Master of Fist

Chapter 613: Li Yu's 3 axes

Seemingly seeing what Jiang Heng was thinking, Qing Tian nodded.

"The mother planet of the imperial capital is indeed nothing miraculous. It cannot be compared with the central star of the alliance. It was a holy place of martial arts as early as 100,000 years ago. Countless Taoists have made pilgrimages to it when they were young.

However, although there is no miracle, there are still many great things! "

Qingtian chuckled, and immediately saw him pointing to the planets revolving around the parent star not far away.

"Those planets that seem to be living planets revolving around their parent star are actually battle stars, which store a huge amount of energy. Once foreign enemies attack, these battle stars will be activated by the parent star to form a child star." The mother serial war fortress group can burst out more than a massive amount of energy in an instant.

For example, if the Federation sends hundreds of millions of warships to kill them, just one strike from the war fortress group can completely damage it.

And there are many interesting things in these battle stars, which are what mechanics are good at. I believe that if you have the opportunity, you will definitely open your eyes.

I have to say that those are indeed things that new humans are proud of today. Who would have thought that in just a few tens of thousands of years, human beings would have developed such a powerful personal power without the birth of a powerful person in the Dao realm?

It's a pity that most of them are inherited from the clowns of the Federation. To be honest, I prefer to solve problems with pure martial arts. Jiang Xiaoyou, what do you think? "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's mouth twitched. He really wanted to say that technology is paramount. After all, no matter in his previous life or in this life, he has seen that technology is indeed the most powerful weapon that ordinary people can master.

But in this life, he is a warrior, and he is still an existence that has climbed to the peak of his personal power in this galaxy. Besides, wouldn't he slap himself in the face if he said that?

"Each has its own strengths, I'm not a pedantic person!" Jiang Heng said after thinking about it.

Seeing this Qingtian snorted softly, he thought Jiang Heng was mocking him as a pedant.

"Okay, the ones who welcome us have come, next is your home field!"

Looking at a group of starships in charge of escorting in the distance, Qingtian clapped his hands, and the next moment he disappeared into the space passage, as if he didn't want to steal Jiang Heng's limelight.

"Haha! When Senior Jiang sees you again, he still looks the same!"

The person responsible for the reception was none other than the Chairman Gongsun not long ago. At this time, Chairman Gongsun was surrounded by a group of middle-aged or elderly men and women in court ceremonial attire. These people should be some high-ranking officials of the empire.

At this moment, they have boarded the starship Jiang Heng.

In addition, Jiang Heng also found a man who seemed to be about the middle of his age, with an extraordinary bearing and faint majesty.

The temperament of this person is obviously independent from other people, so unique that Jiang Heng was attracted to this person at a glance.

The key point is that this person is actually the only high-powered existence among this group of people, and judging from his aura, he should be at a high-end late stage level.

From Jiang Heng's point of view, he is nothing, but compared to many senior officials who are even ordinary people, he is different.

"Oh, Senior Jiang, this is His Majesty the Empire!"

Seeing the direction of Jiang Heng's gaze, Chairman Gongsun quickly introduced. He was really afraid that a superpower like Jiang Heng would say something unreasonable to His Majesty.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded, not surprising him.

"Jiang Heng, I have met His Majesty the Emperor!" After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still performed a standard imperial etiquette to His Majesty the Emperor.

It's not grand, it can only be said to be an ordinary meeting ceremony.

If it is an ordinary person, it is rude to face His Majesty. The laws of the empire don't mention criminalization, but they will definitely be dragged by the Ministry of Education for ideological education.

This is also why the empire is now open-minded, and it is placed where the empire was founded, and it is a proper crime of decapitation that cannot be escaped.

However, facing a superpower like Jiang Heng, Li Yu showed an extraordinary tolerance.

With a smile on his face, he also bowed back to Jiang Heng, and even took a few steps forward, but after thinking about it, he bowed heavily like Jiang Heng.

"His Majesty!"

This move startled Mr. Gongsun and other officials. They did not expect His Majesty to make such a move. Your Majesty is the lord of the entire Luohui Empire, at least on the surface, representing the face of the entire empire.

You must know that even in the face of several pillars of the town, His Majesty has never performed such a grand gift. Today's incident made everyone a little at a loss.

Jiang Heng was also a little astonished, he couldn't help but carefully examine the emperor who seemed somewhat unexpected.

"My obeisance is to represent the tens of billions of soldiers in the western and southern regions to express everything the general has done for them! The position of the general is well deserved!"

Li Yu raised his head, his eyes were extremely sincere, and there was a faint sense of gratitude.

Jiang Heng didn't feel much about these words, but it caused the ministers behind Li Yu to feel complicated, moved and hopeful. It seems to see the future of the empire from Li Yu!

Good guy, let me win people's hearts?

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, this emperor is a bit interesting, he is so proficient in brushing up his reputation!

However, Jiang Heng couldn't tear down the stage yet, because the other party even gave him a hand.

In short, it's a win-win.

"Your Majesty's reputation is too high, I just did some insignificant things!" Jiang Heng was helpless, and he had to make a gesture in return.

However, just when Jiang Heng thought it was over for Li Yu, the other party bowed again!

This time the other party's attitude was more sincere, and the emperor's back was a bit more bent than before. It is estimated that this kind of gift belonged to the entire empire from the beginning to the present.

"Your Majesty can't!"

The back of the emperor also represents the back of the empire. The emperor bent down and bowed his head. Doesn't this mean that the entire empire is bowing to the man in front of him?

"Your Majesty can't do it!" All the ministers suddenly knelt down on the ground, and some of them sat on the ground paralyzed in fright.

This is thanks to the fact that there are no reporters from the news department here, otherwise it would have caused a sensation throughout the empire the next day.

At that time, the last trace of majesty of the emperor will be gone!

In this regard, Jiang Heng wanted to see what kind of tricks the other party wanted to play. In fact, he could forcefully hold the other party back, but he didn't do so.

If the other party just wanted to use this coercion method to force him to do, then he would probably disappoint the emperor.

"This ceremony is my apprenticeship ceremony! I want to worship Master Jiang as the emperor's teacher!"


The whole audience was shocked, everyone behind Li Yu was completely shocked, and even Chairman Gongsun was in a daze. His Majesty hadn't even said a word to him about this beforehand.

What is the concept of the emperor? !

In the entire Luohui Empire, Emperor Taizu once wanted to respect a master of the Dao realm as his teacher, but for some reason, it ended in nothing. Since then, there has been no so-called emperor teacher in the entire Luohui Empire.

Of course, it does not mean that no one teaches the emperor, but those teachers who teach the emperor martial arts, cultural etiquette, etc. are not qualified to be named emperor teachers!

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