Master of Fist

Chapter 720: swift counterattack

"What's the problem?" Hearing this, the eldest prince looked displeased, and shouted, "Isn't Xu Yang your elder brother? Since my sixth younger brother has done something, he should be punished as he should. Why do you think Xu Yang is your brother?" Yang died when he died?"

"This... this... Your Highness, that's not what it said!" Xu Yue was in a hurry, why did things become like this.

And if this matter gets out, and people know that the servants in his mere prince's mansion dare to torture the sixth prince, he will be terrified.

As for this matter, isn't it just to kill one or two people under the Sixth Prince's command to demonstrate for a while? Why is it like this?

Xu Yue's mind was confused, but he didn't notice that the corners of the eldest prince's lips were slightly upturned at this moment.

"Why didn't you say that? Don't worry, don't be afraid. This prince will support you. Now you can order a few offerings from the audience. This prince allows you to take five offerings. Be sure to give my sixth brother Arrest and bring back!"

The eldest prince's face was determined, and his tone even showed a hint of indisputability.

"It's really unreasonable, my sixth younger brother is getting more and more confused, he dares to attack Xu Yang, it's not only the prince's face, but also my mother's face!

I first Xuyue! You don't want to shame the prince's family, do you? You are also sent by my mother! "

The Eldest Prince's tone was leisurely, his eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at Xu Yue below, making him sweat profusely.

It's over!

Xu Yue's heart has sunk to the bottom at this moment, the development of this matter has been completely distorted from what he expected before, and now she is being roasted by the eldest prince.

"What? Xuyue? Could it be that you are indifferent to your brother's matter, or do you have any opinions on my mother and even this prince?"

"No! I dare not and it is absolutely impossible! This subordinate has no second thoughts towards His Highness and Mistress!" Xu Yue was startled and quickly argued.

"If that's the case, then you can choose someone! Choose someone who is good and set off immediately. This prince must let my sixth younger brother know that he will be punished for making mistakes as soon as possible!" The words of the eldest prince are beyond doubt.

"No!" Xu Yue lowered her head and sighed helplessly.

He was very helpless and confused, he just wanted to remind the eldest prince to give an explanation, but this... alas.

Helpless, Xu Yue had no choice but to raise her head and glance around. Most of the surroundings were domain masters who had just joined the First Prince's command. There were also four who were not, but came from His Highness's mother clan like him. On the one hand, they were monitoring the First Prince. On the one hand, it is also to support the First Prince.

Now those people avoided Xu Yue's eyes one after another, obviously they didn't want to step into this muddy water.

Xu Yue sighed inwardly, he could think that these companions might have pointed at him and scolded him in private.

Scanning around, he randomly selected several excited domain owners. Most of these domain owners hoped to do something beautiful for the eldest prince, so as to win the attention of the eldest prince.

So it wasn't too difficult. Xu Yue chose three early domain masters and one mid-term domain master. In the end, he was about to choose another mid-term domain master, and at this moment the eldest prince spoke.

"Wait! Just in case, there is no need to continue to choose. Let Senior Mu go with you for a while. Don't worry if Senior Mu will follow me!"

Senior Mu was naturally the old woman in the late stage of the domain master who had been bickering with Haishu before. When she heard the appointment, the old woman stood up and cupped her hands with a smile: "Don't worry, my lord, little friend Xuyue will be fine with me."

"Your Highness!" Seeing this, Xu Yue was very moved. It seems that His Highness really has a heart for the mother clan!

Seeing this scene, several people from the Great Prince's mother clan looked sideways at the same time, and they all nodded secretly.

It's just that on the other side that everyone didn't know, Senior Mu said to the eldest prince: "My lord, what should I do?"

"Look for a chance to let Xu Yue die in their hands. In addition, my sixth brother doesn't need to bring him back, just wound his people!"

Hearing these instructions, the old woman surnamed Mu nodded secretly, with a smile on her face.

She guessed right, His Highness really had a deep meaning in what he did this time.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glanced at Haixu next to her, secretly contemptuous in her heart, this stupid old man, no wonder His Highness didn't choose him, and probably knew why this poor old man couldn't figure it out.

"It seems that His Highness has a lot of opinions on his mother clan. Maybe I can use this matter to make His Highness truly treat me as one of my own!"

It's just that she didn't pay attention, and just as she was thinking to herself, the eyes of the first prince and another unattractive person who was selected had a brief eye contact, and everything was said without saying a word.

As the eldest prince said, Xu Yue picked out good people and set off in a hurry.

