Master of Fist

Chapter 646: super rich?

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Even if you hide in the secret cave, you may not be able to guarantee 100% safety. For some reason, when you think of the divine power of the Holy Lord in the hands of the mysterious domain master, you feel a little uneasy.

"Since the opponent plots the divine power of the orcs, there must be a way to use it!"

Thinking of this conjecture, Jiang Heng couldn't help rubbing the center of his brows. This unknown feeling made him extremely uneasy.

"Breakthrough Dou Su cannot be in the imperial capital!"

Jiang Heng quickly thought of this. The imperial capital seems to be particularly dazzling in the center of the Milky Way at this moment, and it is too dangerous to stay here.

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking about breaking through the venue of Dousu, there was already a commotion in the imperial capital at this time, and the matter of the rebellion in the eastern border had been completely spread in the court.

Such a large piece of land in the Eastern Province is nothing, this is simply a slap in the face of the empire, no! Not just a slap in the face, but a ruthless trampling of the empire's face.

However, in the face of the turmoil of these ministers, Li Yu, the emperor of the empire, did not make any decisions for a long time. It seems to temporarily acquiesce in the existence of the Eastern Rebellion.

In fact, it wasn't that Li Yu didn't move. On the contrary, he had sent people over countless times, but strangely, none of them came back. It seems that the Eastern Realm is an abyss that can swallow all outsiders.

Now he does not acquiesce in the existence of the eastern border rebellion, he can't wait to lead the army to destroy the entire eastern border, and there is nothing he can do about it now.

"Your Majesty, I heard that the General is back!" Chairman Gongsun looked at Li Yu and said hastily with a sad face.

"The general is back?"

"Yes, I heard that he has been back for a while, but his old man can't see his head and tail. If your Majesty wants to see the general, I will go and tell you."

Chairman Gongsun nodded repeatedly.

Hearing this, Li Yu immediately looked overjoyed, slapped the table and said with a smile: "I will go to visit in person, if a general comes forward, no matter who Fang Xiaoxiao is, he will be arrested for any rebellion in the Eastern Realm!"

Li Yu was extremely excited, although he had sent a lot of people to the east to investigate in the past few days, and many of them were high-ranking experts. But he has extra confidence in Jiang Heng.

Soon Li Yu took Congressman Gongsun and a group of strong guards to the General's Mansion.

The whole journey was relatively low-key and without much fanfare, so many court ministers also knew that His Majesty's trip today was full of energy, although they were panicked for a while because of the strong rise of the general some time ago.

But after a long time, they also found that there is nothing wrong with the existence of the general. This super strong man does not covet power and does not interfere in internal affairs. When the empire is in crisis, he can also act as the patron saint of the empire. There are more generals of this kind. Very happy!

Li Yu's entry into the General's Mansion was unimpeded, and it happened that Jiang Heng also finished his day's practice.

It is said that it is cultivation, but it is actually some cultivation insights in Wanshou City during this period of time, and continue to lay a solid foundation. It can be said that as long as Jiang Heng is willing, he can immediately enter the realm of Dousu.

It's a pity that once it is stepped out, it is irreversible, and Dou Su is equivalent to a pseudo domain master level, sometimes strong and weak, when it is strong, it can explode with methods comparable to domain master level, and when it is weak, it is no different from ordinary people.

That's why Jiang Heng didn't take that step for a long time.

"It would be great if we could find an absolutely safe place."

Jiang Heng sighed, walked out of the courtyard to the living room.

"Your Majesty!" Jiang Heng nodded with a smile when he saw Li Yu, and he still showed some face to the God of Wealth.

The imperial treasury is currently his biggest source of income, and the killer weapon of the God-slaying gourd needs to be raised with massive energy crystals.

Seeing Jiang Heng approaching, Li Yu was obviously more excited than Jiang Heng, and he greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Emperor Master! Emperor Master, you can be considered to be back. These are some treasures that the disciples have received during this period of time. I think they can be of some use to you."

Li Yu didn't say much and handed over a ring directly.

After receiving the ring, Jiang Heng swept it with his mind casually, and was slightly surprised.

There are quite a lot of things here, there are ten trillion energy crystals alone, not only that, but also some materials that should be collected by using the power of the entire empire. It may be because Jiang Heng had asked for materials for the third level of the hegemony before, thinking that Jiang Heng prefers all kinds of rare treasures and materials.

It has to be said that there are a lot of materials in it, a dazzling array of various types, and the total sum is estimated to be worth thousands of years of inventory in an administrative province.

