Master of Fist

Chapter 635: lurking

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Seeing the ancestral land of the orc clan, the three brothers of the Bai family were quite excited. You must know that even if they are the gatekeepers, they have no chance to return to the ancestral land of the orcs without internal approval.

This involves the key material for entering the ancestral land, black shadow sand!

A thing that the shadow dragons are particularly fond of, and the entire orc clan seems to be the only one who knows where this kind of thing is produced.

Of course, it's easy to get in and get out, as long as the master of the galaxy level has already perceived the existence of the real world.

Just like Jiang Heng can feel the existence of the real world now, it seems very easy to go out, because he can have a chance to return to the real world at a certain point with all his strength. It's just that it will be difficult to re-enter the ancestral land of the orcs.

The dark matter plane is currently extremely difficult to perceive in the real world, at least in Jiang Heng's view.

"Third Highness, you are back!"

Not long after Jiang Heng and his party appeared, a group of orc warriors wearing gold armor and wearing eagle heads roared over, and the leader knelt down on one knee in front of the Third Highness, respectful.

"From the Skyhawk Department?"

"Exactly! Your Highness the Third!" the man with the eagle head said hastily.

"I remember that the Skyhawk Department belongs to my elder brother, right? Are you here to welcome me on behalf of elder brother?"

Hearing this, the man nodded slightly embarrassed.

"Your Highness is like this. Our commander will be here soon. At that time, the commander will invite His Highness to Nanyuan for a short rest."

The man bowed slightly with a humble face.

"What do you mean?" Hearing that, the Third Highness raised his brows.

"Nanyuan, you guys think I don't know that it is also my elder brother's territory, what are you planning to do? Do you want to put His Highness under house arrest?!"

The anger on the face of the Third Highness, the originally handsome appearance also showed a sharp look.

"Don't dare! My family commander is here, let the commander tell you!"

As he spoke, he saw a huge figure galloping towards the sky in the distance. It was an eagle with golden wings all over its body. The other party spun in the air and quickly turned into a burly eagle with a golden armor all over its body. Man, when it landed, it splashed a lot of dust and dust.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Third!" The leader of the Sky Eagle Department casually and even more lightly cupped his hands to show his respect.

However, with this kind of behavior, everyone can see that his words are insincere.

"What you guys did in the Sky Eagle Department is too obvious!" Ao Shan said in a low voice, his thick voice was full of roughness.

"So it's Brother Ao Shan! It's hard enough for you to travel around with His Highness the Third Highness at your age. But who told you that you have bad eyesight!"

Speaking of which, this person deliberately glanced at the Third Highness, which meant that it was more vicious than pointing at the Third Highness and scolding him.

"Hei Mu, did you get my elder brother's permission to do this? Does he really need to do such a terrific thing?" The Third Highness narrowed his eyes slightly, but he calmed down a lot.

"Third Highness, since you know it, why bother to say it out loud. Sometimes it's better to be aware of current affairs!" Hei Mu, the leader of the Sky Eagle Division, laughed.

But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Jiang Heng, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Third Highness, if you don't have enough manpower, you can actually discuss it with me. Maybe I can pick some capable men from the Skyhawk Department for you. But you chose a human race as your guard. I really don't worry if someone is accidentally killed. We ate it?"

Kuroki laughed, but he felt something was wrong when he smiled.

Because he found that His Highness the Third Highness looked at him very strangely, not only that, including Ao Shan, the three brothers of the Bai family all looked at him strangely, as if they were looking at a mentally retarded person.


Hei Mu didn't continue to sneer, but just looked at Jiang Heng seriously again.

But no matter how he looks at it, the other party is only at the early stage of the ancestors, which is equivalent to the early stage of the upper class of human beings.

This kind of strength can be regarded as a local hegemony outside, but where is this place, the ancestral land of the beast race, there are a lot of high-level people.

"Your name is Kuroki?"

Just when Hei Mu was about to say something to anger the Third Highness and cause conflicts so that he could act cheaply, Jiang Heng, who had been ignored by him all the time, spoke slowly.

Kuroki looked over in surprise.

"Heh, you like troublesome things very much!" Hei Mu sneered, just about to explode and make trouble, embarrassing His Highness the Third Highness.

Suddenly, a loud shout exploded into his mind out of thin air.

