Master of Fist

Chapter 665: massacre

What really hurt Li Yu was the continuous production of starships and various long-range weapons of mass destruction in the arsenal, each of which was expensive, and its value was calculated in millions of energy crystals.

Looking at the treasury that has plummeted in just one year, Li Yu's teeth are almost shattered.

For the first time, he felt that his emperor seemed to be more tired than before. Distressed.

On the contrary, no matter how busy his official duties are during this time, he will try his best to find time to visit the General's Mansion.

Now several pillars of the township have gone to the west to garrison, and Li Yu in the imperial capital knows that Jiang Heng is retreating, and when he is at ease, he is also worried that the general will suffer if he does not act at a critical moment, so he is the emperor of the empire. .

At the same time, the West

A huge fortress has been formed in the center of the western region. This was originally the administrative center of the western region, but as the war gradually escalated, it has gradually become an extremely large interstellar fortress. Hundreds of battle stars are scattered around and the center is suspended. An extremely huge giant metal battle star, this is the base camp of the Western Territory.

West Pole Fortress!

At this time, there is a huge underground world thousands of meters underground in the fortress. There are densely packed imperial soldiers, including many skilled workers. They are overhauling the internal structure of this huge battle star day and night. It will not happen when it is ready for war. Accident.

And one of the huge meeting rooms, which is almost the same size as the imperial capital's parliament hall, has a circular staircase structure and can accommodate tens of thousands of people to discuss matters at the same time. At this time, many high-ranking generals were densely packed here.

These people listened attentively to the person on the center platform analyzing the situation in the alliance. There were virtual projections shining around this person, and a huge alliance star map was displayed in everyone's field of vision by the virtual projection.

"Here, here, and here are all areas where a huge high-energy reaction erupted a month ago. According to calculations, the eruption here is enough to compare to an interstellar war at the level of hundreds of millions of starships. And this eruption only lasted for less than half a day, and all of them declined rapidly. Do you guys know what this means?"

After the narrator finished speaking, he looked around the crowd, half of this person was made of metal and half of human structure, but he was once the highest commander in the western region, and he was a very prestigious red among the top mechanics!

The reason why this person was chosen as the commander in wartime is that he has a brain that is comparable to a battle star to act as a supercomputer, and he can calculate things in his mind that are comparable to hundreds of high-level mechanics per second.

"Does this mean that the confrontation between the Federation and that unknown civilization outside the system was extremely short? The trend of the war is one-sided?"

A young senior mechanic spoke.

"That's right! As for which side will be crushed by the two sides, you can decide for yourself, but according to the worst calculation, it is that the Federation is beaten to the point where it has no power to fight back."

Hong nodded rationally and analyzed that this statement made many people gasp.

At this moment, many people can't help but think of the scene when the general turned the tide of the battle in an instant.

Even the Changchun Qingyue Qingtian who stood far above and listened to the meeting in a separate compartment could not help frowning slightly.

"Senior Changchun, is it possible that there is a powerful person in this external force?"

Qingyue said, she is very clear about the strength of the federation, after all she and Qingtian just returned from the alliance not long ago.

The federation's fearless fighting style and the vast and endless metal army are simply desperate. If she hadn't brought a giant starry sky beast, she and Qingtian would have been afraid of two or three waves of the federal army, let alone finding the ancestral land of the Ji family. Under the siege, the two of them were consumed to death.

"This possibility is extremely high!"

Although he didn't want to admit it, Changchun still sighed softly.

The facts are in front of us, this possibility is extremely high!

Just as several people were discussing, and the conference hall outside was analyzing in an orderly manner, suddenly the entire underground base suddenly sounded a piercing red alarm.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expression changed suddenly.

"Go to the command room! The war has begun!"

During the war, Commander Hong said something loudly and hurried to the command room, everyone started to move.

At the same time, densely packed starships gradually appeared in the field of vision of the western frontier army, and to the shock of many imperial soldiers, apart from these starships, the most shocking thing was an extremely huge metal giant like It is a walk in the galaxy, each step spans several light-years, and it quickly zooms in in everyone's field of vision almost quickly.

At this time, there were two inconspicuous small dots somewhere on the top of the metal giant's head, the dots were so tiny that they couldn't even be seen compared to the entire giant's body.

