Master of Fist

Chapter 442: Overlord (below)

If you want to become stronger, you will naturally have to pay more. Jiang Heng knows this very well, so he must endure!

"I must hold back! I must retain consciousness!"

This is Jiang Heng's requirement for himself. Right now, the circulation route of qi and blood has started to operate. Once Jiang Heng loses consciousness or even passes out, the Tyrant Body Art may be useless. Even because there is no operation route to continuously absorb the power of medicine to forge the body, I am afraid that in the future He will still be in danger of his life!

So Jiang Heng has to resist this wave, and it will be easy only after resisting the first wave.

The physical body of a warrior is far from being comparable to a starry sky behemoth. If you want to meet the minimum standard of a starry sky behemoth, you have to follow the practice method.

It is said that the cubs of starry space behemoths can live freely on the surface of stars from birth, and some starry space behemoths even feed on the energy of stars, and even devour entire stars as food when they become adults.

This warrior is incomparable.

"I heard from Brother Lin Heng that even the most powerful person in the alliance today can only fight with the cubs of the starry sky behemoth after walking a long way in the physical body. As for the real adult starry sky behemoth, only the Taoist level can surrender."

Jiang Heng thought back on what he had seen and heard, and secretly smiled wryly.

According to what senior brother Lin Heng said about this super-body secret technique, looking at the entire galaxy, not to mention the undiscovered Dao realm martial arts, this super-body secret technique is absolutely top-notch in the physical body.

Moreover, according to what Lin Heng said before, this domineering body seems to be created by someone comprehending from a fragment of Taoist martial arts ten thousand years ago.

Lin Heng has always regretted not being able to practice this martial art. As long as he can cultivate this secret art of domineering body, under certain circumstances, he can even really compete in the half-step Taoist realm at the ninth rank. .

It wouldn't be so passive in the face of Xuan Qi, even to the point of killing two people in a row.

Jiang Heng started to lean on the side of the bathtub in a comfortable posture with determination in his heart. In fact, he had to do so. The spine below the chest had been completely turned into bones and could not be controlled at all, so he had to lean on it like this.

At this time, the blazing and strong corrosive force was constantly destroying Jiang Heng's body, but Jiang Heng still kept the situation stable by constantly seeing the saw, so as not to let this corrosive and burning force corrode the heart.

At this time, the operation route of the domineering body also began to take effect, removing those toxic substances, and the medicinal power in the pool began to flow into the body through the skin texture, and even penetrated into the muscles, bones, and muscles, gradually improving Jiang Heng's physical body and comprehensively strengthening his physical strength. defense.

Of course, the price paid for this is the massive energy consumption in the sphere, and the constant recovery of the body and the struggle against the power of corrosion and burning consume a lot of physical energy.

Of course, this is also the great effect of Jiang Heng's physical strength. Otherwise, let alone the growth and recovery of his own granulation, the toxin will corrode the whole person in an instant.

This is also because Jiang Heng's resilience is amazing, and his own poison resistance has also been cultivated to a certain extent in Qinglan Realm, and now he is going back to his old business again, at least much faster than ordinary warriors.

Countless tiny flesh and blood tissues were directly corroded, and even suffered so many times that the nerves began to become numb to these pains.

The purged strands of pure medicinal power are constantly improving the physical body, and this gradual adaptation makes Jiang Heng feel relieved.

"The situation is well under control!"

Jiang Heng nodded secretly, this was the situation he wanted most. This relaxation makes it easy to become aggressive, and Jiang Heng is about to try to sink his heart into the water.

Just halfway through the movement, Jiang Heng stopped immediately, and at the same time, dense sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Don't be careless!"

Jiang Heng broke out in a cold sweat, what happened to him?

Thinking that the heart can withstand this kind of invasion?

Once the heart, the core that absorbs the medicine, is damaged, it will be impossible to run the Super Body route. Is it impossible to rely on the brain to operate the exercises?

"Stay steady!"

Jiang Heng took a deep breath, and he didn't know what was going on. Jiang Heng felt that it might be the empiricism of the past. When he was in the Qinglan Realm, he was reckless when he cultivated. Way.

There are indeed a lot of benefits in this way. With many life and death wanderings, he has also come to where he is today.

But the higher you stand, the more you have to be careful, otherwise, if you take a wrong step, you will be in an abyss, and Jiang Heng has no chance to start all over again.

It's better to play steadily

Jiang Heng still understands that there is a reason to go too far and not go too far. Once the heart is corroded, the body will also completely collapse.

At this time, more of the medicinal power penetrating into the body is still strengthening the physical body, which is what Jiang Heng expected. He tried his best to use the pure energy of the ball to resist the toxin and scorching power, so that the medicinal power would not be distracted as much as possible. Instead, try to nourish the flesh.

At this time, five situations appeared in Jiang Heng's body, corrosion, burning, pressure, recovery, and absorption.

When the medicine entered the skin, Jiang Heng felt that every muscle cell was agitated, as if countless sawtooth animals were constantly gnawing at his muscles. Let every muscle seem to have a self-consciousness to run out.

