Master of Fist

Chapter 623: Thief

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Jiang Heng hesitated again and again, but said in a deep voice, "I would like to trade with other items!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Heng could clearly feel that the people in the surrounding Secret Treasure Pavilion were throwing their search aura and energy in this direction.

Compatible martial artist? !

Feeling this, Jiang Heng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was a Hedao warrior in this Secret Treasure Pavilion. You must know that even Changchun is still a short distance away from Hedao. The opponent's strength is estimated not to be much weaker than Changchun, and even stronger.

And the host was also slightly stunned, as if he was communicating with someone through sound transmission.

"Senior Ji, what should I do?"

"Promise him, but you have to replace it with a gold leaf, and you take out the gold leaf I gave you in advance to show one or two."

Hearing these two voices coming from different people's minds, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly.

Golden Page Demigod Martial Arts?

In fact, he still has a little bit of star core left, about 150 grams, but he doesn't plan to use it for trading. It is true that starry sky behemoths are too rare. Although the golden page is equally precious in comparison, he has already remembered the page Qingtian gave him, and now it is definitely a lucrative deal to exchange for a small piece of demigod bones.

"Okay, but except for the core of the giant beast, only the gold pages that record special martial arts similar to this thing are accepted." The host said vaguely, and at the same time took out the gold pages that had been circulated in the side hall from his arms to display out.

Jiang Heng knew that the other party was so ambiguous, and he also considered that those who know must know it, and those who don't know it would be superfluous to explain.

Seeing the host showing this inexplicable golden page, everyone below was puzzled, almost none of them had seen this thing before. After all, it is rare for them to come into contact with real Dao realm artifacts at their level.

At this moment, in Jiang Heng's perception, almost everyone's aura is locked in his private room, but the densely packed Jiang Heng calmly accepts it without any discomfort.

As time passed, the host's face gradually showed a trace of regret. The other people in the Secret Treasure Pavilion scattered all over the place also shook their heads, and it seemed that they were exaggerating again.

"Yes, you can see if it is this kind of gold page!"

Just then Jiang Heng's voice sounded in the private room, and then a golden page floated out of the door like silk and satin, and finally floated over the heads of the crowd and slowly landed in the host's hand.

In the private room, Liu Tingting looked at Jiang Heng without blinking her beautiful eyes, and the confusion in her heart became more and more intense. Now she is eager to know who this mysterious senior is, and what is his true face?

Although she didn't know how precious this golden page was, just looking at the desire of the people present for the demigod's skeleton, and if someone traded with it, she knew that the golden page was extraordinary, and it was definitely a treasure in the world.

The host stared blankly at the extra golden page in his hand, as if he was a little surprised at the other party's generosity, or because the other party actually had it.

Not daring to neglect him, he quickly stuck it on his forehead. After a while, his expression gradually became solemn, and then he calmly nodded towards a certain direction in the venue.

"Can you verify the authenticity? If the inspection is completed, please trade it. This kind of treasure can be traded face to face!"

Jiang Heng's calm voice sounded again in the private room, and fell on the ears of others, as if he was afraid that the Secret Treasure Pavilion would covet his treasures, causing some people to chuckle secretly,

Some people have even started to meet their eyes. There are not a few people who know King Langmu. Besides, although they are hiding in the private room, they can easily check their identities with Qi Machine. The owner of the golden page is King Langmu. familiar.

Even if someone didn't know King Langmu at first, but they couldn't bear to be informed by voice transmission, they often gathered in groups of three or four to prepare for a vote.

In just a few breaths, these kings in the venue had already divided themselves into more than a dozen robbery teams, waiting for the end of the auction to rob King Langmu, whom they considered weak.

"Don't worry, my Secret Treasure Pavilion is sincere in doing business. Since the gold page is correct, then this thing is already yours!"

After getting the order from Senior Ji, the host waved his hand, and the half skeleton on the table flew towards Jiang Heng's private room.

Before he got the skeleton, Jiang Heng had already put it in the storage ring.

"Since your Excellency bought this object, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, would you like to hire someone from the Secret Treasure Pavilion to **** me? The price for a high-quality one is 100,000 energy crystals per day!"

The host kindly reminded, he glanced at the expressions of the people under his eyes, and knew that this group of people might have their own ghosts.

Of course, their Secret Treasure Pavilion is not so kind, and they have other concerns.

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Heng didn't react yet, and the expressions of the others changed slightly.

