Master of Fist

Chapter 344: let me try

"Your Excellency Jiang Heng! Your Excellency Chen Wuji!"

Seeing Jiang Heng and Chen Wuji coming hand in hand, everyone in the room stood up and saluted. When a lower-ranking warrior calls a higher-ranking warrior, it is necessary to respectfully address each other as your Excellency.

It's just that they don't know that Jiang Heng is actually an inferior warrior like them at the moment, but the impact Jiang Heng gave them was too great last time. So much so that they all mistakenly thought that Jiang Heng should also be a middle-level warrior.

Here, only Pi Deji thinks that Jiang Heng is a high-class warrior, but gradually he doesn't have much confidence in his heart.

In fact, it is easy to guess, if Jiang Heng is a high-class warrior, why would he choose to evacuate without hesitation when he heard that the Black Magic Star Bandit Group was attacking? If it's a high-level warrior dealing with a middle-level warrior, wouldn't it be like crushing an ant to death?

Of course, this kind of confusion made Peter dare not ask Jiang Heng, but he was not sure that Jiang Heng must be a high-level warrior now.

"But, what about the high-energy reaction? Can the energy level of a mid-level warrior reach that level?" These contradictory discoveries made Peter's judgment seriously confused.

"How many enemies are there?"

"A total of one small combat ship, and thirty miniature combat flying shuttles."

The screen showed a group of combat units approaching rapidly. This was the greatest strength that the Black Magic Star Bandit Group could disperse at the moment.

At this time, tens of millions of spaceships in the entire port are taking off, and the Black Magic Star Bandit Group can only choose some larger targets to intercept and attack.

On the one hand, their main force wants to attack the main fleet of Samsung civilization head-on, so that the scattered combat units are limited, so that they completely ignore the scattered small individuals.

"According to the analysis, the opponent's battleship is a C-class battleship. It is good at close-range assault and has small guerrilla attack firepower. The damage to our main ship is limited."

The person in charge of explaining and analyzing is Peter, he is a mechanic, and he has stored a lot of knowledge in his mind, and he will come to these things just by opening his mouth.

"The only thing that is more troublesome is the thirty-foot miniature flying shuttle. Be careful that they invade the interior of the main ship. Once they are dragged into the internal war of the main ship by the opponent, this will be extremely harmful to us!"

Jiang Heng, who found a place to sit at random, nodded slightly when he heard that this miniature shuttle was similar to the shuttle that he and Chen Wuji took to leave Qinglan Realm. It's just that the front end is sharper and sharper, like a sharp thorn.

This kind of shuttle does not have the ability to travel long distances, and the only thing it has is the ability to dash forward in short distances. Once approached by them, they can instantly penetrate the armor of the main ship and rush into the interior of the main ship for internal landing operations.

At this time, the projection screen flashed, and the main ship had deployed its golden energy shield, and at the same time, the surrounding frigates began to confront the nearby combat units.

From time to time, beams of light flash across the field of vision, and energy shells are fired from time to time, making the battle extremely fierce. But soon everyone discovered a fact with ugly faces.

That is, the frigate can't intercept this group of local fighters like flies. In short-distance combat, they can only eat other people's tail flames behind them.

This is what everyone expected in advance. After all, their frigates are still commercial, and they are not as good as real combat shuttles in terms of pure combat. In particular, many Star Thief groups have the ability to modify themselves.

Obviously, there is a mechanic who is good at modifying flying shuttles in the Black Magic Star Pirates, because their flying shuttles are better and more flexible than ordinary battleships in short-distance combat.

They seem to have ditched bulky firepower in favor of speed and agility, and they did. They turned the frigate around.

At first, the frigate was able to chase and chase after it for a while, but the speed and agility of the miniature shuttles, which threw off a large part of the frigate, suddenly began to turn and directly blast through these frigates with their sharp spikes.

The frigate, which was far more flexible than the main ship, was like a bulky lamb in front of the miniature shuttle, and was quickly eaten away by this group of wolves. It's like a delicious meal on the chopping board, let them enjoy it.

Jiang Heng saw this scene clearly, the opponent's flying shuttle really brought their flexible tactics to the extreme. After throwing off the frigate, he quickly circled to the frigate's blind spot, and then pierced towards the frigate's soft belly.

