Master of Fist

Chapter 712: A First Look at the Avenue of Time

Xu Yang didn't care, his eyes were full of madness, he knew that after self-destructing the star, he would die.

But there is no way, he can only do this, because otherwise, the star will be chopped to pieces by that terrifying knife.

The result of the two is the same. He has to die, but he was cut off from the stars. He can temporarily suppress the power of distortion and his realm is low. He can barely survive, but can he really survive?

If the knife can cut him once, can't it cut him a second time?

So let's die together!

At least he blew himself up and voluntarily merged into the power of distortion. He could kill the group of people in front of him before his consciousness was completely assimilated and deformed by countless consciousnesses!

Why many powerful and powerful people in the universe do not easily fight for their lives is also the reason why there are such crazy people.

When there is not too much difference in strength, fighting to the death is actually a very risky thing, because there is no guarantee that the opponent will voluntarily deform, and it is not clear whether you can still kill or contain the opponent after the opponent is deformed.

Once the deformed mutant cannot be killed or contained, it is very likely that he will be assimilated by the opponent, which will also intensify the process of distortion.

"Die to me!"

Xu Yang's face is full of resentment. He is a powerful late-stage master of the domain. Although he integrated into the star with the help of military equipment, even though he is cut off from the road of demigod, he doesn't care. He can become one of the demigods. It is also good to be the first person.

But all of this was ruined by these guys in front of him.

His Royal Highness's subordinates are slaves and servants. All these things he finally got, someone is going to destroy them now. How can we not make him go crazy?

Constantly distorted, the big hand turned into countless squirming muscle masses and rushed towards Jiang Heng in front of him. The speed was dozens of times faster than Jiang Heng's full-strength explosion.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Jiang Heng wanted to dodge, but it was too late. The ball in his body is on the verge of exploding, and he has no choice but to suppress his energy with all his strength, so why should he care about other things?

Jiang Heng's eyes widened, but at this moment, in a place where no one noticed, the Time Knife that was about to chop stars but was cut in vain seemed to notice something.

I saw it turning in mid-air, and the time around it seemed to sink into the mud instantly when it was flying, becoming extremely slow.

The blade trembled slightly for a while, and the next moment the blade suddenly pierced through something and disappeared in place.

At the same time, on the scene, Xu Yang's movements suddenly stopped, and then a very strange scene happened. The originally aggressive and distorted endless big hands of flesh rushed towards Jiang Heng like a wave.

But in the next moment, all these distorted pieces of flesh disappeared, but almost everyone saw that Xu Yang's right arm was gone.


It just disappeared, disappeared, and it should be said that it never appeared.

"No! How is this possible?!"

Xu Yang let out a terrifying roar, only he knew that an inexplicable memory appeared in his mind just now.

This extra memory happened when he was being slaughtered by the other party's space restriction, that moment was when he was most powerless, and at that moment, a knife light suddenly appeared in his memory, and it passed quickly, Cut off his right arm directly.

Xu Yang didn't know what was going on, he was very clear about this **** memory, it had never happened before, but just as this memory came to his mind, this incident really happened in the past .

Because of this, the past affected the present, and his right arm was broken.

"no no!!"


Accompanied by another wave of memory, his head was broken, and this memory quickly emerged.

It was still what happened immediately after his right arm was chopped off, the saber light reappeared and cut off his neck directly, just at the time when he was most powerless due to space constraints.

At this time, even the distortion force produced by his self-detonation disappeared, because the knife had killed him in the past not long ago, just before he self-detonated, so it was impossible to detonate the star above his head.

And that star was temporarily stabilized by Xuyang's Lieyang armor that had been integrated into his shoulders, so nothing unusual happened, and all crises disappeared so quickly.

What happened one after the other was so abrupt that Jiang Heng couldn't see it even though he was suppressing the ball in his body.

He only saw that the opponent was about to kill him, but the opponent's hand was gone in the next second, and the opponent's head was also gone in the next second.

At the same time, two more memories suddenly appeared in Jiang Heng's mind. It was when Xu Yang was restrained that the sword light suddenly appeared and killed Xu Yang.

Jiang Heng remembered very clearly that this memory should not have existed before. It can be said that he saw the two endings of Xuyang in a short period of time.

The former is that the other party blew himself up and would drag Jiang Heng to die together. The latter is because the other party was killed by the Time Knife before he blew himself up.


