Master of Fist

Chapter 558: The Incarnation of Wisdom Arrives (2)

After realizing this unusual feature, Jiang Heng couldn't help being a little puzzled.

I remember the fire man that I met during the battle of Tianchen City, what is his name? He once said that the human race and the beast race are one body through different routes. What's going on?

Jiang Heng frowned. Now that I think about it, it's a little weird. If the two are really unrelated, it's really unreasonable that the power of this bloodline can still be integrated into one.

But it is also unrealistic for Jiang Heng to conclude that the two must be related based on what Lie Yangjun said. Shaking his head, he didn't continue to dwell on this issue. It also didn't prevent the fusion of his bloodline power, and being able to feel the fusion of bloodline power didn't seem to be harmful to him.

On the contrary, Jiang Heng could still feel the qi and blood in his body as if he had awakened from a long sleep, and began to glow with more vigorous vitality.

If Jiang Heng checks his own lifespan now, he can be surprised to find that his lifespan has greatly exceeded the ordinary limit of five thousand years. Already moving towards 8,000 years old and even more. Of course, Jiang Heng didn't know about these things.

"I don't believe that he won't exhaust himself!" Seeing that golden figure still raging vigorously, an apostle gritted his teeth angrily.

The war started for nearly two or three years, during which they confronted human warriors more than hundreds of times, many of whom were powerful warriors. But there has never been a warrior as difficult as this person in front of him.

It seems that the opponent is the real opening method of the warrior, not sticking to the tricks, but thoroughly playing the fast style of play, and once the opponent seizes the opportunity, then the next step is not to give any doubts about the combo of breathing Life.

"What's going on there?" At this time, a half-step Taoist warrior sitting in the frontline army of the empire in the Southern Stars and Sunset Starfield looked at the enemy at the core of the battlefield with a confused face.

This person's name is Zhao Kai, and he is the vice-governor of the Southern Stars, equivalent to the second-in-command in charge of dozens of star fields in the Southern Stars. Because they learned that the Luoxia Starfield was suddenly besieged by two federal armies. So take your own express shuttle to be the first to come to the rescue.

It's just that I didn't expect that the situation seems to have changed a little bit. He had just arrived at this time and was a little unclear, so he looked at a lieutenant-level warrior at the front line beside him.

Seeing the space boss ask, the lieutenant general hastily explained everything that happened just now.

"So this is reinforcements? Did you receive news of reinforcements in advance?" Zhao Kai raised his eyebrows with displeasure on his face. Isn't this reinforcements here? And judging by his strength, he is very impressive. At least judging by his performance, he feels ashamed of himself. He reckons that even if he is not a strong Taoist, he is not far behind.

This also calls him, isn't this humiliating him?

"No, the other party broke in suddenly, and we didn't get any news at all. Even the headquarters was very surprised." Seeing the vice-governor's displeasure, the lieutenant general said with a bitter face, almost crying.

"An unknown strong man?" Hearing this, Zhao Kai's face became a bit serious, and he looked at the golden dot in the distance again, "Who is it?"

Zhao Kai wanted to speculate which big boss was airborne through the opponent's fighting style, but the distance was too far and he could only see some tiny bright spots and bursting sparks.

"Ask the commander who this person is!" Zhao Kai ordered.

In fact, there is a reason for asking this question. The commander of such a large-scale battle is usually a mechanic, and he must be a mechanic who graduated from the Mechanical Department of the Imperial Capital. These commanders all have the ability to directly communicate with the intelligence network of the imperial capital and have extremely high authority.

With the intelligence network of the empire, the Southern Stars Luoxia Starfield is equivalent to the hinterland of the empire. I believe that there must be some news from the empire for such a super strong man suddenly appearing.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the lieutenant general to get the news.

"How to say?"

"The commander said that this person is not an enemy. Half a year ago, there was an alliance member who turned the tide in the Western Territory theater, and that person was this person. The evaluation of him by the empire is second only to the highest and is comparable to several Dao realm powerhouses. Specific information It's top secret!"

The lieutenant general's face was a little bit excited and a little bit rough, as if he was very nervous about telling this piece of information, after all, it involved information about a super strong man.

Hearing this, Zhao Kai was also stunned. As the vice-governor of dozens of star fields, he has a general understanding of the situation of all the warring star fields in the empire. And the situation in the western border is very special, so he has heard about it.

"I didn't expect it to be this senior, the highest evaluation..."

"That... Governor, do we want to go up and help?" the hesitant lieutenant general asked a little uncertainly.

"Help? Do you want to seek death? If you want to seek death, I will not stop you!" Zhao Kai said angrily, what are you thinking, the confrontation of this level of powerhouse to help is completely courting death.

Any power spread can kill them.

"Of course we also need to make preparations. Send an order to charge long-range weapons!" Zhao Kai's thinking was very clear. Once things changed, he would order a large-scale coverage strike. Melee support is too risky, and remote assistance does not have this worry.