I don't know what material the tips of these miniature shuttles are made of, they are almost extremely sharp and hard, so they directly pierced the frigate, then turned around and pierced it back.

In just a few back and forth, a frigate turned into cosmic debris under thousands of rumors.

It looks cruel and savage. It is obviously a space fight in terms of technology, but under the opponent's brutal combat method, everything looks extremely impactful.

Everyone in the combat room looked pale.

The frigate was so easily turned into a hornet's nest, will the main ship become like that?

You must know that the protective armor of the main ship is no different from that of a frigate, only bigger, more powerful, and more powerful.

But the corresponding main ship is also more cumbersome. After all, it was a medium-sized commercial travel spaceship before, and the temporarily loaded firepower cannot make up for its extremely cumbersome side in close-range combat.

"Don't worry, the energy shield of the main ship is not something these miniature flying shuttles can break through!" Pied got up and reminded directly.

"Based on the firepower of the miniature flying shuttle and that small warship, it is almost impossible to break through our energy shield. Unless our spaceship is exhausted!"

Hearing this, everyone's expressions softened a lot.

After all, the low-level warriors here still occupy the majority. These warriors have to wear simple space combat uniforms even in vacuum combat. They are not much stronger than ordinary people wearing exoskeletons. It is inevitable to see this situation. nervous.

What's more, most of these people have never experienced fierce space battles. Except for the dozen or so fighters who survived the attack on the Fried orcs before, the rest of them are experiencing it for the first time.

Stationing at the port branch allows them to enjoy that kind of comfortable life habitually, so they can't adjust it all at once.

It's just that the peace of mind of everyone didn't last long, and the golden shield in the projection screen suddenly appeared shaky.

"It's still like this?" Peter was surprised.

At this time, a very crazy scene appeared on the screen, thirty miniature flying shuttles were leading the small battleship to launch a desperate charge towards a certain point of the energy shield.

One after another, they directly hit the energy shield. First, the small battleship hit the shield head-on. The sharp part collided with the energy shield and sent out a series of sparks, after which it exploded quickly. Immediately afterwards, one after another, the miniature flying shuttles also slammed into that point one after another in a posture of sending death.

The shield kept shaking at a high frequency, and violent ripples appeared around that point of energy shield.

"Not good! The impact is too concentrated, and the energy shield can't keep up with the energy supply in a short time!"

Peter's face was horrified, this situation is completely beyond the analysis of the database. He didn't have the fighting style of the Black Magic Star Bandit Group, and it was even more impossible to know that the Black Magic Star Bandit Group would fight so desperately.

Jiang Heng looked at the projected screen solemnly, the energy shield was about to break.

Not completely broken, but...

Whizzing! After ten miniature flying shuttles exploded outside the shield in succession, a small hole finally opened at that point, and then the rest of the flying shuttles began to pour into it like sharks smelling blood.

There was a harsh siren in the spaceship, and at the same time decisively withdrawing the energy shield, it was meaningless at this time.

The energy weapons on the emergency load began to freely pour out waves of energy towards these locusts.

Can't let these guys get close, once they get close, it will be a devastating blow.

But even with all the firepower poured out, under the opponent's extremely sensitive flight trajectory, the energy attack seemed pale and powerless. These shuttles shuttled through the cracks where the firepower was pouring with ease.

They have no weapons mounted on the outside, the only weapons are the sharp and indestructible spikes.


Boom boom boom!

As a row of neatly arranged flying shuttles plunged into the armor of the spaceship, a series of bursting sounds were immediately caused, and the sound of steel being torn and pierced in an instant continued to resound. The flying shuttle that quickly plunged into the inside of the right wing of the spaceship wreaks havoc inside for a while, then pierces through the armor again and flies out.

Their size is as exaggerated as giant whales and ants compared to the large medium-sized commercial spacecraft. But they can continue to attack the outer shell of the spacecraft.

Not seeking to disintegrate this giant ship quickly, but constantly nibbling away at this huge prey.

A needle can be heard in the war room, although the outer parts have been continuously attacked. But the enemy was so insignificant that he didn't even notice the shaking inside the spaceship.

This is different from the huge war beasts encountered before, but the degree of harm is not weaker than that of war beasts.

