Master of Fist

Chapter 601: pro son

The family didn't stay on the tarmac much, Jiang Heng greeted the family to eat at the best restaurant in Executive Star, and then returned to Jiang Heng's current residence in a lively manner.

The place where Jiang Heng lives is a super-standard villa arranged by the commander of ancient music. It belongs to the residential area of ​​senior officials of the administrative star. Here are some technological villas with green gardens. There are robots in the yard, and there are also special housekeepers and The maid serves Jiang Heng exclusively.

There is a huge private practice room on the ground floor, but Jiang Heng doesn't use it on weekdays, as his practice is too noisy, if he just cultivates the chapter on spiritual cultivation, he can do it in his own room.

As for this private practice room, it was reserved for Chen Xu and his son, and their accompanying training room was the security personnel of the courtyard.

It stands to reason that such security personnel must be at the officer level in the army, and there is no need for any security personnel here. Jiang Heng doesn't need any security personnel.

These people came here voluntarily. As for why they arranged to come here, it was purely because some senior military officers pleaded with Commander Gu Le to send some juniors to come here. There is such a senior expert living here, such a senior expert can follow casually, even if he just wanders around every day,

But if one day Senior Jiang takes a fancy to him, he can just give him some advice, that would be a great opportunity.

Now the whole family lives in it.

"Sanggong, I like this place very much. Is this our home in the future?"

Lin Yanwei smiled like a flower and looked at her husband. Jiang Heng could see that she was very satisfied with this place, and even said that she was also very satisfied with this special planet.

The combination of technology and green plants, the crystal-clear lake transformed by technology, the sky full of stars can be seen when looking up, and the streets are cleaned spotlessly by cleaning robots.

But Jiang Heng was wrong. In fact, what Lin Yanwei was most satisfied with was because Jiang Heng was here, and she was very satisfied where Jiang Heng was.

That night, the pair of dogs... the mandarin ducks who had been separated for a long time, were naturally enraged by thunder and fire, and soon the battle was raging.

For this matter, the rooms where the two children live are even separated by several rooms. There is no way, the battle between the two is usually extremely fierce. Although the sound insulation effect of the room is very good, the movement is still not small.

In short, Jiang Heng was refreshed the next day, while Lin Yanwei didn't come out much the whole day. Warriors like Jiang Heng definitely have extraordinary physical strength and energy, which is also why Lin Yanwei's strength is also considered to be a first-class warrior, otherwise ordinary women really can't handle it.

Jiang Heng is still taking care of his wife, if he really lets go, it will kill him.

But no matter what, Jiang Heng was refreshed all day today.

"Come here for a few days to practice against your father!" Jiang Heng dragged his son Jiang Wenwu to the underground training room.

In the past few days, he intends to train Jiang Wenwu well. A man has to take responsibility. Although he likes his daughter more, she has to take good care of her. As for his son...of course he has to become stronger!

He has already thought about it, and in the future, his daughter will be held at home as a princess, and his son will have to go out and experience it from time to time!

"Father! How do you practice?" Jiang Wenwu's eyes lit up, he was looking forward to it.

Since childhood, I have been surrounded by people who practice martial arts, whether they are guards or former followers of my father, even my mother is a powerful and high-class martial artist.

Every day I watch some uncles flying into the sky and escape from the ground, and from time to time I listen to the anecdotes about martial arts that the uncles talk about. Most of these former followers of Jiang Heng were wandering warriors. They may not have great strength and background, but they have extremely rich experience in going out.

For a while, I listened to the uncles talking about how they dealt with those vicious and evil interstellar thieves, and for a while, I heard how the uncles had encounters with the orcs on the planets or in space.

Hearing this, the young Jiang Wenwu was extremely excited and his heart was surging. In addition, grandfather Lin Heng also likes this grandson very much. He often shows off his glorious deeds in front of his grandson.

Over time, Jiang Wenwu, who was young and ignorant, had been looking forward to practicing martial arts for a long time. He also received some basic martial arts training from his grandfather.

And his mother often talked about his father's strength in front of him, almost blowing Jiang Heng into the sky.

In short, although Jiang Wenwu resented his father's eccentricity, he was limped by his mother, and now he was so excited to hear that his father wanted to teach him personally.

"Your grandfather has taught you some basic knowledge of martial arts, right?" Jiang Heng said with a smile on his lips.

"Yeah!" Jiang Wenwu nodded repeatedly, his eyes shining brightly, full of anticipation.

It seems that I have seen the scene of myself traveling across the sea of ​​stars like those uncles in the future.

"Well, that's good. If that's the case, let's actually fight?"

Hearing this, Jiang Wenwu became even more excited, this is actual combat!

People who have been laying the groundwork for too long always look forward to actual combat.

an hour later...

"Aw! Aww!"

"Father! I won't practice anymore!"

Jiang Wenwu, who was beaten up by his own father, kept begging for mercy. At this moment, Jiang Wenwu's face was swollen, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

"If you don't advance on the road of martial arts, you will retreat, civil and martial arts! You are just getting started and you can't slack off. Being a father is for your own good!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his son's head with a smile on his face.

Hearing these words, the guards waiting next to him couldn't help but tremble. Senior Jiang is so cruel to his son!

They all had some doubts about whether it was right or wrong for them to rush to be Senior Jiang's bodyguard?

On the contrary, Chen Xu and his son, who were also training on the side, were full of envy. They were beaten anyway, and they seemed to improve much faster when they were beaten by the uncle.

He taught his son love for three hours, until it was said that there was a visitor outside, Jiang Heng felt a little regretful.

"Go out for my father!"

Jiang Heng wiped his son's swollen brother Gao, turned around with a smile and was about to Hearing this, Jiang Wenwu, whose eyes were swollen to the point that he couldn't open them, suddenly let out a gleam of light from the cracks in his eyelids.

"Hey, you guys should be a good training partner for Wenwu, don't be afraid, Wenwu is just when you need to sharpen, just follow what I just said!"

Following Jiang Heng casually ordering a few guards, the light in Jiang Wenwu's eyes dimmed, and he could no longer hold back the hot tears flowing from his eyes.

Listening to Senior Jiang's instructions, the two middle-level warriors who were named couldn't help but look at each other, and they couldn't help but look at the little master with pity.

Jiang Heng went out, and at first only one of the two middle-level fighters stepped forward to practice against Jiang Wenwu.

But soon he realized that something was wrong, this little young master is a bit powerful!

Jiang Wenwu was like an angry lion cub at the moment, venting the suffocation he had been beaten up on the guard in front of him.

His strength is beyond the expectations of this middle-level warrior. How big is this, and his energy level is estimated to be almost 3,000?

Fortunately, after taking it seriously again, Jiang Wenwu's offensive was contained, and then the other person also ended.

Jiang Wenwu yelled again from the basement.


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