Master of Fist

Chapter 453: Xiao Cheng

"what are these?"

Jiang Heng pointed at the row of bottles and cans in front of him and frowned.

"Master, this is the blood of the beast race collected from the treasury. It is very effective in refining high-quality Qi and blood pills." Zhou Fu was a little puzzled, but he answered honestly.

"Hmm." After making Zhou Fu retreat, Jiang Heng looked thoughtfully at the blood of the beast race that filled the bottles and jars in front of him.

"How can this also extract the blood of the Qingtian ape?"

Looking at the bottle that he had just absorbed, there was a line of words on it, Octopus!

"Could it be that the apes have more or less a trace of ape blood in their bodies?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is not impossible. The chaos among the orcs is very serious, especially those with dragon blood.

It's normal to mix blood with each other.

"Try something else!"

Jiang Heng casually picked up a bottle of snake blood and activated the power of the ball, and when he fed back again, Jiang Heng shook his head helplessly.

"No, not at all."

After trying again, Jiang Heng found that only the apes had the bloodline of the Sky Ape, and not all of them had it, it was random.

But this also opened up a shortcut for Jiang Heng to improve the progress of Qingtian Bian's cultivation.

The blood power of the beast clan is very pure after being transformed into a ball, and only when Jiang Heng captures it can it be directly transformed into a part of the promotion of Qingtian Transformation. If it is not captured, it will be directly refined into its own blood.

Fortunately, the treasure house reserves in the city are amazing. This is due to the frequent transactions between merchants. Any part of the beast is a resource. Generally, killing a beast will be decomposed and stored. Reserve in the city.

After so many years, even though the successive city lords have been severely corrupted, the treasure house in the city is still surprisingly well-stocked given the lush conditions here.

At the same time, coupled with the corpses and blood crystals of many beast races this time, Jiang Heng barely extracted enough to advance to the stage of Xiaocheng.

Almost thousands of ape blood and nearly a hundred ape blood crystals were consumed, and the ape supplies in the city were almost exhausted.

Feeling the changes in the acupoints in his body, Jiang Heng let out a long breath.

The flow of qi and blood directly stimulated Qingtian Bian's major orifices, and suddenly a blood force that did not belong to Jiang Heng began to explode in the body.

I saw that Jiang Heng's body surface was quickly covered with dense brown hair, and his whole body was like an ape, and his body began to swell rapidly.

When it expanded to five meters and was about to continue to expand, Jiang Heng quickly closed these acupoints, and then his physical body returned to its original state like a deflated ball.

"Huh! Sure enough, as the records say, the cultivation of Qingtian Transformation has the physical transformation of Qingtian Ape, which is enough to exert the talent of Qingtian Ape."

Reminiscing about the situation he felt before, Jiang Heng couldn't help sighing secretly.

It's as if a majestic force suddenly emerged in the body, making people intoxicated, as if directly incarnated into a thousand-meter giant ape, with the mighty power to destroy the stars and take the moon.

Pure terrifying power!

After a steady turn, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

"Now Qingtian has become smaller, and his strength has increased by 40%. I will face the King of Mechanics, Murphys, again. I will never lose him in terms of pure strength!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng frowned again remembering the ability of the Mech King Murphys.

I have heard before that the King of Weapons, Murphys, has a strong ability to learn and imitate, but the opponent did not imitate his martial arts in that fight, such as Chongyun Fist, Hegemony and even Jiuji.

"Or is it that the other party will completely master my martial arts next time?"

Jiang Heng frowned, he still felt that he should have captured that fellow at that time, but it was a pity that the other party's identity was really sensitive. The Seiya Federation is a ticking time bomb, but it cannot be teased at will.

"I have to collect the remaining blood needed by Optimus Transformation as soon as possible, and push Optimus Transformation to great success as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and he didn't know whether it was the pressure from the Tool King or the beast clan.

"You have to ask Peter when you go back. He brought that guy here. He should know a lot."

Jiang Heng rubbed the center of his brows, and at this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Master, all the civilians and warriors in the city have been arranged to board the ship. Are you going to return?" Zhou Fu's voice came from outside the door.

"Then let's go!"

Jiang Heng opened the door and walked out. Looking around, there were indeed a lot of people on the flying boat, so many people even stood on the deck.

Among them are not only warriors and merchants, but also some ragged civilians, all of whom appear very well-behaved and quiet.

Looking at these people with quite different identities standing together talking and laughing freely, Jiang Heng nodded slightly.

It seems that Zhou Fu's ability is still good, and he was able to go so smoothly.

Soon the spacecraft rose slowly, broke through the atmosphere and began to fly towards the vast universe.

Right now, the flying boat is overcrowded and almost overloaded. In order to accommodate people and some precious materials, it almost throws out some originally unimportant things. Right now, we can only rush to the city of Tianchen as quickly as possible, otherwise the flying boat can't afford so many people to eat and drink.

