Master of Fist

Chapter 646: Shadow Dragonborn

The creatures of mountains, rivers and rivers must be put in, but how to choose is a problem.

First of all, some indigenous creatures are definitely needed, and so are humans. Of course, you can't just choose to ingest a human being from an empire's native life planet.

In this way, it is easy to leak information from the outside world. It must be similar to the natives of the Qinglan Realm in the past, who have nothing to do with the world and have no knowledge of the outside world.

Jiang Heng thought for a long time, and at this moment his eyes suddenly opened.

Changchun also opened his eyes almost at the same time.

"Brother Jiang, did you feel it?" Changchun took the lead.

"En!" Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

The next moment, the two of them left the shuttle almost at the same time, just suspended in the pitch-black cosmic space.

The two of them scanned the surroundings with both eyes, contracted their strength, and began to carefully check the slightest movement around them.

For a moment, the two looked at each other with suspicion and confusion.

"It's weird, just now I clearly felt a slight fluctuation within a thousand miles nearby, like energy fluctuations and space fluctuations, it's very weird."

Changchun muttered to himself.

"It's not an illusion, is it?"

"It's not an illusion. Since we all felt it, it means that there was nothing wrong with our feeling just now." Jiang Heng shook his head and vetoed.

It's strange, they did feel a slight fluctuation just now, but they couldn't tell what kind of fluctuation it was.

This feeling is different from any previous one, like a brand new energy substance.

It reveals a mystery!

After the two carefully identified and communicated again, they finally locked the previous fluctuating area a few meters above the black dragon flying shuttle.

After shrinking and sensing Qi Jin again, the two of them did feel a trace left over in this area.


Jiang Heng was the first to let out a light hey.

"Brother Jiang, what did you discover?" Changchun was puzzled, he could only feel a slight trace of space with his energetic perception, and he even felt that this was just a natural phenomenon of the universe.

"It's interesting, old brother Changchun, what I noticed is a bit indescribable." Jiang Heng slightly said with a smile.

"What the **** is it?" Changchun felt uncomfortable like a cat's paw scratching his heart.

Jiang Heng really couldn't explain it, so he waved to Changchun, and Changchun hurriedly moved closer.

"Brother, you shrink your qi machine towards this point and perceive it carefully!"

Jiang Heng pointed to a certain place in the void, when the scope of the spread of the martial artist's energy was reduced to the limit, he could observe extremely detailed things microscopically. The wider the range of diffusion, the less careful the natural observation will be.

Hearing that Changchun took his temper and began to shrink the Qi machine, he has not fully harmonized the Qi machine and has not yet turned into Qi Jin. The overall observation range of nature is not as careful as Jiang Heng.

As he settled down to observe, a pair of white eyebrows were raised.

"Brother, what the **** is this black thing?" Jiang Heng asked, he observed a trace of black mist like silk thread, just suspended in the void like this, and it is always in the sky. The look of melting.

According to Jiang Heng's previous experience, he didn't analyze what it was, it seemed to be another kind of energy.

"It's dark matter!"

Changchun pondered for a moment and spoke.

"Dark matter?" Jiang Heng was taken aback.

He naturally knows about dark matter. For example, both the Empire and the Federation have some dark matter cannons, but because the utilization technology is not mature, the destructive power is not as good as ordinary planetary cannons. In addition, the mining of this material is extremely difficult, and it takes time and effort. Gradually, the empire rarely uses this weapon on weekdays.

"Why did this kind of substance suddenly appear here? We are far away from the war zone, not to mention that we have never noticed a long-range strike before." Jiang Heng wondered, the reason why he noticed the abnormality just now was only a slight space The fluctuation is very small, if it is not all contracted, otherwise it is really undetectable.

"I think we may be targeted by some big guy!" Changchun stroked his beard, but Jiang Heng couldn't see the slightest surprise from his face.

Jiang Heng looked around, but didn't find the so-called big guy, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "Brother, your mentality seems quite relaxed now?"

At this time, the surroundings of the two were quiet, and the surroundings were pitch black except for the flames of the battle zone in the distance, and there was a faint glimmer of light in the cabin of the black dragon shuttle beside them.

"Hey! Don't worry, it's indeed a big guy, but this guy usually comes here without much malice!" Changchun went back to Fei Shuo and sat cross-legged on the top without any haste.

Jiang Heng was even more puzzled, this big guy is hiding in the space? So you don't notice it?

"Brother Jiang, have you heard of the Shadow Dragon Clan?" Changchun said with a smile.

"Shadow Dragon Clan?!"

