Master of Fist

Chapter 317: Out of the Qinglan Realm (Part 1)

"Who is this person?"

Zhang Qiuye was extremely horrified in his heart. He vaguely thought of a name, but he hesitated. It was this scene that shocked him greatly.

Zhang Qiuye felt that such a 100-meter monster would feel terrified just standing in front of the opponent, let alone let him cut the opponent.

"Senior Chen!"

When the familiar voice suddenly exploded in his ears, Chen Wuji recovered from his astonishment.

He looked in horror at Jiang Heng, who was covered in blood above him, and the red blood dragon on his body was erratic, and he also jumped up and rushed towards the giant beast above.

The giant crocodile let out a sky-shattering roar, it is still a little dazed, it has no idea how it happened.

The situation turned around almost instantly, at first the little one could only keep dodging it on the bottom of the sea. But in the blink of an eye, the other party started to fight it head-on regardless.

But the expected crushing did not appear. Every punch of the opponent seemed to be filled with extremely hot heat, and every punch could cause extremely painful and substantial damage to it. Splash sea bottom.

Similarly, it also hits the opponent from time to time, but every time this little one is slapped away by him, it will charge again with a grinning grin.

It was like a monster more terrifying than its owner, like moths, constantly eroding him.

Then in the bombardment again and again, it was knocked out of the deep sea layer, and finally even out of the sea.

The limbs were struggling crazily, and the giant tail covered with damaged scales was about to whip Jiang Heng below again.


Suddenly, a heavy punch came from the side, and the head of the smashed monster tilted to the right. The terrifying force invaded layer by layer, the giant beast screamed, and its mind became more chaotic.

"Boy! Well done, I'll leave it to the old man!"

After finishing the punch, Chen Wuji laughed and charged towards the giant beast again.

Jiang Heng grinned brightly. At this time, his upward momentum had declined, but Jiang Heng still punched the giant beast's abdomen with one punch after another!

On the bottom of the sea, he almost beat the monster out of the sea in one go, without any pause, wave after wave, completely disregarding the injuries and the blood in his body to attack.

Seeing this, Chen Wuji also came to the bottom of the giant beast, and also punched out violently.

The fierce blows of the two almost brought the giant beast into the sky again. Jiang Heng had lost its upward momentum at this time and began to fall. Fist fell towards the belly of the giant beast.

Chen Wuji's fist strength was even more fierce and domineering. Jiang Heng found that although Chen Wuji's qi and blood had begun to decline, Jiang Heng was still startled by the vast ocean of qi and blood that flowed into the sea.

"The blood essence accumulated in my body is only one drop short of a thousand drops, but the blood essence in Senior Chen's body is really as unfathomable as the ocean!"

Jiang Heng thought secretly in his heart, and he could feel it more closely. Chen Wuji's body was like an endless sea of ​​blood, as if all the blood in his body had turned into essence blood. Terrifying.

Jiang Heng was horrified, but he didn't know that Chen Wuji, who was right beside him, was even more dumbfounded.

"What's the situation with this kid's punching technique?"

Chen Wuji has been paying attention to every punch Jiang Heng makes. In his opinion, Jiang Heng's energy level is clearly not far from the two thousand energy level. Martial artist threshold.

"This kid just hasn't even reached the 2,000 energy level, right? What boxing technique can instantly increase the energy level of 1,000?"

For a martial artist like Chen Wuji who came from outside the territory, he simply found it incredible.

You must know that it is generally recognized outside the domain that the energy level of a warrior itself is linked to martial arts.

In other words, even if you have 5,000 energy levels, you can burst out with a strength of around 4,000 energy levels when you perform martial arts.

This depends on the output rate of the martial arts learned, if it is 80%, it is 80% of its own level.

It is already an extremely rare high-level martial arts that can be improved to a maximum of 95%.

On the contrary, there are some undisclosed secret special martial arts of some great powers that can explode beyond their own energy level in an instant, but that kind of miraculous martial arts usually requires a certain painful price to pay, or it is not unusual at all. Warriors can touch.

At least for the few mid-level or even high-level fighters that Chen Wuji had contacted in the past, he didn't see that kind of unreasonable means in them.

At the same time, Chen Wuji was still a little puzzled, why did the martial arts performed by this kid feel familiar?

