Master of Fist

Chapter 578: save lives

Thinking of the suffocating and terrifying power of the starry sky behemoth, as well as its extremely thick fleshy body.

Jiang Heng reckoned that even if he wanted to fight the opponent in close quarters, he would be courting death. It can last a little longer, but it is also the life of being beaten.

Moreover, that thing also has various weird abilities such as space movement and space manipulation. If he wants to subdue such a monster alone, Jiang Heng reckons that he will have to be successful in the third level of the overlord body.

"Forget it, right now my strength looks at the entire galaxy, except for a few guys who can't be provoked, and I can already walk sideways."

Jiang Heng shook his head, feeling a little bewildered. It's okay, what's the point of fighting with a guy like the starry sky behemoth?

And with his current physique, the human sea tactics are no longer acceptable. After joining the Dao, the energy is being drawn and gathered here all the time, and every attack will engulf the surrounding energy. To consume him to death, two conditions must be met, one is to trap him in a star field, and the other is to consume all the free energy in this star field and turn the star field into a dead field.

Without further thinking, Jiang Heng looked around and couldn't help but wryly smiled.

"The commotion caused by this breakthrough is really not small." The surrounding stars were completely invisible to the naked eye, and they were all pushed far away by the energy impact of his breakthrough.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, and found some interesting guys under Hun Tianjin's perception.

"There is another acquaintance, let's go and see them."

Jiang Heng bowed slightly, his feet stepped out of the void suddenly, his legs were like ejecting shells, and the space where his feet stepped suddenly collapsed. The next moment, the figure had disappeared in place.

Everything around him flashed like a slide, and Jiang Heng's flying speed at this moment seemed to be flickering in the void. In terms of the speed of the physical body alone, it is about twenty times the speed of light.

If you let go of the air machine perception, you can find that during Jiang Heng's flight, free energy around him is constantly gathering towards him, and it will not form resistance, but will continue to push Jiang Heng forward.


Talking softly to himself, the next moment Jiang Heng's body was golden and generous, and his figure skyrocketed into a flying Lei Peng. The surrounding energy gathered more violently, and the next moment he broke through the obstacles like a golden arrow, and his speed soared several times .

The escape speed is about a hundred times the speed of light.

At the same time, Zhao Kai, who was pushed by the big clock to move at a constant speed, was in a trance. But after breaking away from the initial shock, his consciousness gradually returned a little, but it was still impossible to stabilize the big clock. He only felt as if he had died all over his body, and he had completely lost control of his body. Only his eyeballs were still rolling, which meant that his consciousness still existed.

But just when Zhao Kai was waiting for death, he felt his field of vision was covered by a golden light, and he saw that his movements, which had been moving forward at a constant speed, suddenly stopped. When he looked again, he saw a huge golden claw clasping the big clock where he was.

Big golden claw?

Zhao Kai first thought of the orc, but soon another figure appeared.


That figure came to mind almost immediately.

Soon he was convinced of his guess, because he saw that the owner of the big golden claw was a thousand-meter flying Lei Peng.

He had seen Jiang Heng's transformation into Flying Sky Lei Peng on the battlefield before, and now he was almost in tears when he saw it again.

However, just when he was moved, a pure energy permeated the big clock and poured into his body.

With the influx of energy, Zhao Kai felt extremely refreshed. The injuries that had almost destroyed his physical body were healing at a rapid speed.

In just dozens of breaths, his injuries have already healed.

But he just sat quietly inside the big clock and let the senior catch the big clock and fly.

After another tens of breaths, Mo Yue suddenly slowed down outside, and soon Zhao Kai found that there were two more people inside the big clock.

Two old men, one bald and the other dressed like a magic stick. The aura emanating from these two people is still in the upper realm.

Several people looked at each other, looking at each other speechlessly.

The **** stick and the bald man looked at each other again, they were calm on the surface, but they were already communicating with each other through sound transmission in their hearts.

"God stick, have we been captured by the orcs?" The bald man said a little depressed.

"Perhaps. I didn't expect the old man to end up like this after living most of his life." The magic stick said with no joy or sorrow.

"God stick, you can feel the terrifying aura emanating from this big bird, just like the senior who broke through."

"And the brother next to him also has a tyrannical aura, and he is probably a strong man at the half-step Dao level."

The bald man chattered about the uneasiness in his heart.

"Baldy, wait to die!" The magic stick also silently glanced at Zhao Kai, who was meditating with his eyes closed, and sighed silently.

It was said that the bald man was in despair.

But not long after, there was another dear friend in the big clock.

This time, the emotions on the faces of the few people were well managed, as if they were not used to it.

Shenstick and Baldy also moved their positions consciously.

This newcomer was a high-level mid-stage martial artist, and he was also covered in scars, which were obviously caused by the previous big explosion.

The man looked at the magic stick and the bald man in some confusion, and when his eyes fell on Zhao Kai, he showed a look of surprise.

"My lord, why are you here too!"

The person who came was the unlucky lieutenant general who was coerced by Zhao He saw Zhao Kai at this moment as if he saw a relative, and he was about to pounce on him.

In the end, he was kicked to the ground by Zhao Kai.

"Sit down when you come!"

"My lord, that big bird..."

"Shut up!" Hearing this, Zhao Kai was furious, and the lieutenant general trembled in fright.

Although he also participated in the battle at the time, his strength simply couldn't watch Jiang Heng's fighting actions at that time from a long distance, let alone clearly see the means he used. He really didn't know who this Flying Lei Peng was.

" lord, it's okay, there will be a super strong beast race here, the seniors of the empire's Dao realm must be aware of it, and I believe they will come to rescue us soon." The lieutenant general trembled Huddled in the corner weakly.

"Idiot! Don't worry, I'll wait for you."

Abandoning this sentence, which made Lieutenant General, Shengun and others a little confused, Zhao Kai simply ignored everyone and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

This time he gained a lot in the center of the vortex, and after recovering from his injuries, he would not dare to delay a moment's solid cultivation.

After about tens of breaths, many people came in again this time, there were dozens of them here and there, one of them was high-level, and the rest were all middle-level warriors.

When these people came in, they were still a bit aggressive, but when they saw a few big men sitting cross-legged inside, they immediately shrank their necks and carefully huddled together.

Fortunately, Zhao Kai's big clock itself can be large or small, and has a certain storage capacity. It can accommodate thousands of people at most.

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