The name Jiang Heng vaguely felt very familiar. After careful consideration, he remembered that he had read relevant information about the Shadow Dragon Clan in the Zangshu Pavilion of Chongyun Daoguan.

Jiang Heng didn't see much about the shadow dragon clan in Zangshu Pavilion of Chongyun Daoguan. It seems to be a special creature that exists in the plane of dark matter.

"Brother Changchun, I have indeed heard about this. It seems to be a creature that lives in the plane of dark matter. It seems that there is only one head in the world?"

Jiang Heng pondered and replied.

"Well, not bad! I didn't expect Brother Jiang to know such secret information. Not many people know about the Shadow Dragon Clan these days." Changchun nodded with a smile.

"However, there is not only one group of this group. The shadow dragons have been active tens of thousands of years ago, but they are more hidden than the starry sky behemoths. The main reason is that the trajectory of the shadow dragons is extremely difficult for ordinary warriors to detect. Even if the opponent is in your Flying in front of him probably didn't even notice it.

So any specific record of the number is completely nonsense, it is impossible to count, and we have no way to enter the dark matter plane, so it is nonsense to count the number of this group. "

Hearing that Jiang Heng was thoughtful, so it seems that a shadow dragon flew by just now?

"This kind of creature is like living around us all the time, but it's hard for us to notice the existence. It's like the so-called soul. It doesn't seem to exist, but it is said that it is possible to feel it when the consciousness of the domain master is further strengthened. To the magnetic field of the person who has just died, the so-called soul.

After a few days, these souls will gradually become blurred under the interference of various magnetic fields in the universe, or even be completely undetectable. "

Changchun pointed out one more point, which was an explanation for Jiang Heng.

"Hasn't anyone thought about capturing this thing?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and suddenly said this sentence.

Well, this can be regarded as a habit of stepping into the martial arts, and it may also mean that after participating in the capture of starry sky behemoths not long ago, when they saw some rare species, they wanted to attack the other party.

"Brother Jiang..." Changchun couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Jiang, what you said. It is not easy to capture the Shadow Dragon Clan. There has never been a capture record in our galaxy in the past 100,000 years. Even if there are signs of the Shadow Dragon Clan being active, there are only a handful of them."

Changchun shook his head and chuckled, thought for a while and said, "Of course, brother Jiang, you are so interested, if you have the opportunity to leave this galaxy in the future, you can think of a way.

The dark matter plane belongs to another sub-plane outside the main world. There are many such sub-planes in the universe, which naturally attract the attention of many powerhouses.

The resources of the main universe are limited, and there are many strong people who want to take advantage of these sub-planes. I heard that there are many ways to enter these sub-planes, the simplest and crudest is to step into the demigod level and use powerful consciousness to lock the weak points of the relevant sub-planes in various parts of the main world and enter violently.

In addition, some domain masters can also open sub-plane passages to explore it with the help of formation and secret methods. Of course, I heard that many sub-planes are extremely dangerous, and even domain masters have many risks when entering it. "

Changchun talked eloquently and eloquently, and he also learned these news when his master went outside the department.

Jiang Heng heard a lot of interest secretly in his heart.

"In the future, maybe I will go in and find out." Jiang Heng thought carefully.

The two chatted for a while, and Jiang Heng took the opportunity to gain some experience again.

"Brother, you said that the Shadow Dragon Clan has a main material that can directly increase mental power?"

"Well, it is said that the dragon marrow itself is the most densely populated biological neuron in the shadow dragons, and because the shadow dragons themselves are creatures with extremely strong spiritual power, their bodies belong to dragon marrow, which is the most valuable biological material in the universe. Fei's existence."

"Brother Changchun, do you still understand neurons?" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"Hmph! What are you talking about!" Hearing this, Changchun was a little unhappy. "Although my brother has been asleep for tens of thousands of years, it doesn't mean that I am an old antique. In the terminology of today's empire, it is called a neuron, and it used to be called a sea of ​​consciousness."

God **** neurons are the sea of ​​consciousness!

Jiang Heng secretly complained in his heart. In his cognition, it involves the spiritual level, which cannot be explained simply by existing science. Therefore, he did not agree with Changchun's statement.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't care about these things, and then he continued: "It's a pity, if we can capture the Shadow Dragon Clan now, I'm afraid there will be a lot of hurdles to step into the domain master level in the future!"

"Well, that's right. The spiritual level has always been the most difficult place for my generation of warriors to cultivate, and it is also the most mysterious place. Now most of the martial arts that can be cultivated to the domain master level use the physical body to stimulate the spirit. Those martial arts that can directly cultivate the spirit It is a secret method created by individual individuals, and it is often not passed on to the outside world."