Take the starship directly through a star gate to the star system of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce. After hundreds of years of operation by Yinliu, it has gradually developed into the largest transportation hub in the Virgo galaxy, and there are many star gates here.

With the help of the star gate here, it took them less than two days to successfully pass through the last star gate and appear in the special administrative star field of the Milky Way.

As the bright galaxy appeared, several people in the main control room cheered up.

"Xuyue, this is the Milky Way. I don't know if His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince is still here?" The person who spoke was a strong early domain master named Xuan Gu in the team of six, and a person named Xuan Wu in the Xuan Ming galaxy. One of the elders of the sect.

In fact, besides Xuan Gu, there is also an elder and a deputy suzerain named Xuan Shang Xuande in this team. It was also a coincidence that all the people Xuanwuzong joined the Great Prince this time were selected by Xu Yang.

As for the other person besides Senior Mu, Simon is an early-stage domain master who wandered to the Virgo supergalactic cluster, and joined a little earlier than them.

"Heh! Regardless of whether the sixth prince is here or not, anyway, this place is the base camp of the lord of the galaxy. If he can't find the sixth prince, he will be attacked!"

Xu Yue sneered, he didn't dare to do anything to the sixth prince, but he still dared to do anything to the master of a small galaxy.

So what if there are three domain masters here? Are there still few big forces joining the First Prince's command? This is not Xuanwuzong is one of them!

The Tianshuang Empire is so vast, there are nearly a hundred of those domain masters recorded on the surface, and these nearly a hundred galaxies with domain masters are often mentioned by the Tianshuang Empire. There are nearly two thousand galaxies.

It can be said that the entire Virgo supercluster has a total of 2,000 galaxies in a strict sense, but there are too many galaxies and the Tianshuang Empire is too lazy to manage or pay attention to them.

Therefore, Xuyue really doesn't pay much attention to the newly rising Milky Way, even if there are three domain masters, so what?

He even had some doubts about the authenticity of the news. His elder brother is a peak existence in the late stage of the domain master level. Even if he loses to the real peak powerhouse, he is much stronger than the old woman surnamed Mu.

Of course, thinking this way is just thinking, he is somewhat cautious, otherwise he would reject the kindness of the eldest prince and let the old woman surnamed Mu accompany him.

Glancing at the old woman surnamed Mu beside him, he felt relieved.

"Not bad! You can take down the Galaxy Lord and others first. How many of these people can kill Director Xuyang does not match their superficial strength. I heard that the Galaxy Lord has only stepped into the domain owner level for hundreds of years? Most likely stepped into the domain long ago. Has the Lord been hiding his clumsiness?" The old woman surnamed Mu said with a smile. She seemed rather relaxed.

"Yes! Indeed, but no matter what, with Senior Mu accompanying me this time, the Galaxy Domain Master can't make waves no matter what!" The domain master-level middle-stage Xuande on the side also echoed with a smile.

Xuanwuzong's trip was actually to make meritorious service, isn't this an obvious meritorious service?

Xuande really didn't believe what would happen if six domain masters were dispatched at once. Even if it loses, it will not fall.

You must know that they have also carefully questioned the merchants along the way, and they also know that Xu Yang fought for a long time when he died. Obviously, at this level of strength, he can fight fiercely for a long time, which means that the difference in strength is not big.

And in the case of one against three, it also means that the opponent must have a domain master level late stage combat power, but it is absolutely impossible to have a peak combat power.

Since it is the late stage, Senior Mu is holding back, and there are still five of them, among whom are still in the middle stage.

And when they came, they also noticed that the three domain owners of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce had not left their star system, so they would be more confident, six against three, what would they lose?

"Since that's the case, there's no need to delay, Senior Mu, and Xuande Xuangu Xuanshang, you follow me to search for the Lord of the Galaxy and others. Simon stays where he is and seals off all star gates, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!" Xu Yue is also a decisive person Immediately issued an order.

Several people quickly mobilized, and Simon took the lead to directly warn everyone in the star field through sound transmission, and at the same time flew to the densely populated star gate to warn the operators to close the star gate immediately.

Almost at the same time, the other five domain masters also erupted their power at the same time to cheer for them, and the terrifying power of the six domain masters swept across the entire star field and even the entire galaxy.

Driven by such a strong will, those responsible for managing the stargates had no choice but to shut down the operation of the stargates, one by one.

