Master of Fist

Chapter 488: become!


The figure of the female warrior turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Li Miaozhen did not continue to maintain the demeanor of being indifferent like a god, but heaved a long sigh.

For the first time, the face that had always been flat showed a look of fatigue, and the white and tender jade fingers gently kneaded the center of the eyebrows, as if to relieve mental fatigue.

"Are you tired? How about letting go of everything? Why do you work so hard all the time?"

And at this moment, a medium-sized voice that was indistinguishable from yin and yang suddenly sounded in the empty palace, with a hint of coldness and treachery.

Hearing this sudden voice, Li Miaozhen's expression returned to normal in an instant, and once again returned to her usual indifferent appearance, without joy or worry, as if everything could not cause the slightest disturbance in her heart.

"The Li Family's Mysterious and Refreshing Collection is really amazing, but I don't know how long you can rely on this thing to suppress me!"

The strange voice sounded again, Li Miaozhen frowned slightly.

"Hmph! You are just a dead thing, stay in the chakra honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

A killing intent appeared on Li Miaozhen's pretty face.

"Oh, it's boring! Your Li family will use this to bluff me. By the way, I heard that this time there is Dao Realm True Blood. If you sacrifice it to me in this way, I will be able to restore my previous supernatural powers. At that time..."

"Shut up!"

Li Miaozhen shouted decisively.

"Hey, Li Nvwa, don't you think about the power of a complete Dao realm true weapon?" The voice still sounded, with a strong sense of bewitchment.

"Think about your Li family's situation in the alliance, think about all that your Li family has sacrificed for the alliance over the years, but what have you gained?"

"Have those old guys coveted your Li family's Dao Realm Artifact? Hehe, if it weren't for this seat, I have already had a blood relationship with your Li family ancestors, and only the descendants of the Li family can use the power of this seat. Do you think your Li family can keep this?" Can't the Dao Realm Real Artifact work?

Without this seat, your Li family is just a discarded **** of the Alliance! "

However, no matter how chattering and seductive the voice was, Li Miaozhen's expression remained unmoved as usual. Seeing Li Miaozhen like this, the voice gradually disappeared.

Time flies, half a year has passed since the battle of Tianchen, and the entire city of Tianchen has returned to its former prosperity, but after all, the population has dropped sharply, and the overall situation is much worse than before, but the bustling flow of people can be seen everywhere, smiling constantly It can be seen that the impact of the war has been reduced to the lowest level and has gradually been forgotten by the people.

As for the remaining orcs in the second month after the war, under the continuous investigation of the warriors, no large groups of orcs could be found, but there were obvious traces of the war in the Wuzi star field.

After receiving the news, the senior officials of Tianchen City held an interim meeting, and initially decided that the Wuzi Starfield should be a large-scale upper-level armed conflict, and one of the two parties should be Lord Lieyang who fled the battlefield before.

Please help, you can steal book tickets like stealing vegetables, come and steal the book tickets voted for by friends’ book tickets.

After all, the traces of thermal radiation washing the ground are lingering, but some metal structures were found floating in space at the incident site, which is very intriguing.

This discovery is obviously more dangerous than the former one. Lord Lie Yang's strength may be formidable, but it's limited to that. As long as he doesn't give the other party a gap, the alliance side doesn't have to be too afraid.

It was the Mechanic King Murphys, an unknown superior mechanic, who impressed everyone in Tianchen City, which also caused the warriors patrolling outside the Iron Ring Starfield to maintain a high level of vigilance in the next few months.

It's a pity that many times of interrogation did not find any traces of the existence of Tool King Murphys.

The final guess was that after the war, the Orcs and the Tool King Murphys fled the Iron Ring Starfield with both losses, and only this guess fits Luo Ji for the time being.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the two are hiding in some dark places in the Iron Ring Starfield, but the people and warriors who participated in the war need a stable news, so it is naturally formed.

Jiang Heng hasn't been out much in the past few months, and has been retreating in the mansion to refine the two bloodlines of Flying Lei Peng and Chongshui Xuangui.

It's just that Jiang Heng is having some difficulties now, and his cultivation can't help but come to a standstill.

"There is no follow-up record of Flying Lei Peng and Chongshui Xuangui at all, so it can't be deduced even by relying on the power of the ball?"

Sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, Jiang Heng couldn't help but feel a little depressed. The two bloodlines of Feitian Lei Peng only refined a small amount, but the Heavy Water Turtle directly filled it up. It can be seen that the tortoise's ability is still very strong. .

But it's all together, but why can't you practice knitting if you don't have any skills?

Jiang Heng is depressed, this time has been wasted, isn't this stagnation a waste of so much time?

The previous Qingtian Bian was originally only a fragment, and the reason why it can be completed is mainly deduced from the first half. But this Lei Pengbian and Xuanguibian don't even have a hair, so it's still a thread.

It was just that he was not reconciled, so Jiang Heng re-studied the remaining chapters of the Sanskrit Physique several times.