Changchun also agrees with this, but of course it doesn't matter to him. He is following the system of the temples of the gods. As long as the blood is pure enough and the power of the law is deep enough, it is only a matter of time before he steps into the domain master.

After another day or two, seeing that the core area of ​​the main battlefield had finally calmed down, the two of them were ready to attack.

"Over there!" Jiang Heng took the lead in locking on the target, pointing in a direction to guide Changchun to glance over there.

Changchun repositioned, quickly locked on the target, and immediately grabbed Jiang Heng's shoulder, and the two quickly disappeared in place.

At this time, the battlefield was already showing a one-sided trend, and a figure was seen piercing deeply into the imperial army like a sword, and as he participated in the battle, the allied forces of the three empires were beaten and retreated steadily.

Countless long-range bombardments could not cause the slightest damage to the opponent.

"Block him! Stop him at all costs!" The three commanders yelled in the entire channel almost at the same time.

Now they are fighting hard for the coalition forces of the three star fields. Not long ago, they sent a message for help to the imperial capital, but the feedback they got was to persist for another month.

Because of these higher-level combat forces suddenly invested by the Federation, all star fields participating in the empire's battles are suddenly in adversity, and there is no way to mobilize more military sources to support them.

These war zones are now like a bottomless pit. No matter how many soldiers and firepower are invested, the daily consumption is several times that of the past. It is estimated that Li Yu's daily consumption of the national treasury is shocking.

"After the front army is cut off, the rear army will retreat first!" The commanders were busy retreating while commanding.

Continuing to fight the war of attrition here is completely courting death. It would be useless for all of them to fill in that weird star body without solving it.

"Now only the pillars of the country and the generals can save these billions of troops."

A commander said in a depressed mood.

In just two days of massacre, one billion people were directly filled in, and the collision some time ago consumed nearly 10 billion people. Right now, the three billion army is all the savings of the three star field coalition forces.

One of the three star fields has completely fallen and continues to retreat, and the living space will only become smaller and smaller.

"Hey, wait, there are reinforcements! Is it...the pillar of the town?"

A commander was the first to notice the two figures that suddenly appeared on the screen.

"It's the pillar of the town! Space teleportation, it's really the pillar of the town! We're saved!" Another commander also said happily.

Everyone in the command room showed a look of joy.

Gritting my teeth and persisting for so many days, I finally carried it through.

"Don't be too happy, the strength of this star body is too terrifying. According to estimates, even if it is the pillar of the town, the outcome is unpredictable."

The last commander rubbed his eyebrows with a low tone.

Hearing that the other two commanders also frowned, their eyes could tell from the confrontation during this period of time that the energy level of the star bodies this time was obviously much higher than those of the purple star bodies.

According to the previous videos of Zhen Guozhu dealing with purple-level star bodies, they know that Zhen Guozhu is stronger than purple-level star bodies. In such a comparison, it is really hard to say whether they can defeat this red-level star body.

The atmosphere in the command room became tense again.

However, the following developments in the picture were completely beyond their expectations.

"This... is this the end?"


Seeing the red-level star body in the picture being **** by one of the two in an instant, they all felt very magical and unreal.

"Wait...that's not the pillar of the town! It's... it's..."

"It's the general!" Another commander took over.

At the same time, Jiang Heng, who had just dealt with the red star body, shrugged at Changchun.

"Brother, your method is too fast..."

"No way, it's too weak."

Jiang Heng was also helpless. He understood in the last few fights that the overall strength of the so-called red-level star body is indeed stronger than that of the apostle-level star body, but it is limited to strength, and its speed and other reactions are slightly inferior.

What he was proud of was his invulnerability. Anyway, he didn't intend to kill them directly, and tied them up and took them away. With his current speed of attack, they really couldn't stop them.

"Since it's over, let's go to the next scene!" Changchun sighed, pretending to die.

Not far away, countless imperial soldiers on the deck of the starship stared at the two people who came and went without a trace, and their mouths could not be closed for a long time.

At the last moment, they all felt that they were going to die Unexpectedly, the situation was reversed in the blink of an eye.

It seemed that the previous strong man would directly blast their starship into cosmic debris with one punch.

" seems to be a general!"

"It's the general!"

Gradually, some people reacted and muttered.

Soon this kind of sound spread like a plague, and there was an uproar of people in an instant.

The video of the great general is often replayed in the army, and many people even cut and watched the video of the reward ceremony back then, remembering the great general as an object of worship.

Even Jiang Heng didn't know that his reputation in the army had reached such a level.

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