Master of Fist

Chapter 663: determination

Until the end of the sermon, everyone present still felt unsatisfied. At this moment, the two Aqiu brothers had no doubts about whether Jiang Heng was a powerhouse at the domain master level.

When the two looked at Jiang Heng again, their gazes were already filled with respect.

At this time, everyone came back to their senses from that epiphany, with smiles on their faces, and they more or less had a lot of insights.

"That's the end of the sermon, I have one more thing to say!"

Jiang Heng's voice sounded slowly, looked at the people who were still there and smiled.

"This seat wants to create a martial arts sect! Use this galaxy as a base to recruit heroes from all over the world!"

As soon as this remark came out, the hall was silent, and many people looked at Jiang Heng blankly, as if time had stood still.

"This... is this true?"

"The general wants to create a sect and recruit disciples?"

It can be said that this is simply great news, who is the general? But if the most powerful person in the empire can worship the great general as his teacher, then the martial arts will go smoothly in the future. But it is certain that many detours will be avoided.

Even Changchun Qingyue and Qingtian looked at Jiang Heng in surprise.

Jiang Heng never told them about this.

It's not a trivial matter to establish a sect, why did it happen in the blink of an eye.

"General, if you create a sect, we will all worship you, this matter of the empire..."

Some people asked in frustration. They actually wanted to ask if this would count as an imperial soldier, or if the general wanted to stand on his own?

Hearing that even Li Yu looked at Jiang Heng at this time, he was eager to know what Jiang Heng meant.

I saw Jiang Heng smiled, and said: "No, the original intention of my creation of the sect is to set up an organization similar to the Warrior Alliance. Maybe I will give a lecture if I want to preach, and it will not interfere with your daily life. How's it going?"

Many people breathed a sigh of relief as soon as this remark came out, but many people frowned slightly.

Most of these people are scattered people nearby, and they don't have military ranks in the empire, so they don't think so much. In contrast, they are more willing to become the true direct disciples of the general.

After all, at the moment, it seems that the general is still just preaching. Although he can be called a teacher respectfully when he meets him in the future, the relationship is still unfamiliar.

Li Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Jiang Heng more cordially.

While everyone in the arena was whispering, two people suddenly stood up at this moment.

This scene caused everyone to be a little bit surprised. They looked at the two people standing in the corner in puzzlement, and saw that the two people walked quickly to the center of the hall, ignoring the slightly strange eyes of others, and bowed straight to the head of Jiang Heng. bye.

"Long Yun, Brother Longqiu pays respects to the General!"

Seeing the two men solemnly clasped their fists together, they immediately bowed, with a sincere and pious attitude.

Hearing this, everyone became even more curious, and asked who these two people were. In fact, the moment the two people bowed down, their bodies shone with brilliance, and then their original disguises were removed, revealing a strange look different from the race of the galaxy. appearance.

I saw that both of them had three pupils, a pair of eyes no different from human beings, only one vertical pupil is very mysterious, in addition, there are golden lines flowing on the surface of the two of them, densely packed as if there are golden electric currents flowing in them.

Secondly, the skin color of the two people is dark red, and sometimes it flashes red like breathing, and when it is dark, it tends to be transparent and secluded, as if it is about to disappear from everyone's sight.

Obviously this is not a human race!

But it is also not like the Beast Race. Almost all the people present have been dealing with the Beast Race for most of their lives. They are extremely clear about the aura of the Beast Race.

At this moment, everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to say. The two people in front of them had never heard of it, and they didn't know the details or their purpose.


Jiang Heng's tone was flat, and he glanced at the two of them lightly, but with just such a glance, the terrifying pressure of a star field suddenly pressed down in an instant.

It was as if one world was pressing on the two of them, and the terrifying aura only gathered on the two of them and hardly dispersed.

The two were astonished, especially the elder brother Long Yun, who glanced at the fiery Longqiu and hurriedly transmitted a voice: "This is the test given to us by the senior, and passing it is like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate!"

"I know, but how can there be such a terrifying coercion?"

Longqiu felt a bitterness in his heart, he wanted to bear it, but what the **** is this.

The whole body was hunched, and this coercion made them bend down little by little until they were completely lying on the ground, as if they were kneeling on the ground.

But the two of them bit their lips tightly and said nothing, the position of the two of them was shattered inch by inch.

The skin began to crack by itself, as if being burned by some kind of terrible heat. In fact, only the two of them could know how much pain they were suffering.

With high temperature and high pressure, the two of them seemed to be in the core of a star undergoing some kind of extreme baking.

