Master of Fist

Chapter 661: 3 children

The orc race was boiling, and the human race was also boiling. Just seeing the first orc penetrate the boundary membrane and enter the world of the Great Xia Dynasty, the soldiers and civilians of the Great Xia were all ready to fight.

The atmosphere became tense in an instant, and even though the morale had been soaring before, it was hard to avoid being upset at this moment.

In contrast, after the orc army flooded in, the formation suddenly became a little chaotic.

Many orcs turned their heads to look, but found that there was no leader behind them.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't the patriarchs come over?"

"It doesn't matter, there is no need for the patriarch to deal with these blood eaters! Kill!"

The orcs became hideous again, and the densely packed orcs rushed forward like an overwhelming mountain.

"Prepare for battle!"

Emperor Xia shouted calmly.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Millions of soldiers shouted almost in unison, and there were many spears.

The orcs rushed forward, and the aura emitted by each of them was far superior to that of the human race.

Boom boom boom!

Tens of multi-purpose crystal cannons whizzed out, and the hot line of fire fell across the arc towards the army of the orcs.

One after another bursting sparks exploded in the beast group, and these energy crystal cannons caused great damage under the dense density.

But this only caused negligible damage to the huge number of orcs, and the waves of orcs still swarmed in.

The two sides began their first confrontation, and the densely packed orcs hit the city wall like the first wave of a torrent.

Boom boom boom!

The walls hundreds of meters away began to tremble violently. In the eyes of these soldiers, these orcs looked like moving hills. At this moment, not only the crystal cannons were fully fired, but even the city was organizing civilians to start manipulating them. Giant trebuchets were set up, and boulders coated with kerosene roared over the city wall and fell into the herd of beasts.

"The first row is all killed, and the second row is on top!"

A thousand households kept commanding the defense line he was in charge of, and just now he saw with his own eyes that his subordinates in the front row were slapped to death by several orcs.

Several huge orcs of hundreds of meters slapped dozens of people to death with a casual slap, and the spear in their hands could only pierce the opponent's skin.


Hearing this, the soldiers in the second row swallowed, gritted their teeth and rushed forward one by one. These soldiers formed a very orderly battle formation and coordinated to stab those four or five meter tall beasts off the city wall.

"Not good! Those things are here again!"

But at this time, someone found a huge giant palm shadow attacking, it was the giant orcs with unusually large size before.

There was a humming sound, and the huge palm swept over with gusts of wind pressure.

It's over!

Almost everyone looked desperate, and they had no choice but to face this kind of monster.

"court death!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from the sky, and a huge flood dragon several hundreds of meters roared, biting and twisting towards the neck of the huge beast clan.

The two huge figures kept rolling and fighting, and the section of the city wall trembled and cracked in several places.

Many of the orcs who were rushing towards the city wall were trampled to death, while the soldiers above were staggering one by one, grabbing something they could rely on in panic.

"It's the Lord of the Sea God Palace! Kill everyone!"

With the help of the Dragon Clan of the Sea God Palace, the morale of the soldiers was boosted again.

Not only the Dragon Clan of the Sea God Palace, but also many sect gangs took action at the same time. They used their methods one by one to rely on their fellow clans to form a battle formation and fight against the Beast Clan.

Emperor Xia took a deep breath and stood on the commanding heights of the fortress overlooking the entire battlefield. Wolf smoke was rising everywhere, and one could see that the city walls had begun to be stained with a layer of blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fierce fighting often requires tens or even hundreds of warriors to kill a beast.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xia closed his eyes. Even though he had prepared a lot, he still underestimated the beast clan's offensive.

At the same time, on the second plane, this situation is also happening.

This place is called the upper bound by the plane of the Great Xia Dynasty. At this time, the only dynasty here called the Great Zhou Dynasty is also facing an unprecedented challenge at this moment.

Seeing the densely packed demons from outside the territory swarming in, the emperor of the Great Zhou also received Jiang Heng's reminder to prepare for the battle in advance, but the Great Zhou itself is already a long-standing dynasty, although the overall combat power is several times higher than that of the Great Xia. But their mobilization is really poor.

The line of defense was loosely arranged, and with the large-scale invasion of the orcs, there was almost no obstacle, and it had already begun to lose the wind. When countless soldiers were still preparing for war, the orcs had already rushed into the hinterland of the Great Zhou.

Countless soldiers and generals had to prepare hastily.