With a pleasant piercing sound, the Time Knife appeared out of thin air again, but this time Jiang Heng clearly saw the dark color on the surface of the Time Knife, which seemed to have been consumed a lot. .

"go in!"

Seeing Guangyin Knife rubbing against his hand with the back of the knife like a child asking for credit, Jiang Heng grinned, patted the back of the knife and laughed.

The Time Knife should have been exhausted, it trembled slightly and quickly turned into a blade of light and penetrated into the gourd. Seeing this, Jiang Heng quickly covered the gourd, and at the same time activated the large array of nourishing Time Knife in the gourd.

After this battle, Jiang Heng was amazed by the transformation of the Time Knife.

"Already have the ability to cut people in the past? Doesn't it mean that this knife is more worthy of the name than the original Time Knife?"

Jiang Heng remembered that he had heard the rumors about the Time and Yin Knife before, because this Time and Yin Knife was refined by a Daoist who also practiced time and space, that is, the Lord of the Galaxy.

Therefore, this knife has the ability to travel through space and slightly control the speed of time. weapons.

Relying on the advantages of space shuttle and speeding up and slowing down the flow of time, this allows Time Knife to directly exert its speed to the extreme. It can be said that the speed is probably the strongest below the domain master.

But as Jiang Heng broke through to the domain master level, even the full version of the Time Knife was just an interesting toy in Jiang Heng's eyes.

But I didn't expect that, under the full operation and cultivation of the god-killing gourd, the time knife was not only completely repaired, but also transformed into a weapon that was faintly comparable to the peak level of the domain master level.

Cut the past, what about cutting the future?

"Wait! Could it be that the master of the Avenue of Time has the ability to travel through time and cut people into the past and the future?" Jiang Heng suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

Jiang Heng has always been curious about this, because this one is very mysterious.

"No! I have seen the horror of time now. It seems that this old boy Changsheng still has a lot of clumsiness about what happened back then!" Jiang Heng snorted coldly in his heart, he knew that seven or eight of the ten sentences of this old boy only I'm afraid it's all fake.

Right now, it is only the time means of the domain master level. As long as it is used, it can easily kill a master who is comparable to the peak level in the later stage of the domain master level. What about the time avenue cultivator at the demigod level?

If it is really like the ancestor of Changsheng who can rely on many years of cards, Jiang Heng feels that it is not so simple.

"Normally speaking, the combat power of the demigods of the Avenue of Time should be several times stronger than that of the same level. Their strength lies in their treacherous time, which is hard to guard against.

Even if the Longevity Patriarch stepped into a low-level demigod back then and wanted to hit a time demigod head-on, he must still hide a huge secret. This secret may be the last trump card hidden by this old boy, right? "

Sometimes Jiang Heng really admires this old boy, just now he saw clearly that this old boy has abandoned his cultivation one after another, as if desperately trying to hold back the opponent.

I have to say that just because of his acting skills, if this was Jiang Heng in his previous life, he would definitely give him a golden statuette.

It's just that Jiang Heng didn't notice that at this moment, the ancestor of Changsheng looked at Jiang Heng as if he had seen a ghost.

"The aura of the Dao of Time? This kid's knife is weird! This guy is comparable to a fake demigod weapon. Where did he get it?"

The Patriarch Changsheng was extremely horrified in his heart. He found that since he woke up and met Jiang Heng, the shock in the 700,000 years has not been as much as in this period of time.

"Hey! No, there is a problem in his body!"

Suddenly following Jiang Heng gradually unable to suppress the situation in his body, the Longevity Patriarch also keenly noticed something was wrong.

"Little friend Jiang, do you want to help?" the Longevity Patriarch asked loudly.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Heng didn't say a word. On the one hand, he was afraid that the Longevity Patriarch would not be able to make a sound in time; On the Flame Avenue.

Damn, can the ball recover this time?

Seeing the ball in his body that was almost riddled with holes and about to collapse completely, Jiang Heng's heart was constantly pounding. He had never encountered this kind of situation before, and he didn't know what would happen once the ball was about to shatter. matter.

Regardless of other things, at least Jiang Heng felt that there was a 90% probability that something unfavorable to him would happen.

"Little friend Jiang! Although the old man doesn't know how you can temporarily accommodate this person, the Dao of Flame, but the old man sees that something is wrong with you. I'm afraid that if the Dao of Flame in your body is not relieved, your body and even your soul are in danger of being burned!"

