Master of Fist

Chapter 611: Award ceremony (middle)

"Brother Fenghe, actually, Brother Mei has other ideas. I wonder if you want to get involved?"

"Boss Mei? What does he want to do?"

Feng He looked straight and asked, Mei Lao has the rank of general in the empire, and he exists at the peak of the late stage. Like Fenghe and others, they all came from civilian backgrounds, and all their meritorious deeds were made step by step by themselves.

Fenghe knew that Boss Mei was considered to be a commoner faction, and there were many generals who were civilians of the empire gathered around Boss Mei. It's just that Feng Heping is used to being alone in daily life, and he doesn't have a very deep friendship with this boss Mei.

He remembered that he once participated in a party held by Boss Mei, which gathered nearly fifty civilian-class high-class warriors from all over the empire. There may be some who did not show up, but most of them definitely did.

Such a huge force is actually a bit inferior in the circle of the empire's dignitaries, but fortunately, the empire is no better than the alliance, and the gap between the dignitaries and the common people is not very big.

And because of the special national conditions of the empire, even if the two parties have different backgrounds, as long as they can climb to the same level as the powerful, they can still have a positive conversation with the powerful. Unlike the Alliance, a commoner may still be a commoner after thousands of years.

On the side of the empire, as long as the civilians are born high enough, they will become upstarts after one or two generations.

After all, Fenghe also knew that he and Boss Mei were not the same. He is just unwilling, but he firmly believes that as long as he works hard to climb up, what the rich and powerful have now, he will have in the future!

Boss Mei's behavior style is very extreme. From the last time he heard Boss Mei's remarks, Fenghe felt that Boss Mei wanted to win over the civilians and generals around him, and even seemed to be trying to pull the opposition. Let civilians and generals hate the powerful class in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Fenghe secretly sneered in his heart, Boss Mei had a good plan. The real powerhouses in the imperial capital are not only comparable to ordinary dignitaries, but also not a group of rabble that Boss Mei casually recruits.

Instead of making so many messes, it's better to work hard to improve your strength. With his own strength, he can naturally trample down the powerful and powerful who looked down on him in the past.

After all, this is a world where martial arts are respected, not like the home planet Fenghe lived in when he was young. His home planet is an ordinary star-level technological civilization without warriors.

On the home planet, there is no such thing as martial arts. Hot weapons are in power, and the rich and powerful hold arms, wealth, economy, and even speech. On the surface, it preaches that learning can change the future. In fact, no matter how you change it, you are just a part-time worker under the hands of the powerful.

It is with these hypocritical remarks that countless people who want to change the future work for him and help the powerful continue to accumulate wealth.

Whenever I think about that kind of mother star Fenghe, I just sneer. On the surface, that kind of world preaches that everyone is equal, but everyone who understands understands it, even many people at the bottom understand it. But those who control the speech are the powerful, and those who control the arms are also the powerful, and the common people are just servants serving the powerful.

Such a world is glamorous on the surface, but it is rotten.

Shaking his head, Fenghe didn't continue to think, but looked at the big man in the projection.

"Boss Mei wants to give the newly appointed General Zhen Guo a little bit of life experience." The man spread his hands, with a smirk on his face.

"Boss Mei really thinks so?" Feng He was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said, "It seems that those rich and powerful people who are more happy in ordinary times are not in a hurry to jump out. Isn't Boss Mei jumping out at this time..."

"Of course Boss Mei won't come out on his own, and we're just going to watch the show. Anyway, there will be other people who want to teach that general a little lesson.

It's fine if the other party accepts it. If not, I'd like to see how His Majesty and the members of the House of Representatives end up. "The man grinned loudly.

Hearing this, Fenghe remained silent, he vaguely felt that it might be a little bad to do so. But he won't object. In short, he will honestly be a spectator when the time comes to see how Boss Mei and the others want to play.

It was less than a month before the award ceremony, and many things became more and more intense. Not only the big figures in the military would be present, but even some governors of various administrative provinces would send special envoys to watch the ceremony.

Teito University Press Department—

The News Department is located in one of the tallest buildings in Imperial University, with 3,000 floors. The high-rises even used their own oxygen supply equipment. The shape of the high-rise part is built into the shape of a sky garden.

