Master of Fist

Chapter 683: i have 1 sword

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A1 planet—

This is a relatively special way of naming planets in the special zone star field of the Milky Way. This planet is also special, because it is the largest planet after the main star of the special zone star field, and there are even a few tiny satellites nearby.

This planet is the planet where the Tianshuang Empire is stationed. There are the Tianshuang Empire's embassy and the Tianshuang Empire's royal palace here.

Of course, it is not because the Tianshuang royal family has nothing to do to come here to live here, but an image project that a subordinate civilization must do to the suzerain civilization.

In addition, there are many envoys' villas and luxurious houses, which are not only provided for envoys, but also for Tianshuang merchants and civilians to have a temporary foothold here for vacation and business.

As for the construction of these houses, the Tianshuang Empire is responsible for it, and the Luohui Empire only needs to provide materials.

At this time, almost half of the buildings on the A1 planet have been built, and there is no need for the envoys to do it. The envoys of the nearby affiliated civilizations rushed to help complete the construction.

At this moment, many members of the imperial envoys have settled in the largest embassy.

"This lord of the Galaxy Region is so arrogant that he doesn't even give the eldest prince face! I think the prison will report this matter to the eldest prince when I get back to give this barbarian some color!"

A thin voice sounded in the slightly empty and luxurious embassy.

I saw a slightly thin, feminine old man wearing a blue robe with a beautiful Frost family crest on the back and cursed in a high-pitched voice.

"Hey, blue-clothed ancestor, you are so right, you can't be spoiled with barbarians from this kind of frontier land." Hearing this, a middle-aged feminine man wearing a green robe and donating some snow behind his back smiled. echoed.

The Tianshuang Empire's auditing and supervision system is divided into four levels: white clothes, blue clothes, green clothes, and green clothes.

Among them, there are three people in white clothes, and one person is responsible for the emperor's seal and the screening and review of some reports from various places for the emperor to check for gaps.

One person is in charge of the emperor's internal affairs, managing the imperial internal affairs and court etiquette and other matters of the court. His authority in the palace is only lower than that of the emperor and empress.

The last person is in charge of monitoring the officials, which is equivalent to the eyes and ears of the emperor, and is somewhat similar to the intelligence department collecting all the detailed information, with a huge number of people under his command.

As for the blue clothes, they are not as good. There are twelve people in the blue clothes, and they belong to three different adults in white clothes.

For example, the one in front of you belongs to the one in white who manages the emperor's internal affairs, but was assigned by Lord Baiyi to the First Prince's command a hundred years ago to be responsible for managing the affairs of the First Prince's Mansion.

"That's right! Ancestor in blue, you don't know that Lu Yixin was so unreasonable a few days ago. Instead of arguing with him, I would draw my sword and attack the little ones without saying a word. The power and power would not put you in the place of the old ancestor. Eyes!"

Another grandson in Tsing Yi complained to Lan Yi.

Listening to the complaints of the grandchildren, Lan Yi's old face became more and more ugly.

Click click click!

The pair of exquisitely carved jade **** held by Lan Yi and played with them turned into powder in an instant under the vigor.

"Too much deceit!"

Gritting his teeth, Lan Yi got up and started pacing back and forth in the house.

He also knows a thing or two about what happened to his grandsons recently, and he also knows that his dry grandchildren are not good birds.

But who would dare to complain when they heard that the inspectors were arrogant outside?

Listening to the inspector walking outside represents the Tianshuang royal family, and even more so His Majesty!

Many affiliated forces also know that they are not easy to mess with. They listen to the inspector's work abroad. When are these forces not respectful?

Even if the domain master is able to face them, he has to be polite and dare not offend them, and more is to win over them.

This is back to the Milky Way for good.

It is said that only this star field is stipulated for its activities. From Lan Yi's point of view, this is detention.

That's all, whoever said that it was the sixth prince who was sent as an envoy before, since there is such a rule for the time being, he will bear it if he endures it.

But why does a small star field chief officer dare to treat them, envoys from the upper kingdom, like this?

And to go to the capital city of this galaxy, it is necessary to make an appointment and report in advance? What does it mean?

This is not paying attention to his blue clothes, let alone the Tianshuang royal family.

Just when Lan Yi was furious, a man in green hurried in from outside, and this person came to Lan Yi and whispered a few words.

Hearing the report from his grandson, Lan Yi couldn't help but snort coldly.

"Old ancestor in blue, but Lu Yixin is back?" Seeing the change in Lan Yi's expression, several Tsing Yis beside him couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hmph! Lu Yixin and the other Galaxy Lords are here, heh, it's only now, it's a pity that it's too late!"