If the Secret Treasure Pavilion makes a move, this needs to be considered.

However, as the saying goes, money touches people's hearts, and there are still some virtuoso people who are bold and ruthless in their eyes.

"No need, the most valuable thing on my lower body is the golden page, and there are not many left now that I can't afford to spend." Jiang Heng's tone was full of regret.

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed again, and those who were just about to retreat had their eyes lit up again, this kid is looking for his own death!

"Guest, you really don't think about it anymore?" The host was shocked. Is this guy courting death? Or is it that your brain is not working? Don't you feel that these people are sharpening their knives one by one?

"No need, I really don't have any money. If the Secret Treasure Pavilion can be credited, I can consider it!"

Hearing that the host stopped persuading, a sneer was drawn on the corner of his mouth, announcing that those who had just participated in the auction could go to the backstage for trading and left in a hurry.

"You kid is in the limelight now, but what should you do now? Do you need me to take action?"

Changchun's voice was a little funny.

"Not for now!" Jiang Heng shook his head. He's not a big fan, although he doesn't have his own physical body, but with his combat awareness and his domain master-level spiritual body, he can use this physical body to a thousand percent of its strength.

Even as long as he is a little closer to him, he can use spiritual attacks. Of course, he can't do too much. If the soul is out of the body to fight, it is estimated that even if there are thousands of people who hit his attention, it is not enough to kill him.

The only thing to be afraid of is the Hedao martial artist in the Secret Treasure Pavilion. Jiang Heng, the domain master-level spiritual body, has never tried to deal with such a master as a Hedao warrior.

Although the spiritual body is the core source, Jiang Heng didn't dare to try it rashly, and if the martial artist who joined the Dao was also ready to make a move, he wouldn't mind that the other party tried his own methods.

Everyone present seemed to agree with each other, and none of them got up. Seeing this, Jiang Heng took Liu Tingting and took the lead to go out.

After getting out of the flying boat, he looked at the Goutoujin and the others, and ordered them to take Liu Tingting back to their residence, and quickly disappeared into the crowd on the street by himself.

Almost as soon as Jiang Heng left, those kings filed out one by one, their auras flew out and sensed the target, and they looked at each other in groups and left quickly without saying a word.

At the same time, a dozen or so figures stood on the deck of the flying boat and had a panoramic view of the previous scene.

"Senior Ji, are you really trading that treasure to this person?" It was the previous host who spoke.

"That's right! Senior Ji, even if this person gets this treasure, I'm afraid it will soon become someone else's wedding dress. In that case, why don't we take it back?"

Everyone looked regretful, although the demigod skeleton was taken out by Senior Ji. But they are also greedy for this kind of treasure, and they are really unwilling to give it to this group of garbage in the abandoned land.

"Heh, those are of course for them to see. Are the things of my ancestors so easy to get?" At this moment, a voice sounded, and everyone heard it, but it was a middle-aged man standing respectfully behind Ji Wuchang .

This person is also a member of the Ji family, his name is Ji Que, and he is a high-end late-stage peak warrior, second only to Ji Wuchang in prestige here.

In fact, the entire Secret Treasure Pavilion, since the Ji family moved in, is almost equal to the Ji family's property. Although the others had some opinions, they were more obedient in their hearts. After all, in the face of the current national crisis, the only thing they could rely on was Ji Wuchang, a strong Taoist.

Without Ji Wuchang sitting in charge, they would be no different from those great kings in front of the beast clan.

"Ji Que, follow along, and bring it back if possible. As long as you take it back, it will be yours!" Ji Wuchang finally spoke. The demigod bones are naturally extremely precious to the Ji family. .

But in that demigod war, the Ji family got far more than that small piece of demigod bones, so it's okay to reward their own family with it.

Hearing that Ji Que's eyes were shining, he, as the Ji family, naturally knew that the demigod bones were precious. Even if he couldn't use them now, if he was lucky enough to step into the Dao Realm in the future, he could ask his ancestors to help him, and maybe he could refine one. The ultimate Dao Realm artifact.


Ji Que's figure instantly disappeared in place, arousing envy from everyone present.

Jiang Heng walked through the block, and immediately lifted into the sky. His eyes quickly scanned and quickly focused on a barren planet in the distance, and he flew there quickly.

The idea quickly came out and took everything around him into the bottom of my heart.

"A total of fifty people, hehe, it seems that there are quite a few greedy people!"

