Master of Fist

Chapter 492: Alliance ambitions


Hearing that Yue Shan was a little stunned, he didn't expect Li Miaozhen to answer like this, for a while he didn't know what to say.

"However, Jiang Heng is a bit powerful to deal with the half-step Dao Realm." Li Miaozhen pondered slightly, "Let's see if he has any changes. If everything is in order, there is no need for me to embarrass him."

Hearing Li Miaozhen's words, Yue Shan was slightly relieved.

He was really afraid that this palm print would make the lord suddenly go crazy. He was very afraid of Jiang Heng's strength, so it was better not to provoke him if he could.

"It is estimated that they will arrive in three days. At that time, Lian Laohui will temporarily take over the position of the city lord of Tianchen City from you. After completing the handover work, return to the alliance headquarters with me. There are still many questions about the Battle of the Iron Ring want to ask."

"That... Lord Palm Seal Envoy, in order to stabilize Jiang Heng, the humble job promised him the post of honorary city lord, and they have made great contributions to this battle. How should these Lord Palm Seals be dealt with?"

Hearing this, Li Miaozhen's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal, "Master Yue, do you know the current situation of the alliance?"

"Since you are one of your own, there is nothing to cover up some things. The alliance intends to reorganize the Martial God Pavilion!"

"War God Pavilion!" Hearing Li Miaozhen's words, Yue Shan's pupils shrank suddenly.

What the Martial God Pavilion is, he, as a direct descendant in the alliance, naturally knows very well, it belongs to the organization that for a period of time at the beginning of the establishment of the alliance made countless martial arts and gymnasium owners under the alliance's rule turn pale.

On the surface, it is an organization that gathers countless masters of the alliance, but in fact it is the alliance's iron-blooded means for tough rule. This organization composed of masters is used to deal with countless scattered superiors in the alliance. All warriors will be arrested directly, and they will not be afraid of being disobedient if they are charged with a certain crime and given some special punishment.

According to Yue Shan's understanding, this organization was clearly established ten thousand years ago. At that time, the alliance of eagle and dog organizations, the Wushen Pavilion, ruled and prospered for a while.

"Master Zhangyin, what is the meaning of the sudden establishment of the Martial God Pavilion by the Alliance?"

Does Yue Shan know why the Wushen Pavilion suddenly disintegrated? It all stems from the Martial Artists Alliance formed by countless casual cultivators ten thousand years ago. The Martial Artists Alliance took the lead to force the high-level members of the alliance to disband the Martial Gods Pavilion. Naturally, they paid the price in blood , the alliance side naturally suffered heavy losses.

Why did such a failed organization have to be established again? Yue Shan didn't understand.

"This is the decision of the high-level. Now the leaders of the Warrior Alliance have been replaced by our alliance leader. The Warrior Alliance is now in name only. After so many years of scattered rule, the strength of the alliance is far less than ten thousand years ago.

Now even the empire seems to have the momentum to fight against our alliance. If these museum owners are still allowed to act recklessly, I am afraid that there will be no need for the alliance to exist! "

Li Miaozhen explained it patiently.

"Is this what all the high-level officials mean? Why don't we adopt a more moderate strategy? We can slowly improve, and give some benefits to these gymnasium owners, wouldn't it be better to follow the guidance?" The more Yue Shan thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. Things are too radical, can not help but feel a little anxious.

"Hmph! This is naturally the result of the joint discussion of all the high-level officials. Do you still think that the seal of the palm has the right to influence the general situation of the alliance?" Li Miaozhen said coldly with a pretty face.

"I don't dare! It's just that I feel that this matter is inappropriate. I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among many superiors if we rush forward, and a **** storm will inevitably occur." Yue Shan looked a little ugly. It is cultivated by internal unified teaching.

But he also has many friends of the gymnasium owner, and it is a bit reckless for the alliance to be so desperate.

"Okay, there is no need to talk about it at this time, this matter is a foregone conclusion. The reason why I told you this is that the alliance's attitude towards these scattered people will have an earth-shaking change in the future. Like you appointed Jiang Heng as the honorary city lord Naturally, it was acceptable in the past, but it is not applicable in the present.

The alliance now intends to take back the power in the hands of these scattered people, such as the post of honorary elder will be completely abolished. From now on, there are only two things that will be placed in front of these scattered people, either obey and wholeheartedly join the alliance. Either they are arrested and taken back to the alliance headquarters to accept the punishment and suffer a little, and they will accept it. "

Li Miaozhen directly interrupted Yue Shan's argument with a wave of his hand, and his words were very firm.

"Then how should Jiang Heng deal with it now?" Yue Shan's face was a little ugly. Didn't this make him dishonest?

"It's simple. You can ask him later and tell him the two ways the alliance gave him. If you are a smart person, that's all. The rewards for this battle will be doubled. But if you don't eat a toast, you will be fined." , then don’t blame me for being rude.”

