Master of Fist

Chapter 653: sweeping (below)

How did Zhao Kai know that Qingyue and other pillars of the town had withdrawn long ago? He only had a half-step Daojing air machine and the locking range was not too wide. He didn't dare to investigate the status of several important figures.

So Zhao Kai was out of luck. Fortunately, along the way, he was familiar with a few star arcs close to the imperial capital, and with the help of the star arc escape speed, he was finally not enveloped by the faster and faster suction force.

When he arrived in the imperial capital three days later, he wanted to report to His Majesty anxiously, but he was stunned.

I saw that the mother star of the imperial capital has changed a lot at this time, and the few satellites that were only slowly revolving around the mother star of the imperial capital are now in a state of high-speed rotation. The speed is as fast as a satellite ring shield is formed around the mother star of the imperial capital.

Also because of the high-speed rotation of these satellites, a powerful magnetic shield is formed. This magnetic shield is enough to withstand hundreds of thousands of bombardments from planetary cannons. Not only that, it supports a layer around the surface centered on the mother star of the imperial capital. There are layers of translucent shields, and the layers of shields are densely stacked to form a faint blue cover, which directly completely covers the parent star without leaving any gaps.

Not only that, the starships that have been stationed near the parent star for a long time in the periphery form rows of defense arrays. These defense arrays form energy pulse resonances, and the center of these energy pulse resonances is cone-shaped, and those starships are protected by these cone-shaped energy. covered by the shield.

It's like a nail firmly stuck around the mother star, as if centered on the mother star, and the whole mother star looks like a thorny hedgehog from a distance.

These starships almost built the first line of defense, while several satellites rotating at high speed formed the second line of defense, and the third line of defense was the planetary shield.

The three lines of defense are increasing layer by layer, and the planetary defense line of the mother star of the imperial capital is impregnable. Such a terrifying defensive power, as long as it is not in a crisis of destroying the country, it is absolutely impossible to activate it.

Zhao Kai roughly scanned with the air machine, and found that there were no living people stationed in these starships, and they were all remotely controlled by signals.

Seeing this, Zhao Kai paused for a while, and soon a figure slowly walked out of the void, she looked at Zhao Kai and said softly: "You are..."

Hearing this, Zhao Kai turned around and looked at the person who appeared suddenly, and when he saw the person clearly, he hurriedly said: "Master Zhen Guozhu, you...why are you here?"

It was Qingyue who came, she looked at Zhao Kai and said: "Things have changed, I will take you in first!"

Without waiting for Zhao Kai's reaction, he grabbed his shoulder and the next moment, the two quickly disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, the two were already in the familiar parliament hall. At this time, the entire solemn and solemn parliament hall was filled with many councilors, not only councilors, but also some officials who held important positions in the imperial capital. , which is absolutely impossible on weekdays.

Even besides Qingyue, Qingtian Changchun, the two pillars of the township, also appeared here.

His Majesty the Emperor, Li Yu, was sitting on the throne, and a heated discussion was going on at the moment.

"Senior Qingtian, Senior Changchun, and Senior Qingyue, all of you are existences that I admire, but today's facts are too great. As one of the five chairpersons, I feel that even if it is for the entire empire and even The entire parliament also wants to ask the seniors what the truth is?"

A white-haired old man got up, and looked up respectfully and piously at the several Dao realm powers sitting above who were even independent of the emperor.

His name is Zhang Cang, and he is one of the chairmen of the council. He can be said to be the most respected and respected person in the council.

Right now, when he opened his mouth, it was almost equivalent to the meaning of most of the congressmen.

Even Li Yu looked at Qingyue and the others, because there are too many weird things recently, and these pillars of the town are mysterious.

Seeing the discussion below, Qingyue put Zhao Kai aside, sat back in her seat and coughed lightly.

"When the time comes, I and the pillars of the town will tell you! As for now, you only need to know that since I am the pillar of the town, I will not do anything that will harm the interests of the empire. As for this matter... will be of great benefit to the empire!"

As soon as Qingyue said this, everyone below fell silent for a moment.

It's all said and done, even Zhang Cang doesn't know how to refute.