At the same time, in a secluded thatched hut in this world, Qing Yunzi and his younger brother looked up at the densely packed orcs flying past like locusts in the sky, and they were all silent for a while.

"Great catastrophe! This is a world catastrophe!"

Qing Yunzi looked up to the sky and sighed softly. It has been almost ten years since he ascended to the upper realm. Over the years, his two senior brothers have raised their energy levels to four or five thousand with their excellent talents. But facing this dense army of beasts, they couldn't help but give birth A sense of powerlessness.

For a while, both of them felt that it would be better to just stay in the Great Xia plane.

"Senior brother, what should we do now?" The gray-robed junior frowned, he had already lost his position and didn't know what to do.

"Let's go! Go to the capital of Great Zhou!"

Qing Yunzi sighed lightly.

"Brother, do we want to..."

"I can't hide. I don't think these extraterritorial demons are good people. They are not the same as us. Once the big week is over, where can we hide?"

Qing Yunzi sighed lightly.

This situation is the same everywhere, and many people who have ascended from the lower planes are now plotting to rush to the capital of the Great Zhou to fight against the Great Zhou army and the orcs.

Of course, there are some Li family children among them.

At this moment, the children of the Li family knew better what it was that poured into this world, and they were all excited.

With the power of the realms wide open, Jiang Heng also started the final stage of the merger of the two realms, and at the same time devoted a ray of mind to observe its internal movements.

"Shanke, the third interface is still dominated by the Orc family, but we can let more Li family children enter it later."

Jiang Heng pondered for a while and didn't pay any attention to it. Jiang Heng will provide some convenience for the human race in the secret realm of the cave, but it is impossible to really provide perfect support.

What he needs is not a dominance, but a level of checks and balances maintained by the two sides. The talents cultivated in such a pressing environment are far better than the comfortable imperial soldiers in the outside world in terms of intelligence and ruthlessness.

Of course there will be no rules.

He stayed here for a few more days until the two worlds were completely merged. Looking at the secret cave that had returned to the ring and expanded several times, Jiang Heng smiled and put it in his hand.

"Thank you three, Jiang will do his best if necessary in the future!"

The three of Jiang Hengchao solemnly bowed their hands, and now Qingyue Qingtian and Jiang Heng are completely relieved. Since the other party has shown goodwill, Jiang Heng will not be stingy with his friendship.

"Jiang...Senior, this is what we should do. Now you are the pillar of our department. The stronger you are, the more profits we will make in the future." Qingyue smiled awkwardly and cupped her hands in return.

Several people nodded one after another, and immediately stopped staying. Jiang Heng opened the passage between the dark matter plane and the real world, and then Jiang Heng led everyone to the imperial capital at high speed.

With Jiang Heng's escape speed now, its speed is actually even better than their space teleportation.

In just one or two days, a few people arrived in the imperial capital again.

Jiang Heng rushed back so eagerly because his third child was about to be born.

I have to say that this pregnancy is indeed very long, almost two or three years.

"So my third child is Nezha?"

Jiang Heng laughed at himself, then quickly walked towards the mansion. As soon as I stepped into it, I saw that there were already many maidservants playing in and out of their own courtyard in the mansion.

Many people seemed to be nervous.

"Is it about to give birth?"

Jiang Heng casually grabbed a maidservant and asked.

"General! Yes... yes, Ma'am is giving birth now."

The maid said nervously when she saw Jiang Heng for the first time.

There are quite a few like her, after all, the General's Mansion is too big, and there are only a few maidservants who are responsible for taking care of and cleaning Jiang Heng's courtyard.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's expression suddenly became solemn. It was the first time he saw a woman with such a long pregnancy, and he was really worried about what might happen, but it was not easy to stop in front of the door, and he couldn't help but paced back and forth very anxiously.

It stands to reason that there is no need to worry about giving birth to a child with the physical fitness of Lin Yanwei's superior warrior, but it is still unavoidable to worry about it.

As time passed, Jiang Heng waited for a while and still used his mind to probe into it.

Randomly explored for a while and saw that the progress inside was orderly, Jiang Heng withdrew his thoughts, even worried that such a little thought exploration would disturb the progress inside.

Fortunately, half an hour later, a servant girl came out and she said happily: "General! General! Mother and child are safe, and now Madam wants to see the general!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng hurriedly got up and went inside.