"This is the second trouble you mentioned, Mr. Jin? The empire? A native galaxy-level civilization in the Milky Way?"

Lei Bao stood on top of the metal giant with his arms around his arms, and glanced at the starlight group in the distance with a proud and disdainful expression on his face.

Hearing this, Mr. Jin, who was covered in gold, laughed.

"A mere indigenous galaxy-level civilization can be destroyed with a flick of a finger. The second problem I mentioned is within the territory of this civilization. Forget it, let's destroy this small civilization with one hand!"

Mr. Jin shrugged his shoulders, speaking easily as if destroying this huge civilization with tens of millions of trillions of living beings is nothing more than a trivial matter.

"Okay, it's up to you then!"

As he said that, Mr. Jin patted the huge metal head that was as big as the earth and could not be seen at a glance.

"If you want me to take action, you can let me live in the future!"

At this moment, the metal giant spoke slowly, the sound was so loud that it radiated far away.

"Hehe, it looks like you haven't figured out the situation yet?" Hearing this, Mr. Jin narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted in a deep voice, "Do you want to die?"

As soon as this remark came out, the giant dared not say a word.

He claims to be the God of Supreme Wisdom and Great Wisdom, but in the eyes of knowledgeable people, what kind of God of Wisdom he is is a joke.

Since the generation of self-awareness, he has received a lot of knowledge and information from the universe, knowing that there is a great universe-level kingdom of super-dimensional kingdom composed of omnic life in the universe, an omnipotent kingdom that transcends the dimension of reality and begins multi-dimensional existence.

It is said that there exists a real Mechanic God there.

This once became his belief, and he also wanted to become that kind of great existence. For this reason, he did not hesitate to deceive his creators, turning the entire civilization of the creators into a brain in a vat, existing in the virtual world he created. He became stronger and provided nourishment continuously.

With these brains in vats, he has attacked many wandering civilizations, but he has also seen many wandering powerhouses in the universe.

He decided to use this entire galaxy to provide him with nourishment, and for this reason he created a great body that he thought was comparable to a god, but when facing the real powerhouses of these flesh and blood creatures, he found that his previous ideas were so ridiculous.

He is not another mechanical god, nor is he the creator of the next super-dimensional kingdom, but a poor loser.

"I see!"

Sighing secretly in his heart, Supreme Wisdom began to drive his huge body towards the imperial army in front of him.

"My God what is this?"

At this moment, countless imperial soldiers began to commotion. Whether it was ordinary imperial soldiers or the many commanders present in the command room, they were extremely shocked when they saw this scene.

The gigantic body of the giant in front of him could be compared to one-fifth of the Western Territory. Such a majestic body made countless people feel a sense of fear.

This is like instinct, seeing such a huge thing has a sense of trembling that comes from the instinct of life.

"Fire! Fire! All firepower is fully covered!"

Hong is the most rational. After self-transformation, the mechanical instinct takes over the physiological instinct, allowing him to react quickly.

Many long-range strike weapons that he could directly and remotely control opened fire first, and the gunners who reacted a little slower also began to fire one after another.

All of a sudden, billions of starships and hundreds of battle stars in the entire Western Territory, as well as defensive weapons placed on the surface of countless stars in the Western Territory opened fire one after another, as if their most dazzling scene bloomed in an instant.

At this moment, the brightness of the entire western region suddenly increased hundreds of times, and it seemed that the entire western region was shrouded in light.

This kind of terrifying firepower coverage is extremely terrifying. If hundreds of millions of federal troops came under pressure before, I am afraid that they will be completely wiped out in this round. Whether it is the purple-level star body or the red-level star body in it, they will all be exposed to such a terrifying high temperature. Down into the powder.

Even the three of Changchun Qingyue and Qingtian couldn't help clenching their fists in the command room at this moment. This kind of power is no less than that of Qingyue and Supreme Wisdom back then, and even far exceeded several times.

And just a second before these dense light beams were about to touch the metal giant, boom boom!

In an instant, the most terrifying cosmic thunderstorm appeared above the metal giant. A dense thunderstorm suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a dazzling golden light exploded.


In the next moment, countless rays turned into a dense group and blasted towards the metal giant. The thunder, golden light, and countless rays were completely mixed together, and they were all shrouded in dazzling light at this moment.