Just thinking about it, I still feel a little uneasy, after all, Qingyue and the others are mysterious, so it's better to speak. But what is in front of us now is such a terrifying high-energy reaction in the central star field. The pillars of the country could be stabilized before, but now according to the feedback, it is obvious that it is out of control.

"Having said that, but...but this matter is too important, please tell me seniors, so that I can rest assured!"

Speaking of Zhang Cang saluting solemnly and resolutely, seeing this, the members of the House of Representatives also agreed one by one.

Seeing that Li Yu didn't mean to obstruct, but just watched quietly, he was also very curious about what these pillars of the town were doing.

"Hmph! Are you threatening me?"

A cold snort came from Qingyue's mouth, and it turned into an invisible coercion like a mountain that instantly swept over everyone present.

"No... dare not!"

Zhang Cang had some difficulty but still stubbornly raised his head.

"Okay! Everyone, stop arguing. Since the pillars of the town have said so, then I have to trust the seniors." At this moment, Li Yu stood up, and his opening was considered to be the end of the matter. The matter was blurred.

Li Yu also has a headache now, and he said in his heart that he is not worried about Qingyue and others having bad intentions, which must be a lie. After all, Qingyue and the others made such a big commotion in the central star field without even discussing with the king of his country.

Now the pillars of the town are back, but the reaction there is getting more and more terrifying.

It seems that this incident was caused by a few pillars of the town, but now that the pillars of the town are back, their influence is getting bigger and bigger.

It's like a few pillars of the town have caused a big trouble, and now they quit. The mess left behind will be borne by the empire and several of their pillars of the town.

Sighing secretly in his heart, Li Yu looked at the pillars of the country above and thought for a while before asking: "Seniors, I wonder if you know where the general is now?"

All the members of the House of Representatives were stunned by this statement, yes.

Where is General Zhen Guo?

It seems that this crisis can only be resolved by inviting the general to come forward, right?

"Yeah, why isn't the general here?"

"Why didn't the senior general come out?"

"Not long ago, I heard that the general is not in the general's mansion at all."

Before Qingyue and the others could respond for a while, the people below were already arguing.

"Ahem! Be quiet, everyone!"

Changchun coughed lightly, which turned into an invisible coercion, which made the conference hall quiet again.

He looked around and showed a warm smile: "Don't worry, everyone, the general is dealing with this matter, but he can't get away now, but please rest assured. If you can't trust me, you can't trust the general?"

As soon as this remark came out, many congressmen who still wanted to argue about something fell silent in an instant.

In terms of prestige in the empire, it is not the pillars of the country, nor the emperor who always sits in the imperial capital, but the general who often disappears from the public eye.

Even because Jiang Heng has not appeared in the eyes of the public for a long time, this still cannot reduce Jiang Heng's prestige.

On the contrary, because of this attitude of seeing the dragon at all times, many people even regard it as a legend.

In fact, it was mainly the videos of Jiang Heng's first few reversals of the battle, and the news that the general walked around and killed the federal master some time ago. All these have pushed Jiang Heng's prestige to an extremely high level.

At this time, everyone gradually relaxed. Since the general was involved in this matter, it must be fine.

The idea popped out of many people's minds almost instantly, without even being surprised.

Even Li Yu was relieved.

Seeing this scene, Changchun couldn't help but smile wryly. They, one of the founders of the empire, were not as convincing to the people of the empire as a junior.

I have to say that a few people felt a little sad.

But just when everyone's emotions were different, the whole hall suddenly trembled.


It wasn't that the main hall was trembling, it seemed that the entire imperial capital mother planet was shaking.

Feeling so far, Qingyue Changchun and others moved out one after another. The next moment, several people were suspended above the conference hall, but when they looked up, they were stunned.

I saw that the several satellites that were rotating at a high speed had stagnated at some point at this moment, and at this moment, it seemed that they were originally attracted by the gravitational field of the mother star of the imperial capital and disappeared, and the satellites gradually stretched a little.

right! Just stretch!

At this moment, the stars seemed to be stretched into ellipses and deformed continuously, as if an invisible force was wrestling with the gravitational field of the mother star of the imperial capital.

"It's a big trouble. If this continues, not only will these satellites be torn apart, but even the entire mother planet of the imperial capital will be torn to pieces!"