So much material is enough to arm an army of tens of billions.

In fact, this storage ring can’t hold it, because this storage ring stores hundreds of rings instead of other things, and these hundreds of rings contain energy crystals and various materials. .

In addition, there are more than two Dao Realm artifacts and more than ten incomplete Dao Realm artifacts.

After reading these, Jiang Heng couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart. It can be seen from this that the empire, as the only galaxy-level country in the Milky Way, has a strong foundation.

These things seem to be a lot, but compared to the tens of thousands of people in the entire empire, they may still be just a drop in the bucket.

If so, Jiang Heng also knew that Li Yu came here to ask for a lot!

I remember that he asked the other party for energy crystals a few years ago.

"Your Majesty is being polite, this gift is not light!" Jiang Heng pressed his hand to signal Li Yu to sit down.

"Hey, as a disciple, it's my duty to offer my heart to the emperor!" Li Yu smiled. For some reason, he always felt that when he saw the general again, he couldn't help lowering his posture.

You must know that in the past, even if he met the general, he would try to lower his attitude as much as possible because of the opponent's strength, but he still had the majesty of an emperor in his heart.

It's just that right now he feels that at this moment, even unconsciously, he has some fear in his heart.

"Your Majesty has something to say, you and I are not idlers." Jiang Heng waved his hand, he didn't mind chatting with the other party, but the other party seemed very anxious.

"This..." Hearing this, Li Yu started to study, seeing Jiang Heng's expression was indifferent, he just gritted his teeth and said, "To be honest, this disciple does have something to worry about..."

Immediately afterwards, Li Yu talked about the recent changes in the East Territory.

After waiting for a long time for Li Yu to finish speaking, he paused for a sip of tea and then looked at Jiang Heng's face in silence. Seeing that Jiang Heng's expression was as calm as ever, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

This matter is definitely not a problem for the general.

It seems that the high-level people in the east are under control, and all the strong men who have been dispatched in the past have disappeared?

Recalling what Li Yu said earlier, Jiang Heng was calm on the surface, but felt something was wrong in his heart.

To be able to do this, Jiang Heng feels that it is absolutely impossible to do it below the level of the Lord of the Galaxy. Even at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, he wanted to be silent, and it took several years for the emperor to notice the strangeness.

Even Jiang Heng can't do this, after all, the detection methods in the empire are very powerful, and you can threaten with force, but force cannot control other people's minds. It can be said that as long as someone wanted to report to the imperial capital, it would have been exposed by now.

And now there has been no news from the East Territory, which is very strange.

"Emperor, what countermeasures are there? At this time, there is really no other way but to ask the emperor to do something!" Seeing Jiang Heng's delay in responding, Li Yu begged.

"I already know about this matter, you go back and wait! Well, since your Majesty has nothing else to do, then I will practice."

Hearing this, Li Yu was stunned, and opened his mouth, but he had nothing else to do and nodded slightly.

As he nodded, Jiang Heng waved his sleeves lightly in the next moment, and Li Yu felt his world spinning for a while, and then realized that he had appeared in the palace in the next moment.

"So did the general agree or not?"

Li Yu scratched his head, somewhat confused about what Jiang Heng meant.

After pondering for a long time, he could only trust Jiang Heng.

"Since the general did not refuse, then the general will not ignore this matter!"

Li Yu muttered, the key was that the gift he just gave was heavy enough.

In fact, Jiang Heng is really distressed at this moment.

"This Li Yu really gave me a problem!"

Jiang Heng sighed, the incident in the eastern border seemed to be just an ordinary rebellion, it was just that the news was blocked.

Can it really be so?

"What happened in the Eastern Realm is nothing more than two situations. First, the Eastern Realm has been bloodbathed by an unknown strongman, who can wipe out star fields in an instant. In this way, even if the empire's detection and communication methods are powerful enough, as long as the attack Come on, nothing will leak out at all."

Jiang Heng murmured, as for wanting to achieve this level, the strength must at least be at the domain master level, and destroy the star domain with a wave of his hand.

"As for the second, there is a person with a special ability among them, who can manipulate the minds of others. In this way, only a few middle and high-level personnel need to be controlled, and naturally the entire Eastern Territory has nothing to do with the empire.

It's just that if you want to achieve this step, the number of people you need to control must be extremely large. "

Regarding these two situations, Jiang Heng does not think that this is something that ordinary people can do.