You must know that almost most of Qinglanjie's external martial arts were born out of the few martial arts he passed down at the earliest.

At this time, Chen Wuji's heart was even more mixed. He thought that Jiang Heng was a relatively normal person, but now it seems that he is even more weird.

"Qinglan Realm is not easy!"

Sighing secretly, at this time the giant beast above was dying.

Following Jiang Heng and Chen Wuji's frenzied strikes, a huge gap finally opened in the belly of the giant beast, and the sea area was sprinkled with blood.

Bloody water poured down like a downpour, and the sea surface was slowly stained red with **** water. Does Zhang Qiuye include him? Every crew member and sailor was covered in blood, and each of them had recovered from the shock, full of excitement and excitement. Watching the slowly falling behemoth.

"The one above is a fairy, right?"

"Nonsense! Immortals are not so powerful!"

Many people began to discuss fiercely, and everyone was extremely excited.

This group of people is a group of ordinary people. Although Zhang Qiuye transported the supplies needed by the island this time, he did not let other members of the Yiqi League do it.

The main reason is that they are afraid of attracting the attention of the imperial court. Now that the imperial court is strictly investigating, a group of foreigners going to sea will easily arouse suspicion. So this time they hired local sailors in the coastal state capital. It can be said that except for Zhang Qiuye, the employer, everyone else here is local sailors and crew.

This group of ordinary people has never seen such things in their life. Going to sea is just fishing in the offshore to make ends meet. To go far is to take the waterway along the coastal waters to the neighboring state capital.

The biggest fish he saw was even less than one-tenth the size of this monster, which really exploded the whole boat.

"I saw it just now. Our boss has talked to one of the gods. Do you think our boss is also an old fairy?"

Someone pointed at Zhang Qiuye's back and whispered.

"That's not right, the owner just now can cut even the sea water, so he must be an old god!"

"Our employers are all old gods. Now when I go back, I have to tell my mother-in-law to see if my mother-in-law dares to speak harshly to me. This time I did things for the old gods!"

"That's right! My good guy is such a big beast, so much meat, I'm afraid it will feed thousands of people for a month!"

"Yeah, such a big monster, kill it if you say so!"

A group of people were discussing excitedly, commenting on the giant crocodile while bragging about what they saw.

Zhang Qiuye, who was standing on a rock in front of the ship, had a strange expression on his face when he heard the words. Even if the distance was tens of meters, he could hear clearly with the ear power of a great internal trainer.

At this time, the body of the giant beast finally crashed to the surface of the sea.


The huge monster fell from a height of hundreds of meters and instantly stirred up huge waves of tens of feet.

"Go back to the cabin!"

Zhang Qiuye yelled violently, pumped all the energy in his body, drew his sword and stood horizontally in front of the ship. The sailors behind heard that the old fairy had spoken, and they all ran back to the cabin, but most of them were lying on the cabin window and looking longingly. Even a group of sailors and crew members squeezed into the few windows looking forward to watching the situation.

Like a group of curious babies.

Zhang Qiuye glanced sideways, smiled wryly and shook his head. Looking at the huge waves of tens of feet high, I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Zhang practiced swords all his life, but he didn't expect that he would have to go all out in the face of the slight aftermath caused by the corpse!"

Sighing secretly, Zhang Qiuye quickly drew his sword and struck out almost instantly. He slashed dozens of swords forward with one hand almost as fast as lightning. The blade of each sword was so compressed that it was invisible to the naked eye. In the sword mark, only the sound of the sword piercing the air can be heard.


Zhang Qiuye put the sword back into its sheath, and the next moment the giant wolf rolled up seemed to be frozen, and then disintegrated in the middle of the journey. Lost strength and fell back to the sea.

This scene naturally caused many sailors in the cabin to exclaim again. They see the battle in the sky dimly. But Zhang Qiuye's move was completely noticed by them.

At this time, Chen Wuji and Jiang Heng plunged into the sea almost one after the other.

The sea water had turned into a pool of blood, and the two soon saw the slowly sinking body of the giant beast.

The corpse of the giant beast was falling too fast, and it was estimated that it would have to sink for a while before it could rise to the surface.

But neither of them dared to be careless. Although they clearly felt that the monster's breath had disappeared, they still wanted to confirm it again.