And when the medicine entered the bone marrow, the feeling became more obvious, as if something was scratching the deepest part of the body, which was very uncomfortable.

This feeling even overwhelmed his own pain for a time, making him tremble unconsciously, and the skin of his upper body began to have a very obvious hyperemia reaction, and Jiang Heng's eyes became more and more red, like an addict who was extremely depressed.

Jiang Heng's eyes were red, and the two servants beside him who were adding fuel to the flames trembled in fright and sat down on the ground.


A long-suppressed roar resounded in the courtyard, cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow!

This situation, which is almost extremely rare for high-level warriors, appeared on Jiang Heng's body at this moment. After a burst of redness, the epidermis began to appear densely cracked, and the epidermis began to fall off layer by layer, like eggshells that were constantly peeling off. Layer after layer, the skin color of each layer of the body surface will change slightly.

After peeling off ten layers of epidermis, a layer of light gray color appeared on the body surface, like a very special metallic texture, and as the skin continued to molt, the skin color of the body surface gradually deepened.

And a layer of harder epidermis emerges, which is somewhat similar to a fine black metal armor covering the body surface. With Jiang Heng's breathing, these black skins will be absorbed into the body like some animal scales, and the skin color will become the original skin color again. , and when he inhaled again, the black scales appeared again.


This is just the beginning!

Feeling all this, Jiang Heng was ecstatic in his heart, "With this kind of promotion, what is this little pain?"

"Endure! I want to endure!"

Jiang Heng roared in his heart. After this strengthening, his body's recovery speed has gradually gained the upper hand. Seeing this scene. Jiang Heng began to sink into the pond for real.

When the whole person submerged in the water, Jiang Heng felt even more terrifying pressure, scorching heat and corrosive force acting on him.

The first change was the disappearance of all the body hair, and Jiang Heng began to urge himself to keep the body surface in the state of black scales.

The whole person is like a dark stone statue sitting cross-legged in the pool, even though it is hindered by black scales, the scorching heat, corrosion and terrifying pressure are still pervasive, and the body surface is constantly disappearing like being eaten by countless piranhas. It is constantly reorganizing under the granulation, and this advance and retreat always maintains a balance.

Only the growth rate near the chest gradually gained the upper hand, which is the result of previous continuous adaptation.

At this moment, he recalled many pictures in his mind, including the picture of the people in Qinglan Realm being like nothing in front of the demons.

All the people from one village to another were sacrificed to the demon for him to devour.

There are countless martial arts ancestors who rose up and resisted to preserve the last trace of martial arts fire in the Qinglan world. He thought of Fu Changsheng before, and the old owner Yu of Juxian Villa. These two are his nobles, and they both see hope. Those who want one last shot.

When he left Qinglan Realm, he didn't even say hello to his parents and relatives.

I also thought of the powerlessness of the Frederick Merchant Marine in the face of the orcs. Thinking of the **** battlefield in the North District not long ago, everyone rushed forward to kill one more orc.

He also thought of what Lin Heng had discussed with him a few days ago, his worries about the Tool King, and all these intertwined things made Jiang Heng more firm in his heart.

"Is there any reason for me not to work hard?!"

"What are these pains? I have never been a good person. I have to think that when I face the enemy, I will be powerless. I would rather hurt a little more now and become stronger! As long as I am stronger, no matter what I am The punch exploded!!" Jiang Heng's eyes were red, revealing infinite madness, and his body sunk into the pool had turned into a fuzzy mass of flesh, and Jiang Heng's heart became more and more fiery amidst the **** flesh.

One month later, the City Lord's Mansion—.

The city lord, Yue Shan, was reviewing various official documents while listening to the narration of the maid Xiaoyue beside him.

"Master, that Tool King has become more and more insane recently. He frequently sent invitation letters to the Jiang family, wanting to fight Jiang Heng!"

"Yeah!" Yue Shan hummed without lifting his head, writing vigorously with the pen in his hand, "What did Jiang Heng say?"

"He didn't reply!"

"Huh?" Yue Shan's pen paused for a moment.

"I heard that Senior Brother Jiang Heng is in seclusion. It is not suitable to see guests and cannot accept any invitations."

"Oh, that's right. It's too short for this kid to step into the upper class, and his foundation may be unstable. It really takes more time to build up his foundation." Yue Shan nodded very satisfied with this.

"But...but... I heard that Brother Jiang Heng is practicing some kind of secret technique..." After thinking about it, Xiaoyue still reminded technique? "

Yue Shan frowned, "Could it be that the things he exchanged with me some time ago were for practicing secret arts?"

"It seems so!" Xiaoyue nodded slightly.


As soon as Yue Shan slapped the table, he stood up abruptly and paced back and forth in the room at the same time.

"This kid just stepped into the upper class and didn't have a solid foundation. What do you think he wants to do?"

"Xiao... Xiaoyue... Yue... I don't know." Xiaoyue lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Huh! He clearly wants to compete with this machine king, eager for quick success! Quick success!"

Yue Shan was so angry that his liver hurts, why is this kid so ignorant?

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