"Kneel down!!"

This explosion sounded like a thunderbolt that shook his soul directly. The strength that was originally ready to go, faded away like a tide at this moment, and he also quickly lost the ability to control his body.

Now he desperately wanted something to support him, but there was nothing on the left and right to support him, he staggered for a while, and finally with a thump, his legs gave way and he knelt on the ground.

After seeing Jiang Heng's miraculous method again, His Highness the Third Highness was even more confident about this trip to the battle of God and Son.

One sentence can make a half-step Taoist kneel down, this kind of method is simply amazing!

On the side, Ao Shan and the three brothers of the Bai family all had a hint of admiration.

It was Jiang Heng's understatement of defending against the enemy that they had to admire.

As for those members of the Tianying Department, they were already dumbfounded. They looked blankly at their commanders and at the third highness and his party who had swaggered past them. I don't know whether to check the commander's situation or go forward to stop the Third Highness from going out.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and help me!"

It wasn't until the sound of Heimu cursing and cursing sounded that everyone woke up like a dream.

"Why do you say that the third child brought back a mysterious human master who made you kneel with just one word?"

At this moment, in a grand hall, Hei Mu knelt on the luxurious crystal floor and shivered, not daring to look directly at the man above him.

"Yes! Yes, that person is very weird..." He couldn't continue with the next words.

Because the people above are already on the verge of rage.

Suddenly a gust of wind came down, Hei Mu hurriedly raised his head, saw a red wave rushing towards him and repeatedly begged for mercy: "My lord, spare me! Forgive..."

In the middle of speaking, his whole body was swallowed by the red waves, and those red waves looked like they were composed of countless tiny blood-colored worms.

As the red wave swept and retracted again, the place where Hei Mu was originally standing was empty and nothing was left.

"Trash! Trash!"

The man standing above the main hall looked angry, glanced at the only waiter standing beside him at the moment who was trembling with fright and snorted softly.

"Forgive me! Your Highness, Son of God, forgive me!"

The waiter seemed to know something and fell to his knees and kowtowed repeatedly.

However, the **** wave surged out again, covering his whole body, only a moment later when the **** wave receded.

The waiter was still kneeling on the spot, but at this moment the waiter looked at his hands in disbelief. He could feel the majestic power in his body at the moment.

Even his body shape changed greatly. The originally thin waiter was now as tall as a hill, and some of his main features were also revealed.

Like a tail covered with scales swaying behind, the muscles all over the body are bulging and the body surface is also covered with scales.

"His Royal Highness? This..."

"You will be in charge of the Skyhawk Division from now on, go!" Shenzi waved his hand, as if all this was just a trivial matter to him.

City of Beasts—

The only main city in the ancestral land of the orcs, as the only city sitting in the ancestral land of the orcs, the scale of this city can be described as extremely large.

Its size is almost equivalent to several empire parent stars, covering a very large area.

After all, there are not only tens of billions of orcs living here, but also almost equal human slaves.


The human race here is a slave, and most of the slaves here are women, and these female slaves have no power at all here.

Their only value here is to give birth, and they are tools for the orcs to reproduce from generation to generation.

Of course, it is only limited to the reproduction of the middle and lower bloodline beast races, and the upper bloodline nobles disdain to seek human females as mating objects. According to them, it would tarnish their lineage.

For the reproduction of the orc race, most of the human females are consumed at an extremely high rate, often dying a lot every year. This is because most of these human women are warriors. If they were ordinary women, the death rate would be greatly increased.

In order to make up for this consumption, annual conquests and the surrender of abandoned lands are inevitable.

When Jiang Heng followed the Third Highness and his party through the streets of Wanshou City, he saw some orcs holding ropes in their hands, and a human woman was tied to one end of the ropes. For some reason, there was a raging anger in his heart, as if he wanted to burn everything.

Damn it!

All be damned!

Jiang Heng was furious in his heart,

"Forbearance! I must hold back! When everything is settled properly, I will make another big fuss!"

I kept muttering in my heart, and forcibly suppressed this anger.

Looking at those women, I found that their expressions were dull, their eyes were dull, and their whole bodies were like shells that had lost their souls.

"Senior Lang, don't care about these things. In fact, I have also thought about changing these things. We saints disdain such behaviors. But most low-level orcs are very capable of reproduction, but female orcs are not very used to it. It is easy to cause a large number of female orcs to die, so they found such a way.