The two quickly swam to the side of the giant beast. Jiang Heng looked at it for a while, and then quickly swam towards the monster's belly.

Seeing this, Chen Wuji seemed to have thought of something, and hurried away.

The blood mist in the abdomen continued to roll and escape into the water, but both of them vaguely saw a crystal refracted light flickering in the abdomen.

Jiang Heng and Chen Wuji looked at each other, and they could both see a look of joy in their eyes.

After encountering the Beast last time, Jiang Heng occasionally asked some news about the Beast. Knowing that the blood crystal is also bred in the body of the war beast. Even the blood crystals of war beasts are bigger than ordinary monsters. Although the quality is not as good as some powerful monsters, the quantity itself is much more than that of monsters of the same level.

The blood crystals of monsters can also be used as shuttle energy, although ordinary warriors will not absorb the energy. But what Chen Wuji didn't know was that this was definitely a tonic for Jiang Heng!

The two looked at each other, and it was Jiang Heng who was the first to rush into the huge gap that was broken, his eyes glowing gray, and it was very easy to find the blood crystal inside.

"so big!"

It was so big, Jiang Heng hugged the blood crystal with both hands, unable to restrain the excitement in his heart.

But such a big harvest was not due to Jiang Heng alone, Jiang Heng felt that he had to discuss it with Senior Chen after going ashore before making a decision.

The size of this blood crystal was indeed somewhat beyond Jiang Heng's expectations, with a diameter of one meter and a width of one meter. It looked like a giant blood-colored diamond, which was very magnificent and eye-catching.

Holding the blood crystal, Jiang Heng came to Chen Wuji. Seeing this, Chen Wuji also nodded with a smile, and the two of them planned to go ashore before talking.


At this moment, the blood crystal in his arms suddenly moved, Jiang Heng was a little at a loss, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Just as he turned his head to look at Chen Wuji, an invisible blood-colored light suddenly radiated from the blood crystal, like a very slight radiation wave, which returned to its original state after shaking faint blood-colored ripples in the water.

Jiang Heng looked at the blood crystal in his bosom in bewilderment, looked carefully and found no other abnormalities, it was still the same as before.

It's just that when he looked at Chen Wuji who was at the side, he suddenly found that Chen Wuji's expression was extremely gloomy and terrifying.

Without saying a word, he grabbed Jiang Heng and rushed straight up.

The two quickly rushed out of the water, Zhang Qiuye in the distance saw the two coming out, and was waiting to step forward, when he saw Senior Chen flying towards the center of the island without stopping for a moment, holding Jiang Heng.


Zhang Qiuye looked at the two people who had turned into small dots in confusion.

At the same time, under an unknown snow-capped mountain nearly 10,000 meters away in the Qinglan Realm, this is a forbidden area for life, and it is also a **** world.

The eyes are full of secret veins of bloodstone veins.

This is the largest bloodstone vein discovered by the orcs from the Qinglan Realm. The richness of the veins here is actually quite terrifying, but most of them are buried deep underground, and the shallow ones on the surface are only 1/10,000.

A young man with a naked upper body was sitting cross-legged in the Scarlet World at this time. As the upper-class nobleman among the orcs who first discovered and ascertained this world, he had the priority to mine and use it.

It stands to reason that although the natives of this world are not strong in themselves, the real resources are comparable to ordinary first-class hunting grounds!

This is simply a natural mining area, a gift from God to him!

For this reason, he even used his family relationship to rate this territory as a second-level inferior. And in order to deceive people, he even generously sold the first batch of quotas to enter this realm, allowing some middle and lower families to enter this realm for hunting.

These are just for him to be able to use the resources of this realm easily and freely in this realm.

The young man closed his eyes and crossed his legs to breathe in the air full of rich energy. Every breath and every beat of the heart sounded like a roar, which was very grand.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly opened, his face was a little confused at first, and then quickly turned into fury.

"who is it!"

The young man let out a roar, and the whole earth began to tremble, and cracks began to appear in the surrounding blood-colored mineral veins.

"Who killed my dragon armored beast!!"

Dragon armor beast!

Among the orc clan, it is considered to have a trace of starry sky behemoth blood, and it is a war beast that can only be obtained by some people with status in the upper class of the orc clan.

