Master of Fist

Chapter 732: god (medium)

"Is it still useless?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Alto's eyes.

After packing everything, he put on his work badge and was ready to go out to start today's work.

Just when he came to the door, hesitation flashed across his face, and he finally gritted his teeth and walked quickly and quickly to the corner.

This is a corner used to store personal items. At this moment, Alto looks like he is squatting there looking for something from the monitoring eyes of the loyalty system.

It's just that at this moment Alto is praying continuously with his palms folded, weeping while praying, his voice is extremely low, but there is a hint of begging and pleading.

Because just in the corner, there is a shrine in a very hidden place, and a strange stone statue is placed inside the shrine.

It was a human-shaped statue, and it seemed to be wearing a robe of unknown style. But looking at the body shape, there is no male or female, and no other facial features can be seen on the face, only a strange eye, an eye carved in stone.

After praying for a while, Orto slowly opened his eyes, but the reality made him despair again, and the statue in front of him still did not show any miraculous side.

"Liar! Liar!"

Alto lost control, but still gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice.

As he spoke, his tears flowed down unconsciously.

"How come, Father is lying to me? It's over...everything is over." Alto became more and more depressed, and he recalled the legend that Father had told him.

Legend has it that there was a weird statue in the royal family countless years ago. That statue is the incarnation of a god, and it possesses incredible power.

A long time ago, the statue once showed magical power to resolve the terrible natural disasters for the ethnic group, and this statue is the one in front of you.

This statue has been enshrined in the Neanderthal palace for countless ages.

But now!

The legend of the statue deceived the father, and now he deceived himself even more!

"Fake! It's all fake!"

Orto became a little emotional again, and he grabbed the statue with one hand and was about to smash it into pieces.

But the outstretched hand trembled, then retracted again.

For some reason, this statue has gradually become the only sustenance of his heart.

Packing up his mood, Alto went out.

Stepping out of the cabin door, what came into view was a honeycomb-like cabin one after another, and numb people came out of each cabin one after another.

They wore uniform employee uniforms and walked towards the eating area in unison.

Alto is no exception.

Eating synthetic food with a strong plastic taste is like chewing wax.

"Oh, isn't this Alto?"

"Hehe, everyone, show some respect, this is His Royal Highness the Prince!"

At this moment, someone pushed Alto's head down, which made Alto have a close contact with the food in a daze.

Alto wiped the food off his face numbly, and looked back at a group of about ten people, none of whom had a good look at him.

"What are you looking at? Prince, I'm sorry!"

The leader sneered, while spitting thick phlegm.

"That's right! What!"

A group of people were cursing, and it was obviously not the first time they made trouble for Alto.

It's just that this group of people cursed and cursed seeing that Orto didn't respond, and felt bored, so they didn't stay any longer when they saw that the time was almost up, and dispersed one by one to get ready to go to work.

Seeing the group of people leave, Alto silently wiped the dirt off his face with a towel.

He is used to these, these people used to be his people.

He knew that it was because they were oppressed by the group, and they were powerless to resist the group. He could only attribute all the crimes to him, the only member of the royal family who was still alive.

There are not a few people like this, and Alto can meet them no matter where they are, but they don't seem to give him any good looks.

"Olto, are you alright?"

At this moment, a timid voice sounded. It was a thin figure, not tall, wearing a pair of thick eyes, and a head of obviously malnourished silver hair hanging down casually. Also seems to be because of nutritional issues, sometimes it's hard to think it's a girl.

"Little Anli, I'm used to it. It's okay." Alto said calmly. He didn't dare to have too obvious contact with the other party, because it would easily make others misunderstand that the other party was with her. Li caused a lot of trouble.

Little Anli, the youngest granddaughter of the former Duke.

When the group came, little Anli was only five years old. At that time, the little girl was a little follower who followed Alto all day long. It's just that after ten years, the little girl may be due to malnutrition, and she looks no different from a seven or eight-year-old girl.

This is also one of Alto's few friends.

"They're too much, obviously it's not your fault. Why don't they dare to get angry with the group!" Although Xiao An Li looks young, she is not young, she understands many things, and she feels aggrieved for Alto.