He sneered secretly in his heart, Jiang Heng also had considerations for this.

Now, Jiang Heng found that the identity of a mere King Langmu was not enough. If he wanted to attract some attention during the next birthday of the orc **** son, he still needed to create momentum.

It is conceivable that if the nameless King Langmu was only borrowed, the orcs who came to celebrate his birthday would not even look at him. However, if it is the powerful King Langmu who has the skeleton of a demigod, it will be different.

"The Orcs must be interested in the demigod bones."

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, the bones of the demigod contained the power of divinity needed by the beast race, and there was even a little essence of the demigod inside. And the beast race was transformed from the body of a demigod, and now this small piece of demigod bone is a great tonic for the strong beast race.

Just like Qingyue yearns for the flesh and blood of the orcs, they also long for the demigod arm in Qingyue's body!


There was a loud shout from behind, and several streamers of light quickly drew an arc across Jiang Heng's side and quickly surrounded him.

"Hand over the bones of the demigod and I'll let you die!"

The leader had a ferocious expression on his face, this person looked quite old, and his physical strength was of a high-end late stage level, he was the leader of the six people around him, and they had already blocked the escape routes around Jiang Heng one by one.

"I, Cai Mu, always keep my word, otherwise I will let you know how painful it is to be human!"

Cai Mu grinned grimly, the creases on his face were almost huddled together, he could almost imagine how terrified Lang Mu would be when he said this.

He didn't know the character Langmu before, but he couldn't bear the fact that the group of younger brothers around him knew that Langmu was just a superior who got a chance to break through with a big medicine, and his strength was at the bottom of the superior.

It is reasonable to say that Cai Mu is too lazy to look directly at this kind of stuff. The reason why he is so aggressive is not to guard against **** like Langmu, but other looters who may appear in the future.

Old people like Cai Mu who have lived in abandoned places all year round are very aware of how chaotic this place is. Killing a lot of treasures is just a common practice. They may be called brothers and brothers one second, and stab the knife directly the next second!

It's just that Langmu's reaction was a bit unexpected at this time, the other party's eyes were a little abnormally calm, calm and terrifying.

Those deep eyes seemed like a black hole could devour everything at any time, and Langmu just stared at them quietly, like staring at corpses.

"Lang Mu, Senior Cai's't you hear it?" The younger brother at the side was also stared a little nervously, and boldly shouted.

"Langmu, why are you so nervous? We all know how much you weigh, you're just putting on airs!"

A king who knew the details of Langmu couldn't bear the invisible psychological pressure and frowned and shouted, as if telling the details of Langmu could relieve the pressure.

However, Langmu in front of him didn't move, didn't speak and still stared at everyone playfully.

"Looking for death! Kill him for me, the thing is on him!"

Cai Mu couldn't take it anymore, so he simply gave the order to kill. However, he was also shrewd, considering that the guy in front of him was putting a lot of pressure on him for some reason, so he let the group of dogs below go first.

Hearing this, all the great kings didn't think so much, and rushed forward directly.

Several people are in the early and mid-stage of the upper class, and the speed is not lower than one or two times the speed of light at full speed.

The distance is getting closer and closer, 10,000 meters, 5,000 meters, 100 meters!

Jiang Heng still stood there motionless, seeing that the last trace of doubt in the hearts of these people had completely dissipated, their eyes were reddened, and they wanted to grab the power of the demigod first.

They didn't dare to take it for themselves, but they could use it to exchange for a lot of labor fees from senior Cai Mu!

However, just as they were scrambling to be the first, boom!

A loud noise exploded in my mind out of thin air, like a thunderstorm exploding in the spiritual The figures of several people suddenly froze in place, and their eyes lost focus and froze in place.

Mental shock!

The deterrent effect achieved by thoroughly crushing the superior fighters with domain master-level thoughts is even more domineering than the spiritual gaze of the nine-headed mysterious.

Several people completely lost control over their bodies, this kind of deterrence is enough to last a cup of tea!

What can a cup of tea do?

Pooh! Pooh!

The blood vessels appeared at the first moment, and at the next moment, with Jiang Heng as the center, several people around were dismembered into hundreds of pieces as if they suddenly disintegrated.

Withdrawing the knife, it is worth a breath of effort in the past!

Jiang Heng's whole body was not stained with a trace of blood, and his calm eyes slowly looked towards Cai Mu who was shocked in the distance.

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