Master of Fist

Chapter 639: Birthday (Part 1)

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With the disappearance of the force field, Jiang Heng began to slowly raise the bow, and just shaking it a little bit attracted everyone's attention.

After all, Jiang Heng's state of performance at the beginning is really not enough to see. Those who tried before were not at the upper peak or even half-step Dao state or even Dao state level.

It's unbelievable that someone like Jiang Heng is still a human race in the early stage.

In fact, Jiang Heng is also a bit scolding now.

"Damn! It's a bit exaggerated, I forgot that this physical body is not my own!"

Although Langmu's body was possessed by Jiang Heng during this period of time, it can naturally exert 1000% of its full body strength under the blessing of the powerful domain master spirit body. But after all, the foundation is too poor, and it is almost impossible to reach the level of the main body.

In the end, Jiang Heng just raised the Potian Bow an inch and gave up. It's not that he doesn't want to but that he really can't do it.

The physical body is too weak, and to be able to do this is the full potential of his domain master-level spiritual body. It can be said that as long as Jiang Heng's spiritual body separates from the physical body again, the physical body will fall apart and disintegrate on its own.

This physical body is already exhausted at this moment.

Some people regretted seeing this scene, but most still looked at Jiang Heng with disbelief.

It was hard for them to imagine that Jiang Heng's body looked thin and weak, but it was incredible that he could lift the Sky-breaking Bow by an inch.

Well, in the eyes of the orcs, the definition of strong is the level of the old cows before. Langmu's figure, which is considered very strong among the human race, is thin in the eyes of the orcs.

His Highness the Third Highness also looked at Jiang Heng with some astonishment, the smile on his face was even bigger and he was more confident about which level Jiang Heng could help him to reach next.

Not only is he good at pupil art, but his physical attainment is also comparable to that of the half-step Dao realm.

With these two points, in the eyes of the Third Highness, Jiang Heng's importance has far surpassed that of Aoshan by many streets.

"That's right! Lift up an inch, and you'll be rewarded with a hundred holy yuan fruits!"

Shenzi also glanced at Jiang Heng approvingly, but he just glanced normally and didn't pay much attention to it.

At first, I thought Jiang Heng, the human race who suddenly appeared next to his third brother, might be a bit weird, but now it seems that's the case.

After receiving a hundred Saint Yuan Fruits, Jiang Heng was quite satisfied.

"Although the effects of these holy yuan fruits on the body are mediocre, they can help strengthen my physical body and further deify the bones in my body."

At present, Jiang Heng's own bones have been slightly deified after the last breakthrough, with some characteristics. Those who want to step into the domain master will completely deify the bones and turn them into demigod bones.

In this way, with the demigod bone included, the blood will turn into demigod blood due to the demigod bone in the future, which is more conducive to awakening the first divine organ.

It can be said that the deification of bones is a sign of stepping into the domain master level, and the first deified organ represents that the domain master level initially possesses the lethality of the domain master level!

Back in Fuzhong, Jiang Heng fed the Saint Yuan fruit to the main body, and then put it into the Zhanshen gourd again, taking advantage of the harsh environment in it to continuously speed up the body's absorption of the Saint Yuan fruit.

"It's a pity that I didn't meet that person today. Is that person really the Holy Master?"

Jiang Heng thought again of the guy who brought him a sense of crisis that he encountered during that mental investigation, and even because of the haste of retreating, it was too late to determine the location and appearance of the other party.

After much deliberation, I had no idea, so I had no choice but to give up.

Until the day before the son of God's birthday, Jiang Heng learned in the mansion that the human race from the abandoned land had come here to celebrate the birthday.

For this reason, Jiang Heng left the Shenzi Mansion and found a restaurant with a good view beside the street of Wanshou City to observe.

As a team of nearly a hundred people gradually approached from a distance, these people said they were coming to celebrate a birthday, but there were troops from the Wanshou City on both sides of the team, and there was an orc leader leading them in front of them. Let's go together. From a distance, it didn't look like they were here to celebrate a birthday, but they were arrested and taken into the city by the soldiers of Wanshou City.

The fact is similar, those human races were driven forward, and any orc soldier on both sides of the team could beat and scold them because of the chaotic order of the team.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng shook his head. The key point was that those high-ranking people in the abandoned land were beaten and scolded by the little soldiers, but they didn't dare to fight back. What's more, they still smiled, which was very humble.

At this time, Jiang Heng also saw a mean old man in the crowd, it was none other than Changchun brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

When Jiang Heng found him, he also sensed Jiang Heng.

"Brother, you are really slow here!"

