Master of Fist

Chapter 470: Battle of Tianchen (6)

There was a "boom".

Qing Tianyuan shook his big hand suddenly, as if holding a world.

Jiang Heng looked at the lion-headed beast indifferently, and his blood was continuously gathering towards his arm.

Nine extremes and twelve levels!

Overlord body, potential field At this moment, Jiang Heng mobilized all his own power that could be mobilized, and his heart was beating violently, like a boiler that was crazily fluctuating and was about to explode.

At this time, Jiang Heng's eyes had completely turned blood red, and his dark brown hair was moving without wind. Wisps of crimson liquid Qi and blood surged around his body and began to converge continuously towards the kneaded five fingers.

The palms are kneaded together, but it is like pinching a violent and unstable thing. As Jiang Heng's fingers continued to shrink, the originally empty space was rendered a little red.

The Lion King watched carefully from a distance, his pupils were shaking constantly at this moment, as if seeing some extremely terrifying scene.

This is not a conventional attack at all, but in the extremely violent squeezing space, it is also squeezing the blood, compressing everything in the palm of the hand into a ball.

Qi and blood kept pouring in, like a bottomless pit, filling the palm continuously, and the surrounding space faintly trembled.

The Dao Realm has been able to touch the space, and the strong Dao Realm can create space wormholes at will for ultra-long-distance jumps.

Although the half-step dao realm can't touch the space domain, it can also initially have a little impact on the space.

At this time, Jiang Heng's physical body naturally had a very obvious feeling after performing the Qingtian Transformation. It is a sense of being in a viscous world all the time.

It seems that everything around is very sticky and binds itself. With a firm grip, you can already vaguely feel a feeling of touching the real thing.


Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, his right palm was still accumulating strength, and there was room for the potential field and blood to be continuously compacted. At this moment, Jiang Heng violently squeezed it, kneaded it into a ball, and kept accumulating it.

"No! Half-step Dao Realm? How could you be half-step Dao Realm!" The lion king was terrified. At this moment, he no longer had the arrogance and confidence he had before, and only had a strong fear.

That was the subconscious reaction of having seen the nine mysterious wonders reaching the sky for a long time.

The thunder on the surface of his body was about to escape, but just as he was about to make a move, he felt the space around him tighten, as if there was an invisible barrier around him, and at the same time, an air force had already locked him.

"No! No!" The lion king was terrified, the thunder on his body surface kept flashing, and his whole body was like a thunder pool trying to get rid of the current predicament.

But at this moment, a huge black-brown hairy hand with five fingers clenched tightly appeared on top of the Lion King's head. The dark-brown **** hand did not have the slightest external luster, let alone any other abnormal phenomena emerged, only the palm A palm with reddish luster slowly pressed down along with the big dark brown hand.

At this moment, the lion king's hairs were all standing on end, an unprecedented sense of fear came to his heart, and his hair danced wildly in an instant, forming golden barriers above him.

At the same time, thick thunderbolts continuously emerged on the surface of the body, forming a huge golden thundernet with itself as the center to protect it.

After all this, the Lion King was still worried, and the power of the blood in his body was stimulated again unreservedly. The wings wrapped forward and directly enveloped the whole body within the wings, and the surface of the wings was also covered with dense and fine scales.

With one palm, the light red transparent palm was pushed down quickly by the strength of the palm. After losing the compression of the dark brown palm, the light red **** palm began to grow rapidly the moment it fell again.

Like a rebound after losing the restraint, the pale blood-colored palm has become a huge handprint of hundreds of meters in just one breath.

The handprint fell, stirring most of the cosmic rays and various substances around it, and at the same time, the handprint condensed the too solid space potential field and the power of blood, which appeared extremely heavy.

It was like a star of incomparable mass falling down.

The moment the Mahamudra fell, there was no sound, but it locked on to the Lion King as if it had eyes. The Lion King looked at this scene with red eyes through the gap between the flesh wings.


It was a feeling of powerlessness that I had never experienced before, a terrible feeling of being unable to escape the blow no matter what.

The lion king thought that in this life, except for the eldest brother who could beat him, others would have no chance or ability to beat him, right?

However, reality taught him a lesson.

Where the fingerprints passed, the means arranged by the Lion King exploded inch by inch, exploding streaks of brilliant splendor in mid-air.

The barriers formed by the thunder burst out with dazzling light, almost rendering the entire sky above Tianchen City into a piece of golden light like daytime.

"How could I lose to a human?!"

The lion king roared and roared, and then a look of madness appeared on his face. This aggrieved feeling made him completely angry, and he flapped his wings fiercely. He raised his hands at the same time, and immediately a series of golden feather blades with lightning arcs shot out, cutting out a series of golden lightning blades in midair.

The golden color completely occupied the entire sky at this moment, and countless people unconsciously watched this scene from the corner of their eyes in amazement.

And the lion king himself also erupted with dazzling golden thunder, like a golden sun, turning into a golden torrent and rushing upwards.



The sound of metal and iron clashing and the deafening bang resounded through the universe at the same time!

The golden blade cut out by the golden wings exploded inch by inch before touching the handprint.

The handprint shook slightly for a moment, and after the red light dimmed slightly, he pressed it again slowly, without delay, giving the golden torrent below enough time.

Immediately afterwards, the golden torrent hit the palm print almost at the same time, the roar of the thunder and the roar of the lion king resounded, and the golden torrent was like a tidal wave constantly washing over the world-destroying palm.

The golden torrent continued to offset the terrifying pressure from top to bottom, but the golden torrent transformed by the roaring lion king still showed no sign of hindering the whereabouts of the handprints.

The handprints carried the golden torrent that was constantly washing away and were still falling slowly.

The eyes of the lion king in the golden torrent were about to burst. The entire body was covered in gold, and the terrifying heat generated by the thunder continued to spread. At the same time, he stretched out both arms, turning into fist marks all over the sky and blasting upwards.

Continuous explosions reverberated in mid-air. .

Such a crazy attack, such a reckless use of blood power, the Lion King's complexion did not show the slightest joy, on the contrary, it became more and more ugly, and his golden face gradually turned pale.

Because the handprint on the top of the head was under such indiscriminate bombardment, it only swayed slightly for a moment, and then it still fell slowly, like a falling Looking at the handprint on the top of the head that is getting closer The lion king, the madness on his face is even stronger, and he also has a desperate attitude.


bang bang!

After several punches in succession, the Lion King gritted his teeth, the muscles all over his body were wriggling rapidly, and the wings on his back were retracting rapidly, and soon disappeared. Also changed are the scales and golden hair on the body surface.

The characteristics of the lion king's body hair are rapidly changing. The characteristics that originally belonged to the three kinds of orc blood in his body began to fade rapidly, and his figure gradually shrank. However, his aura became more and more obscure and terrifying.

This is a manifestation of the highly concentrated and stored power of the blood.

The lion king stepped on his legs in mid-air, and the blood-colored mouth of the lion king who had turned into a simple male lion opened suddenly, and the energy with the three-color mixture quickly gathered in the mouth, and the next moment the three-color energy turned into a mixed Rays vented wildly upwards.

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