"When did the Milky Way become so dangerous?" Jiang Heng frowned. First there was the master-level master of the Mystic Realm in the City of Beasts, and now there is the mysterious man in the Eastern Realm.

"Is there any connection between the two?"

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Heng suddenly thought of this possibility. It stands to reason that things that are too coincidental often have their commonality.

"Or is it that the one in the Eastern Realm is the mysterious domain master?"

Jiang Heng's face was not very good-looking after thinking about it.

"Well, after much deliberation, I still don't want to give up this place."

He sighed secretly in his heart, Jiang Heng really didn't want to leave the imperial capital, staying here was equivalent to having the wealth of a galaxy empire. This huge amount of wealth is enough for him to keep cultivating the god-slaying gourd, and even enough for him to step into the domain master level.

"Think of a way, there must be a way."

Jiang Heng kept pacing in the room, walking back and forth for a long time until he stamped his feet.

Looking at the token of Wanbaozhai in his hand, Jiang Heng's face changed slightly and he gritted his teeth.

"Go inside and have a look, maybe you can find some solutions inside."

It's just that Jiang Heng was stunned as soon as he probed into his thoughts.

"Why so many?"

In fact, the amount of psionic energy displayed in the Wanbao Order seemed to be somewhat beyond his expectation.

The psionic energy that was almost exhausted at the moment turned out to be a full 10 million low-level psionic energy, about three million medium-level psionic energy, and a million or so high-level psionic energy.

This sudden scene made Jiang Heng's eyes widen and he couldn't help breathing quickly.

"Could it be that Wanbaozhai will also make a transfer error? Is this a big one who made a wrong transfer? Or am I dazzled?"

Jiang Heng withdrew his mind and probed in again, but no matter how he tried, the values ​​inside remained the same as before.


After pondering for a moment, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth and entered the spiritual world.

Enter the familiar Tianren City again, the place I entered this time is the location when I went out last time, so the surrounding road conditions are fairly familiar.

After identifying the direction, Jiang Heng immediately went to Wanbaozhai.

He didn't see Hongtao this time when he entered Wanbaozhai, so he asked the receptionist, who asked him to wait in the reception room, and after a while, Hongtao came in.

"Meet the senior again!"

Seeing Jiang Heng, Heart had a polite smile on her face.

"Sit! I actually have a few things to do when I come here this time, but I want to get some information before that."

Jiang Heng murmured.

"Good senior, if it's about repayment, you don't need to be so anxious. You can pay it off within a hundred years. Of course, you are a first-class VIP, and your level can extend the repayment time."

Seeing that Jiang Heng came back not long after, he thought he was remembering to repay the money and explained with a smile.

"No, no!" Jiang Heng waved his hands and said, "No! No, this time I want to ask if there is a possibility that the amount of psionic energy in the Wanbao Token will be transferred by someone else?"

"Huh? You want to ask, is it a psionic transformation between friends or relatives?" Heart is a little puzzled, she rarely hears this kind of question from new customers.


Jiang Heng nodded and followed suit.

"Is it senior, does the elder in your family want to withdraw part of the psionic energy into your Wanbao Token? If so, please rest assured, senior, the transformation of psionic energy is perceived by the other party's soul breath. In addition, there is also a soul breath record in the Wanbao Token , as long as there is perception, there will be no mistakes. Moreover, the transformation of psionic energy needs to be handled in each branch of our Wanbaozhai.

Even if that kind of mistake does occur, you can still check the records in our Wanbaozhai. "

Hearts made up their minds while talking.

In this way, the possibility of transfer errors is extremely small? Then where did I get so much spiritual power?

Winning the Spirit World Lottery?


"Then can you help me check the psionic conversion record of my Myriad Treasure Token?" Jiang Heng casually took out his own Myriad Treasure Token Yes! "Hearts nodded kindly, took the token and left for a while, then came back quickly.

It's just that the expression on her face was a little surprised at this time, and the gaze she looked at Jiang Heng became more tender.

"Senior, you don't have any psionic conversion records for your Wanbao Ling, but I found that your Wanbao Ling has a lot of psionic power, but you can continue to consume without paying back, as long as you pay it back within a thousand years." Heart's attitude is obvious Much better than before.

If she just regarded Jiang Heng as a suspected potential customer before, now she is a real potential customer.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, but couldn't help but frown even tighter.

"But how did these psychic powers come out?"

Suspicious in his heart, Jiang Heng couldn't help but glance at Heart again.

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