expectation.

In his sight, his headless body seemed to be decaying at an extremely fast speed, as if time was passing by at this moment.

"No matter what you do, it's wishful thinking to kill me!" The mighty beast roared, and he tried his best to control his body to come towards his head.

He can feel that his body is covered with a layer of strange power at this moment. This power is eating away at his vitality, but it is harmless. force to disperse.


At this moment, the mighty beast of power only felt his soul shake, and an undetectable tiny sharp object stabbed at his soul, causing his face to contort and howl in pain, and the control over his body plummeted.

"who is it!"

The mighty beast let out a wail, and a pair of vicious eyes kept scanning everything in sight around it, and finally the focus was on the figure in the distance that made him gnash his teeth with hatred.

"Want to kill me! Impossible!"

The huge head kept shrinking, and gradually turned into a pale human body with horns on top of the head. It actually abandoned most of the body and used one head to evolve another body. It's a cruel move to live with injuries.

The breath has dropped drastically, but it is still barely at the mid-term level of the domain master level physical body, but the strength of the physical body is naturally not as good as before, and it can even be said that the defense has dropped by nearly 70%.

This state makes the giant beast of power very uncomfortable, just like a life form with a carapace that suddenly peels off its carapace to reveal the tender white meat inside.

It's all the **** bugs' fault!

He must be killed! He must die!

Thinking of the figure of the mighty monster here suddenly shooting towards Jiang Heng, he wanted to kill this person first, and then quickly devoured these bugs to restore his strength as soon as possible.

This loss of power was something he had never expected.

Feeling the coercion of quickly locking himself in, Jiang Heng's breathing was also stagnant. He didn't expect that this beast still had the power to fight.

If he was a giant beast of power who was not afraid of such a state in his heyday, what can he do!

boom! The law of power and the power of the physical body pull the majestic power and the power of the physical body, like a twisted vortex of power, heading straight for Jiang Heng's heart. If this punch was hit from the front, it would definitely be a double penetration.

move! Get moving!

Jiang Heng was furious in his heart, and every muscle in his body was bursting with tearing pain. Previously, the continuous explosion of physical power had already squeezed out the power stored in every muscle. Now, there is nothing extra strength?

Just like a machine that has exhausted its last drop of energy, there is no response except for bursts of overwhelmed creaking sounds. Jiang Heng can only watch helplessly as a pair of big hands like iron hooves are pressed heavily towards his chest.


There was a roar, and the expected severe pain did not appear. Instead, a distorted figure stood in front of him and blocked Jiang Heng's fatal blow.

"Xiaoya!" Jiang Heng was a little surprised when he saw who was coming.

I saw the black-haired girl Xiaoya, one of the three sisters of Lieyan, standing in front of her righteously without hesitation, using the avenue of gold to block Jiang Heng's blow. It's just that she looks extremely uncomfortable.

This palm, which was comparable to Jiang Heng's full strength blow, could barely withstand it with Xiaoya's Golden Dao, but this punch completely knocked out nearly 50% of the power of law in her body.

One more punch would surely kill Xiaoya.

"Go away! If this continues, you and I will die!" Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and cursed, Xiaoya should stay on the side of the sixth prince.

Since it is clear that the Sixth Prince still has a hole card, it is naturally safer over there.

However, just like that, the black-haired girl Xiaoya rushed over without hesitation, and when she looked again, she found that Lie Yan Patriarch and Poison Jade had already arrived on both sides, but Xiaoya was better at defending and blocking the front, and Chen was already in the distance. Gather strength.

"Your Highness and the others..." A Mingzong disciple frowned and looked at Jiang Heng, with some displeasure in his words.

"Will this affect the effect of the formation?" Another disciple of the Ming Sect couldn't help but also complained a little. He had already calculated it, but now that there are a few people missing, he doesn't know whether he can kill this beast.

"Forget it!" The sixth prince glanced at Jiang Heng and his party in the distance and didn't pay much attention to it. "It's almost ready without delay, and we can start the big formation!"