Changchun had a bitter face. He really didn't expect such a terrifying change to break through the domain master level.

This can no longer be described as amazing.

As a matter of fact, where the master level of the ordinary domain has such momentum, at most one-tenth of this is not bad.

However, Jiang Qiu's energy was released too violently, and this time it rebounded extremely fiercely and domineeringly.

At the same time, Jiang Heng, who was already in the core area of ​​the eye of the storm formed by countless planetary fragments, had reached the critical moment of breakthrough.

"Come on! Come on!"

Feeling that the last bone in his body was about to turn completely golden, Jiang Heng couldn't help being extremely excited.

Soon, with the sound of dense bones exploding, Jiang Heng felt that his bones were extremely numb.

"Wait, this is..."

But before Jiang Heng enjoyed this kind of comfort for a long time, his eyes widened and his whole body froze suddenly.

At this moment, under Jiang Heng's tough skin, blue veins protruded suddenly. These blue veins kept jumping on the surface of his body like living things, like countless maggots wriggling, which was very strange.

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, and dense sweat began to ooze from his forehead.

"The divine bones are starting to produce blood!"

This sentence was almost spoken between the teeth, which means that the key to officially stepping into the domain master level is coming.

This step is also the key to completely laying the foundation of the domain master. After the bones are deified, it means that the flesh and blood in the body will gradually be deified.

The deification of flesh and blood is the key to nurturing the spiritual organs, and naturally it is also the key to the domain master.

Generally speaking, after the deification of bones, there will be at least a few years of gaps in the deification of flesh and blood.

The main reason is that after breaking through the divinity, the skeleton must adapt to the previous flesh and blood, and at this time, the hematopoietic ability of the skeleton can be temporarily suppressed.

And the period of these few years is when the false domain master is looking for planets for fusion sacrifices, which can be regarded as an additional insurance for stepping into the domain master.

It is also because of this layer of insurance that after that it is the beginning of slowly accumulating the divine organs.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's eyes were bloodshot and he began to look around for possible stars.

"Didn't it mean that there is still a gap of at least several years in the middle of this step? Why am I so fast? Don't give me any breathing room at all?"

Jiang Heng cursed furiously in his heart, he really wanted to find out the guy who wrote that information now, it was simply cheating people to death.

If you don't smelt and absorb a star as soon as possible during this period, with the continuous transformation of the divine flesh and blood in the future, not only will you not be able to transform into a real domain master powerhouse, but you will first deform yourself into a monster up.

Jiang Heng is so angry!

Now what kind of thing is there around here, Xingchen, not to mention Xingchen doesn't even have any larger asteroids.

After all, no star can withstand the terrifying suction just now.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Keeping talking in his mouth, Jiang Heng almost went crazy.

There are no stars around here, and Jiang Heng can't change one out of thin air.

This is the key to distributing the distorted power in the divine power in the body, and Jiang Heng is very clear about how terrifying the distorted power is.

Swish! Brush!

Jiang Heng is like a shooting star crazily looking for possible nearby planets.

But no matter how you fly away, there are some broken pieces torn apart by the suction force.

But the phenomenon of distortion on the body surface has gradually Heng couldn't control the blood-forming ability of the bones at all, and began to grow from the bones at an extremely fast speed, directly skipping the breakthrough of ordinary people At the domain master level, it is a process that requires slow growth and hematopoiesis.

Those hematopoietic cells in the bones frantically produce blood as if they have gone crazy, as if they want to replace the original blood in one go.

The power of divinity is growing rapidly, followed by the rapid growth of distortion.

Tentacles grew rapidly on the body surface, and each of these tentacles seemed to be consciously trying to get out of Jiang Heng's body surface.

Now he can barely suppress it, but feeling the rapid spread and growth of one consciousness after another in his mind, Jiang Heng knew that he was in big trouble.

Time passed little by little, but no matter how Jiang Heng searched, he still didn't find anything.

Right now, he has not completely broken through the domain master level, and his escape speed has not increased at all.

"It's over!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and he could vaguely see that even the pupils were constantly splitting, dividing into two and dividing into three.

Thinking gradually began to become confused.

At this moment, Jiang Heng thought of many ways, but none of them can deal with the current situation. It seems that there is no other way for this situation except to transform into a monster.


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