Master of Fist

Chapter 722: The origin of the law of prolonging life

The soul method is indeed the best method to eradicate the grass or to injure it severely, especially when the timing is just right, it is a desperate method.

Many domain lord-level powerhouses were conspired against and injured their souls when they were fighting with others, and because their souls were injured, many secret arts could not be used with all their means, and in the end they could only be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered or others prisoner.

It's just that Xu Yue never imagined that the situation would take a turn for the worse in an instant.

Almost instantly, a terrifying and thick aura erupted, and it was not Xu Yue who bore the brunt, but the three iron fools of Xuanwuzong.

Originally, the triple gravity domain that the three of them were oppressing on Jiang Heng's body was actually counterpressed by a more terrifying and terrifying pressure at this moment.

This is definitely a desperate pressure. The bones of the three are crackling, and Xuan Gu and Xuan Shang, whose physical strength is slightly weaker than Xuan De's, are constantly bursting into clouds of blood mist.

Their eyes kept protruding, and there was a faint tendency to burst out. At this moment, their tall and straight backs were afraid of lying down, and the whole person was suppressed in place like a dead dog.

Even Xuande, who is in a slightly better situation, is horrified at the moment to activate the secret art of the body, protecting himself at the cost of burning blood.


A layer of terrible shock waves burst out, and the next moment Jiang Heng's figure disappeared in place from everyone's vision.

"not good!"

Almost at the moment when Jiang Heng broke out suddenly, Xu Yue's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, he frantically wanted to withdraw the consciousness attached to the soul weapon.

It's just that as soon as the consciousness returned to the body, a vague and cold burly figure appeared in front of him, and a palm that seemed to contain a galaxy was imprinted on it.


Xu Yue yelled frantically, and saw a layer of solid armor rapidly spreading out of his body, and a piece of early-stage protective equipment at the domain master level appeared.

It's just that the weapon had just spread to the body, and before the head had completely spread, the big hand had already imprinted heavily on his unprotected head.


Like a watermelon bursting, no! It doesn't even count as the watermelon bursting, because it's under the impact of this terrifying, thick, pure and extremely powerful force. Xu Yue's head was directly atomized by the blow.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng slammed his claws with his palm, and quickly pulled out the protective weapons that were still spreading from the opponent's remnant body. Without looking at them, he directly stuffed them into the storage space.

And at this moment, a figure that can only be seen by soul perception emerged from Xuyue's remnant body, and he hurriedly rushed towards the old woman surnamed Mu, wanting to hope that this late master-level senior could save his life .

But as soon as he rushed out of the body, a stream of light that could only be seen by him in the state of soul came out from between Jiang Heng's eyebrows.


The speed of the streamer was so fast that it pierced through Xu Yue's soul in an instant, as if piercing the air flow. As Ling Yueshuo pierced through the opponent, Xu Yue's soul quickly turned into a little bit of soul light.

Jiang Heng had quick eyes and quick hands, and with a wave of his big hand, the Myriad Treasure Token quickly appeared and included them one by one.

From defeating Xuyue's physical body, to annihilating Xuyue's soul body, until leaving no soul light behind, Jiang Heng's series of operations happened almost instantly.

The speed was so fast that the three of Xuanwuzong gradually recovered from the shock at this moment.


Just when Jiang Heng was about to attack the three of Xuanwuzong again, the sound transmission of the old woman surnamed Mu appeared in his mind again.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng took a deep look at the old woman surnamed Mu who had been silent and low-key, and immediately rushed out of the encirclement without looking back, and her figure quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

It wasn't until Jiang Heng was completely out of sight that Xuanwuzong and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mu...Senior Mu! Master Xu Yue is dead... dead!" Xuande's face was a little ugly. Xu Yue was the leader of their trip. Your Highness's punishment.

"So you want to keep that person?" The old woman surnamed Mu retracted her domain and glanced coldly at the three people in front of her.

Hearing that Xuanwuzong and the three were dumbfounded, leave each other alone? What's the joke?

They wanted to, but they didn't have the strength.

"Senior Mu, the three of us naturally don't have this strength, but there are many people waiting for me, not to mention Senior Mu is here. I believe that if we encounter this beast again, as long as we keep a small guard, we will definitely be able to take this beast!" Xuangu poked his neck and said.

In fact, he still had some doubts before he had time to say them. That is why you didn't seem to contribute much, Senior Mu?

"No! As you can see, this galaxy domain lord is obviously hiding very deeply. The strength that erupted in that instant before, in my opinion, has already reached the peak level of the domain lord. If you want to keep this person with such strength, I will go to you. I still want to Live a few more years!"