"Hey, it's just right if you're not slow, alas, I heard that His Highness picked you up in advance. I didn't expect it to be true. How did you find out anything here?"

The two communicated with each other through sound transmission, Wen Yan Jiang Heng thought for a while and then talked about the recent investigation and analysis of the City of Beasts.

"You said there are strong orcs here who can threaten you?"

Hearing Jiang Heng's description, Changchun was obviously a little surprised.

"I don't know who it is, but I guess it's not a small risk to attack the orcs!"

Jiang Heng sighed, he had no choice but to act now.

Of course, I can find an opportunity to quit, but I am really unwilling to return empty-handed like this.

The reason why he persisted in not leaving was mainly because his physical and mental strength gave Jiang Heng some confidence.

"What's more, I still have the God-Slaying Gourd."

Thinking that since I got the Zhanshen Gourd, I have never really used it to kill the enemy. The time knife inside has never been taken out.

In fact, Jiang Heng doesn't know how strong the Time Knife has been stored for a long time if he uses the Zhanshen Gourd to control it, because it only has the power of a single knife, and a single cut will instantly exhaust the power of the Time Knife that has been stored during this period of time.

This is very similar to Lu Yixin's raising his sword and gaining momentum.

"Brother Jiang, let's not talk about your side. The situation on my side seems to have changed. Did you see that Ji Wuchang is here too!"

Changchun winked in Jiang Heng's direction from a distance on the street, and Jiang Heng glanced casually and found Ji Wuchang who was walking in the front rows among the crowd.

This ancestor of the Ji Family's Dao Realm, at this moment, was still surrounded by several senior officers of the Secret Treasure Pavilion. They also followed the main force, but their eyes glanced around from time to time.

Their movements were unobtrusive and they were particularly concealed, but Jiang Heng watched them carefully.

"With this group of people joining, I'm afraid the birthday of the Son of God will be even more chaotic. This will do us more good than harm!" Jiang Heng laughed, and it was Sleepy who came to deliver the pillow.

If they wanted to make a big fuss in the orc clan, it would be impossible for them alone to wrestle with the orc clan. Too easy to be targeted.

On the contrary, with Ji Wuchang and his group around, things will become interesting.

Jiang Heng would not think that Ji Wuchang and his group came here just to attend a birthday.

"But I can't see through Ji Wuchang's thoughts. Could it be that the closer the strength is to the domain master level, the stronger the mental body, the more I can't read minds?"

Jiang Heng looked at Ji Wuchang in the crowd not far away. At this time, Ji Wuchang looked around with a gloomy face, his eyes were like eagles, as if looking for prey. It also seems to be looking at the surrounding layout.

As for the few people around him, they could hear some inner voices, nothing more than outrageous anger, and almost 90% of them were inner complaints against the orcs.

The other people who were a little farther away from the few people were not necessarily more lamenting the strength of the beast race, but also a little inferior.

From this point alone, it can be seen that those who harbored anger in their hearts were all members of the Alliance, while those who lamented the power of the orcs were all from the top class of the abandoned land.

These people will be led to a temporary residence in the end, just waiting for the birthday of the Son of God, at most these people will be given congratulatory gifts and can only be arranged in the outermost periphery. You can't even enter the gate of the birthday banquet, you can only sit outside with some middle or even low-level orcs.

It has to be said that this is simply an insult to the human race, but those superiors in the abandoned land are eager to send out the most worthy treasures.

They all wanted to use this to gain some relationship with some big men in the orc clan, but it was doomed that they would not get any benefits at all, and had to pay a generous gift.

Jiang Heng was a little emotional. At first he wanted to use Langmu's identity to sneak into the ancestral land of the orcs in the name of celebrating birthdays. Now it seems that kind of method is really inferior.

Just like this time in Changchun, if Jiang Heng hadn't entered to observe the situation in advance, I'm afraid that from the beginning of the birthday banquet to the end of the birthday banquet, it is estimated that even how many armed and powerful people there are in Wanshou City.

Perhaps because the superiors of the human race entered the city today, a chaotic force field filled the city of beasts from today onwards. This kind of force field will not affect strength, but affects perception to a certain extent.

However, Jiang Heng's mind perception is not included in this list.


After making an agreement with Changchun to do it tomorrow, the two did not communicate any more and waited for tomorrow's Shenzi's birthday banquet.

On the second day, Son of God's birthday, the whole city has been decorated with festive meaning.

"Have you heard? It seems that on the day of Shenzi's birthday today, the Holy Lord will come in person, and maybe he will take this opportunity to officially confirm the status of Lord Shenzi."

"It's more than confirming the status, the Holy Master has already intended to pass on the throne! It is estimated that the next generation of the Holy Master will be born today!"