"It's okay, after all...they used to be my people." Orto murmured after a moment of silence: "All of the fault of the royal family...the royal family is incompetent …”

Another day of repetition, same as before, dull and heavy.

Returning to the cabin with heavy steps, Orto was not even in the mood to go to the bathroom. He lay down on the somewhat hard bed and closed his eyes. Perhaps because of exhaustion, he quickly fell asleep.

In his sleep, he dreamed of his father, his mother who was gentle and loved him and cared about him, his elder sister who kept complaining that he liked to cry, and his younger brother who was babbling.

But at the next moment, one eye opened without warning in his dream, it was a blood-red eye, and the eyes turned as if scanning the surroundings.


Alto woke up from his sleep with a start, wiped the front of his clothes and found that it was covered in cold sweat, and looked around again, feeling absent-minded and scared.

what is that?

But at the next moment, Orto seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked somewhere in the corner.

He saw the blood-red eyeball in his sleep again, but this time the eyeball no longer appeared in the dream, but on the statue.

The stone eyeball on the statue seemed to come alive at this moment, turning into a **** human eye, the eyes were turning and seemed to be thinking about everything they saw.

live... live!

Alto was a little dazed, but soon he became extremely excited.

real! Everything is true!

He was so excited that he subconsciously glanced at the loyalty system. The loyalty system is monitored in real time around the clock.

But the real-time monitoring system is a dead thing, and it only detects through a series of predetermined values. As long as the behavior of the monitored person does not exceed the threshold, it is impossible for the management machine life to detect it.

With this thought flashing through his mind, Orto got up and stretched casually, and immediately began to undress as if he was about to take a bath.

Halfway through, he quickly squatted down and began to search for something as if he remembered something.

However, he just knelt in the corner and began to pray in a low voice.

"What the hell?"

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, he looked at the nagging guy in front of him strangely.

That's right, the blood-red eye was naturally reflected to Jiang Heng's eye at the statue through the jewelry.

A little confused, Jiang Heng just watched and listened quietly.

Through that statue, not only the perspective but also the sound are transmitted.

Fortunately, the other party spoke the universal language, otherwise Jiang Heng would have to rely on domain master-level computing power to make the conversion independently, so it sounds like there is no pressure now.

After listening to the other party's chanting for about ten minutes, Jiang Heng was even more confused and stunned.


"The other party calls me a god? What are Neanderthal stars and groups?"

Fortunately, after listening to the other party talking more and more, Jiang Heng gradually understood.

"78 Heavy Industry Group? Mechanical lifeform? Is it related to the omnic system?" Jiang Heng rubbed his chin.

The general situation is that the opponent's civilization has been enslaved by an omnic civilization named 78 Heavy Industry Group. The main purpose is to let them assist those mechanical life forms to build arsenals, dig out raw materials made in arsenals, and build star gates.

Alto talked a lot, but it had been about ten minutes, and his eyes seemed to have no other reaction other than watching quietly.

This made Alto's heart hang, and he glanced at the loyalty system calmly.

Time is running out. If you maintain an action for a long time, it is easy to cause the loyalty system to alarm.

"Mortal! Tell me what you want?"

All of a sudden, Alto felt such a sentence pop up in his mind, the voice was loud and full of solemnity!

This made Orto extremely ecstatic in his heart, but after the ecstasy, he was a little at a loss, and for a while he didn't know how to answer.

After a little hesitation, he gritted his teeth and said, "Great creator, great god, your humble believer, Nico Caesar Alto! I am willing to sacrifice my life, and hope that the great creator can rid the poor Neanderthals of all evils." The slavery of the 78 Heavy Industry Group!"

Alto prayed very devoutly. He thought about the faces of those people during the day, but he was still willing to give everything for them after a little hesitation.

What the hell? !

Listening to the other party's prayer, Jiang Heng was a little speechless, so the heavy industry group is obviously an intelligence system force at the domain master level.

From the previous description of the other party, Jiang Heng knew that the arsenal was mass-producing batches of mechanical armies of the Master of Galaxy level.