"Hey! What's that?" Suddenly, a huge bright spot appeared in the field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of Hong Guang suddenly shot out from the federal army, the speed was so fast that Zhao Kai's eyesight couldn't catch it at all.


With a fist and a blow to the head of an apostle's star body, Jiang Heng shook his hand, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and was about to rush towards the next target.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and he had already killed ten apostle-level star bodies. This is the most fruitful victory since he fought the Federation.

"Once we find a way, it doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with these iron bumps." Jiang Heng grinned.


All of a sudden, he felt that something was approaching at a very high speed within the range of the air machine.

The speed almost blinded Jiang Heng's eyes.

Ten times the speed of light, and still speeding up? !

The third eye quickly swept towards the perception range of the qi machine, and suddenly saw a bright spot galloping towards this side.


It was too late to think that the opponent had already rushed in front of him, and a terrible impact suddenly struck. Jiang Heng, who had just made a move, didn't have time to think about it, and a tall, pitch-black figure had already struck.

It was a metal giant with a length of one thousand meters. Every metal structure on the surface of the body was filled with a black matte texture and an icy cold light.

The other party's expression was flat, and his scarlet eyes looked directly at Jiang Heng as if he was completely locked on him. He raised his arm high, and the black metal on his arm was surging like a wave, as if he was accumulating some kind of majestic strength.

This is the posture that will end his posture with one punch!

Jiang Heng's face turned cold, and the muscles on his body suddenly swelled several times at this moment, and a terrible energy burst out in an instant.

He has an intuition that the opponent's strength is not inferior to the three-in-one apostle star body he met back then, even stronger! This is to finish him with one punch.

"I've never been more afraid than fists!"

Muscles were squirming and tightening. The muscles in the arms that were originally relatively flat tensed instantly, and blue tendons were rapidly squirming and jumping on the surface of the full muscles.

Nine poles and twenty-five weights!

Brahma Martial Eucharist opened!

Not only that, nine dazzling stars suddenly erupted from the surface of the body, and with the nine stars as the core, many acupoints all over the body erupted with bits and pieces of light at the same time. The golden ring on the back erupted with more intense flames of blood.

With a sudden step on his right foot, the muscles of his footsteps twisted into one strand at this moment, and he twisted his waist to borrow the force to make a sudden step.

The star body of the apostle under his feet exploded into pieces in an instant, and Jiang Heng, who looked like an evil **** with six arms and three eyes, turned into a golden figure and rushed towards the huge black steel giant who was also galloping forward.

In mid-air, Jiang Heng was constantly spinning around his body, trying his best to use Chongyunquan's void combat borrowing method to continuously accumulate energy.

In mid-air, Jiang Heng quickly borrowed strength and at the same time his right arm suddenly raised, and the muscles and muscles all over his body merged into a stream and poured into the right arm at this moment. point.

The distance was getting closer and closer, seeing Jiang Heng making various movements in mid-air, the dark giant's expression was as usual without any expression fluctuations, as if he was looking at a monkey that was about to die.

But Jiang Heng turned his left hand, and a huge flying banner appeared in his hand, after a little weighing, he shot towards the giant suddenly.


A wave of electromagnetic force field ejected from the surface of the machine body easily deflected the projected banner hidden weapon. The banner swirled in mid-air and finally plunged deeply into a nearby space meteorite, exuding an invisible and strange fluctuation.

Feeling so far, Jiang Heng hooked his mouth, the opponent is very strong! Very strong!

Seeing this guy make a move, for some reason, Jiang Heng remembered the body like a stone protruding from the passageway that he saw in the underground of the Central Star Martial Altar.

"Almost enough!"

Wei Wei felt the energy collected and injected into the body by Daqi, and Jiang Heng's speed became faster and faster.

Turn the wheel on!

At this moment, the power accumulated by the power plate full of energy turned into a torrent and was poured into the right arm by Jiang Heng.

"Break it!"

Two fists, one big and one small, collided with each Heng's body was compared to the huge black giant, but the fist that collided with it was as small as a toothpick.

But with regard to these two extremely different body types, there was a stalemate for a moment under the impact. The space around the collision core is instantly filled with dense cracks.

A terrifying invisible shock wave spread wildly in all directions, like a terrifying energy tide.

Some managed to take advantage of Jiang Heng's absence to gather together to prepare for the three-in-one, but they were engulfed by this terrifying energy shock and scattered again.

The surrounding apostle-level star bodies and punishers were washed away for millions of meters like garbage.

If the energy level of the half-step Dao realm is 20,000 to 30,000, then the energy level of a strong Dao realm is above 100,000.

So at this moment, Jiang Heng's superimposed punch level at all costs has already crossed the threshold of 100,000, and he has truly reached the punch of a strong Daoist.

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