It is adjacent to the high-power transmission tower of the imperial capital, receiving important news from various provinces at the nearby extremely large signal transfer station.

From this information, the Department of Public Information also screens for dissemination of news that is significant and allowable for broadcast.

At this time, the News Department is full of busy people. Not only His Majesty and the parliament pay special attention to this award ceremony, but also the legendary pillars of the town. Yan Ming must vigorously publicize this new town. General.

Lucy, who hurried from her own dormitory building to the building of the News Department, was dressed very smartly, her blond hair was tied into a ponytail, and she patted her cheek lightly.

Lucy cheered herself up secretly: "Come on! I finally got this task from the director, and I must complete it beautifully!"

Lucy, an official senior expatriate news reporter who has graduated from Imperial University for many years, today is a crucial step for her to be promoted from a senior expatriate reporter to a news anchor.

This can also be regarded as an opportunity. I heard that the empire has just set up a powerful and high-ranking general of the country. His Majesty and the parliament attach great importance to this.

Lucy also knew why such a good thing would be her turn. Just because the higher authorities paid too much attention to it, the forces of all parties jointly spoke to make sure this matter is done well.

As a result, experienced senior reporters dare not interview the General Zhen Guo who is said to be on an equal footing with the legendary Dao Realm powerhouses.

One of them is psychological pressure, which Lucy also has a deep understanding of. In recent years, she has also gone to the front line to interview some general-level generals. The aura emanating from those high-level warriors was too intoxicating. That is the absolute suppression of the level of life. If you want to interview these big shots, you must have a strong heart.

Lucy still remembers the embarrassment that she almost didn't say a word in the first interview with a high-ranking warrior. Fortunately, the news she was in charge of at that time had been edited many times, otherwise if the original interview was released, she would Career is long over.

Afterwards, a colleague told her that this is actually normal, and I heard that some people directly peed in fright. In the end, it can only be replaced by a text manuscript.

Lucy has a hard-working heart. In order to overcome this psychological pressure, she deliberately accepted several interviews with high-level warriors. Now I can more or less completely and fluently ask the generals about some specific matters.

But even so, facing a legendary Daoist, Lucy felt that she was betting on her career.

"I heard that even those general-level figures behave the same way we face the powerful ones." Lucy muttered to herself, and the smile on her face was shrouded in gloom.

For this reason alone, many senior reporters panicked and did not want to take up this task. Secondly, I heard that this interview will be held in the Imperial Plaza. grand ceremony. And there is a real-time broadcast of the whole empire.

Just thinking about it, it's hellish difficulty for journalists.

In fact, this kind of task can also be rejected by Lucy, but first of all, her seniority is low, and her family has no background. In the imperial capital, where the fathers are all high-ranking officials. Her background is simply the best target for throwing blame.

Secondly, she also wanted to fight.

"The interview was indeed difficult, but isn't the feeling of world attention every journalist dreams of?"

Waving her fist, Lucy felt her fighting spirit was burning again.

Perhaps this kind of passionate fighting spirit should be thanked to that Mr. Hero.

Suddenly Lucy remembered what happened on that trip many years ago. If the hero hadn't saved them, she might have died long ago.

"The peace of the empire is because of the protection of these powerful warriors. Why should I worry about interviewing these heroes?"

Thinking of this, Lucy had already taken the express elevator to the top floor of the News Department, got out of the elevator and came to the director's office, and was about to knock on the door. There were several people arguing inside.

"Director Sun, isn't it too hasty for you to randomly pick a newcomer like this? This is a task specially ordered by His Majesty and the council!"

"Hmph! If there is no Ms. Lucy, why don't you go to interview, or recommend someone? As long as anyone dares to go, I promise not to stop!"

There are constant disputes inside, and the general content is the question of interview candidates. After all, such a major event should not be sloppy. If something goes wrong, perhaps the entire news department will be unlucky.

Lucy has been listening silently outside the house, this kind of thing is beyond her control. It is said that she asked for this opportunity, but in fact it is no different from forcing it to her.

After a few more minutes of arguing inside, a chubby middle-aged fat man slammed the door out. When passing by Lucy's side, he even snorted coldly.

Lucy kept her eyes on her nose and her heart until the other party walked away before knocking on the door.


Pushing open the door, Lucy walked in.