Its scale and sophistication are definitely hundreds of times that of the previous Seiya civilization.

If the red-level star body of Seiya Civilization is an existence that can compete with the Lord of the Galaxy, it has a metal structure with strong plasticity and super memory, and its strength is equivalent to the middle-level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

This! The Seiya civilization cannot be mass-produced, and it is an ultra-rare top-level unit that is difficult to replicate on a large scale.

But this heavy industry group is different. Each of their mechanical soldiers manufactured by the arsenal is comparable to the strength of the pseudo domain master level, which is equivalent to the level of supreme wisdom at the beginning.

However, the size of this mechanical soldier is no different from that of ordinary people. What does this mean?

That means that the opponent's technological level has reached a terrifying level, and this kind of arms is even just their regular arms. Otherwise, it is impossible to manufacture in batches on a large scale.

According to Orto, the speed at which the other party makes mechanical soldiers is about the same as the speed at which Seiya Civilization makes the lowest-level star body.

It belongs to the kind that has a complete manufacturing drawing for a long time, and has a very complete and mature manufacturing process for raw material accessories, which can greatly reduce the loss of materials.

What kind of power is this?

Jiang Heng was a little embarrassed, and thought to himself, how can I answer you?

Right now, Jiang Heng has some strength. In the mid-term of the domain master level, it is comparable to the combat power of the later stage. Dealing with tens of thousands of fake domain masters is okay, but dealing with an endless army of fake domain masters is courting death.

Is this the strength of the real omnic system in the universe?

Jiang Heng had some headaches. If he wanted to destroy such an arsenal, at least a low-level demigod would have to crush it instantly with thunder. Otherwise, it is estimated that any super galaxy cluster force can be dragged to death.

"My believer! Your life is not enough! You can't even imagine the price you need to pay if you want me to take action!"

Jiang Heng had no choice but to ponder over such prevarication.

Hearing that Alto slumped on the ground with some powerlessness, yes, he is just a mortal, an ordinary person who can only repair star gates, how can he afford to ask a real **** to help him.

Alto was a little desperate, but he still didn't give up: "Great God, humble believers still want to plead with the gods, even if it's just a little, just a little, and it's okay to ask the gods for a little help. Your humble Believers are willing to give anything!"

As time passed, Orto was still on his knees. Even though the loyalty system was getting closer to the threshold, he still hoped to get a response.

After waiting a few more minutes, he was disappointed and couldn't wait any longer.

Once he is really listed as a suspected target by the loyalty system, he may really not be himself.

Just as he was about to get up, he was slightly taken aback.

"This this...."

Feeling the sudden huge message in his mind, Orto was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic.

He didn't dare to stay longer, and quickly kowtowed to the statue in a subtle way, then quickly got up and started walking towards the bathroom.


While turning on the hot water, the water vapor filled the bathroom, obstructing the vision in the space, and Alto showed an ecstatic expression.

"Is this the legendary cultivation method?"

Alto's heart stirred The method of cultivation, this is something that is only recorded in the ancient books of the Neanderthal star royal family.

It is rumored that millions of years ago, the Neanderthal star was still under the rule of a dynasty, which belonged to the era of cultivators. It is said that the Neanderthals at that time had a long lifespan and a terrifying physique that could smash the stars.

It's just that with the demise of that dynasty, when the Neanderthal dynasty was established in the old site, except for the statue and the stone tablet recording the statue's message, those cultivation methods have all disappeared in the long river of history.

This has also led to the fact that today's Neanderthals are just ordinary people, relying on technology to strengthen their civilization.

At its peak, the Neanderthals were all over the entire Cookmilsi galaxy, and they became the most powerful civilization in this galaxy, with incomparable brilliance.

Perhaps it is because there is no powerful technological civilization in the Kukmirsi galaxy, let alone a cultivator civilization. Neanderthals did not develop any lethal technological weapons, and everything was close to functional comfort.

This also led to the arrival of the 78 Heavy Industry Group, as if seeing the arrival of an evil god, and the entire civilization was enslaved without any resistance.

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