The speed of the airship continued to accelerate, and under the action of the star sail, the medium-sized airship began to accelerate forward like a flash of light at extreme speed.

Jiang Heng glanced at the corridor full of people and shook his head, then simply turned and went back to the house.


At this moment, the flying boat shook violently, and then the speed of the flying boat began to drop sharply after being hit by this blow, and it quickly deviated from the speed of light.

"Enemy attack?!"

In a flash, Jiang Heng hovered directly above the flying boat and was within the protection range of the star shield.

"It's an orc war beast!"

Some people on the deck have already exclaimed.

"One, two, three...four...a lot!"

Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly as several war beasts slowly flew out from the back of a nearby star.

At this time, the flying boat was noisy up and down, and there were already many people, but now it became even more noisy and noisy when each person said a word, which seemed extremely chaotic.

"The orcs! The orcs are here!"

"They won't let us go!"

Some civilians who had seen the ferocious side of the orcs couldn't help but screamed in horror at this moment. This call caused a chain reaction, and the airship was extremely chaotic for a while.

"Don't panic! Everyone, don't panic! There are important people in the flying boat, and there are big people in charge of the orcs. There is nothing we can do!"

A sensible person stepped forward. This is a warrior who participated in the battle of defending the city before. He had seen Jiang Heng's feat of destroying the beast clan with a wave of his hands.

"Yes! With my master in charge, even if there are ten times as many beast races, we can't do anything to us!" At this time, the one who spoke and stabilized the situation was Jiang Heng's follower. It has long been a fanatical fan, so of course I can't help but brag at this time.

Jiang Heng's attention was not on the bottom at all, and his expressions gradually became gloomy looking at the war beasts in the distance.

"Ancestral class!"

"How did the orcs get the news so quickly?"

Jiang Heng frowned, and couldn't help but think of the attack on Tianchen City not long ago. At that time, two ancestor-level powerhouses of the orc clan came suddenly. Appeared nearby before directly bypassing the guard post outside Tianchen City.

"It seems that the orcs' method of space movement is still very frequent."

As to why the orcs learned of the news of the golden planet so quickly, Jiang Heng is not sure about the specifics, but there is no need to guess. After all, the empire and the alliance have long-distance communication means, so there is no reason that the orcs do not.

I heard that some orcs with the same blood can transmit sound over a long distance. It is equivalent to a kind of communion.

"It's just that this movement is really fast!"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time entered a state of alert.

"Master, there are a total of four orc war beasts, and I... suspect that there are ancestor-level powerhouses sitting in the town!" Zhou Fu flew behind Jiang Heng and said in a low voice.

"Well, fully activate the star shield to prevent the orcs from raiding, and the ancestors of the orcs will be handed over to me!"

Jiang Heng's eyes were still fixed on the four war beasts slowly approaching in the distance, secretly thinking about how many ancestors of the orc clan would be this time.

Suddenly in the distance, a silver war beast with a short silver stick in its mouth flashed into the field of vision, followed by getting bigger and getting closer, and it turned into a huge stick more than ten feet in the vacuum of space. Spinning fast and hitting the river horizontally.


Jiang Heng's big hand suddenly stretched out with an elbow to meet him, and the two collided firmly into each other in an instant.

With a dull golden drum-like roar!

The metal-like collision of the two directly produced a dazzling halo, and a terrifying force seemed to spread in all directions.

Zhou Fu was still far away, so he was startled at this moment, but the invisibility that affected him still made him fall down with a muffled groan.

After the impact, the giant stick began to fly backwards towards the beast at high speed.

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression returned to calm again, and he was fine with a flick of his hand.

At this time, with a burst of ferocious and insolent laughter coming from the mouth of the war beast, a figure flashed out quickly, and this person stretched out his hand to easily grab the giant stick that flew upside down. Unshakable like a mountain.

This person's complexion is light blue, and his muscles are as sharp as a block of iron. Every muscle is full of majestic explosive power and a fierce He is five to six meters tall The appearance is much larger than the regular form of ordinary orcs, and the giant stick in his hand fits just right in his hand.

There is a mass of black body hair on the chest, and it has the appearance of a mad shark in the water, with a mouth full of cold teeth that seem to be able to crush anything.

"Only you?"

As soon as Jiang Heng finished speaking, he didn't wait for the other party's response at all. He suddenly appeared in front of the ancestor of the blue-skinned beast clan without saying a word. .

"Clang!" However, what came out was the sound of gold and iron colliding, as if hitting a metal barrier.

However, the ancestor of the orc race grinned, and his body surface began to be covered with dense blue scales, and his body muscles were wriggling rapidly. He opened his mouth wide, and saw a majestic stream of water gushing out. The water was black and looked like it was dyed with ink, sweeping towards the river.

Among them, a stream of water floated out of the back of the man's head, forming a circle, while the rest converged towards Jiang Heng, and the black water filled the air to trap Jiang Heng directly...

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