Master of Fist

Chapter 616: land of ruins

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At the same time, located at the edge of the Milky Way, this is an area that the Empire, the Alliance, and even the Federation have not explored much, because it looks like a dead zone. Looking around, there are icy meteorites all around, and occasionally a few stars are only shining faintly.

But precisely because this place is too barren, it is also the place where dirt is most likely to hide.

For example, some of the most wanted criminals of the empire, or the ronin warriors who once offended the dignitaries on the alliance side, all occupy a territory here, most of which rely on the few stars to entangle themselves.

There are also life stars here, but if you want to be eligible to occupy a life star here, the price you pay is no less than that in the land of the empire or the alliance, or even greater.

The law of the jungle is advocated here, and the weak are either reduced to vassals or become tools for others to practice.

Mr. Wen grew up in this environment.

Mr. Wen's full name is Wen Zhiren, and his ancestor was a ronin warrior who fled from the alliance. Because the gymnasium where he was located offended the elites of the alliance, the owner of the gymnasium had to dismiss everyone. The ancestors of the Wen family also wandered all the way to this forgotten land at that time.

There are almost no normal people in the Forgotten Land, and even ordinary people here always wear hot and cold weapons to prevent accidents.

Mr. Wen remembers that it was more chaotic here in the early years, but now it is gradually getting better.

After tidying up his white beard, Mr. Wen walked out at a somewhat slow pace.

"Mr. Wen, why are you here so early?"

When he came to a building transformed from an abandoned starship, several people standing in front of the door on duty greeted him with smiles.

"Well, it's early for you too."

After returning the salute one by one, Mr. Wen walked all the way through the narrow and old metal walkway. This is the architectural style of Abandoned Lands, which typically uses everything to its fullest potential. But everything that can be used can be used.

After finding his own workstation, Mr. Wen sat down. It is more appropriate to say that it is a work station than a dilapidated starship cabin.

In fact, his job is relatively simple, he is a civil servant, but the abandoned land does not have much demand for civil servants, so his duty is more to calculate the property of the big man and the materials from daily looting or scavenging.

To put it bluntly, he is in charge of logistics.

Mr. Wen stretched his waist and was ready to start another boring day.

But before he could start working, there was a knock on the door outside.


With a creak, the cabin door was pushed open, and a man who looked like a guard looked at Mr. Wen, "Are you Mr. Wenzhi Renwen?"

"Yes!" Mr. Wen nodded. He remembered that this person in front of him seemed to be the personal guard of that adult, right?

On weekdays, these low-level people can't get in touch with such big people at all.

"Since you are right, then come with me, the king wants to see you!"

Said the man left without looking back.

And Mr. Wen couldn't believe his eyes, of course he knew who the king was talking about.

The ruler of this star, King Tianxing, is said to be a high-class warrior. Only these high-level warriors can occupy a star in such a place.

In addition, King Tianxing also has a life planet and dozens of resource stars, which can be regarded as a little famous among the surrounding kings.

Mr. Wen has been begging for food under the king's men since he was a child, and he did not dare to neglect when he learned that the king summoned him.

After tidying up his appearance, Mr. Wen followed the man straight to the main cabin of the dilapidated starship.

As one walked further in, the metal inside became more and more radiant, even maintained spotless, and even some of the equipment inside was in operation.

After passing through many cabins, Mr. Wen finally saw King Tianxing who had only been seen from a distance before.

King Tianxing has a very burly physique, he should be in his prime, with broad shoulders and a tall and straight figure, even if he sits in the first seat, he looks much taller than Mr. Wen.

Just being looked at by the other party from a distance, Mr. Wen felt a shock and couldn't help but lower his head.

"You are Mr. Wen?"

"Yes, it is!"

Wen Zhiren hurriedly said.

"Well, I heard that your ancestors were members of the Alliance, do you understand the ancient Yinhe language?" The Star King asked in a low voice that day.

Wen Zhiren didn't dare to hide anything and hurriedly said: "I understand a little, but not much!"

The ancient Galactic language was the language shared tens of thousands of years ago when the alliance and the empire had not yet separated. Today, however, it has been divided into two languages. The Union language is somewhat similar to the ancient Yinhe language, but there is still a big gap.

