Master of Fist

Chapter 623: start

I saw Qingyue slowly retracting the air around her body, the white light on her face was faintly much dimmer than before and restrained a lot.

Like a feather slowly floating to the ground, at this moment the white light on Qingyue's face has subsided so that her original appearance can be vaguely seen.

It was a face that was all over the country and the city, like a closed moon and shameful flowers, exuding the charm of a mature woman.

There is a beauty mole at the corner of her mouth, which is charming.

"It doesn't matter, when I go to the alliance this time, I must minimize the hidden dangers in my body, so that I can be sure of everything!" Qingyue Vermilion said lightly.

Qingyue's pupils had a trace of abnormal white light, as if there was a white divine light flickering inside, like a real **** with divinity, even Qingtian, who had seen Senior Sister Qingyue in the past, couldn't help being a little nervous.

"Senior Sister, this beast will now bear 50% of the backlash from your body, I'm afraid it won't be of much use at that time!" Qing Tian committed.

"It's enough to return the previously extracted energy to it when the time comes, and with me here, it won't disobey!" Qingyue's incomparable confidence, in her eyes, seemed to be like a gigantic giant beast in front of her. Ants can do whatever they want.

Hearing this, Qingtian didn't try to persuade him anymore, he knew that his senior sister did have the strength to say such things after inheriting some of the master's characteristics.

"By the way, you came here suddenly to tell me this, right?"

"Oh, that's right! Senior Sister, Ye Tu and the others have come and gone frequently recently, and this will soon be the award ceremony. Do you think they will spoil my big event?"

Only then did Qingtian remember his purpose of coming here, and said hastily.

Hearing that Qingyue was not surprised at all, she nodded and said with a light smile: "This is within common sense, by the way, what will Jiang Heng do?"

"Jiang Heng does have some ideas. He got very close to the little emperor Li Yu just after he arrived in the imperial capital. I guess he wants to stand by the Luohui royal family. Sister, do you think we need to beat this kid?"

Qingtian thought for a while and told the news he had recently received in detail. He was very dissatisfied with Jiang Heng's actions. This kid is really a white-eyed wolf.

"It's natural to beat, but why should I wait to make a move? Isn't Ye Tu and the others ready to do it for you?" Qingyue narrowed her eyes slightly, with a faint smile on her face.

Saying that, Qingyue turned and walked out of the research center, followed by Qingtian.

"Senior sister, Ye Tu and the others can certainly make this kid suffer, but this kid still acts like this after taking advantage of it. What's more, the little emperor also has a lot of ideas, this..."

"Why worry about this? It's not hard to guess what Li Yu's little baby is thinking, it's nothing more than a little desire for secular power. This person's structure is small, could it be that your structure has also become small?

Junior brother, you and I are destined not to stay in this corner for long. Have you forgotten what Master told you and me before he died? "

As she spoke, Qingyue stamped her feet and stared at Qingtian faintly, with a hint of questioning in her tone.

"This,...this...Senior Sister, of course I still remember...the road to a stronger one must abandon everything, worldly cares, blood entanglements, even the same clan... .”

Qingtian's eyes were a little lax and he muttered.

"Since that's the case, what does the little emperor want has nothing to do with us? Even if he controls the entire empire, it doesn't matter. When the strength is not up to the chess player, it will be the chess pieces in your hands after all.

As for that kid Jiang Heng, hehe, did he think that standing by the little emperor would make me feel more scruples? Forget it, just ignore this person for now, let him think so, it will be more beneficial to our plan! "

While talking, Qingyue glanced at Qingtian beside her from the corner of her eye, a flash of contempt flashed in her eyes.

"Well, what Senior Sister said is reasonable. Although Jiang Heng is strong, he is still at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy. And this person may not be the stepping stone for you to achieve great achievements, Senior Sister! "

Qingtian nodded, already fully agreeing with what Senior Sister Qingyue said, as if suddenly enlightened.

Time passed bit by bit, and the day of the reward ceremony that almost attracted the attention of everyone in the entire empire finally arrived.

On this day, the entire imperial capital was solemnly decorated by the Ministry of Etiquette, and the decoration specifications were second only to that of the emperor when he ascended the throne.

This grand ceremony will eventually be held in a temporarily built sky-climbing tower in the Imperial Capital Square. The sky-climbing tower generally has 32 floors, and each floor is ten meters long, a total of 320 meters.

However, the highest level of the thirty-two floors is generally the standard only when the emperor ascends the throne, which represents reaching the sky in one step. According to common sense, the rank of the highest-ranking officials in the empire does not exceed 30 levels.

The specifications of this class will eventually be fed back to the official title of the official information. For example, the identity information of a 30th-rank feudal official will display 30 bars on his identity information, which represents his status in the officialdom.

That is to say, the standard for the highest official rank is generally 30 levels, but this time the award ceremony has a full 31 levels, which is almost second only to the standard of the emperor.

You must know that although the awakened pillars of the town are all Dao realms and have not formally performed this kind of reward ceremony, but these pillars of the town are only at the thirtieth rank in terms of identity information in the internal network of the empire.

It can be said that the rank of the general of the town is almost higher than that of the pillars of the town!

Nominally reaching the number one person under the emperor, this kind of thing is enough to arouse heated discussions among countless people in the empire.

"What is His Majesty thinking this time?"

"That's right, I've never heard of this General Zhen Guo before, and it's actually the highest award after the king at the 31st rank. It's just nonsense!"

"That's right! I think our Majesty is just confused, why doesn't the council care about it?"

Standing in the square surrounded by officers, Feng He listened to the whispers of colleagues around him, his expression remained unchanged, but he looked at the burly young man who was walking step by step along the steps of the award platform to the top.

For the evaluation of the surroundings, Fenghe somewhat agrees and some disagrees. When he arrived at the imperial capital, Fenghe also took the initiative to check the deeds of the general of the town when he learned that this time would be the highest standard after the emperor.

At first, he thought that the General Zhenguo was really messing around, and the ministers and His Majesty in the imperial capital were all in a daze. For no reason, let a young boy be the general of the country.

However, after reading the other party's profile in detail some opinions have changed unknowingly.

This look really shocked him, the other party actually broke into the federal army twice alone, and almost turned the tide of the battle with his own strength twice.

The enemy's high-level combat power destroyed by the opponent is countless. Judging from the limited impact on the battlefield that he can observe at this level, he can be sure that the opponent is definitely a strong person at the Dao level.

At least it is far from comparable to the half-step road environment.

Such a strong man, let alone the general of the town, must be qualified to be any pillar of the town.

As for why a separate official title is listed alone... In Fenghe's view, this is a bit intriguing.


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