Master of Fist

Chapter 632: 2 fools

It's just that the wait lasted for an hour, and in the end, only the three Goutoujin came over with apprehension on their faces.

"Several great king...he...he is a little uncomfortable, and it is inconvenient to meet with several envoys for the time being!" The dog demon looked embarrassed. He was even more anxious in his heart, for fear that the other party would be displeased.

In fact, Jiang Heng's original words were even more blunt, even so, the three brothers of the Bai family were still so angry that their noses were crooked.

"Langmu is so courageous!"

Bai Er couldn't help it anymore, and couldn't help shouting angrily: "Does he want to stand on his own and doesn't want to condescend to be ruled by my beast clan? If that's the case, then let him fend for himself, and the three of us will report it." Take care of this above!"

Bai Er's words frightened the three of Goutou Jin and the others to turn pale. Almost simultaneously, the three fell to their knees with a thud, and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Bai San even kicked the dog demon over, cursing and swearing, and there was a faint bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Only Bai Da was the calmest, he didn't even look at the three of them kneeling under him, thinking about it alone.

"Brother, why do you have to be patient, since this Langmu is so ungrateful, why don't I carry out the second plan?" Bai San frowned.

The second plan is naturally to report to the superior, and the superior will take action himself. With so many strong men in the ancestral land of the orcs, they can easily take down this lawless Langmu.

However, Bai Da waved his hands and couldn't help saying via voice transmission: "Confused!"

"This person is so confident, it must be a great skill. Do you think that the demigod bones can really kill several or even dozens of superiors in one breath?

Although the superiors of these human races in the Abandoned Land are a bunch of drunks and rice bags, but the superiors are superiors after all, this person is not simple! "

Bai Da's face was gloomy and terrifying.

It is not absolute to stop reporting this matter to the higher authorities. If he wants to report it, he must analyze the opponent's strength before reporting.

not to mention......

Bai Da thought for a while with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said via voice transmission:

"Do you think the big man would be interested in this person?"

"That lord? Which lord?" Hearing this, Bai Er and Bai San scratched their heads in confusion.

"Idiot, who else could it be besides the Third Highness!"

Bai Da hated that iron could not be made into steel, and the two younger brothers suddenly realized after hearing this.

His Highness was considered the highest status person they knew indirectly. The reason why they knew him indirectly was that they knew His Highness, but His Highness didn't know them.

At most, they would have a channel to send a message to His Highness the Third Highness.

"Now the third highness is not in power, only the first highness is now conferred as the Son of God, but the first highness still has a rift with the third highness, and the third highness is at a time when there is a shortage of people. In my opinion, this person's strength has probably reached the so-called half-step of the human race. Maybe the Dao Realm is not too far away from the last step!"

Bai Da commented on Jiang Heng in this way.

"Brother, do you value this person too much?" Bai San looked unconvinced.

Bai Er was thinking about the judgment made by his boss.

"Brother, let alone the strength of this person, the key is whether this person can join the command of the Third Highness!"

"But what if we offer some conditions that he can't refuse?" Bai Da chuckled, "For example, the real artifacts needed by the human race, I remember that the third prince seems to have a few good collections, right? Do you think the third prince is here? How will he choose between the demigod skeleton and the true weapon of the Dao Realm?"

Hearing this, Bai Er and Bai San both looked stunned.

That's right, as a nobleman among the nobles, the Third Highness's desire for divine substances is simply unimaginable, just like the reason why all your highnesses want to compete for the position of Son of God is not for the gods left behind by the Holy Lord after his old man passed away. Sexual substance?

A powerful thing that can support the invincibility of an orc lord, with a divine thing, it can be said that even if the entire orc clan opposes its orthodox identity, it dare not have the slightest desire to resist.

The faces of several people were all smiles when they figured it out. This is indeed an excellent solution for the present.

"That's exactly the reason, brother, this plan is very clever! Right now, it seems that His Royal Highness has settled in the battle for the Son of God. In fact, as long as the Holy Master does not come to heaven, there is still hope!"

Bai Er laughed and said.

"Since that's the case, please invite this one over there. Maybe we will become colleagues with us in the future." Bai laughed and said, several people were talking through sound transmission, and the dog head Jin on the side was completely unaware, seeing The complexions of several adults gradually changed from cloudy to sunny, thinking that the other party was extremely angry and laughed instead, and even trembled with fright for a while.