After watching it once or twice, nearly ten times, just when Jiang Heng was about to give up, he was slightly taken aback.

I remember that the deduction ability of the ball can be directly inferior to the second half of Qingtian Bian, so can it also make up the chapters in it according to the formula of the general outline of the Fanwu Holy Body?

The premise of the general formula of the Brahma Martial Holy Physique is that the unification evolution can only be cultivated after practicing the complete three transformations, which belongs to the transformation that completely combines the three forms and properties.

"Since this is the case, can we rely on the general outline to deduce the remaining two chapters?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng's eyes suddenly lit up.

You can give it a try!

Just do it when you think about it. This time, I observed the fragments in my hand more deeply, and at the same time triggered the power of the ball with my thoughts. With this touch, the power of the ball really fluctuated, and a majestic memory quickly emerged.

The records about Lei Pengbian quickly emerged in his mind, but only the first paragraph appeared, and the memory was directly interrupted.


Jiang Heng shook his head in wonder, is the ball stuck?

"It turned out to be in arrears!"

Looking at the empty ball without any energy reserves, Jiang Heng was speechless.

Remember that there were still a lot of **** in reserve before, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye?

Sure enough, the deduction is the most expensive!

In desperation, he slowly became excited. This guess was indeed correct, which also meant that he could practice the complete Sanskrit Saint Physique without looking for other fragments.

As for the consumption of the ball, it was directly ignored by Jiang Heng.

Ask Zhou Fu to send Jiangfu a large number of blood crystals in stock, tens of thousands of them,

Jiang Heng now has more than 500,000 blood crystals in reserve, and this consumption is really not a problem. It is mainly exchanged from several other high-level warriors. In exchange for energy crystals, the ratio is usually one to twenty, or fifty.

After all, the benefits of blood crystals to warriors are really not much, and they usually come to forging weapons, which are very good for alchemy. This is mainly because the blood crystals contain too many spiritual impurities, and it is easy to have the spirit of the beast race in alchemy.

This also caused the blood crystals to be inferior to the flesh and bones of the orcs, especially the bones and some scales, which could be sold at a high price, but the blood crystals were not very valuable to warriors.

This is also cheaper for Jiang Heng, he can simply exchange for everything he can, and build an energy supply bank for himself to absorb later.

No, use it now!

The ball was supplemented with sufficient energy, and naturally the follow-up deduction work was extremely easy. The energy reserves of nearly 50,000 blood crystals were fully consumed to complete the deduction of the next two chapters.

Feeling the memories of the next two chapters that appeared in his mind, Jiang Heng took a long breath and deduced them directly into his mind, even saving him the effort of reading and remembering. He only needs to silently follow the operation route to try to refine the two blood vessels Condensed these two changes.

Time is still passing by little by little, and it has been a month since Jiang Heng retreated without knowing it. During this period, something happened in Lin's mansion.

"Yan'er, how long are you going to keep this secret from him?" Lin Heng sat on the grand teacher's chair with an indignant expression on his face.

"It's been a few months, and this kid is still in seclusion. If he doesn't leave the seclusion, are you planning to keep it a secret?"

Lin Heng got angry when he said this, he got up and paced back and forth in the study.

"Grandpa, my husband is currently on the rise in martial arts, and I can't prevent him from stepping to a higher level because of these things." Lin Yanwei retorted from the side.

"You still speak for him! Look at you! Look at you! How dare this old man let you go out now!"

Lin Heng pointed at Lin Yanwei's trembling hand, obviously very excited.

At this time, Lin Yanwei was also a little distressed, but when she was sitting on the chair and touching her belly, her face was full of maternal brilliance.

"My husband will definitely be happy when he leaves customs!"

Lin Yanwei murmured in a low voice, with a happy smile on her face.

"!" Lin Heng was so angry that he was speechless, "You are not married yet, this... this..."

In the final analysis, Lin Heng is a very conservative old man. In his impression, this kind of behavior is very inconsistent with ancient etiquette.

It would be fine if Lin Yanwei's stomach wasn't obvious, but Lin Yanwei's stomach was already bulging. This still has to wait for Jiang Heng to leave the customs, who knows if all the children have already been born when Jiang Heng leaves the customs.

"No, I'm going to find this kid out!"

As Lin Heng said, he was about to go out, but Lin Yanwei stood up and stopped in front of him within a few steps.

Although Lin Yanwei has been pregnant for several months, she is a high-level warrior after all, even if she can walk like flying a few days before she gives birth, so under normal circumstances it is no different from ordinary times. At this time, he was standing in front of his grandfather with a firm face.

"Hey! Put it on!" Lin Heng waved his hand, "Sit back first so you don't hurt the child."

And at this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

A direct disciple of Lin Heng trotted in.

"What is it?"

