Master of Fist

Chapter 328: rolling

But now he's in a little trouble.

"Isn't this spaceship too big?"

Jiang Heng was a little helpless, the twists and turns here could almost make his head dizzy.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Lucy said timidly, this is a living area, and Frederick Merchant Marine has a huge space, including entertainment area, living area and public area.

Now the entertainment area and the public area have been closed urgently, and the passengers on the spaceship are all gathered in the living area at this time.

At this time, there were at least nearly a hundred people densely packed here, all of whom were passengers on the spaceship. At this moment, they all looked at the flesh and blood near Jiang Heng with some horror.

These passengers were almost desperate just now, because they watched helplessly that the armed forces responsible for guarding this living area were torn to pieces by several monsters that broke into the living area in an instant.

Then, just as the group of monsters were about to attack them passengers, a black figure suddenly rushed out and almost eliminated these terrifying monsters by two or two. As before they slaughtered fighters of the armed forces, and even more easily.

"Excuse me, do you have a map of this spaceship?"


There was some surprise in Lucy's beautiful eyes, and she frowned slightly, wondering if she had heard it wrong.


It seems to be a very outdated vocabulary. Now who doesn't use the navigation on the auxiliary wristband?

"That... this should help you!"

Lucy took off the auxiliary bracelet on her wrist and handed it over.

It seems that because Jiang Heng, whose upper body was covered with tendons, was too masculine, Lucy, who was a few steps closer, blushed a little.

After taking the bracelet, Jiang Heng looked at it suspiciously, and tapped it with his hand, but there was no response.

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask it directly." Seeing that Jiang Heng was puzzled, Lucy said hastily.

Jiang Heng nodded, Lucy still wanted to say something, but the person in front of him had disappeared.

"It doesn't seem like an imperial person!"

Lucy muttered, maybe it was because the mysterious man saved everyone here like a **** descending from the earth just now, so Lucy had a good impression of this mysterious man.

"Oops! I forgot to take a picture of him!" Lucy couldn't help stamping her feet angrily: "Lucy, how could you do this! You threatened to be the best news reporter on the Empire Core Channel!"

Lucy is very depressed. She is a college student who is about to graduate from the Journalism Department of Imperial University. This is his last trip before the internship. I didn't expect to encounter such explosive news, but unfortunately I missed the photos of the key figures in this incident. This was a huge mistake.

She even thought of several titles.

"Is the appearance of orcs on the western border of the empire a moral decline or a distortion of human nature?" "

"Shock! The hero who saved the spaceship turned out to be him? ! "

Well, she felt that with such a headline news, graduation would be no problem!

It's a pity that the core characters are missing.

"Lucy, that handsome guy just now is so powerful, isn't he a warrior?"

"It must be a big shot among warriors. I heard that the orcs are very powerful!"

At this time, the students hiding behind ran to Lucy and chattered, these are all students from the Department of Journalism of Imperial University, each of them has the characteristics of the Luohui Empire people, there is a pure and flawless white gemstone between the eyebrows, long The food is also extremely good, belonging to the kind that is beautiful and delicious.

These are the heavenly daughters of the Luohui Empire. Once they graduate, they will be the targets of competition from many local channels in the empire. Some outstanding ones even have the opportunity to stay in the news department of the imperial capital.

Lucy looked at the direction the other party was leaving with a look of disappointment on her face.

"Captain! There is a reaction over two thousand!"

Someone pointed to a certain direction and rushed to captain Hansen.

"The energy level is over two thousand? It seems that he is over there, let's go!"

"The other party is coming here quickly!"

Before Hansen could leave, the team members on the side reminded him again.

"Oh, haha! It's just right!" Hansen finally breathed a sigh of relief, "This can really run!"

Several team members also nodded with smiles. Everyone chased after him a little out of breath, and now they can finally catch their breath.

Several people just stood, squatted, rested and waited quietly for the other party to come.

"Come on, give it all up, don't embarrass me in front of outsiders!"

Hansen laughed and cursed, and several team members got up one after another.

Walking to the corner in the distance, there was a sound of galloping, faster and faster, but there was a slight pause when it came to the corner.

The other party showed his face from the corner, but it was a man with a unicorn body and scales with an evil smile.

"You didn't even run away?"

The unicorns looked at Hansen and his party with smiles, and Hansen and the others were already in a frozen cellar.

"how come?!"

Hansen never expected that it wasn't the human warrior who came, but the orc!

Orcs with an energy level over 2,000.


Everyone was on full alert, their spirits were highly concentrated, and their legs even trembled a little.

The difference in energy levels is too large, and the high energy level can cause a certain level of oppressive force on the low energy level. It is an invisible energy level suppression.

Hansen also swallowed his saliva, clenched his fists, and put on the best posture to meet the enemy. Facing the orcs, it is impossible to have the slightest chance of luck, and in the bottom of my heart, don't think that the orcs will be soft-hearted.

If you hold this kind of thinking, you don't know how you will die.


In the distance, the legs of the unicorn tribe stomped violently, and a terrifying air wave erupted instantly from the burly figure. The figure shot out, and the unicorn on the top of the head tore through the air barrier and let out a burst of ear-piercing humming.

A series of screams rang out The burly figure with its sharp horn on its head was like a heavy head hammer, directly piercing through the formation that was waiting for battle.

Flesh and blood flew all over the place for a while, and Hansen narrowly escaped, but his team members were not so lucky. A group of ten players died six at one time.

Each of these energy levels is not less than two hundred warriors!


This also aroused Hansen's bloodiness. He roared and rushed directly towards the unicorns. He jumped suddenly and shot towards the unicorns. A thick layer of alloy gloves appeared on the fist, as if a giant hammer was directly loaded. The fist soared several times, and came with a whining sound of squeezing the air.


The two fists collided, and the unicorn turned around and punched out. Hansen's fist, which was equipped with an alloy iron glove, was several times larger than that of the burly orc, and exploded with a weight of several tons.

A deafening muffled sound resounded through the aisle, and an invisible wave of air surged.


Cracks quickly appeared on the alloy glove, and the cracks spread all over the body in the blink of an eye, and then turned into huge iron blocks and fell down with a bang. The opponent's fist landed on Hansen's fist without losing weight.


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