Master of Fist

Chapter 588: divine punishment

"So your backer is the Golden Twelve-Winged Lion Clan?"

The voice seemed to be thinking about something.

"Haha! You are afraid.... Let...let me go, otherwise..." The turtle-backed old man laughed, but soon he felt even more uncomfortable in his body.

His bones burst apart inch by inch, and his indestructible turtle shell was the first to shatter. The shell of the heavy water tortoise, which is known as the number one among the orc race, is covered with dense cracks like paper.

"No! Spare... spare... my life!" the turtle-backed old man roared, he didn't want to die. He has lived for nearly ten thousand years, and he is more afraid of death than ordinary people, just like the saying that the longer he lives, the more he cherishes his life.

"Big... big boss save... save me..."

At this moment, an invisible force wrapped around the turtle-backed old man, reducing the pressure on the turtle-backed old man. He also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if that guest visited my Qinglan Realm?" At this moment, an old and deep voice came from a distance, and then a small dot appeared in the distance. When I saw the dot again, it had already arrived at the turtle-backed old man. Not far away, quietly suspended in mid-air and looking up at the sky as if talking to someone.

This person was wearing a black robe with a roaring pattern of a golden lion with twelve wings embroidered on it, making him look very imposing. His face looked like a burly old man without anger and prestige, and the loose clothes on his body were bulging by his strong body.

"When did this place become your Qinglan Realm?" Unexpectedly, the other person asked instead of answering.

Hearing this, the old man was dumbfounded, and his brows could not help but wrinkled.

At this moment, all the disciples of Jiange elders, Lu Yixin and the others watched the development of the situation in astonishment. It seems that some important person has come?

And it's obviously not the same way as the orcs?

"Could it be that a senior from the Warrior Alliance passed by here?" Zhang Que was the first to think of a possibility, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

If so, they are saved.

"Hide your head and show your tail, isn't your Excellency too cautious? Or are you afraid to see me because of your lack of strength?"

The black-robed old man frowned, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth and he sneered.

There was a moment of silence over there before slowly saying: "Sorry, I'm about an hour away from here, if you can, you can wait here for a while."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

"One hour? Haha! You don't even find a reasonable excuse for deceiving people. Could it be that you can talk to me at such a distance from here, or even hurt someone? Since you are nearby, you might as well come out and talk about these excuses. It's really funny!" The black-robed old man laughed endlessly.

An hour's journey, this is complete nonsense. Ordinarily waiting for an hour can easily fly hundreds of times around the Qinglan world. According to this calculation, the other party should be outside the domain, at least a few planets away from this place.

It is impossible for the aura of a superior fighter to radiate from such a distance, let alone talk to him, or even hurt his subordinates.

At this time, not only the old man in black robe didn't believe it, even Jiange Lu Yixin Zhang Que and others didn't believe it.

This is really a bit of a fantasy, if you want to say that there is a distance of one hour, if some special beings who have practiced secret arts are indeed so likely to do it. But trying to project power so far apart is complete bullshit.

For a moment, Zhang Que and the others all looked embarrassed. It seemed that this senior was a bit unreliable.

"Hmph! Since your Excellency is hiding and dare not come out, then I will get rid of these annoying ants first, and wait for your Excellency!" The black-robed old man sneered and looked at the surrounding humans.

Although I don't know the specific purpose of that mysterious strong man, I will know after a few trials.

As he said that, he shook his big hand in the direction of the group of people in Jiange.

Almost instantly, a big cloudy hand suddenly appeared at the position of everyone in Jiange, and the big hand directly covered everyone with a terrifying ability to block the surrounding air density.

The movements of the black-robed old man were quicker, cleaner and more silent than that of the turtle-backed old man, and everyone who was so fast didn't react.


But as soon as Yunqi's palm appeared, Yunqi's big hand trembled suddenly, and it disappeared instantly.


Seeing this, the old man in black robe frowned even more.

"Since your Excellency has this strength, do you really think it's fun to hide like this?" The black-robed old man became even more annoyed. He was not afraid of the opponent's strength, because the strong human beings in front of them all died miserably. What he was afraid of was that the other party would hide his head and show his tail and dare not come out.

With the strength of this mysterious strong man, if he keeps playing tricks secretly, he still feels a headache.

"I've made it very clear just now, I'm not here. If you insist on trying, you don't mind taking a long-range shot."

That voice sounded again, still making the old man in black very angry.

He couldn't help laughing out of anger, "Haha! Could it be that your Excellency didn't make a move a few times just now?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm afraid that if I make a move, I won't be able to control it and blow up this place!"


