Master of Fist

Chapter 545: The Great War in the West (Part 2)

"Let's go together, he can't hold it anymore!"

The scarlet eyes of the four punishers were constantly calculating the damage of the enemy in front of them.

They had already figured out the strength of the opponent's three mechanic armors in the past duel data, but today is a little different. It seems that the strength improved by using huge energy as the base point has doubled several times in the past.

However, this price is the rapid collapse of the body, and now they only need to wait for the opponent's body to collapse on its own.

"They can't stop us, kill!"

The four punishers rushed towards the three armors in unison. In front of the gigantic armor that looked like a mechanical god, the size of the four punishers was as insignificant as dust. But in the confrontation between the two sides, the four punishers gradually gained the upper hand.

Every punch can defeat a large number of mechanical structures on the armor.

This is not just a crushing in terms of strength, but also a crushing in terms of technology. Relying on massive amounts of energy as a support, the three armors indeed exploded with strength several times higher than usual. But as time passed, the body continued to collapse, and the combat power also soared to a peak and then began to decline rapidly.

It's like going through a roller coaster on a steep descent.


Another punch, the dust-like fist hit the huge and stalwart armor with terrifying force, a large piece of the body exploded instantly, and countless metal components even directly disintegrated into tiny pieces under the huge force. Pieces scattered.

"Oops! This guy Hong is about to lose his hold!" Zhang Chong gritted his teeth and led Wang He and Deng Lun to perform a joint attack on the punisher in front of him. Seeing the situation behind him, he felt extremely anxious.

He can last for a while. Although the strength of the punisher is at the half-step Dao realm, in fact, it is still a little bit worse than the normal half-step Dao realm warriors of human beings. It lacks some complicated methods and explosive methods. A few of them can't last long, let alone lend a helping hand to help there.

I don't know what the structure of the star body of the punisher is. It is indestructible, and it is very good at imitating. Almost all the martial arts they perform can be reproduced one by one. And the opponent's mechanical body, which is as strong as a half-step Dao Realm physical body, is almost painful.

Zhang Chong, who was at the front, was almost cursing his mother in his heart all the time, it hurts so much, the opponent's fist is like an awl, and a punch is a heart-rending pain.

The situation of the mid-level warriors under his command is also not optimistic. Although they all spontaneously use the combined attack method, this is the best way for warriors to deal with enemies that are several times their own.

However, many star bodies of the star warrior level of the opponent joined the battle, and the situation began to be slaughtered overwhelmingly.


Wang He had a resolute expression on his face, and Deng Lun beside him also had the same miserable expression.

At the same time, the rear command center, after seeing high-energy red dot alarms suddenly appearing in the monitoring range, the expressions of all the commanders present suddenly changed.

"This is a raid!"

"The enemy is attacking aggressively!"

Some people with unsteady minds have already shouted in panic.

"Shut up!" The second commander Li Ke suddenly yelled, which made the command room fall into silence temporarily.

Seeing this, Li Ke looked at the calculators at the side, "When and when is the estimated loss of our army on the front line more than 50%?"

Nearly ten calculation personnel quickly checked the results of computer simulation calculations and made a summary.

"In three minutes and twenty-one seconds, the battle damage will exceed 50%, and in four minutes and one second, the frontline theater will be completely lost!"

This is a very scientifically based answer, and it is also the result of simulations. The battlefield changes rapidly, especially when the opponent suddenly launches a general attack. When the battle damage exceeds 50%, 50% will shortens rapidly.

It was only four minutes of war time that caused everyone to be in an uproar. No one expected that there would be 500 million troops stationed on the front line, and a large amount of long-range fire coverage. As a result, the complete destruction of this army would be announced in four minutes.

At this moment, the command room was once again in a turmoil, even if Li Ke scolded him, it would be useless. At this time, everyone was already shocked by this sudden surprise attack. I almost gave up on these 500 million people in my heart.

When I think about it carefully, I feel horrified. This time, the Federation is well prepared. It stands to reason that every move of the Federation is within the surveillance range of the Empire, and this situation will not happen.

However, the opponent obviously had plans long ago. It is estimated that they carried out reconnaissance interference and large-scale scattered attacks. This is also the most suitable style of play for the Federation. When the long-distance use of high-dimensional shuttles to deploy troops cannot reach a terrifying value, the number of troops and strategic resources of the Federation is far inferior to that of the Empire. The only advantage is that the individual combat capability is extremely strong.