"Promise!" Hearing the words, several people accepted the order without saying a word.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people scattered towards the surroundings, but Guangyao and a group of domain masters restrained the three-headed and eight-armed monster in the center.

A group of people stood in four directions, and each took out a small maroon flag as if they had a tacit understanding. The four of them raised it at the same time, and at the same time, the power of the law on the surface of the body was surging, and layers of energy fluctuations were poured into the small flags.

The four small flags left the hands of several people and floated towards the sky. The next moment, a layer of invisible rules began to affect the area covered by the four flags.

"what is this?"

Suddenly, those domain masters who were only responsible for assisting Guangyao in besieging giant beasts soon realized that something was wrong. The power of law in their bodies seemed to be drawn by some invisible force and began to escape on their own.

"Formation? What kind of formation is this that can extract the power of the law!" Another domain owner was a little bit terrified, this situation was too terrifying.

Originally, warriors practiced the law to cultivate the law into the body, and in the end they even became the law itself. If the law would dissipate, wouldn't this mean that it would be easy to kill them.

But they soon discovered that the eyes of the formation were actually where Mingzong and the others were standing, and they were horrified for a while.

"Your Highness Six, what are you doing?" Lei Yuan asked in horror, he thought it was the Sixth Prince's personal revenge, but he just wanted them to die together because of this posture.

However, the sixth prince, Le Li, ignored him, and looked towards the direction where Guangyao was fighting with the giant fighting beast. The confrontation between the two sides has shown a one-sided trend. The power of Guangyao's law is already in a state of extreme consumption under the high-speed movement, and many signs of distortion have appeared on the face.

But he couldn't stop yet, once caught by the opponent, it might be a series of extremely ferocious blows.

Seeing this, the sixth prince took a deep breath, and saw that he tore the gorgeous costume directly into pieces with one hand, revealing his muscular upper body and a strange device on his chest that was almost embedded in the flesh.

There are countless blood vessels connected around the hexagonal shape, and a faint flame can be vaguely seen jumping in the hexagonal black metal creation.

And as the power of the formation continued to surge, the power of the law to draw a group of domain masters increased, and the momentum emanating from the sixth prince also continued to rise.

domain owner!

In the middle of the domain master level! The middle stage of the domain master level is the ultimate, the domain master level is late, the late stage is the ultimate! peak! The pinnacle!

It wasn't until the peak peak that the aura gradually calmed down and began to maintain a steady state, and a monstrous aura centered on Le began to sweep in all directions.

The domain masters who had been extracted with the power of the law were already a little weak, and they vomited blood continuously after being impacted by this momentum, and they all looked pale.

Jiang Heng also looked at the source of the aura burst in surprise, and as the aura radiated, he felt a chill from the body to the soul, causing his thinking to become sluggish.

Jiang Heng was a little stunned. He was in an extremely poor state now. He used his will to suppress the power of distortion in his body. At this moment, his will was a little slow in responding, and the power of distortion in his body showed signs of recurring all of a sudden.

Fortunately, it wasn't that Jiang Heng was affected. The giant beast of power that was close at hand was even more unbearable. He temporarily lost most of his body, and he wanted to find a secluded place to restore that part of his body.

Now his physical body is weak, and even his soul was hit by Ling Yuesuo before, and now he is a little unresponsive.

This dull moment was keenly captured by Chen in the distance, and the next moment he did not hesitate at all, and pointed out that the power of the stars that had been accumulated for a long time and reached its peak state was spurted out like a torrent.

Almost at the same time, the three sisters of Sanhua, who had cooperated very tacitly, burst out the power of the law to restrain the giant beasts, the fire domain of Lieyan ancestor, the earth domain of poisonous jade, and her pair of eyes that have the ability to stare at others and make them petrify. , and the black-haired girl Oya, who turned into liquid metal like a swamp, only restrained the opponent's limbs.

The four of them cooperated very tacitly. This sudden movement made the already unresponsive behemoth stunned for a moment before reacting.