"Lord Palm Print, is this matter still to be discussed?" Yue Shan was in a hurry, if he really told Jiang Heng like this, something might happen.

"That's it, I'm tired, you can step back!"

Li Miaozhen waved her hand impatiently, obviously an order to evict the guest.

Seeing this, Yue Shan wanted to open his mouth, opened his mouth, finally turned into a long sigh, and retreated helplessly.

Looking at the departing Yue Shan, Li Miaozhen's cold and unearthly expression suddenly collapsed, appearing very bitter.

"Miao Nuwa, why don't you tell him the truth?" A voice suddenly came from the back of Li Miaozhen's head.

"You don't need to worry about it!" Li Miaozhen snorted coldly after glancing behind her.

"Tsk tsk, your Li family is living and going back. I think that when the old man followed Lao Li, the two old guys from Ying Ji's family couldn't speak a single piece of shit. But look at your generation, it's really disgusting. Shame on Lao Li!"

Listening to the chattering words in the back of her head, Li Miaozhen's face became more and more gloomy.

"If the old ancestor is really so powerful, why did he die? Just leave you with such a broken Taoist artifact?" Li Miaozhen shouted with an ugly expression as if he couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as these words came out, the voice suddenly fell silent.

"This... who told Lao Li that his brain is not good, and he was used as a gunman. Let's not talk about this guy, it's bad luck. But Miao Nuwa, you work for the alliance like this, but you carry all the infamy on your Li family Yes. If this is a mistake, it will drag the entire Li family into a place of eternal doom.

The old man is not afraid, at worst, change the owner, and your Li family will be in disaster. "The voice was silent for a while, and then it was a little joking.

Li Miaozhen was silent for a while, and the gloomy expression on his face gradually turned into exhaustion, accompanied by full of helplessness.

"So what?" There was a hint of mockery and helplessness in the voice, "At least this way, the Li family can live longer. If you don't obey, there is no need for our Li family to exist now."

These words exhausted the helplessness and despair in Li Miao's heart.

"Hey, let's take one step at a time. It's a pity that your realm is still a bit short. Even if you take this true blood of the Dao Realm, at most it can only let you step into the peak realm of the upper late stage, which is still far from the half-step Dao Realm. Far."

That voice also echoed, obviously very clearly.

"It would be fine if I was half-step Taoist..."

Sighing slightly, Li Miaozhen looked down at the jade bottle in her hand with great regret.

"Oh, by the way, Miao Nvwa, just now I heard from that kid that someone killed a half-step Taoist?" The voice suddenly asked again.

"Yeah!" Li Miaozhen nodded slightly, not in a very high mood.

"Then why do you have to be entangled in the two paths prepared by the Yingji family for your Li family? Since you are dead anyway, why don't you try other methods?"

Hearing this, Li Miaozhen's eyes flickered slightly, "You mean..."

"The true blood of the Dao realm in your hand is the best gift. With such a great gift, you can win him over. If this person takes the true blood of the Dao realm, even the Yingji family can't ignore this person."

"This method can be tried, but this person still needs to test how good he is!" Li Miaozhen nodded slightly, and there was a faint gleam in his eyes, and the exhaustion that was originally hidden deep was also reduced a lot at this moment.

The next day, Jiang Mansion—

Everything in Jiang's mansion is in order. Since the mistress moved in, Jiang's mansion has gradually become more orderly. In the past, Jiang Heng never got involved in the affairs of the government. And since Lin Yanwei moved in, everything has become more orderly.

"Ma'am, the city lord is here!" Xiaoqin bowed her head and said respectfully in front of Lin Yanwei.

Xiaoqin secretly glanced at her hostess from time to time, and she was always a little unconvinced when she saw Lin Yanwei's appearance, but she felt ashamed for a while, and when she thought about the strength of the opponent's superior warrior, she sighed secretly.

"The city lord is visiting?" Lin Yanwei was a little surprised. It is very rare for the city lord to visit. "Please come in quickly. By the way, lead the city lord to the living room and serve you good tea!"

After giving Xiaoqin an order, Lin Yanwei's eyebrows could not help but frown.

"Why did the city lord come to visit for no reason? At this time, I have to discuss with my husband!"

"Brother Yue is visiting?" Hearing Lin Yanwei's narration, Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

"What is he doing here at this time?"

Jiang Heng was also a little puzzled by Yue Shan's sudden visit at this time, it stands to reason that Lord Palm Print is here, and Lu Hui and the others were captured again, it is reasonable to say that Yue Shan has no need for me!

"Is your husband in trouble?"

Seeing that Jiang Heng frowned and thought that the other party was not kind, he also became nervous. Now the Lin family is **** with Jiang Heng, and they are all prosperous and the other is damaged. Of course, Lin Yanwei was not afraid of causing trouble, but she was ready to call Lin Heng to fight together if something happened.