As for the extremely common Imperial language today, it is completely different from the ancient Galactic language.

"Well, you will go out with this king in a year. It will be useful to you. When you go back soon, you will hand over the matter at hand and study the ancient Galaxy language."

Facing the orders from his own king, Wen Zhiren had no choice but to nod repeatedly. Here, the king's right to speak is even more effective than his own father.

After all, in such a cruel place, if there is no great king to protect him, he will die a miserable death.

At the very least, although you need to work without pay every day here, you can still get enough food and clothing.

"Why don't you ask where I'm taking you? Why do you need the ancient Yinhe language?" Seeing the old man's submissive appearance, King Tianxing smiled slightly and raised his brows.

"If your majesty doesn't say anything, your subordinates will naturally not ask more questions." Wen Zhiren followed his advice.

"Okay, anyway, you need to know, let me tell you in advance, and you should go back and make preparations, so as not to embarrass yourself by taking it out."

King Tianxing waved his hand.

"This time, the king wants to celebrate the birthday of His Royal Highness Son of the Holy Race of the Beast Race! This is a major event that cannot be neglected."

Hearing this, Wen Zhiren was stunned, and he understood why the ancient Yinhe language was used.

He remembered that most of the orc mother planet still spoke the ancient galaxy language.

In fact, the abandoned land is not only a paradise for these rogue warriors and defectors, but also the place where the mother planet of the orcs is located.

If the great kings here are compared to scattered small forces doing their own thing, then the orcs who are also entrenched here are like the earth emperors here.

Wen Zhiren remembered that if these great kings want to occupy a place, they seem to need the consent of the orc clan, and at the same time, they need to hand over some offerings to the high-ranking orc clan lords every hundred years. ,

That's right!

Here, the orcs are upper-class people. In the ports opened by some great kings, whenever there are orcs infesting, pedestrians often have to give in or give a big gift.

If it is an orc with a high bloodline level, even the local king has to greet it in person.

Wen Zhiren vaguely felt that this approach was wrong. It's just that he has lived here since he was a child, and under the influence of his ears and eyes, he seems to feel that it is normal for the orcs to be superior to others.

After all, the orcs are the heaven here, and even in the hearts of many people, the orcs are the guardians who protect these abandoned people.

It's just that if the guardian is in a good mood, he can verbally praise them a few words. If he is in a bad mood, it is normal to sacrifice human blood for an entire living planet.

Wen Zhiren remembered a similar phenomenon was recorded in his own ancient books, which said that the orcs were raising them like poultry.

When you're hungry, kill a head, that's it!

"Mr. Wen, it was the king who called you over just now?"

Wen Zhiren left the main cabin where the king belonged, and was stopped by his roommate Xiao Cang as soon as he entered his office area.

Xiaocang is Wen Zhiren's colleague, they all work in the same cabin, and they do similar jobs. It seems that this person was forced to come here because he committed a crime on the side of the empire.

"That's right, the king personally summoned him." Wen Zhiren nodded.

"It's really summoned by the king~" Xiao Cang exclaimed.

"Mr. Na Wen, what is the king looking for you? Can you disclose it?"

Hearing this, Wen Zhiren frowned, looked at Xiaocang up and down, and shouted in a low voice: "Why are you asking about this? Your Majesty's can also be criticized?"

"Hehe, aren't you curious? The king rarely summons us. This time he summons Mr. Wen, he must be using you again?" Xiao Cang smiled indifferently.

"It is indeed necessary to reuse." Mr. Wen nodded. The two have worked together for more than a hundred years, and they are close to each other. "But don't be envious. This time I have to go out with the king for a while. Something will happen.

I heard that the places where strong people at the level of the king go are either dangerous places or gatherings among the upper class. Often, if they are a little careless in front of those big people, their lives will be in danger. "

"Going out for a while? Your Majesty asked civil servants like Mr. Wen to follow you. What are you doing?" Xiao Cang became more curious.

"I don't know very well. It is said that a certain existence of the orc clan has a birthday? The king is here to celebrate his birthday. I heard that some existences of the orc clan can only speak the ancient galaxy language. No, they came to me."