The long-lived ancestor's leisurely voice sounded again.

"Nonsense! If I had known, I would have done it earlier!" Now Jiang Heng replied, but the speed of his speech was extremely fast. Obviously, he was forced to blurt out a rebuttal when he said such a sentence.

"Why don't you send this person's Flame Avenue back to his star? Oh, by the way, the old man forgot that you haven't sacrificed this kind of star, and once you have sacrificed one, you can't sacrifice it again. If you want to send the flame avenue in your body back to this star, you have to do it yourself by the owner of this star.

It's a pity that he died, and at this time, he couldn't find any genius who could smelt stars and just broke through to the domain master. "

The Longevity Patriarch shook his head repeatedly as he spoke. He felt that the probability could be described as zero point zero zero zero zero anyway with many zeros behind it.

Not to mention hopeless, at least this kind of genius just happened to appear here. The Longevity Patriarch felt that it was completely impossible. After all, it would take tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years for an entire supergalactic cluster to melt the existence of stars without resorting to external forces. It's hard to come up with one.

Once it appears, such a genius will often be accepted as a personal disciple by the demigod powerhouse of the local super galaxy cluster. In the eyes of demigods, being able to smelt stars is equivalent to having a demigod qualification certificate, and there is some hope to step into demigod in the future.

"Yes! Sacrifice the stars!"

Hearing the words of the ancestor of longevity, Jiang Heng suddenly thought of something, his red eyes swept away and soon fixed on the star suspended on the headless corpse.

Because there are blazing sun armors stabilizing it at all times, this star is still quietly controlled by the pair of horn-like blazing sun armors.


Jiang Heng made up his mind in an instant, roared, and golden light appeared all over his body. The next moment, a brown giant ape with millions of meters in length was suspended in the void, biting and sucking at the star with its huge mouth and swallowing it into its belly.

When the star, which was only the size of a grain of dust in the eyes of the great ape, detached from the armor, it also began to expand rapidly, and seemed to be recovering its original incomparably huge body at an extremely fast speed.

However, the giant ape didn't give it the chance to recover its size and directly swallowed it into its stomach.

As the star enters the belly, the whole body is like adding fuel to the fire.

The advantage is that the avenue of flames in the sphere seems to be drawn, and it starts to flow towards the stars consciously, without the previous mania, and it seems to be much more regular.

"No! The situation of the ball is still not alleviated, unless I completely sacrifice this star!" Jiang Heng tried hard to think about the countermeasures.

At this time, the ancestor of longevity who saw Jiang Heng swallowing the star without warning seemed to have recovered from the shock.

"Are you crazy? It's not like that if you want to haven't sacrificed the planet yet, right?"

As if thinking of something extremely inconceivable and absurd, Patriarch Changsheng's eyes widened as if he was waiting for Jiang Heng's answer.

But soon he sensed from the flow of breath in Jiang Heng's body that the other party was indeed trying to sacrifice planets.

So this kid broke through to the domain master for hundreds of years and hasn't sacrificed stars yet? !

The Longevity Patriarch really wanted to say something to vent his The first thing he really wanted to say besides scolding his mother was, do you kid completely ignore the rules of this world?

Te Niang is really talented. She has broken through the domain master for hundreds of years and hasn't sacrificed the planet yet, so she hasn't been deformed. It's a hell!

The Ancestor Changsheng was suddenly curious about Jiang Heng's body structure. He wondered if there was something special about this kid's body, that he could survive for hundreds of years without the need for the planet to bear the force of distortion?

"Borrow this weapon to temporarily suppress the power of Xingxing's rage. This thing is obviously an excellent thing for cultivating Xingxing's assistant, but it was ruined by this guy as a trick, idiot!"

Speaking of which, the ancestor of longevity came to Xuyang's headless corpse, and kicked the whole corpse, including the horn-like Lieyang weapon on his shoulder, to Jiang Heng.

Holding the corpse, Jiang Heng took a deep look at the ancestor Changsheng without saying anything, and directly pulled the pair of horns from Xuyang's shoulder with the other hand.

This thing was fused with Xuyang's flesh and blood, so the way it was pulled out was very bloody. Fortunately, Xuyang died, otherwise he would have to jump up in pain.

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