After these words came out, everyone fell silent. Immediately, the black-robed old man and the turtle-backed old man raised their heads and laughed loudly, as if they had heard the funniest joke in the world.

Where did this weird thing come from! How dare you say such a thing?

The opponent's cowhide is really full of loopholes. Not only can they make a long-range shot after an hour's journey, but the planet will burst when they make a shot? This is simply a model of brazenness.

"Haha! Coincidentally, the old man wants to see if you can blow up this place?" The black-robed old man joked with a smile.

At the same time, Lu Yixin and the others no longer had any hope for this mysterious strong man. It's so weird, does this mean that he regards himself as a strong Taoist?

Of course, if the Daoist is so troublesome, there is no need to put on airs in the blink of an eye.

"That... Lu...Senior Lu." At this moment, Liu Shizong cautiously came to Lu Yixin's side and whispered.

"What's the matter?" Seeing this, Lu Yixin also cooperated in a low voice.

"Do you feel that this voice is a bit familiar?" After thinking about it, Liu Shizong still expressed his thoughts.

Having said that, Lu Yixin froze in place for a moment, and nodded in silence for a moment.

"It does sound familiar, but I can't remember who it is at the moment..." Lu Yixin replied honestly.

"Do you feel that this voice is a bit like Jiang...Jiang Heng?"

Liu Shizong swallowed and spit, his throat felt dry.


As soon as these words came out, Lu Yixin seemed to be hit by something in his mind, and his brain fell into a sluggish state instantly.

If it was just a little familiar before, but after Liu Shizong's reminder, I feel that this voice is that person.

"This... this is unbelievable, could it really be him?" Lu Yixin frowned, with doubts and expectations in his eyes, which was very contradictory.

"This...I don't know about this!" Said Liu Shizong was also confused, he was still sure.

After all, there is a difference between the person in his memory and the mysterious strong man who has made several shots at the moment,

"Why are you afraid? The old man is waiting here. I want to see if you can blow this place up with one blow."

The black-robed old man shouted loudly, and the sarcasm on his face was even stronger. Of course, this is just an aggressive method to stimulate the opponent to come out. As for whether the other party might annihilate this planet, he completely ignored it.

Just kidding, how is it possible?

"I'm afraid an ordinary blow will really destroy this place, so I'll use one-tenth of the strength!" The voice fell flat on the ears of the black-robed old man and the turtle-backed old man, but it was especially harsh.

They almost burst out laughing, they had never seen such a shameless and posturing guy.

Hearing these words, Zhang Que shook his head again and again, what kind of weird senior is this. Absolutely not any of the senior seniors he knows in the Warrior Alliance. Maybe it's some crazy senior talking nonsense here.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and this silence lasted for nearly dozens of breaths.

"Since I don't dare to come out yet, I'd better clean up these ants first. By the way, it seems that you care about these ants very much. I hope you can hide in the vicinity and keep blocking me." One hit blows away the crazy talk here.

But just as he was about to move, his figure suddenly stopped.

"not good!"

Almost instantly, the power of blood all over his body surged violently, and he instantly turned into a golden lion, except for a circle of even denser golden fluff around his head. In addition, they are all golden fine scales.

In addition, nearly ten golden wings shot out from behind him, and these golden wings looked very dazzling under the sunlight.

After doing all this, he still quickly took out a bottle of blood from his arms, and immediately poured it into his mouth.

The blood did not know that it was the blood of the strong man, and as he devoured the flesh and blood, the flesh muscles on his body swelled even more.

The ten wings quickly closed and wrapped him heavily, like a golden ball protecting himself extremely tightly.

The actions of the black-robed old man naturally stimulated the turtle-backed old man, causing him to be belatedly swelled in black water waves to envelop himself heavily.

Some wonder what happened to my master.

But he soon knew the answer, and soon he felt a terrifying aura descending from the sky and coming towards them from a distant position in the sky.

Its speed was so fast that it rushed into the atmosphere almost the moment the turtle-backed old man felt it, and came straight towards them.


A terrifying invisible beam of light that can only be perceived by the Qi machine, like divine punishment, crashed on the two black-robed and turtle-backed people, and the terrible impact quickly disintegrated their protective measures.

The turtle-backed old man was the first to be defeated. His black water waves were directly evaporated, and then the turtle shell shattered and even shattered.

As for the condition of the black-robed old man, he is still in good shape, and he is still struggling to support himself under the invisible light beam.

The golden wings with metallic luster on his body were burning and disintegrating rapidly, and terrifying power poured into his body through this invisible force. Constantly destroying his powerful physical body.