With a cold snort, Lan Yi stood up with a flick of his sleeves.

Half an hour later, when Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin sat in the waiting room of the Tianshuang Empire's embassy for nearly several hours, the old man in blue came late with a few god-clothed grandsons.

Lan Yi stepped in, and he couldn't help frowning as he swept away his casual breath.

"It's not that Jiang Heng, the lord of the Galaxy Region, has arrived. Why is he not here even though the prison is here?"

The old man in blue seems to be asking about the grandson behind him, but everyone knows who he is asking.

Hearing that the **** was so pretentious when he first arrived, Jiang Heng was not only not annoyed, but showed a smile on his face.

Lu Yixin frowned slightly and was about to speak, but one of them, Tsing Yi, spoke first: "Old Ancestor, that one is Lord Domain Master!"

Speaking of this, Tsing Yi smiled and pointed in Jiang Heng's direction.

"Pseudo domain master?" Hearing this, Lan Yi's face clearly revealed a hint of contempt.

"When will the pseudo domain masters in our Tianshuang Empire be granted the title of master of a line?"

These words were a bit embarrassing, but the blue-clothed old man didn't finish, he continued to hum softly: "This envoy is too blind, and the false domain master actually conferred the title.

By the way, who was the envoy who was conferred on him before? "

"Going back to the ancestors, it's Su Tesu's worship!" Tsing Yi hurriedly agreed.

"Hmph! It turned out to be the old dog next to His Highness the Sixth Highness. His old eyes are dizzy. Could it be that he doesn't know that the fake domain master is just a big soldier in the imperial city?"

The blue-clothed old man continued to speak strangely, his words were exaggerated on purpose,

In fact, the fake domain master is also a master in the Tianshuang Imperial City, not to mention being the head of the elite army, and the deputy head is still possible.

After all, the fake domain master is not a Chinese cabbage, as one of the few blue-clothed eunuchs in the entire Tianshuang Empire, he is only a pseudo domain master.

After saying so much, after waiting for a while, the old man in blue was surprised to find that the two people on the opposite side were very calm, especially the Galaxy Lord who always had a smile on his face, but the smile was a bit permeable.

"Why, the Lord of the Galaxy domain has heard so much, didn't he think about explaining it at all?"

The old man in blue frowned displeasedly.

Hearing that Jiang Heng glanced at Lu Yixin, Lu Yixin narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately shouted, "Presumptuous!"

The sound was like thunder on the ground, and the rolling sound was like thunder resounding in the empty house.

"You..." The old man in blue was stunned, what kind of routine is this?

When had he been treated like this before? Just as he was about to speak, the other party yelled again.

"What are you? According to the rules of the empire, the sub-civilization conferring domain lord is strictly speaking the border minister of the Tianshuang Empire, but a second-rank official? You are a blue-clothed eunuch, at best a third-rank, what are you? Let the master of the domain answer your words!"

As soon as these words came out, the blue-clothed old man's old face turned green and pale.

It is true to say so, but who doesn't know how foreign officials compare with Beijing officials? What's more, these conferring domain masters are half-acquainted, and their supervisors are not only Beijing officials but also imperial officials! It is an existence that officials from other places cannot afford to provoke.

And the other party's mouth was eunuch, like an awl piercing the old heart of the old man in blue.

"" For a while, the old man in blue was so angry that he pointed at Lu Yixin with trembling hands.

"What are you?! I want to talk to the domain owner and ask your white clothes to come over! What are you!"

Lu Yixin also became ruthless. He who doesn't talk too much ruthless has had a good time scolding today. He was very aggrieved some time ago. These envoys of the Tianshuang Empire can't be beaten or scolded. With Lu Yixin's early temper can bear,

But after taking a new path one after another, and opening up six seas of energy, he still can't bear it!

"Bold!! Do you know who this prison is!"

Finally, the blue-clothed old man couldn't take it anymore, he swung his sleeves, and his whole body erupted with the terrifying power of a false domain master.

Unlike the Lord of the Galaxy, the Pseudo-Domain Master is strictly just a matter of sacrificing planets.

In fact, the peak master of the galaxy can also be called a fake domain master, but the old man in blue obviously belongs to the former. Apart from being unable to release the domain and the means of the domain master, his strength is obviously much higher than that of the peak master of the galaxy.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped in time as soon as he moved, and instead looked aside Lu Yixin.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yixin cursed secretly, and now he understood that Jiang Heng just wanted to take this opportunity to see his strength.

Sighing secretly in his heart, the next moment Lu Yixin got up, he saw that his aura suddenly rose.

Seeing this scene, the old man in blue smiled.