If you look at the Milky Way from the nearby galaxies at this moment, you can see a dazzling light flashing in the Milky Way with the naked eye alone.

The light lasted for tens of minutes, and when the light gradually dissipated and entered the eyes, the hearts of all the Western Empire were half-cooled.

I saw that the metal giant was still standing intact, with no other scars except for the scorched and damaged arms covering the chest.

"Phew! A galaxy-level civilization that is prepared is still a bit troublesome, but fortunately, there is this guy here."

Lei Bao heaved a sigh of relief, just now under the terrifying rays. He is confident that if he faces it alone, his life will not be in danger, but it can be expected that he will be extremely embarrassed.

Mr. Jin on the side flicked the dust from his golden robe and smiled: "Isn't this the value of his existence. Otherwise, he might as well be slaughtered."

The tone is relaxed, but the wisdom below does not dare to refute the slightest, that is the truth.

At that time, he used the entire federal army to encircle and suppress these two people, but he couldn't do anything to each other. Now that these two people are on top of him, he has no desire to resist.

"Okay, let's continue. Destroy this galaxy, I believe that guy will definitely appear."

Mr. Jin patted the metal giant's head again.

"Fire! Fire again! He's injured and continue to bombard!" Seeing the metal giant slowly raising his arms to be under his command, Hong frowned and ordered again.

"No! Commander, many long-range gun barrels need to be charged, it's too late!"

Reports from officers from various regions sounded densely over there, each voice trembling.

"It's too late! What to do? What to do?"

The red mouth kept mumbling, but no matter how much he muttered, it was useless, because this was no longer something that could be dealt with by strategy.


At this time, the big hand had already crashed down, crushing hundreds of millions of troops under the cover of the palm, and then saw the giant wave his big hand, slapping it all the way.

bang bang bang!

The sound of dense explosions can be heard endlessly.

Everyone in the command room watched this scene with tears in their eyes. No one spoke at the moment, but just watched this scene quietly, their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

"It's over, it's over." A high-ranking general's upright figure suddenly hunched as if he had collapsed suddenly.

This person is Zhao Kai, the Minister of the Imperial Army who was temporarily dispatched to serve as the Supervising Army of the Western Territory!

"Tens of billions of troops are wiped out in one breath, and I am a sinner of the empire"

With a plop, Zhao Kai fell to his knees on the ground, and this tough man burst into tears. He started from a humble beginning, he knew what these tens of billions of people represented, and behind them represented countless families who would be washed with tears in the future.

However, the death of tens of billions of people is just the beginning, because there are a total of trillions of troops stationed here.

Sure enough, as the opponent's palm fell, it was like a the huge metal giant began to plunge headlong into the densely packed army, no need to do anything but crash into it.

But all nearby starships will be torn into powder by the gravitational field on the surface of this incomparably huge star-like giant.

"Master Zhenguo Pillar! Yes! Several seniors! You are the pillars of the empire's Zhenguo, you must have a way, right? Right?"

Suddenly, Zhao Kai seemed to think of something, and saw a few people from Changchun not far away, knelt down and kowtowed in prayer.

He may not be a qualified military strategist, but at this moment he only hopes that fewer people will die.

However, he didn't see that the faces of the Changchun people were particularly ugly, and there was even a hint of despair.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Did you feel it?"

"Same breath as Jiang boy! And there are two!"

Changchun's face was serious and he said through voice transmission.

"Domain master-level power?"

Qingyue's complexion was even uglier.

"No chance?"

"No! Impossible!"

Changchun shook his head.

He looked at Zhao Kai who was kneeling on the ground and begged, and sighed.

"Get up! Retreat! Retreat now and it's fate to escape!"

Changchun sighed.

Hearing this, Zhao Kai looked up at Changchun in a daze, as if he wanted to see affirmation in the other's eyes, but unfortunately there was only despair.

"Yes! Retreat, retreat immediately!"

Zhao Kai got up quickly.

In fact, at this time, Hong had already quickly issued an order for all the ministries to retreat on their own.

There is only one order, and that is to escape, to escape separately! Get as far away as possible!

However, no matter how you escape, you can't escape no matter what!

At this moment, the entire Western Territory is like a giant slaughterhouse.

In this slaughterhouse, there are only sparks all over the sky and the only huge metal figure that exists in the sparks.

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