Master of Fist

Chapter 368: Celestial City

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"Senior brother's strength is really becoming more and more difficult to see through."

"That's right! That guy has been taught such a harsh lesson to see if he dares to be so arrogant in the future!"

Although the situation is very tortuous, but no matter what, his senior brother has won. All the disciples of Chongyun Gym were talking about it. The words are naturally a compliment to his elder brother.

On the other hand, everyone in the Tianxing Gymnasium looked unsightly.

Yang Qi was still in a daze on the ring, he suddenly remembered the previous reminders several times, his eyes flew across the crowd, and finally stopped on Jiang Heng.

The sound just now is a kind of small skill of qi and blood vibrating the air, and it can be done if you have a deep grasp of qi and blood. Even Yang Qi can easily do this.

But... is it really Brother Jiang?

I don't know why Yang Qi's first thought was not others, but Jiang Heng.

The people he knew well at the scene knew that it was impossible for anyone to be so familiar with Chongyunquan. If you want to say that the only variable is Jiang Heng.

Only Jiang Heng, an outsider, he was not familiar with, and besides the disciples of Chongyun Taoist Hall, he was the only person who entered and exited the Zangshu Pavilion of the Taoist Hall.

When he saw Jiang Heng's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, he was even more convinced of this.

It's just that at this moment, his frown deepened a little.

"But... how come Brother Jiang is so familiar with my Chongyun Juxue?"

Yang Qi couldn't figure it out, this is definitely not the performance of a beginner, and he can give him sharp guidance on actual combat. Even with a few pointers, the power of the Chongyun Fist he cast in an instant increased by tens of thousands.

I'm afraid this can only be done if Patriarch Chongyun is reborn, right?

"Hmph! Yang Qi, you are lucky this time! I just don't know if you will have such good luck next time!"

Wang Hu's eyes were full of murderous intent. Today is simply a great shame. He is an imposing middle-level warrior being humiliated by a low-level warrior. For a proud person like him, this was unbearable, and the killing intent seemed to be uncontrollable.

"Heh, isn't luck also a part of strength?"

Yang Qi turned a deaf ear to Wang Hu's threat. At this time, the two sides had already had irreconcilable conflicts. Instead of accommodating the other party, it would be better to speak ill at each other.

"It's only for the benefit of the tongue, let's wait and see! Let's go!"

Wang Hu knew that he was humiliated today, so he didn't dare to stay any longer. With a wave of his hand, he hurried away with a group of angry Tianxing Daoguan disciples.

Looking at the people in Tianxing Gymnasium fleeing in desperation, two disciples, Chongyun and Jushi, couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Yang, I really didn't expect you to be so powerful, to push that kid Wang Hu to such an extent!" An Yu's strength was not far behind that of a middle-level martial artist, and he still had a bit of vision. He knew very well how terrifying Wang Hu's strength was.

"It's just a fluke!"

Yang Qi shook his head sullenly, and didn't want to explain more, his mind seemed to be a mess now, and he was a little confused.

Although a turmoil is still the target of discussion among many disciples within a few days, everything will become dull with the boring space voyage.

After that, Wang Hu didn't bother him for several days, as if he had been cleaned up properly.

During the period, he passed by several gymnasiums and picked up nearly 500 warriors. Jiang Heng saw them a few times, and they were all masters who were forging or even equivalent to the level of the great masters of the Qinglan world.

Although the strength is not very powerful, it is no problem to exchange one for one or two for two in a confrontation with the orcs. If it is combined with some combination attack techniques, it can indeed form a not weak combat force.

When the spaceship arrived at the nearest space wormhole, the number of warriors on the spaceship had exceeded the 10,000 mark, and the qi and blood fluctuations formed by the 10,000 warriors standing together could be felt even if they were far apart in space. .

Looking at the bizarre scene outside, Jiang Heng sighed slightly.

"Brother Jiang, you came from the Luohui Empire, you just passed through the wormhole, how can you be emotional?"

Somewhere on the deck of the flying boat, Yang Qi stood beside Jiang Heng and asked with a smile.

Jiang Heng was stunned, but nodded after hesitating.

"Can I say I didn't feel anything last time?"

Strictly speaking, this is indeed Jiang Heng's first time traveling through a wormhole. He felt very novel about the scene outside.

"This is a stable channel developed by the alliance. Every thousand years, a high-level warrior will come here to conduct a certain inspection to prevent the channel from shrinking or even disappearing.

By the way, Brother Jiang, your martial arts talent seems to be very good! "

Yang Qixian seemed to be chatting casually, but then the conversation changed.

"Oh? How did you meet? I don't feel anything."

Jiang Heng shook his head with a funny and disapproving look.

The eyes glanced at the other party calmly.

The good guy wants to test me?

Jiang Heng was a little helpless. To be honest, he could completely explain to Yang Qi what happened in the arena before. It's just hard to explain when you think about it.

If you admit it, I'm afraid this talent will go against the sky. In just one year, not only has he mastered the Chongyunquan, but he has also thoroughly mastered the essence of the Chongyunquan, and then made some improvements on the original basis. This is not something that can be described as outstanding talent.

Since it was so troublesome, he simply refused to admit it.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't admit it, Yang Qi was not in a hurry and chatted again. During this period, he tried many times, but Jiang Heng completely ignored Yang Qi's temptation. It is not recognized.

In desperation, Yang Qi had to give up for the time being, and another day later, when the flying boat rushed out of the wormhole, a huge space dock came into view.

Hmm....It is more vivid to say that it is a shipyard, because the style of the Aker Union is really very similar to the ancient docks. Based on a giant space island, there are countless densely packed pavilions and pavilions built on it.

This kind of picture makes Jiang Heng amazed, the combination of classical beauty and space is really a different style.

Countless flying boats are docked in this space dock, and there are mechanical devices on the port, as well as some retro gear devices. The two styles are perfectly integrated at this moment, forming a unique style.

"This is the largest portal in the Iron Ring Star of Heavenly Stars! It is said that a high-ranking martial artist sits here all year round. I don't know if the rumors are true or not!"

Yang Qi who was standing on the deck whispered.

"It's true, the master took me here during the trial in the gymnasium, and I was lucky enough to see that adult from afar!" An Yu said proudly, like a child showing off something.

High-ranking warrior?

Jiang Heng's eyes once again fell on the space city with a unique style like a giant dock in the distance.

"Is there anything unique about this Iron Ring Star Field? There are still high-level warriors sitting here all year round?"

"Of course there is a reason!" Hearing this, An Yu said hastily, looking at Jiang Heng with a strange look for a moment, with a trace of contempt that you have never seen in the world.

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