But seniors, rest assured, as long as His Highness can become the Son of God, this policy will definitely change! "

Seeming to be dissatisfied with Jiang Heng's expression, His Highness the Third Highness explained a few words in a timely manner.

Just hearing Jiang Heng's thoughts in the other party's heart, he secretly sneered.

The Third Highness in front of me would not be so kind. He wants to become the Son of God, besides his own strength is strong enough, even if he ascends to the position of Son of God in the future, he will not damage the interests of the orcs.

Because once this policy is changed, it may damage the overall interests of the Orcs.

The high-level orcs need to fight, and the source of soldiers for the battle needs to be borne by the middle- and low-level orcs. But if the reproduction can't keep up, how can the middle and low-level orcs be willing to serve?

Over time, the orc clan might be doomed. Because compared to the extremely large number of human races, the manpower of the orc races may not be as good as half the population of a star field in the empire.

"Your Highness!"

Not long after entering the city, a group of burly men in armor came over. This group of people either had horns on their heads or scales on their bodies.

"This is the Feilong tribe, one of the eight tribes of the Dragon Clan. It has served as the guard of the south city gate all year round. We are absolutely safe here!" His Highness said with a smile towards Jiang.

A group of people walked through the busy city under the guard of the forbidden army. Jiang Heng noticed that the things bought and sold in the urban area of ​​the orcs were actually very different from those of the human race.

For example, most of the products sold by the human race are some technological products mainly for life, or mainly for luxury goods.

On the side of the orcs, there are more materials and various auxiliary cultivation items, or some human slaves with clearly marked prices, etc. Even Jiang Heng heard that there is the largest slave market here, and all the slaves are sold. It is a human race of various ranks.

There are warriors from low to high class, and some high class warriors have been restricted in their cultivation.

Most of these high-level warriors are purchased as the blood food of high-ranking nobles, and only rarely will they be accepted as followers, because nobles do not need human guards, and they have no shortage of brothers and legs.

Listening to their narration, Jiang Heng just watched with cold eyes, and even finally saw the old man who was imprisoned in the cage, and his muscles and bones had penetrated all kinds of metal hooks and clamps.

The old man's eyes were deep, and he saw that the orcs who were coming and going were calm on the surface, but in the depths of his eyes, he could see a monstrous hatred.

It's just that his expression changed slightly when he swept across Jiang Heng among the crowd, but soon he spat in the direction of Jiang Heng with great effort.

Jiang Heng could see the word traitor from his silent mouth.

His actions quickly aroused the dissatisfaction of the nearby slave trader, and he was whipped immediately, and the old scalp was ripped apart from the beating.

These slave traders knew very well what the clothes of His Highness the Third Highness and the powerful aura exuding from the body of the followers behind him represented. They must be of the noble class. For nobles of this level, they would not dare to offend even a small follower of them.

"This is where my mansion is. Senior Lang, please treat this place as your own home these days without any worries!"

His Highness the Third Highness led Jiang Heng and the others into the mansion that could not be seen at a glance. The group said in a flat tone.

As the Third Highness of the Saint Clan, his residence can be described as a city. Of course, compared to Myriad Beast City, whose average area is larger than several empire home, this mansion is naturally not that big.

You must know that even if you want to sail at the speed of light, it will take a stick of incense to cross the entire secret realm of the ancestral land of the orcs, and it will probably take about one breath to cross the City of Beasts.

If you walk normally, you don't know how many years it will take to cross the entire city of beasts.

The densely packed palaces and courtyards are where the residence of His Highness the Third Highness is located. There are tens of thousands of houses here, large and small, and when he walks into it, Jiang Heng can see the servants coming out in groups. Kneel down and salute.

"There are more than 10,000 servants here, and 8,900 guards. If Ruo Lang needs anything, you can directly ask Mo Lao, the chief steward of this mansion. He has been on duty here for more than a thousand years, and he is familiar with all matters big and small in this mansion. .”

His Highness the Third Highness was talking while walking.

Jiang Heng also listened carefully, and at the same time, his thoughts quickly spread outward, not only limited to the mansion of the three highnesses, but also spread outward and even included the entire Ten Thousand Beast City...

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