"I don't know for now, I'll meet him later!"

Jiang Heng waved his hands, tidied up his clothes a little, and then headed towards the living room.

Yue Shan had been sitting in the hall waiting for a long time, but the tea beside the table hadn't been touched, and he looked restless.

"Senior brother Yue! This sudden visit to junior brother is not far-fetched. Why don't we have a light meal later, how about three glasses of self-punishment?" Jiang Hengren's voice came from afar before he arrived.

Seeing Jiang Heng, Yue Shan got up quickly, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face.

"Senior Brother Yue, is something wrong?" Seeing this, Jiang Heng realized something was wrong.

"Junior Brother Jiang, let's chat!"

Yue Shan forced out a smile, and greeted Jiang Heng to sit down.

"What happened to Senior Brother Yue?"

Jiang Heng sat down and looked at Yue Shan with some puzzlement. He was very confused about why Yue Shan came here this time. Looking at Yue Shan like this, it seemed that the situation was not optimistic.

Yue Shan had a troubled expression on his face, as if he was having trouble opening his mouth. Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't urge him, and when he realized something was wrong, he looked at Yue Shan solemnly to see what he had to say.

"Ahem, Junior Brother Jiang, it's like this..." After hesitating again and again, Yue Shan removed what Li Miaozhen told him about the secrets within the alliance, and mainly stated the alliance's attitude concisely.

"Junior Brother, I think there is still room for maneuver in this matter. Look at this..."

Halfway through the talk, Yue Shan couldn't continue. Before he came, he knew that something would happen on this trip. But after all, it was the handprint envoy who personally confessed, and the senior management of the alliance has confirmed the matter, so I can only say this.

Listening to Yue Shan's description, Jiang Heng's expression was already gloomy and terrifying.

"Hehe,.....Brother Yue, the Alliance is really good at crossing rivers and demolishing bridges!" Jiang Heng looked at Yue Shan sarcastically, with a half-smile on his face.

"Junior Brother Jiang, this senior brother can't be the master, just...following the arrangement of the superior." Yue Shan knew he was wrong, but there was nothing he could do right now. Although he is a top-ranking member of the alliance, and his power is enough to control tens of millions of fighters participating in the war, after all, he is nothing more than an ant in the eyes of the upper echelons of the alliance.

"Okay! Let me obey the arrangement of the superiors. I don't want to be the honorary city owner! I don't want to be entangled in those rewards. But are you serious about this choice?"

Jiang Heng paused word by word. You must have an ugly face, just kidding, choose one of the two?

Either join the alliance, or be apprehended as a criminal?

There is no need to think about the former, and it will inevitably lose a great deal of autonomy. With the tough attitude shown by the alliance today, it doesn't take much to know that joining the alliance this time is not as simple as joining the alliance in the past.

What we are facing may be completely militarized management, and everything is based on the alliance's high-level instructions.

Not to mention that it was impossible for Jiang Heng to give up such autonomy, he also thought about rushing to the empire to deal with the mess in Qinglan Realm. Even if you agree, I'm afraid it won't end well in the As for the benefits promised, it's empty talk, and once you join, it's not up to the other party to say anything.

As for arrest. That made Jiang Heng even more unacceptable. He fought life and death for the alliance, so now he is a criminal?

"Junior brother Jiang, today I am just a messenger, you don't have to do this. In fact, I also think this matter is inappropriate. The alliance really wants to do this. I'm afraid that countless warriors in the entire alliance will not agree."

Yue Shan naturally knew how terrifying the impact of the alliance's decision would be. Not to mention these undisciplined high-level warriors, but those countless middle- and low-level warriors with a huge base will all be overwhelmed.

He was born and died for the alliance, but in the end he ushered in such an end.

What's more, due to the system of the alliance itself, countless gymnasiums and dojos have been created. Which of these gymnasiums and dojos is willing to watch their own orthodoxy disappear?

There is still a fart orthodoxy to be absorbed by the alliance?

"If Senior Brother Yue is here to be a lobbyist, then please go back. Others can be considered, but this is the last choice, ha ha!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, revealing his rebuttal to the last point without a doubt.

Hearing this, Yue Shan felt a little helpless, he had anticipated this situation before it came. In addition to being helpless in his heart, he also knew that if the palm seal envoy hadn't shown super strength before, he might not even be able to leave Jiang's mansion safely today.

"In that case, I will resign. Junior brother Jiang should think carefully about it. If there is no firewood to keep the green hills, I will try to persuade the envoy of the palm seal."

Saying that, seeing Jiang Heng's indifferent appearance, Yue Shan shook his head and sighed, had no choice but to leave.

"Husband!" Seeing Yue Shan leave, Lin Yanwei, who had been listening to the conversation in the cubicle, walked out slowly, with obvious confusion on her face.

"Husband, is the Alliance crazy like this?"

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