Adults can even grow to the size of a living star, although it is less than one percent of the starry sky behemoth. But being placed in the orc clan is not only a symbol of status, but also a rare combat power!

An adult Dragon Armored Beast is even stronger than ordinary warriors!


This unknown snow mountain that has been silent for nearly a thousand years began to collapse for the first time. The ground cracked and a black shadow jumped from the ground to the sky, his eyes glowed with a strange golden light. The eyes scanned around, and finally focused on a certain direction.

"where is it!"

There was a cold hum from his mouth, and the next moment the young man's figure flew towards that direction like a golden streamer.

He is the most noble nobleman in the hunting ground of the entire Qinglan Realm. For those low-level and middle-class people, those with noble blood like him are generally honored as saints!

Being hurriedly brought back by Chen Wuji, Jiang Heng was still a little dazed, vaguely thinking that this might be related to the abnormality of the blood crystal just now.

"Senior Chen, what is going on?"

It wasn't until he fell outside the cave that Jiang Heng asked.

"Don't ask anything! Get on the shuttle with me first!"

Chen Wuji walked and talked with a gloomy face. Seeing this, Jiang Heng did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly followed behind.

"Put all the blood stone and this blood crystal over there on the shuttle, and then move all these substances in!"

Coming to the inside of the cave, Chen Wuji pointed to the bloodstone stored in one place and all kinds of materials that had just been transported and even not classified into different categories.

At the same time, he also hurriedly got busy, and Jiang Heng even joined in.

There are still many supplies that have not been delivered, but it is too late at this time. Originally, there were a lot of supplies delivered, which was because the two of them might still live on the island for a period of time in the future.

So right now, this part of the supplies is enough to fill most of the warehouse behind the shuttle.

According to Chen Wuji, this is a small battle shuttle, which does not have the function of long-term voyage, so it is not equipped with a hibernation cabin.

As for the warehouse at the back, it was originally a weapon depot, but because the weapon depot was damaged when it was forced to land in Qinglan Realm, many weapons had been lost in the extraterrestrial starry sky, which also caused the weapon depot to be vacant.

Now that the hull of the spaceship has been repaired, the arsenal is simply used as a material storage room.

"Sit down!"

Chen Wuji pointed to another temporarily reinforced chair next to the cockpit.

Jiang Heng nodded and sat on the chair obediently. He is still a little dazed now, and all this seems to be very hasty. The last second they were immersed in the joy of harvesting a huge blood crystal, and in the blink of an eye they were ready to fly away from Qinglan Realm with a heavy heart.

Sitting in the main driver's seat, Chen Wuji saw him operating the shuttle familiarly. As he continued to turn on various devices, the shuttle began to vibrate violently.

It was at this moment that Jiang Heng truly believed that the shuttle could fly. After all, just looking at the densely packed traces of repairs, it is really hard to believe that such a piece of scrap metal can still take off.

Jiang Heng tightened his grip on the armrest.

"Hehe! Don't worry, the old man's shuttle driving skills are excellent!" Perhaps because he felt too depressed, Chen Wuji comforted him.

Jiang Heng had no expression on his face, yes, the shuttle was indeed very good at breaking the shuttle into this state.

It's just that Jiang Heng was a little curious. Did Chen Wuji plan to fly out of the narrow cave like driving a shuttle? This cave has only one exit It is very narrow and long, which requires very delicate and meticulous flying skills.

While Jiang Heng was guessing, Chen Wuji quickly responded.


With a loud noise, the flying shuttle went straight up through the rocks and rushed out of the cave to the sky above the island.

"Haha! The old man is impatient with his skills!" Driving the shuttle again made Chen Wuji feel as if he had the pleasure of driving the shuttle, and Chen Wuji laughed out loud.

Jiang Heng swallowed unconsciously, this is indeed hard core.

At this time, under the small island, many sailors on the ship and Zhang Qiuye were startled by the sudden loud noise, and they all looked up in astonishment and inexplicable.

It's just that when they saw an arrow-like flying shuttle made of unknown metal floating above their heads, they all fell into a daze.

On the other hand, Zhang Qiuye was not too surprised. As a veteran of the Yiqi League, he had been here more than once, so he had naturally seen Fei Shuo. It's just that he also looked up in amazement.

"Senior Chen really didn't lie to me! It turns out that this iron lump can really fly!"


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