Stared at by the poisonous jade eyes, part of his skin appeared stone, and the powerful beast frowned and shook his body, directly shattering the stone covering the surface of his body. For giant beasts at this level, it is obvious that poisonous jade's small tricks are not very effective.

Fortunately, the restraints of several people have already firmly restrained each other. Feeling a threat from behind, the giant beast struggled harder and harder.

At the same time, Behemoth Dou felt the peak aura emanating from Le and couldn't help but put aside Guangyao. It seemed that it was annoying that Guangyao couldn't catch the prey, and began to be interested in Le, the new prey.

He stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked the corners of his lips, then grinned ferociously, and the next moment his figure flashed and rushed towards Le with a strange posture. Every part of his body turned into a cruel life harvester that was about to ruthlessly crush Le's small body.

He felt that although the opponent exuded a very dangerous aura, the Beast of Fighting had been influenced by a lot of Dao, and he had an extremely fanatical love for fighting. He was born for war, and he kept killing and killing.

Blood flew everywhere along the way, and several avenues of avenues exploded in an instant, like a series of fireworks escaping and beginning to merge with the avenues and long rivers.

The domain masters who were rubbed by the opponent were smashed into cosmic dust by the brutal Douzhi Beast without even holding on for a moment, and the sharp barbs on the opponent's body brutally tore apart every part of these ordinary domain masters. a part.

Coincidentally, Lei Yuan was also on the way of the other party, and seeing the other party's brutal and terrifying actions, he cursed inwardly and at the same time went crazy, playing all his cards, his whole figure seemed to be completely transformed into a thunderbolt. The powerful streamer fled frantically to one side.


Most of his body was brushed, and Lei Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, he didn't die at all, but his breath also plummeted rapidly, obviously he was seriously injured.

"Brutal and bloodthirsty, your highness will suppress you here today!" Le's face was stern, his whole body was crystal clear like a divine ice sculpture exuding great majesty, and his voice was even more icy cold.

"Excuse me! Ice Age is coming!"

With a low shout, it was like opening the door to another world. The next moment, the entire star field trembled, as if another dimension was really opening the door to this place.

I saw countless ice crystals flying behind Sixth Prince Le, and quickly condensed into a huge ice crystal gate. The giant gate was like the residence of God, and the ice gate opened with a A monstrous ice crystal was like a dazzling The white light covered the sky and rushed towards the behemoth of the fight, and the moment the ice door opened, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

The nearest domain masters only felt chills, not only on the physical body but also on the soul level, which made their manipulation of the power of the law extremely slow, and the pale color began to spread throughout the entire star domain.

It was as if time had entered a slow state again, and at the same time, it seemed like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The giant beast of strength that had already seemed to be breaking free was once again stunned, and the next moment, the blow from the stars landed exactly the same. on his back.

The terrifying energy shock instantly cleared his mind, followed by a burst of unimaginable pain.

A terrible piercing wound was exposed on his chest, which made his aura sluggish again. If his body was in good condition before, he would not be afraid of such a weak blow. But now even this weak blow is extremely fatal to him.

"Take advantage of the victory and pursue, kill!" Seeing this, Lieyan Patriarch's eyes lit up, and the female man's temper instantly came up. She was like a female pirate with flames rolling on her body. The next moment, a flaming Valkyrie appeared, with a long spear in her hand, without the slightest pause. It was a stab at the powerful beast.

Du Yu and Xiao Ya also made moves one after another, now is a good time to beat up the dog in the water.

All of a sudden, the power of the law of three came out frequently, and various methods emerged one after another to greet the giant power beast. At first, the giant power beast was able to parry one or two, but the injuries on his body were too serious, and gradually he became a little helpless, and his heart became even more aggrieved and desperate. Incomparable.

Think about a clan of chiefs who are majestic enough to rule one side, but now they are beaten like this by a group of bugs they regard as ants.

With the last flick of Lie Yang Patriarch's gun flower, it turned into a flaming gun light and completely killed the opponent.

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