The old woman surnamed Mu sneered, secretly startled in her heart, she did give that boy a chance just now, but she didn't expect that the boy's situation was beyond her expectation.

I thought that even if the opponent didn't have his own restrictions, he could barely kill Xuyue at most, and then the opponent would have to stay.

As a result, Xuyue killed the three domain masters of Xuanwuzong with her own strength in an instant.

Even at that moment even she felt invincible.

"When did this kind of monster appear in the Milky Way? I'm afraid that if I hadn't reacted quickly just now, I am afraid that this kid would still want to kill Xuanwuzong, or did he even want to silence him in the end?"

The intention to kill is too heavy.

The old woman surnamed Mu frowned, her mind spinning rapidly.

She is a little bit hard to get off now. She originally wanted to take down the Lord of the Galaxy after completing His Royal Highness's instructions perfectly, but it turns out that it is good now, Xu Yue is dead, but the Lord of the Galaxy is...

"Senior Mu, Lord Xuyue is dead right now, I'm afraid His Highness won't be able to explain it to us if we go back like this!" Xuande also had a difficult time, he joined the First Prince under Xuanwuzong for a short time and lacked opportunities to perform meritorious service.

Right now, this great opportunity was just let go by him.

"So what? This person is no longer someone we can easily deal with. This person has a combat power comparable to the peak level. It is enough to find out the news now, and I believe His Highness will not blame us for it!"

The old woman surnamed Mu looked ugly, this time she was capsized in the gutter.

It is said that the three of Xuanwuzong and Simon are also helpless, things have indeed exceeded their expectations, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no other moths if they continue.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally had no choice but to return to the starship.

In the end, the three of Xuanwuzong took a deep look at the bright and lush star field through the string window of the starship, and had to grit their teeth and leave as the starship started.

The starship galloped quietly under the starry sky, and everyone in the main control room was silent.

"Deputy lord, what level has the physical strength of this Galaxy domain master reached? Why did I feel a sense of powerlessness that I had never felt before at that moment, as if... as if..." Xuan Gu Spit out a mouthful of blood, with a face full of blood, Chi Xie said hesitantly.

"You mean like the suzerain?" Xuande squinted his eyes and his complexion was a little pale, obviously he hadn't recovered from the previous trauma.

"En! That's true!" Although he didn't want to admit it, Xuan Gu still nodded, after all, the suzerain's status in their hearts was second only to the eldest prince.

"No! The suzerain, his old man's strength has indeed gone far in the physical body, but in my opinion, this galaxy domain master should have practiced some kind of physical body secret art. It's just that his secret art feels very strange to me, as if The burden on the physical body and even the power of distortion is huge, but he can turn a blind eye.

In my opinion, when it comes to outbreaks, the old suzerain may be slightly inferior to this person, but after all, the old suzerain is at the late stage of the physical body road, even if he does not use any secret techniques, he is not comparable to this one! "

Speaking of this, Xuande is still quite proud, this is the pride of being Xuanwuzong.

"Heh! Xuanwuzong, are you guys talking about the fifty-third generation of Xuanwu?" Seemingly aroused by their topic, the old woman surnamed Mu smiled and said.

"That's right! The current suzerain is indeed the fifty-third generation Xuanwu!" Xuande nodded. Xuanwu is not just a name, but a symbol that symbolizes the hundreds of thousands of years of their Xuanwu sect. From the first Xuanwu to the current fiftieth Three generations of Xuanwu, only those who become suzerain can be called Xuanwu.

"I know this Xuanwu little brother!"

"Uh..." Listening to the address of the old woman surnamed Mu to their suzerain, the faces of Xuande and the others were flushed, and they wanted to refute but were afraid to attack because of the strength and seniority of the other party.

"Hehe, don't mind, even if your suzerain comes here in person, he still has to call me a senior sister! After all, the old lady is indeed thousands of years older than your suzerain."

The old woman surnamed Mu said with a smile, stretched out five fingers, and said with a smile: "The old lady is now 67,000 years old, and she is just that bad old man Haisu, who is obviously not young. It is true that he said that he is only over 40,000 years old... ..Ugh!"

"Sixty-seven thousand years old?!" Hearing this, even Simon gasped.

"Senior, isn't the limit of our Domain Master Realm only 50,000 years old?" Xuan De said, not because he didn't believe the old woman surnamed Mu, but it was really unbelievable and hard to believe that breaking the shackles.

"Hehe, you are not children anymore. Don't you understand the truth that each avenue has its own merits? But that's right, most practitioners in the universe focus on avenues such as being good at fighting and assisting. People like me are more suitable for keeping in good health." But it's rare."