Now the spaceship is like a living target, escape? Can't escape!

There are flying objects shuttling outside, affecting the surrounding space all the time, making the spacecraft unable to induce the warp bubble at all, and it is impossible to enter the warp navigation.

Into lightspeed travel?

It seems impossible, because these shuttles began to consciously destroy the power area of ​​the spacecraft.

That's too late!

"It's over!" Looking at the projection screen, Peter slumped on the chair weakly.

He was a mechanic, but he couldn't do anything about this sudden change.

Everything happened so fast, before everyone could react, the enemy had already come close to him. Obviously, no one expected this change.

At this moment, Jiang Heng also felt what the behavior style of a star thief is!


Fast at all costs!

The resources of the Star Pirates are limited, and they must rely on plunder to maintain a huge fleet. This also leads to their acting style must be slanted.

In fact, is it powerful like the star destroyer that can destroy a planet with one shot? It must be powerful, but can Xing Pirate use that thing?

Or isn't the heavy fire coverage powerful? It's also powerful, but these are also heavy consumables, and Star Pirates can't afford it.

And under the coverage of large-scale firepower, what else is left? There is nothing left.

Only in this way can the star thief get the most loot.

With this kind of encroaching combat method, will you choose to surrender when the battle damage of the main ship exceeds 80%?


And don't say 80%, 50% will choose to surrender, and 80% means that the entire spaceship is already at the critical point of self-destruct, and no one can afford it.

Right now, this medium-sized commercial spaceship is large enough, but half an hour later, the degree of damage will reach 50%.

only half an hour...

The war room was gloomy, and Larose also directly turned off the communication at this time, thinking that the other side was already desperate.

I thought this time it would be like the previous orc invasion. With the strength of the fighters in the spaceship, it would not be a problem to get out of the predicament.

But now... everything is over.

Even Chen Wuji sighed silently, he really wanted to do something. But his strength hasn't recovered even 10%, he can't do anything at all, he is no different from ordinary people now.

After a long time, a sigh sounded from the silent war room.

"Let me try it!"

The sudden voice surprised everyone, and everyone followed the voice to look at it, and finally focused on Jiang Heng, who had a calm face.

"Are you crazy?!"

Chen Wuji was stunned at the side, and after realizing it, he quickly tugged at the corner of Jiang Heng's clothes and asked in a low voice.

"Did you know that the speed of this kind of miniature shuttle is nearly ten thousand times the speed of sound when it is running for a short distance! This is nearly 30% faster than that of a medium warrior!"

Although the speed of ten thousand times the speed of sound is more than a star and a half short of the sub-light speed, in normal space travel, this speed is already extremely terrifying.

It is definitely a benchmark in short-range aircraft.

As for warriors, the limit of inferior warriors is a hundred times the speed of sound. As for the limit of medium fighters, it is about 7,000 times the speed of sound.

And because the high-level warriors are too rare, ordinary people can grasp very little information. Some say that the burst may reach 60% of the speed of light in short-distance situations.

Some say it can reach 40%, but in any case, the speed of a high-class fighter is absolutely unsurpassable under the normal speed of the spaceship. Even the fastest flying shuttle is more than 20,000 times the speed of sound It is still not as good as a top fighter.

It's just that Chen Wuji couldn't figure out how a lowly martial artist like Jiang Heng dared to speak so hastily.

The eyes of low-level warriors facing this kind of high-speed movement are definitely not safe, and can even be described as dangerous. After all, the spaceship armor can be pierced directly under the sharp high-speed gouging.

It is certain that one of the following fighters will die if their physical fitness is chiseled.

The rest of the people in the war room also cast shocked glances, and the scene became a little silent again for a while.

Hansen looked at Jiang Heng's face calmly, but shook his head slightly in his heart.

Although he has seen Jiang Heng's strength before, he is also considered a senior warrior, so he naturally knows the general physical data of all levels of warriors.

Obviously he didn't think Jiang Heng could do it.

If there was one person present who had confidence in Jiang Heng, that was Peter Pidge.

His idea is very simple, Jiang Heng must be confident that Jiang Heng can speak so loudly.

At the same time, the originally loose cognition became firm again this time.


He must be a low-key superior warrior!


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