"I have other important matters to discuss with King Langmu, so please take me to his room!"

Hearing Bai Daping's gentle and warm voice, the Goutoujin trio thought they heard it wrong.

"Master Messenger?"

"Is it because I didn't understand clearly?" Bai looked at him with a big smile, and the dog demon was so frightened that he hurriedly led everyone to the room where Langmu was.

Boom boom boom!

"come in!"

Almost as soon as there was a knock on the door, Jiang Heng's deep voice sounded.

"Sit down as you please!"

This time, the voice came from the minds of the three brothers of the Bai family. The three of them looked at each other and found a seat in the living room without saying anything. As for Goutoujin, the three closed the door and left very tactfully.

The three of them couldn't believe it when they closed the door.

"Our king is about to develop?"

"That's right, the Messenger thinks highly of our king so much, our king is sure that this is about to develop."

Several people walked away while talking through sound transmission.

"Langmu! We came here with sincerity, you can't see us, can you?" Bai Da's voice sounded with a smile, his eyes glanced around, and at the same time he stretched out his breath to search for Langmu trace.

But soon he showed a look of horror.

how come? !

In his perception, he didn't detect any aura belonging to Langmu in this huge suite, there was only one human woman, and the aura was very weak, only at the level of a low-level warrior.

Could this be King Langmu?

But I heard that King Langmu is a man, when did he become a woman?

The three of them looked at each other in blank dismay for a moment.

Just as the few people were waiting anxiously, footsteps came from the side, and soon a burly and rugged figure came out.

The shiny bald head is so conspicuous, and the bulging muscles all over the body are full of explosive feeling, especially the tall and burly man who is more than two meters tall looks like a little giant walking towards several people.

Of course, if it's just their height and physique, they definitely can't cause any psychological pressure on them. It's just that they have a strange feeling that when the other party appears, they feel an unimaginable coercion oppressing their hearts. It seems that the heart is pinched tightly in the palm of the hand, and there is a feeling of suffocation.

"Three... white envoys?"

Jiang Heng smiled and sat across from the three of them.

"You know us?" The three brothers of the Bai family looked surprised.

"Naturally, the White Messenger is a senior who has guarded the abandoned land for many years. As long as he lives in the abandoned land, he has heard of it."

Jiang Heng waved his hand. In fact, even some kings who have been in business for many years still don't know what the names of the three guards are.

It's just that under Jiang Heng's mental coercion at this moment, several people subconsciously didn't think about it.

"Are you here for the bones of the demigod?" Jiang Heng sneered.

Hearing this, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw a cold light in their eyes.

"King Langmu, you also understand the rules of this abandoned place. Some things are for those who are capable, and things that don't match virtue are very dangerous."

Although Bai San had long been concerned about it, Bai San couldn't help threatening him with words.

It is really that their orcs have been at the top of the abandoned land too much, and it is difficult to change their contempt for the human race for a while.

Unless it is those orcs who fight abroad, those who roam the empire and fight in the alliance all the year round, and have experienced countless human race powerhouses know how powerful these human races are.

But the three brothers of the Bai family are not. They seem to have aristocratic temperament even though they are not nobles.

"Are you threatening me?"

Jiang Heng's voice suddenly erupted, and a terrifying mental pressure erupted instantly, just like a flood that rolled back and collapsed the world.

In an instant, Bai San felt as if his head had been hit by a heavy hammer.


A mouthful of blood sprayed out like a fountain, and even the seven orifices were bleeding.

Bai San staggered and was about to fall backwards, but Bai Erbai hurriedly supported him.

How is this possible? !

Both Bai Dabai and Bai Dabai saw panic in their eyes. They knew very well that Bai San's strength was equivalent to that of a human being in the upper middle stage.

This kind of strength was almost shocked to death by the opponent's words. What kind of strength is this?

The few people who originally wanted to kill Jiang Hengrui suddenly fell silent. Even if they are angry, they can only hold back at this moment, otherwise the three of them will die today!

Jiang Heng looked at the three people who had regained their composure with great interest. The reason for their behavior was naturally because he heard everything the three people said through voice transmission.

"These three guys are some softies!"

Jiang Heng sneered in his heart. Compared with the orcs he met in the Qinglan Realm and even in the Iron Ring Star Field, the three in front of him were simply weak bones among the orcs.