Jiang Heng still looked at the two people below indifferently, like a **** looking down on all living beings. This scene also made everyone present secretly sigh with emotion, and their hearts became more and more awed.

To have such momentum just by coercion, not only Qingyue Changchun and others can't do it, but everyone else can't do it.

Looking at Jiang Heng's appearance that he was about to kill these two people, no one stopped them. The origin of these two people is unknown, and they will die if they die.

However, just when everyone thought that the two of them were bound to die, they waved Jiang Heng lightly, and the terrifying coercion disappeared quickly.

Seeing this, when Long Yun and Long Qiu thought they had successfully passed this hurdle, they both beamed with joy, and their internal and external injuries quickly healed.

However, seeing Jiang Heng gently point towards the two of them out of thin air, a ray of invisible power poured into the two of them, and the next moment, the two of them fell to the ground in a daze, with blankness and astonishment on their faces.

"People from outside the department, I know what you two are here for, and I know what you two want!

But chances are not available to everyone, if I want to accept apprentices to test and teach, would you two like it? "

Jiang Heng's voice was not loud but extremely clear to everyone's ears. At this moment, the rest of the people present who were gloating at other people's misfortune began to breathe heavily.

what does this mean?

Opportunity to enter the Great General's Gate Wall!

At this moment, many people feel sour. The general wants to accept these two people from outside the department as disciples?


These two are outsiders?

Many people looked at the two in surprise and uncertainty, with curiosity and unwillingness on their faces.

Changchun and Qingyue began to look at these two people with more interest, the former was fine, Qingyue and Qingtian were very curious. It was the first time for the two of them to see someone from outside the department with their current strength. Not only did they start to size their eyes, they even began to scan with vigor to see the difference between the people outside the department and the people in this department.

It is true that the body composition of these two people is quite different from that of the human race.

It's just that the two brothers Long Yun and Long Qiu were a little dazed.


Isn't this a test?

But at this point, where can I retreat.

"I'm waiting for the two brothers to accept the test!" Long Yun cupped his fists, knowing that this might be the only chance for the two brothers.

There are not many domain masters, even if they know that the fairy department has the domain master's power, but there is a long way for the two of them, and the fairy department's domain master has a peaceful nature and never interferes with the affairs of other departments.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't be here.

"Okay, let's go!"

Said that Jiang Heng was about to shoot with a wave of his sleeve, what Long Yun wanted to say when he saw this scene.

But at the next moment, the two of them felt an irresistible suction force suddenly coming from the other's sleeve, and then the two brothers could be quickly put into it without any struggle and disappeared in place.

Naturally, this wasn't something in the sleeves, it was just the suction force of the god-slaying gourd from outside the cave.

With Jiang Heng's current strength, it is not a problem to strengthen the suction of the god-killing gourd below the level that can absorb the Lord of the Galaxy.

As for the whereabouts of the two...

Hehe, isn't it just that the third plane in the secret realm of the cave is still the world of the best of the beast race? Just let the two go in and balance it out.

"Hopefully these two will come out alive."

Jiang Heng smiled faintly in his heart, and at the same time, the world was spinning for a while, and when he came back to his senses again, he found that the two brothers Long Yun and Long Qiu who were surrounded by another world were a little confused.

"Brother...Brother...Is this the powerful means of the domain master?"

Longqiu's voice was a little trembling. At this moment, he was obviously a little afraid of Jiang Heng, the mighty strength of the domain lord. This method was like turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain. He can handle the two brothers easily.

"I don't know... I haven't heard of any domain master with such a powerful method. Could it be that this place is the world in the hands of the rumored great supernatural power?"

Long Yun shook his head and muttered. As for the world in his palm, he said it was a legend he had heard from some foreign caravans.

It is said that it is a supernatural martial art that can only be mastered by those powerful forces in the central circle of the universe.

Above martial arts is the secret method and secret technique, and above that is supernatural power. Those who can be called supernatural powers often have some kind of incredible ability.

And the world in the palm is a method of sacrifice. Sacrificing a star field or a galaxy into the palm, you can absorb creatures into it with your hands, or use the world in your palm to suppress powerful enemies.

The reason for such an association is that not everyone has the means similar to the secret realm of the cave. Only those who master the laws of space in the temple system can have this method.

And the law of space is one of the top laws even if it is placed in the entire temple of the gods, and it is rarely spread outside, and most of the people in the temples and temples who master this way are unfathomable demigods. Of course, it is not ordinary people. come into contact with.