Now that the Federation has learned to be smart, it has begun to disperse its forces on a large scale, spread them across the vast front line, and then launch a general attack on a certain place at the same time.

Through today's battlefield reconnaissance data feedback, it can be clearly seen that countless red dots in the center of the frontline army are converging from the long and scattered space towards the center to form a sharp knife firmly piercing into the center of the frontline army.

That is the location of the energy center.

There was a lot of noise in the command room, but suddenly the command room fell silent, and all the senior commanders got an order almost at the same time.

"Everyone begins to take over control of the battlefield, and the supreme commander will personally intervene in the battlefield!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's heads froze. After 0.0001 second of stupefaction, everyone acted almost at the same time. The originally noisy command room was silent, and only the constant orders were issued by these commanders.

The supreme commander generally operates nearly 90% of the command power of all armies. At this time, the supreme commander will withdraw this part of the computing power to personally intervene in the battlefield, which also means that they will assume all the command power that originally belonged to the supreme commander , which also means that the huge amount of information that a super mechanic needs to calculate needs to be borne by all the commanders present.

The Supreme Commander actually wants to intervene in person?

Li Ke was horrified, but at the same time, there was a faint hope.

He is very clear that the role that mechanics can play on a large-scale battlefield is not just as simple as sitting in the rear and commanding, their role in war is more powerful than that of warriors!

At the same time, there are not nearly three barren stars lined up near the front line and the rear transfer station, which is very unusual on a large interstellar battlefield.

In particular, it is even more strange that there are not a large number of long-range strike weapons placed on these barren stars. In this kind of war, any star on the battlefield will be an object that can be used, but these three barren stars have not been transformed into The War Fortress is the biggest oddity.

I saw a huge gully slowly cracking among the largest peaks on the surface of the three barren stars, followed by giant square battleships slowly rising into the sky.

At the same time as they were lifted into the air, these giant ships had already begun to disintegrate and reassembled into a huge five thousand meter high mechanical armor.

One after another, nearly 300 armors emerged into the vacuum of the universe. These three barren stars are three huge arsenals that have been hollowed out, secret bases dedicated to making armors.

Mechanical armor is the super combat power of mechanics, and it can still be quickly produced and quickly put into battle. The attitude of the empire naturally attaches great importance to it.

In the past, the empire would limit the number of armor made by mechanics. After all, a mechanic with a large army of armor would be an invisible threat to the rule of the empire.

But in the current situation where the Federation is aggressively invading, the empire has already loosened this gap, and even given a lot of resources to enable it to quickly build armor that can quickly form combat power.

Of course, it is not unlimited, it depends on the computing power of the mechanic. With Hong's computing power, operating three hundred armors at the same time is his limit.

And far in the rear, within the computing power star that belongs exclusively to Hong, Hong is already located in a very sealed and huge space at this time. This is a human whose entire body has undergone mechanical transformation. The upper part of the skull is covered with a transparent material, and a brain wrapped in nutrient solution can be clearly seen inside.

This is red! A senior mechanic who has lived for nearly 8,000 years, his brain is now connected with countless dense circuits, which can facilitate his computing power to simultaneously control 300 armors at a terrifying rate per second.

"For the Empire!"

Muttering in a low voice, Hong closed her electronic eyes, and her brain began to use the computing power of the entire planet to simultaneously control the front-line armor.

The three hundred armors moved in unison, and the powerful kinetic thrusters allowed them to kill at the front line at the speed of light.

When three hundred mechanical armors rushed to the vicinity of the energy center one after another, only one of the original three mechanical armors was still lingering, but it was quickly blown up by a punisher's star body.

When they saw three hundred identical armors appearing in front of them, the four punishers couldn't help but look at each other.

Seeing this scene, it gave them a very absurd feeling. It's as if they were all participating in wars as gamers before. Using the carrier in the game to slaughter the opponent's flesh and blood.

But at this time, they found that there was also a player on the opposite side, and it was a super player who controlled 300 characters at the same time, which made them very horrified.

The war started again, and with the addition of three hundred star bodies, four star bodies were finally besieged to death after blowing up three more armors, and even the punisher Zhang Chong had been dragging was also dealt with.