The old woman surnamed Mu rubbed the wooden scepter in her hand and laughed.

"I see, this junior has indeed heard some rumors about the Dao of Life, and I heard that some domain masters of the Dao of Life can often live for 100,000 years or even longer.

They themselves are actually living longevity pills. Even if they die, their physical bodies are the things that countless powerful people, even at the demigod level, are incomparably envious of. The life-extending pills refined from the bodies of these Dao of Life powerhouses are the best in the world. Often a single piece of the body of the Dao of Life master can refine a batch of pills with hundreds of pills that can prolong life for thousands of years. "

Xuande recounted some rumors he had heard.

"That's right! It's a pity that there are very few masters of the Dao of Life now, and because countless people are envious of such people, the entire Dao of Life is somewhat incomplete. Now it is estimated that there are only a few powerful Dao of Life in organizations such as the Temple of Gods." God, as for the domain master level of the Dao of Life level, I am afraid it is extremely rare." The old woman surnamed Mu nodded, and she was obviously more aware of this.

"So, senior, your wooden avenue has the effect of prolonging life?" Xuande couldn't help looking at the old woman surnamed Mu eagerly.

"Don't think about it too much, old woman, I can't make any life-extending pills with the Wooden Avenue. The Wooden Avenue can only transform the practitioner himself. Like an old woman, I can live for another 10,000 years at most. Even in terms of life extension It’s far worse than the Avenue of Life.”

"So that's it. Senior, you just said that Senior Haixu... Could it be that Senior Haixu is also over 50,000 years old? But isn't he the way of the water?" Xuande asked confused.

"Yes, this old man can live longer than my wife. He is 78,000 years old. As for why this old man can live so long. One reason is that this old man is very good at hiding. The last time he used force with others was 50,000 years ago.

Secondly, he is proficient in a method of tortoise's breath. Running the method of tortoise's breath can also greatly prolong his life, but this old man doesn't have many years to live. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been born into this world! "The old woman surnamed Mu shook her head with some emotion.

"Senior, since this turtle's breath method is so mysterious, why not..."

"You mean why don't you keep running it all the time? That's not what you said. The method of tortoise's breath is mysterious, but it's not a good way to run it all year round. It is said that running this method can greatly prolong your life, but the time After a long time, the realm also kept falling because of not practicing for many years.

Brother Haixu used to be a real peak master! "

The old woman surnamed Mu sneered.

Hearing this, several people were thoughtful.

"You have to remember that there is no absolute way to prolong life and longevity in this world. If you want to seek longevity, you have to constantly break through the realm of cultivation, fight with the sky and the universe, and compete with the entire universe for longevity!

All the so-called methods of prolonging life are flawed. In fact, if you really count them, doesn't your Xuanwu Sect have a method of prolonging life? "

"Our Xuanwuzong also has it?" Hearing this, everyone in Xuande was taken aback.

"Heh, it looks like that kid Xuanwu didn't tell you guys!" The old woman surnamed Mu became more interested when she saw that the expressions of these people did not seem to be fake.

"You Xuanwuzong do have a life-extending method, but this method is also extremely flawed. It is said that it is the spoils of war that your first generation Xuanwu and Tianshuang ancestors went out to In fact, it is quite tasteless , belongs to mediocrity?"

"Senior, what is the law of mediocrity?"

"Mediocre's method literally means that it is used to extend the life of mediocre people, and it is only used to prolong life at the level of the master of the galaxy below the domain master. The method is somewhat similar to Haixu's turtle breath method, but it is limited to the level of the master of the galaxy.

The connection between the level of the Lord of the Galaxy and the Great Dao is not deep. You only need to find a small space different from the main universe and seal it up, and then use some kind of matching method to seal the body's acupoints in it to plunge yourself into complete silence. A little liveliness of the soul!

This will naturally prolong life, because it is not a domain master, and the rules of the universe are not closely related to it. In a word, it is the so-called avoidance of heavenly secrets. "

The old woman surnamed Mu was chattering, but she seemed to be quite disdainful of this law in her words.

"It's just that this method is very useless. Why would a person with outstanding talents use this method? For a genius star river master to a domain master, it can only span thousands of years, so I say this method is a mediocre method.

And once this method is used, if you come to the main universe from unblocking in the future, you will have to consume vitality every time you use the method. Unless you break through to the domain master, this method is useless.

How about hiding in a small space for tens of thousands of years? If you go out for less than a thousand years, you may squander the life essence that was originally sealed thousands of years ago. The cart before the horse. "

The old woman surnamed Mu shook her head and laughed endlessly.

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