Mr. Wen shrugged his shoulders, and his expression was not very happy. In his opinion, this is not something to be happy about. It is really a risk that outweighs an opportunity.

After chatting for a while, Xiaocang started to deal with official business, and Mr. Wen reported to the supervisor here and then went back to review the ancient Yinhe language.

Seeing Mr. Wen leave, Xiaocang opened the cabin door and looked around, and closed the door again when no one was there.

At the same time, he quickly took out a rather old metal object from the inner compartment of his desk.

There are actually very old key buttons on it, instead of virtual buttons. I saw Xiaocang typing a paragraph quickly, and adjusted the transmission frequency in the device, and sent this information out according to the specified frequency.

After all this was done, before Xiao Cang could heave a sigh of relief, there was a knock on the door, and Xiao Cang's heart rose to his throat instantly.

He quickly recovered his calm demeanor and opened the door, and it was Mr. Wen who had gone and returned.

I saw Mr. Wen standing at the door and looking at him without saying a word, which made Xiao Cang's heart shudder.

"Then... did Mr. Wen leave something behind?"

"No, it's just..." As he spoke, Mr. Wen entered the cabin and closed the door with his hand.

"Just let me talk to you first!"

"Talk? What are you talking about? Mr. Wen... I still have a lot of business to do. You have to review the ancient Yinhe language recently. I am the only one to do this..."

"You are too careless!"

However, Xiao Cang's heart was shocked by Mr. Wen's words, and Xiao Cang's right hand began to touch his back almost instantly.

"Don't be nervous, if I want to inform you, trust me. I'm not the only one here!" Mr. Wen said in a low voice.

Hearing that Xiaocang's stress response paused, he calmed down a little and lowered his voice, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"You should be an imperial spy, right?"

Mr. Wen walked slightly to his workstation, sat down and said casually.

Hearing this, Xiao Cang is completely not taking chances. He looked at Mr. Wen, who was usually kind and kind, with a face as deep as water.

"My ancestors were from the Alliance. I have no sense of belonging to the empire, but I hate everything here. Especially the orcs, I believe we have a common purpose, don't we?"

Mr. Wen smiled.

"You want to help me?" Xiao Cang was a little surprised, but he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"No! I'm not trying to help you, I'm helping everyone here!" Mr. Wen sighed, "We all know that the rulers here seem to be the kings.

In fact, if this place is compared to a farm, then the king is just a shepherd dog, and the orcs are the farmers.

Farmers need to let their sheepdogs do what their sheepdogs do for them. Including every hundred years each king has to turn over one million people as offerings.

At first I didn't know what it was for, because my family followed and served kings and kings from the generation of our ancestors. Strictly speaking, we are also shepherd dogs.

As long as people who serve and work for the king are considered valuable, naturally there is no possibility of being reduced to worship. "

Hearing this, Xiao Cang really confirmed that the person in front of him didn't want to tell the truth, but really wanted to help him.

The orcs are the real masters here, and humans are just their vassals.

After all, this is a place outside the law, and the force of the empire and even the alliance is beyond the reach of the whip. Most of the great kings are narrow-minded, biting each other for their own interests, but they are very courteous to the master of the orc clan.

The most impressive thing about Xiaocang coming here from the empire is that almost 90% of the territories ruled by each king are slums.

The number of people in the territory is maintained at more than 10 million almost every year. It is actually difficult for such a small number of people to afford the millions of people who turn over every hundred years. However, in order to maintain this situation, the king forcibly issued an order.

As long as each person reaches the age of fourteen, he must seek a spouse, and if he has no children within one year, he will be included in the enshrining list.

At the same time, the king still has a lot of construction tasks, and these heavy tasks need to be built by his subordinates for free, and those who work slowly and cheat and cheat will also be recorded in the register.

In short, every king always maintains a high-pressure rule in order to maintain the population and to enshrine the population. The purpose is not to embarrass myself in front of the orc lord.

Seeing these scenes for the first time, Xiao Cang even couldn't believe that human beings were so servile to orcs outside the empire.

"I will help you, but I hope that the people behind you can come as soon as possible. The time is one year. After one year, the king will take me to the holy land of the beast clan for a banquet!" Mr. Wen thought for a while.

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