Master of Fist

Chapter 350: Survival (middle)

"But how to get there?"

Looking at the twinkling dot, Jiang Heng frowned.

This is not a shuttle, just a wreckage of a spaceship, without any power.

Moreover, Jiang Heng understands the reason why Wangshan runs a dead horse. It seems that there is only a short distance on the map, but in fact, the ghost knows how far it is.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng had an idea, and he chose the most powerful weapon in the weapon compartment.

Fortunately, the weapons here are equipped with the most basic energy crystals, and there is also a small energy crystal storage room next to them. Jiang Heng thought about it and packed them all away.

Any bit of driving force in a vacuum environment will be infinitely magnified, and the same is naturally true for the driving force generated by the energy released by energy weapons.

The only trouble is that you need to hold the calibration direction all the time, but this is the only way right now.

Opening the hatch, Jiang Heng came to the top of the wreckage of the spaceship, and looked in the direction of the green dot displayed on the disc.


Looking at a fist-sized star emitting light and heat in the distance, Jiang Heng let out a long sigh of relief.

Generally speaking, there are some neighboring small stars when there are stars, and it is also possible that there are terrestrial planets with life at the same time. His eyes glowed with gray light, and he saw that there were several adjacent stars next to the star.

It's just that those are not stars naturally, compared to stars, they are as small as sesame seeds, insignificant.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng's mood finally recovered a little, and his expression was also much cheered up.

Aiming the barrel of the weapon at the rear, Jiang Heng decisively released the energy shock.

The impact of the energy weapon is great for Jiang Heng personally, but it is insignificant when placed on the entire spaceship wreckage.

We can only give up this only isolated island.

At this moment Jiang Heng didn't have much entanglement, if he continued to stay here, he might live for a while longer. But after a long time, it will undoubtedly die.



Through hand contact, Jiang Heng felt a sound coming from his body. At the same time, there is a strong impact.

His body was galloping like a sack in the vacuum of weightlessness.

"The speed is a bit slow!"

Feeling the speed at this time, Jiang Heng frowned. It would take more than ten years to reach the core of the star system at this speed.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng gritted his teeth without the slightest hesitation, opened his palm, and a white light emerged, and immediately another impact force was added, and the two impacts made Jiang Heng's speed suddenly increase!

Freed's travel spaceship was still sailing at the speed of light, and finally escaped from the tiger's mouth. It stands to reason that this is something to be happy about, but no one is happy at this time.

Everyone in the war room silently looked at the three-star civilization star field that was going away in the projection screen. They escaped successfully, but only one person was missing.

And that person is the hero who saved the entire spaceship.

Chen Wuji was sitting on the seat, while the white-haired old man was sitting upright, looking calmly at the vast starry sky projected. It was just a line of crystal clear teardrops sliding down her cheeks unconsciously.

He sat at the front, so no one saw his silent tears. A pair of dry palms have been squeezed tightly.

Everyone here knows that under the attack equivalent to the main gun of a flagship warship just now, almost no one can survive.

"No! No! He is a high-class warrior, he must be fine!"

Only Pedro was whispering alone, and someone next to him thought he was talking nonsense because he was too sad.

The situation happened so suddenly just now, even there was no news from the captain's room, everything had already happened.

The bombardment of the main artillery, unless it is a high-level warrior, there is no way to survive.

Even a high-level warrior would suffer serious injuries if he was hit head-on by that energy cannon.

At the same time, in the passenger cabin, Lucy and other students from Imperial University were all sobbing. The girls are all emotional, not to mention that they had met Jiang Heng a few times, and even saved them before. , Listening to the news conveyed by the captain's room, they all felt like a bolt from the blue.

Lucy's makeup was stained with tears and tears, her face stubbornly tried not to cry, but she couldn't help it no matter what, the tears still flowed out unsatisfactorily.

"How... how? How? He's so strong!"

Lucy kept sobbing, so that she stumbled and stumbled for a long time before finishing a sentence.

At the same time, she took a pen and wrote down a few words tremblingly, "Lonely Hero!" '

Captain's cabin—

Although it is out of danger, the captain's room is still the busiest place. Even they don't have extra time to grieve at all.

"Captain, the energy shock feedback data has just come out!" A crew member shouted while sorting out the data.

"Send to the main screen!" Captain Larose said calmly.

A dense data map and various parameters were quickly projected, and Larose's old eyes began to quickly scan the data in front of him.

Looking at it, his brows gradually raised.

"What's going on with this piece of data? This piece of data is not normal."

Hearing Larose's words, the crew inspected it quickly, and the next moment he was a little scared and said: "Captain, this is a space wormhole formed by the turbulent flow caused by the high-energy bombardment at the weak coordinates in space!"

"Wormhole?! You said there was a wormhole just now?"

Hearing that Larose was a little excited, wormholes meant opportunities and dangers.

No one knows where the space wormhole leads to. It may be a treasured land full of energy crystals, or it may be a dangerous place full of swarms or beast races.

"Yes, Captain, a small wormhole with a diameter of 50 meters has been But now the wormhole is really collapsing rapidly, and it will be completely eliminated in a galactic future!"

The crew is still terrified, wormholes are good and bad. But if their behemoth hits such a small sized wormhole, it will probably cause violent space turbulence, and even the ship may be destroyed.

Fortunately, none of this happened.

"Oh, what a pity!" Larose naturally knew this, shook his head, and sighed helplessly: "It would be great if it was a permanent one."

The value of wormholes is unknown and huge.

Especially the permanent space wormhole is a huge wealth. If it is reported to the imperial officials, it will receive a huge reward.

Of course, wormholes also contain great risks.

But no matter what, every time a wormhole appears, it will cause many people in the surrounding star field to explore. But the appearance of wormholes depends on the situation.

Like this time is a coincidence, if this space node is not just at its weakest period during this time period, I am afraid that the wormhole will not be formed at all.

Under normal circumstances, bombardment with this kind of main cannon completely fails to meet the requirements for forming wormholes. Even if the power is a hundred times stronger, it will not help. It can only be said that this is a coincidence among coincidences.


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