"Oh, it turned out to be Ms. Lucy, how did you recommend you for a mental examination? How did you do?"

Director Sun is a skinny old man with half-white hair who looks to be in the middle of his age. He wears a pair of auxiliary electronic glasses, and his temperament can tell that he is often engaged in literary and artistic work.

"Hmm!" Lucy nodded. This interview is of great importance. She needs to do an in-depth mental examination beforehand to ensure that she is mentally stable,

"Okay, by the way, this is the relevant information about the Zhenguo General from the receiving station. You can take it back and write it down carefully. Finally, write a few valuable inquiries that do not involve sensitive topics. "

As he spoke, Director Sun picked up two paper-thin electronic screens from the desk in front of him and handed them over.

"Okay Director, I will definitely..."

After taking over the electronic screen, Lucy looked at the information in her hand while responding to Director Sun, but she seemed to be cut off abruptly while talking.

"What's wrong with you Lucy?"

Seeing the astonishment on Lucy's face, Director Sun couldn't help but wondered.

Lucy didn't respond, until Director Sun called out a few more times, then Lucy woke up like a dream and shook her head again and again.

"I'm fine, Director! It's just that the information on the information is so exciting that I can't hold back!"

"Well, that's true!" Hearing that Director Sun nodded in agreement, "I thought before that the propaganda orders issued by His Majesty's council would be difficult to complete. Hard to convince.

Unexpectedly, two super-large-scale interstellar wars with more than 10 billion people were turned into victory because of this person! Such deeds are indeed worthy of special mention! "

Director Sun couldn't hide the excitement in his heart when he said that, he got up and paced back and forth in the office.

"That's right! Now we have to give these materials to those editors and write a few articles. It's best to push several times a day. This kind of good thing must be well publicized. Good publicity is also a great boost to the morale of the frontline soldiers. motivation!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and Director Sun didn't want to delay any longer, so he hurried out after giving Lucy a word.

It seems that someone should be looking for a mission.

Only Lucy was still standing there blankly, looking at the information in her hand, and for some reason, her eyes were already glistening with tears.

"Alive... As expected, I'm still alive..."

After talking to herself like crazy for a while, Lucy restrained her emotions again. She frowned slightly, and stared at the information carefully again.

"Isn't it because they look similar?"

The more she read the information, the more uncertain Lucy became. She didn't feel relieved until she saw the name of the new Zhen Guo general.

"Looks similar, and his name is similar. It should be him! I didn't expect him to become such a big man in just a short time!"

Lucy muttered to herself, looking at the information in her hand, which was full of unbelievable, and uncontrollable excitement, as if those fanatics saw the true God they believed in, and they were extremely devout!

"No, I want to share this kind of thing with that guy." Thinking of Lucy, he was about to send a message to his best friend. After thinking about it, I gave up.

"Forget it, that girl is also thinking about Senior Jiang, and I don't know what expression she will have when I appear in the same frame as Senior Jiang on the news."

Thinking so flatteringly, Lucy became a little more determined to make this interview a success.

The news department is busy here, and naturally the Etiquette Department of the Imperial Capital is also very busy. It is said that this time, His Majesty and the parliament have issued an order that the reward must be awarded with the highest rewarding etiquette.

If it weren't for the enthronement gift that couldn't be used, it would have been fixed long ago.

At the same time, within the royal garden of the imperial capital, this is a huge scientific and technological garden covering an area of ​​more than ten thousand mu. The architectural style is not the usual metal and tough style of the empire.

On the royal garden follows the original architectural style of the imperial capital's home planet, which is somewhat similar to the classical style of the alliance, but it adds a lot of technological color to the classical style of the alliance. Classical style, in fact, is how comfortable and noble and elegant it is.

"Your Majesty! I didn't expect Senior Qingyue this time..."

In a beautiful small fountain garden, I saw two people walking slowly one after the other.

The former was His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire who was wearing some royal classical costumes, and the one who followed was none other than Chairman Gongsun, who had just returned from the stars in the southern border not long ago.

Hearing that His Majesty the Emperor paused, he turned his head to look at Chairman Gongsun who lowered his head.

"I don't blame you for this, I can only say that Senior Qingyue placed a bigger bet than me!" He said with a sneer, "But this is only the first round, and the second round will start soon ...."

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