"Where is the Lord of the Galaxy Region?! Where is His Highness the Sixth Highness? I am Xu Yue, the eldest prince's servant, and I am here to seek an explanation for Chief Xu Yang!"

Xu Yue spoke, and his voice spread quickly through his will.

In an instant, this majestic voice like a **** appeared in the minds of the entire star field.


A burst of breath exploded, and a figure quickly rose from the main administrative star, and a cold-looking woman leaped out.


"Are you the lord of the Galaxy?" Seeing that it was a woman, Xu Yue couldn't help asking.

"Master of the Galaxy Region?" Qingyue Liu frowned slightly when she heard the other party's question, and her cold eyes scanned the group of people in front of her, and her heart skipped a beat.

There were actually six domain masters coming.

"I'm not the lord of the Milky Way region. What are you looking for from the lord? What are you looking for from your highness?" After saying this, Qingyue had already sent a sound transmission to Jiang Heng's incarnation to report the situation here.

She endured the coercion of the opponent's six domain masters, and her face was not very good. The injury hadn't healed, but at this moment, a stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Aren't you? Where is the Lord of the Galaxy? Where is His Highness the Sixth Prince?"

Seeing the other party's appearance, Xu Yue and the others nodded inwardly, which confirmed their guess that the other party's besieged and killed a domain master was indeed seriously injured in the later stage.

As for the Lord of the Galaxy, I'm afraid he is secretly licking his wounds somewhere now, right?

Just where is the other one?

"Why should I tell you?" Wen Yan Qingyue suppressed the coercion and snorted coldly.

"Okay! If you don't say it, then I will take you first!"

Xu Yue was annoyed, and didn't bother to waste any more words. He took the lead, and quickly approached the opponent with a stretch of figure, and grabbed the opponent.

Seeing this Qingyue's figure was about to move, but just as she moved, a voice sounded in her mind.

"Don't resist! Don't use space means, I'll come soon!" It was an incarnation of Jiang Heng who spoke, and Qingyue froze immediately when she heard this, and she didn't move and let herself be taken into the opponent's hands.

Feeling the severe pain in her neck, Qingyue gritted her teeth and remained silent.

"Oh, still refuse to say? You call the Lord of the Galaxy Region, is it possible that your Lord is not the sixth prince, or that you are loyal to the Lord of the Galaxy Region, and the Lord of the Galaxy Region is loyal to the Sixth Prince?" Xu Yue said to Qingyue just now. The name is a bit confusing.

"The master is the master! Your highness is your highness! Why do you care?" Qingyue sneered.

"Well, you sharp-toothed woman, I just don't know if the Lord of the Galaxy will appear if I kill you!"

Xu Yue sneered, he had already moved to kill, because the person in front of him was one of those who killed his brother, and he killed first to earn interest.

The palm of his hand was hard, and then his whole arm became extremely red, like a piece of iron containing extremely high temperature, the terrible high temperature instantly began to burn Qingyue's neck, and it also brought the strength of Xuyue's hand.

Under the severe pain, Qingyue began to struggle violently, and the other party seemed to want to torture her to death, and she was not in a hurry or even lightened her strength, only using the power of flames to keep burning.

Seeing this, the other five people had different expressions, and the three of Xuanwuzong all looked regretful. They wished that they were the ones who pinched each other, because this opponent was too weak, and it was simply an easy-to-get credit. As for the old woman surnamed Mu and Simon, they were expressionless and just watched coldly.


Qingyue has already started to let out a series of shrill screams. The terrifying high temperature scorched every inch of her skin. Her skin was quickly scorched black, her hair was burned long ago, and her whole body and appearance, which was not bad at first, were almost gone. In the blink of an eye, she becomes as dry as black Unable to use the power of space to defend, she is as vulnerable as the master of the galaxy facing the domain master.


At this moment, a burst of shouting rushed towards Xuyue with terrifying energy and blood.


Caught off guard, Xu Yue's whole body was directly targeted, and this torrential force caused him to fly backwards, and he was stopped only when the old woman surnamed Mu behind him held her with a cane.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and he felt dizzy, the blood in his body surged, and his breath was a little sluggish.

"So strong physical strength, are you the Lord of the Galaxy?"

The old woman surnamed Mu opened a slit in her sleep-like eyes, and looked at the burly man in black robe who suddenly appeared in the distance.

"Fortunately, it didn't hurt the foundation!" Jiang Heng ignored the old woman surnamed Mu, and held Qingyue with one hand, and a force of energy and blood poured in to sort out the injuries in the opponent's body.

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