"Doesn't that mean that Lord Shenzi has completely controlled the power of the beast clan from now on?"

"Yes, yes! I really envy those disciples of Lord Shenzi. This is the only one who has attained enlightenment and ascended to heaven."

Hearing the voices of people discussing in Wanshou City along the way, Jiang Heng silently took the strange beast and accompanied the Third Highness to the Shenzi Mansion.

Today's Ten Thousand Beast City is extremely crowded, especially the direction to Shenzi Mansion is even more congested. Fortunately, the Third Highness Jiang Heng and the others can float in the air because of their special status.

Looking down at the people who couldn't move forward because of the crowd, I can't help feeling that power is really useful sometimes.

After galloping all the way to the Shenzi Mansion, I came to the Shenzi Mansion again and found that this place is completely different from that day. There are festive things everywhere, and the servants are all neatly dressed. There is always a faint smile on the face looking around the guests who keep entering.

"Senior Lang, you can just follow me for a while. You'd better keep a low profile otherwise. After all, humans are generally not allowed to appear on such occasions."

His Highness the Third Highness reminded him in a low voice, Jiang Heng nodded, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he didn't know if he really listened.

This time, apart from Jiang Heng, even Ao Shan represented the eight tribes of the Dragon Clan, but because of his status, he was still one step behind the Third Highness. It seemed that the Third Highness was at the forefront, followed by Ao Shan and Jiang Heng was last.

Ao Shan glanced at Jiang Heng behind him. For some reason, he always felt that the human race was a bit unusually excited today.

This is my orc ceremony. What are you excited about?

I had doubts in my heart, but it was not easy to tell His Highness the Third Highness about this matter, so Ao Shan just walked forward in silence.

I came to the main hall that day again, but this time there were obviously a lot more tables, even the front, middle and rear courtyards outside had tables and chairs in the open air, and there were even many floating in the sky above the Shenzi Mansion today There are also many tables and chairs on the imperial starship and the alliance airship, all of which are used for today's entertainment.

It seems that this grand ceremony is very serious, but in the eyes of Jiang Heng and other human races, it seems very funny.

It's really a patchwork feeling, as if it's a joke.

Shaking his head, everyone who can come in today has his own seat. Logically speaking, Jiang Heng is not qualified to sit in because he is the guard of the Third Highness. But considering the identity of the Third Highness, Jiang Heng still sat in the position behind the Third Highness, looking calmly at the crowd who entered.

"Hey, buddy, are you... a human race?"

At this moment, a slightly subdued magnetic male voice came from beside Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng searched for the sound, but saw that sitting next to him was a beast tribe wearing Chinese clothes but with a bird's head on his head. There seemed to be a thunderstorm brewing in his eyes.

Judging from the species, it seems to be a relative, Golden Winged Lei Peng?


Jiang Heng nodded and admitted generously.

"The human race can enter here to participate in the birthday of the Son of God. It seems that your status is not low. Which Highness is it not?"

This bird-headed orc didn't seem to discriminate against humans like other orcs, and his tone was relatively gentle.

"You came in with His Highness the Third Highness, are you...?"

"Oh! No wonder!" The bird-headed beast clan nodded, and then said with a smile: "I am Lei Gang, the leader of the Golden Wing Thunder Division with Hundred Wings!"

"It turned out to be Lord Lei Gang from the Golden Winged Thunder Department, guarding the human race Langmu under the Third Highness!"

Since the attitude of the other party is still good, Jiang Heng also responded with a smile.

"By the I don't know Brother Lei Gang, but do you know what major event will happen on this birthday? I heard from many people in the city that the Holy Lord will pass the throne to Lord Shenzi?"

"That's true!" Hearing that Jiang Heng is a member of the Third Highness, Lei Gang's attitude has obviously improved a lot, he nodded and smiled and said: "This matter is not a secret, it is said that the Holy Lord's deadline is approaching, if you don't Unexpectedly, the Holy Lord will come in person and announce the succession of the Son of God!"

"Holy Master's deadline is approaching?" Hearing this, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows.

"Shouldn't the Holy Master be so powerful?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to know quite a lot, Jiang Heng felt that he should insinuate some news.

"Hey! Lord Holy Master is of course cultivated to the sky, but he is one of the first among our orcs after all. In the early years, because he was busy fighting for the orcs and fighting for resources with the empire and the alliance, he often fought with those old guys of the human race Fighting, many diseases have already fallen on his body.

In fact, I couldn't hold it anymore. Thanks to the various life-enhancing medicines for these years, I seldom go out to show up now. I hope the Holy Master can live for thousands of years! "

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