"Haha, Lu Yixin, you are just a mere lord of the galaxy, even if you are close to the peak level of the lord of the galaxy, compared to the fake lord, you should let the lord of the galaxy come!"

The old man in blue laughed, this time he didn't just want to teach Lu Yixin a lesson, but he wanted to teach Lu Yixin and Jiang Heng a lesson together.

"Hmph! A barbarian is a barbarian. I used to live in a remote place before, thinking that with a little power, I can underestimate the strength of the imperial warriors?"

The old man in blue was very confident, not in himself, but actually in some of the superior martial arts collected by the royal family.

These eunuchs who listen to the sky are actually royal family slaves. Except for some core martial arts of the royal family, they can watch the high-quality martial arts in the royal family at will.

In the past, it wasn't that no one provoked them to listen to and monitor Tianwei, but they were often pushed to the ground and rubbed against the same level.

How can a native of a galaxy compare with the countless superior martial arts of the Tianshuang Empire, which has been passed down for nearly a million years?

I saw a big hand of the old man in blue, and a huge illusory palm quickly condensed from above him. The palm was full of infinite heavenly power, as if this palm was the sky!

Seeing this scene, even the incarnation of Jiang Heng who was sitting firmly beside him couldn't help but nodded.

I didn't expect this **** to just use a secret technique!

Jiang Heng could see clearly that this was a secret technique that was almost similar to Xingyun Palm, but it exploded with increased vigor.

"If this secret technique is used by Lu Yixin, it may be several times more powerful."

He murmured in his heart that the nature of the secret technique in front of him was similar to that of Xingyun Palm's ability to increase physical strength, but it's a pity that the energy in this eunuch's body was only at the level of an ordinary pseudo-domain master.

Rao is so powerful with the eruption of this secret method at this moment, which is not inferior to the ordinary domain master's casual blow!


Jiang Heng lamented that he was worthy of being the arm of a great power, and a family of slaves and eunuchs all had such secret skills.

"It depends on how Lu Yixin responds!" Jiang Heng was already ready to rescue the scene in time.

At this time, Lu Yixin, who saw this scene, not only did not have any timidity, but was full of fighting spirit, and fierce sword intent burst out from his body.

"I have long thought that you, an old dog, are not pleasing to the eye, and today Lu will show you what a sword is!"

With a long howl, Lu Yixin was suspended in mid-air, his robes were windless, and his sleeves were full of sword intent.

I saw him take a deep breath, and those scattered sword intents converged into the invisible again, and even the aura emanating from his body quickly weakened.

"Hmph! Pretending to be a ghost, die for me!"

The blue-clothed old man snorted coldly, if he killed this guy with a slap now, it would be because he didn't know what to do.

The palm was pressed down suddenly, and a surge of force exploded in an instant. With the palm as the center, an invisible shock wave spread out instantly.

The next moment, the breath of destruction swept across the planet, and the embassy and many buildings that had been built with great difficulty were reduced to ruins in an instant.

The big hand was still pressing down, and the terrifying force became more and more obvious as he continued to press down, and even the space became extremely viscous.

At this moment, almost everyone on this planet has come to a standstill, as if imprisoned by an invisible force.

Except for Jiang Qiu, who kept smiling and watching all this, and Lu Yixin, who was still accumulating his sword power.

"Fanxin only pierces the sun, and sword energy vainly destroys Lingyun!"

A soft moan came out of Lu Yixin's mouth, and suddenly an extreme fear seemed to be brewing rapidly. This kind of power has diluted a lot, such as the palm of Tianwei.

Seeing the complexion of the old man in blue changed slightly, the energy in his palm surged violently again.

"Destroy Tianxin Palm!"

The prestige suddenly increased, and at this time, many envoys of affiliated civilization forces in outer space had already noticed the vision here.

In their field of vision, they saw a phantom of an old man in blue on the surface of planet A1. The phantom was huge, and the planet A1 in front of them was just a small ball in front of him.

And this phantom is pressing down with a If this palm completely touches the surface of the planet, there is no doubt that the planet will definitely burst open more brittle than an egg.

"Qianxing welcomes the sword energy, Wanyu opens with a sword!"

As soon as these words came out, a bright white light flew out from the center of Lu Yixin's eyebrows. It was a sword bathed in extremely concentrated energy!

A sword sacrificed the world to change color, and the endless sword energy was like the smallest particles in the world surging, turbulent, and boiling, and finally turned into a torrent of sword energy and flowed upward.

"Open it for me!"

Lu Yixin yelled loudly, his voice was like thunder, he had cultivated a sword for ten years, and when the sword came out, the sky and the earth changed color.

Even Jiang Heng couldn't help being solemn at this moment. this...domain? Sword domain?

no... no...

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