It has to be said that the greatest luck of the Milky Way is that it has the blood of the law of space.

If he hadn't experienced the catastrophe of that demigod back then, maybe there is a domain master who is good at space in the Milky Way now.

"Hey! No, Ah Qiu, how do you feel about your current state?"

Suddenly, Long Yun was startled and said in shock.

Hearing that Longqiu was puzzled but still felt it, soon he also had a look on his face.

"Brother, why is my realm only in the upper middle stage?"

"Oh, no, why do you, brother..." Soon Longqiu discovered that the aura emanating from his brother's body was only in the middle stage.

"It seems that senior has used tricks on the two of us. That's fine, since it's a test, of course we won't let us deal with it easily."

Long Yun was also relieved, he thought of Jiang Heng's understatement of **** earlier, it was these **** that directly and forcibly sealed the strength of the two of them, this method actually made him a little more excited.

They weren't worried about the difficulty of the test, as long as Jiang Heng showed stronger strength, they would feel more at ease.

It's just that they don't know if they can still think this way when they see the high-class orcs chasing and intercepting them.

It can be said that Jiang Heng is extremely easy to seal the strength of others now. With just a sweep of his mind, he can directly observe the slightest movement in the body below the domain master, and then directly block several key acupoints with minimal divine power.

Sealed with divine power, even if there is a tiny trace, it is not something the two of them can break through.

"Those who want to be apprentices can also accept the test like them, and those who can come out of my world alive, I can accept them as disciples!"

Jiang Heng looked around, waved his palm lightly, suddenly the void was filled with light and shadows, and soon the situation in a certain corner of the Jade Jade Small World was revealed in front of everyone.

Seeing this, everyone realized that the two were recruited into a certain plane by the general.

At this moment, everyone admired Jiang Heng even more. After all, the two strengths just now are not weak. One is a late stage and the other is a peak. Such strength can be kneaded at will with a flick of a sleeve in front of the general. This ability They can't imagine it anymore.

On the other hand, Qingyue and the others looked at Jiang Heng with a strange expression on his face.

"Hey, is this an orc inside?"

"It is indeed an orc! Am I not mistaken?"

"How could the orcs be in the hands of the general?"

When many people and objects and beasts familiar to everyone appeared in the picture, there was an uproar in the audience.

For a moment, everyone was a little confused. After all, the orc race has always been a serious problem for the human race, but now it is in the hands of the general. What does this mean?

It's not that they don't trust Jiang Heng, but they inevitably have some associations.

Even Li Yu looked at Jiang Heng thoughtfully.

"That's right! It's the Beast Race!" Jiang Heng stroked his beard indifferently and smiled, "This is exactly what I just acquired not long ago, the Beast City, the ancestral land of the Beast Race!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was taken aback. What does this mean? Why does it sound weird.

"Haha! Everyone, what the general said is that there will be no more worries about the orcs in the future, because the life and death of all the orcs are now in the palm of the general!"

At this time Changchun also smiled and explained,

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present gasped again. One can imagine the impact of this news on those who have been fighting with the orcs for many years.

Especially Li Yu, the Emperor of the Empire, could not stop his body from trembling. As a monarch, he knew very well how many generations of monarchs and ancestors had experienced the battle between the Empire and the beast race.

Has this problem been solved now? !

This made Li Yu feel shocked, unbelievable and even unimaginably excited.

"That's right! This test is a life-and-death fight with the superior orcs in it, the winner will win and the loser will perish!"

Jiang Heng glanced at the crowd and said in a low voice.

It can be said that Jiang Heng's move is a small He does have the intention of accepting apprentices, but he won't accept everyone.

As for the establishment of a sect, it is purely to integrate the warriors of this galaxy. After all, now that he has set foot on the domain master level, it is impossible to keep an eye on this galaxy.

Now that we have decided to start deploying outwards, it is natural that the warriors in this galaxy are too weak.

After all, the strength of a hegemon does not depend on one person alone, and often requires a very deep foundation.

I have to say that the foundation of the Milky Way is too weak and too weak now. After experiencing several catastrophes, the high-end combat power of the Milky Way has already regressed a long time ago.

Compared with the old domain master-level forces such as the Fairy Department, it can be described as an immature baby.

"The universe is too big, and the Milky Way is like a speck of dust or a wisp of blue smoke, which can disappear with a light blow. Even if you step into the domain master level, it is just a little bit bigger dust."

Jiang Heng thought very clearly that the Milky Way must be explored outwards, it must be done! !

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