Entering it, there are many maids who are adjusting the constant temperature system in the house to make the air in the house smooth and create a suitable temperature at the same time.

Jiang Heng's eyes quickly fell on the weak woman on the bed inside.

This was the first time Jiang Heng saw Lin Yanwei showing such a weak side, her pretty face was a little pale, and when she saw Jiang Heng walking in, she pulled out a faint smile.

"Husband, you are back!"

Lin Yanwei spoke softly, with a tired tone.

Jiang Heng stepped forward quickly, and gently squeezed her palm.

"I'm back! I'm back! It's all right!"


Lin Yanwei nodded, and Jiang Heng gently stroked his wife's cheek.

It's embarrassing for this woman, and at the same time, I also blame myself. He has had very little time at home for so many years. Even spending more time at home is still practicing. In contrast, the wife runs the huge General's Mansion every day.

Jiang Wenwu and Jiang Yanwei were also brought up by this woman.

Jiang Heng didn't know what to say for a while, promise?

But even if I promise myself, can I really do it sometimes?

"Maybe I can live a more normal life in the future!"

Jiang Heng secretly sighed, now that he has stepped into the domain master level and has a long life span, there is no need for such urgency anymore, maybe this is also a good choice.

"By the way, husband, this child..."

Lin Yanwei suddenly hesitated, and Jiang Heng was a little puzzled when he heard the words, because Lin Yanwei looked a little hesitant and hesitated to speak.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"It's the child...the child he..."

"What happened to the child?"

Seeing that Lin Yanwei's state was not right, Jiang Heng frowned.

He couldn't help looking around, and soon found a baby carriage beside him, and at the same time saw a baby staring at him with **** eyes.

"Isn't the child all right?"

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"Husband, the child is fine, just a little different from other children!" Lin Yanwei said hesitantly.

"Different? Where is it different?"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng thought for a while and wanted to pick up the baby, but Jiang Heng was stunned as soon as he took it.

"this is....."

"There are nearly 5,000 energy levels at birth?"

Jiang Heng was shocked. According to the standard of the empire, the energy radiated from the baby's body was as terrifying as the 5,000 energy level.

And this is just a newborn child? !

Jiang Heng was a little depressed. In order to reach this level, he had to go through a lot of fighting before leaving Qinglan Realm.

As for his youngest son, who was born like this, Jiang Heng felt that people were different in many cases.

"Husband, I feel that he is very different. Just now, when the maid delivered the baby, he was almost beaten out by him, and now he is still recovering from his injuries."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng glanced at the compartment beside him, and sure enough, he found that there was a maid there who was bandaging the bones with the help of a robot.

"So my son was born as a middle-level warrior?"

Jiang Heng was dumbfounded, he really doesn't know how terrifying this kid will be when he grows up in the future!

It seems that being superior is just the beginning for him? Therefore, the master of the galaxy is not a problem, and the master of the domain also has a great opportunity.

"It seems that the stronger the strength, the heirs born with the corresponding talents will be extremely terrifying."

Jiang Heng was thoughtful, just like this was not good for Lin Yanwei's health.

After carefully inspecting Lin Yanwei's physical fitness, she found that her body was already damaged. How much recuperation can be recuperated now, but if I want to live again, I am afraid that the foundation will be completely ruined. Even the body will collapse.

Not only that, but Jiang Heng also has a kind of understanding. It seems that after breaking through the domain master's strength, there are quite a lot of people who want to have birth restrictions again.

Because I also have to pay a lot of original strength, and secondly, the physical damage to the mother is also greater. After all, the aptitude of the offspring conceived again will only be more terrifying.

What Jiang Heng doesn't know is Most of the demigods will only have one heir with excellent talent. Even if it seems that there are many heirs, they are probably born when the realm was low in the early years.

Jiang Heng shook his head, three heirs are enough.

The little baby was very energetic, struggling constantly in Jiang Heng's hands, and the cloth wrapping him was almost torn by him easily, he was like a little devil in the world.

But it seemed that no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the embrace of the person in front of him. The little baby gradually settled down, looking at Jiang Heng's blinking eyes with doubts. Some syllables could be heard while babbling.

He was actually learning based on the language that his father had just spoken to now, but the language he heard just now was limited, which caused most of his words to be babbled.

very smart!

Jiang Heng checked again, and found that this kid's soul strength was not low, and it was about the same as ordinary middle-level warriors.


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