The situation turned around in an instant, but he was not happy, and the next batch of enemies who entered the energy center flooded in again, this time more, with as many as 20 punishers, and an apostle-level star body.

This time, the 300 armors turned out to be in a stalemate with the opponent, and did not form a crush because of the superiority in numbers.

Fortunately, Zhang Chong and others had the opportunity to swallow the elixir and hide away for a while to rest and recuperate.

"The situation on the front line has been completely corrupted, and it's time to evacuate." Zhang Chong gritted his teeth and decided to take a step back. This was not only his decision but also the summons he had just received from the supreme commander Hong.

Let them evacuate as soon as possible when the situation in the energy center area is deadlocked.

After all, the role they can play at this moment is very limited. If the situation is evenly matched, it's okay to say that they can roam among the warships to do the work of checking for gaps and filling gaps.

But it is no longer needed at this moment, the rout on the front line is about to begin.

It is only safe to retreat to the vicinity of the transfer station at the back.

But just when the few people were about to turn around and leave, they felt that the frequency of the roaring and crackling sounds around them seemed to have decreased a lot.

When he turned his head in doubt, he saw that many star bodies that had just rushed into the army turned around and began to retreat. Even the apostle-level star bodies at the energy center, who were fighting against the armored army, were carrying a lot of punishment. Zhe Xingwuzhe and other subordinates rushed back like crazy,

How is this going?

"The enemy...the enemy... has withdrawn?" Zhang Chong murmured, and subconsciously took out another cigarette to clear his messy brain.

In this situation, it is clear that the Federation has the upper hand. It should be said that they will completely destroy these 500 million people immediately.

It turned out like this?

"What is this doing?"

Through the remote transmission of the picture, Hong suddenly opened his eyes full of confusion.

"Trap? Plan to lure me to wait?"

But there is no reason! What kind of thing is it to swallow this 500 million army completely in front of you, and then leave as soon as you say it?

However, Hong was still very decisive. After a very short thought, he decisively ordered the firepower to cover, and the frontline army directly pressed on! Chase!

The possibility of seducing is extremely low. Since he is about to win, there is no reason to make a fuss.

The only possibility is that what happened to the opponent's rear?

Could it be that this war zone happened to be aided by Dao Realm powerhouses who raided the opponent's rear?

This is not impossible, after all, the Daoist is a **** who is enshrined in peacetime, but in war it is a brick, and it can be moved wherever it is used.

Wouldn't it be too risky to raid the enemy's rear like this?

But these are not what Hong needs to consider. He just needs to take this opportunity to fight a good counterattack and not waste the opportunity that a strong Daoist finally created for them.

Zhang Chong, Deng Lun, and Wang He, who were being carried forward and rushed forward, were a little depressed at this moment. They were still thinking about retreating, but the order from the superior ordered them to go back. In such a dilemma, a giant The mechanical armor rushed towards the center of the battlefield against the shuttle they were riding on.

"We've just come out of the wolf's den and it's like a tiger's den!" Deng Lun's face was full of bitterness.

Zhang Chong looked at the two companions next to him, opened his mouth and said Those middle-level warriors were lucky not to be coerced. They were pushed past by a group of huge armored city walls. It was impossible to shoot at their teammates at this time, so they had to be pushed and shoved to the front of the battlefield.

"Hey, what are these guys running for?" Wang He asked when he realized something was wrong.

"No! It's not like you're on the run, it's more like someone stole something precious." Seeing the confusion on the faces of both of them, Zhang Chong had to make another analogy, "It's like you saw your wife It's like it was stolen."


The two nodded and understood.

"Hey, look, what is that?"

Suddenly Zhang Chong pointed his eyes to a certain place ahead, and Deng Lun and Wang Heqi swiped to look, and saw dazzling light clusters suddenly lit up behind the enemy.

Deng Lun, who had participated in several battles, also knew that this was the dazzling light produced by the explosion of a battleship.

"Haha! Someone really stole their mother-in-law!" Zhang Chong spat out the cigarette butts from the corner of his mouth, his vicissitudes of face flushed with excitement, "Damn it, it's so satisfying, someone finally kicked them hard!"

The dazzling light in the distance became more and more frequent, and it seemed as if a pot had exploded all of a sudden, centering on that area, it continued to spread outward.

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