Looking at the grandson in front of him, Lin Heng had the impression that he had arranged for his disciples to be in charge of keeping an eye on Jiang Manor's movements. As long as there was news of Jiang Heng leaving the customs, he must immediately inform Jiang Heng to let him come to Lin Manor. At this time... Could it be yes....

"Master Jiang has left the customs, the disciple has already reported, and now he is waiting outside!"

"Good! Good! Let him in!"

After a while, when Jiang Heng came in and found out that he was a father, Jiang Heng was absent-minded for a moment, but was soon shrouded in ecstasy.

I remember that the last time I had **** with Lin Yanwei was half a year ago. At that time, Dr. Dong said that we couldn't have sex, but who was Jiang Heng? Feedback by the power of the ball, he jumped up and down in a few days, and then he tossed **** Lin Yanwei.

During that time, Lin Yanwei had been tossing a lot, and it really worked out unexpectedly.

But this is also normal, although the stronger the martial artist is, the harder it is to have children. But this is not absolute. If the couple is of equal strength, the possibility of conceiving is actually quite high.

After all, if the man is a high-level warrior and the woman is a low-level warrior or an ordinary person, it is very difficult to have a child. After all, the physiques of the two are so different that they are almost two species with a certain reproductive isolation.

Of course, except for the beast race, the beast race seems to have no so-called reproductive isolation from the human race, which makes many warriors of the race puzzled.

Just like if a white dog breeds with a black dog, the offspring is likely to be a black dog. According to what Jiang Heng said in his previous life, it is because of strong genetics.

"Yan'er, do you think this little guy is sleeping now?"

"No, he's kicking me!"

"Really? Let me hear it!"

Looking at the child-like husband, Lin Yanwei's face was full of happiness, and she let Jiang Heng carefully put her ears on her belly.


At this time, it was Lin Heng who was a little embarrassed at the side. Seeing the young couple's love for each other, he was even more angry.

"You kid has to arrange the marriage for me recently, Yan'er's affairs can't be delayed any longer!"

So within a few days, the whole Tianchen City got the news that Master Jiang Hengjiang was getting married, and the woman was the only female high-ranking warrior in Tianchen City, which made many people in Tianchen City very happy for a while.

The matter between Jiang Heng and Lin Yanwei is not a secret, but it is still a big gossip for ordinary people and ordinary warriors.

In addition, Jiang Hengben is the most hotly discussed figure recently, and many parents of children use Jiang Heng as an educational template to popularize the benefits of practicing martial arts seriously to their children.

For example, a parent of a child asks, "Who do you want to be when you grow up?"

The child bit his finger without the slightest hesitation and said in a childlike voice, "I want to become a hero who saves the whole city like Mr. Jiang!"

Then the child's parents were very serious and persuasive: "Then you must practice martial arts well! You see that Mr. Jiang is so powerful, it must be the result of practicing martial arts hard since childhood. So when learning martial arts, do you still listen to the teachings seriously?"

The child's face was full of longing, and his little head nodded like a pounding garlic: "Listen!"

Some women in the city even talk about Jiang Heng every After all, Jiang Heng is so young, and his appearance is still very handsome (when he was not transformed into a sky-supporting ape). Then when I heard the news of the sudden wedding, I immediately became overwhelmed.

In short, the recent remarks of many women in the city made those who heard it cry and those who listened were sad.

Jiang Heng didn't pay much attention to the hustle and bustle in the city recently. Apart from being with Lin Yanwei often, he kept feeling the changes after the completion of the Brahma Martial Saint Physique.

"The strength of the body has almost doubled, and the physical body's perception of space is more acute."

In the quiet room, Jiang Heng stretched out his hand slightly and shook it. Every time he grasped and squeezed his hand, he could feel the existence of space, unlike before, it was so obvious that he needed to superimpose the overbearing body and Jiuji perception.

"I just don't know how powerful it will be after using the Brahma Martial Saint Physique and superimposing the Nine Extremes of the Overlord Physique..."

Jiang Heng frowned slightly. He had never had the chance to display the Brahma Martial Saint Physique, mainly because he was afraid that the display would cause too much momentum.

"Now my strength has made Yue Shan, Lu Hui and other senior brothers look sideways, but the Brahma Martial Saint Body can be used as a trump card and should not be easily displayed!"

If it was just Lin Heng and Lin Yanwei, Jiang Heng would be able to expose his strength unscrupulously, but Yue Shan, Lu Hui and others were all outsiders.

In particular, the alliance stood behind Yue Shan. Jiang Heng didn't intend to reveal his hole card until he knew the specific attitude of the alliance's top management towards him.

The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is to have an unexpected effect.

"Besides, my fighting power is enough on the surface, so it's not appropriate to be in the limelight now."

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, his eyes flickering slightly, "Furthermore, regarding the true blood of the Dao Realm, there might be a possibility that the Fanwu Holy Physique has a conspiracy!"

Regardless of this matter, Jiang Heng continued to feel the changes in his body while constantly adapting.

This transformation is not just a manifestation of external strength...

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