It is conceivable that if those orcs who are used to fighting with the human race would glare at Jiang Heng even if they dared not confront Jiang Heng face to face, how could they still maintain their peace of mind like they are now. It can be said that these few are smarter. It can also show that they live too comfortably.

"Can you sit down and talk now?"

"Of course! Of course! I didn't expect you to be so powerful. King Langmu, you are really a master. It was my third younger brother who bumped into you. I, the eldest brother, will accompany you for him."

Saying that, Bai Da fell to his knees with a puff, with an extremely pious appearance.

This scene was so abrupt that Bai Er and Bai Sanyi beside him didn't react for a while.

But soon there were thumping sounds one after another, Bai Er and Bai San also knelt down together like a gourd painting, their faces full of piety.

"King Langmu, I don't know Taishan, so please forgive me!" Bai San hated in his heart, but when he encountered such a terrible life crisis, his previous arrogance had long been forgotten by him. .

"Okay, if this is the case, let's not make an example." Jiang Heng waved his hand and he didn't bother to trouble these guys anymore. As the saying goes, if you don't hit a smiling face, the other party is so shameless.

I don't know how the three guys swaggered through the market before, and how the countless people who worshiped and admired them would feel when they saw this scene.


"What exactly do you want to talk to me about? If you can't tell me why, then don't blame me for being rude."

Jiang Heng glanced at the few people indifferently, and said with a stern expression.

Hearing this, Bai Da hurriedly got up and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead at the same time. He knew that he was planted today. The original arrogance in my heart disappeared after seeing the terrifying coercion of the other party.

"King Langmu calm down, I do have important matters to discuss with the King. This matter is related to your future, Your Majesty!"

Speaking of the latter, Bai Da slightly lowered his voice with a mysterious look.

"Oh?" Jiang Heng pretended to be suspicious.

"In fact, the killing scene you showed in the starry sky not long ago has completely made the abandoned land famous. In fact, what you don't know is that you are not only famous here, but also famous in the ancestral land of our beast clan!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's expression of interest, Bai Dalian hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.


"It's the third highness of our orc clan who has taken a fancy to you and wants to recruit you as his valet."

"The third highness of your orc clan? Why does this king want to be his servant?"

Jiang Heng had a look of disdain, as if he was the best in the world.

Seeing this scene, the three members of the Bai family sneered unanimously in their hearts, secretly contemptuous.

"Alas! Your Majesty, you don't know the situation on our Beast Clan's side. It seems that you don't have a Dao Realm Artifact at your fingertips. There are many such things in our Third Highness's place!

And that's the Third Highness of our Beast Clan, who controls almost half of the Beast Clan, so powerful that he can't get anything. If you want to practice, what resources you need is a matter of a word from the Third Highness! "

Bai Da took the trouble to brag about the awesomeness of His Highness the Third Highness.

Perhaps because he knew the inside story in advance, and saw through what Bai Da and the others were thinking at the moment, Jiang Heng found it very funny.

From what the three of them were thinking at the moment, Jiang Heng knew that the Third Highness did have some power in the orc clan, but it was nonsense to say that he was so powerful.

Now almost 80% of the power is in the hands of the Holy Master of the Beast Race Next 10% is in the hands of the Son of God, and the remaining 10% is jointly controlled by the remaining 100 descendants of the Holy Lord.

It's just that His Highness the Third Highness holds the most power among the hundred heirs, but compared to the Son of God, he is a younger brother.

"However, I don't need to care about these. On the contrary, the more difficult the three princes are in, the more beneficial they are to me!"

Jiang Heng was pondering in his heart, but his face showed a radiant look at the right time, and he hurriedly asked.

"Are you telling the truth? You can get what you really want?"

"Of course?" Bai Da hurriedly said, a little unbearable for Jiang Heng's fanaticism.

"Then I want women, countless women, and the Third Highness can help me get them?" Jiang Heng thought of Langmu's character design to make such a supplement.

"Of course, what the Third Highness lacks most is women."

Bai Da nodded his head like pounding garlic, but sneered in his heart.

Even if you are extremely powerful, you still let me calculate like a fool!

"Damn! You actually called me a second idiot?"

Hearing the voice of the other party, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and took a few deep breaths to suppress the anger in his heart.


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