Even Zhang Que and Tia couldn't see this scene. This is a beam of energy formed by invisible energy, which is completely discredited in their eyes.

However, Lu Yixin, Liu Shizong and other Jiange and his party all took the path of energy and mechanism, which is equivalent to mastering the ability to perceive energy and mechanism in advance.

At this time, in their field of vision, a thick beam of vigorous light descended from the sky, breaking through the clouds like a shot from the sky, and landed on the positions of the black-robed old man and the turtle-backed old man with incomparable precision, and the thick beam of light instantly enveloped the area where the two were located Nearly a hundred meters range.

The energy beam pierced through the atmosphere in an instant, and landed in the middle of the sky. It exploded suddenly in just one breath. The speed was so fast that everyone could perceive that it was too late to avoid the strong wind that escaped from this energy. The broken sack flew out at a glance.


In an instant, a huge deep pit was blasted out of the ground! Thousands of kilometers near the deep pit burst and the ground collapsed!

Fortunately, there are not many living people in this county, and most of them have been eaten by demons as blood and turned into ghosts.

The energy and vigor are like a spear pierced from the sky by a god, and the fierce momentum penetrates the earth in an instant, as if it will cross the entire Qinglan Realm in the next moment.

Full of extreme shock!

The terrifying air waves began to spread out crazily after being hit by the core area, layer after layer of waves, the earth seemed to become a rough sea, trembling constantly.

This... this.. what kind of attack is this?

Which superior can have such means? Is this really not a god?

Zhang Que crouched in embarrassment near a boulder fragment, enduring the turbulent crushed stone, terrified in his heart.


An even more terrifying shock wave surged, and the terrifying shock wave instantly set off tens of meters of thick ground, countless rocky house wreckage, mud, and dust. All kinds of messy things were pushed in all directions, rolled up hundreds of meters high, covering the sky and the sun like the end of the world!

It's just that the escaping power has set off such a power, one can imagine what the core area will be like.

The energy vigor continued to bombard, the light beams kept hitting the ground, and the terrifyingly high temperature distorted the surrounding space to a certain extent. The rocks in the core area were burned red like a branding iron.

The pierced area expanded rapidly, hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters, kilometers.

At this moment, even if Zhang Que couldn't see the white beam of Qi Jin, he could still see the crimson burnt by the high temperature of Qi Jin's energy, and there was a piece of fiery red in the dust.

At this time, everyone was staring blankly at the terrifying phenomenon in the core area.

The entire county has been completely reduced to ruins, and the area where the black-robed old man and the turtle-backed old man were located has completely turned into a dead zone.

After a long time, the energy and vigor gradually subsided. The dust and gravel made the world a bit dark, and there were horrible scenes everywhere, and the vision in the core area was completely distorted.

Zhang Quelu Yixin and the others were all thrown thousands of meters away by the terrifying impact at this time, so they felt as if their skin was in a high temperature of thousands of degrees.

One by one is either pumping up blood to resist, or pumping up gang energy to resist. Zhang Ketia's physical body is not bad, but he can not be afraid of such a temperature, but Lu Yixin and the other internal cultivation systems are too weak physically, so they have to resist it with Gang Qi.

"Ah! Master, save me!" A Jiange disciple couldn't resist the high temperature, and kept calling for help.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiuye hastily released a wisp of his stellar energy to protect this person, even so, this disciple's body was also burnt with a dense layer of hot bubbles, which is very terrifying.

"This.....this is like the handwriting of a god!" Zhang Qiuye then protected the nearby disciples one after another, looking at everything around him with reverence and His lips squirmed and his voice was a little trembling .

At this moment, Lu Yixin stood aside and watched this scene silently, which also gave him a great shock. But he has a different view from ordinary people.

What he saw was the rules contained in it, but this was too advanced for him now. But these are for sure, and all of them will become the food for his epiphany in the future.


An extremely weak coughing sound came from the core area, and this sound made everyone tense up.

But in the fiery red area in the distance, there is a huge animal shadow hundreds of meters slowly crawling out of the deep pit,


Without waiting for everyone to react, a weak and fearful roar of the beast uttered. This roar did not seem to be intended to deter others or vent the anger in their hearts. It's to reduce the fear in my heart.

Following the giant beast's roar, a wave of air blew away a lot of dust, and only then did everyone see clearly the appearance of the giant beast in the deep pit.

This is a head covered in scorched black, six of the ten wings and arms have been burned and only the skeleton is left, not only that, many of the body's resistance has been burned, and it can be seen that the same black bones have been burned.

Especially the beautiful golden fluff around the head is gone...


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