Master of Fist

Chapter 304: Outside (middle)

Moreover, Jiang Heng is also somewhat interested in the energy level that defines strength in Chen Wuji's mouth, which seems to be a more advanced standard for judging strength.

Seeing that neither of them said a word, Chen Wuji still patiently explained the relationship between the names of the Qinglan Realm and the stars, and popularized some general knowledge about the outer universe.

In fact, it was mostly for Chen Xu to listen to. Jiang Heng found that he could understand what Chen Wuji said. It is almost not far from some knowledge of the universe learned in the previous life.

"This old man is not from the Qinglan Realm. I come from the Purple Star Federation, a thousand light-years away from here. It is a country composed of technology and martial arts. Well, this country is not the country you understand now, but a country composed of A country composed of dozens of living stars like Qinglanjie.

It's like the constellations you see when you look up at night on weekdays. Because several life stars in the Purple Star Federation are formed together, they are also called constellation-level civilizations! I wonder if you can understand this? "

"In other words, Chen..."


Before Chen Xu finished speaking, he was glared at by old man Chen.

"Old ancestor, the constellation-level civilization you mentioned refers to several countries in a world like ours?"

"En! Not bad!" Chen Wuji nodded in satisfaction, as if you finally understood.

"How big is that country! The people under the rule of the monarch of such a country must be dozens of times that of Dayan?" Chen Xu murmured in amazement.

"Hmph! More than dozens of times, hundreds or even thousands of times! The fertility rate in Qinglan Realm is still too low. And Dayan doesn't know how many people die every year. What's more, the planetary-level civilization can be compared with the constellation-level civilization. ?"

Chen Wuji said unhappily.

Chen Xu just nodded in a daze. He didn't quite understand what his ancestors said, but he understood roughly. The meaning seemed to be that there were many deaths and few children on Dayan's side.

Jiang Heng nodded, which is very understandable. It is nothing more than a low birth rate and a high death rate. This is mainly due to the low civilization, coupled with the chaos of demons, it is not bad that Dayan still has so many living people.

As for the Purple Star Federation mentioned by Chen Wuji, just by listening to it, one can tell that it must be a country with a high level of technological development. Possessing certain interstellar voyage capabilities, such a civilization must have a very high medical level, coupled with a stable political situation, it is strong enough, and the fertility rate is estimated to have always maintained a high level.

"For example, the racial potential of my Purple Star Federation should be higher than that of your Qinglan Realm. Generally, adults can have a hundred energy levels without doing anything! It is equivalent to your Bone Forging Realm or Pulse Refining Realm level.

The average lifespan of an adult is around 500 years old. If you are practicing, it is very easy for your lifespan to exceed 1000 or 2000 years. For example, my energy level has broken through 3200 years, and my lifespan is theoretically 3000 years old.

However, it may actually be less, because some severe injuries or excessive consumption of body potential in battle will affect lifespan.

I am 2300 years old this year. It is estimated that he will live to be 2,500 years old at most! "

Chen Wuji explained with a smile, he was not worried at all because his life span was coming to an end.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded approvingly. Indeed, there are many aspects to the length of life.

"More than 2,300 years old?!" Chen Xu was stunned. It was the first time he heard that someone lived more than 2,000 years old. With a hint of doubt.

But fearing the old man's iron fist, he still sat weakly by the side and dared not make a sound.

"Senior, what is the energy level you have been talking about before? What is the judgment of strength based on?" Jiang Heng couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and asked.

"That's right! It's a judgment of strength, that is, the energy contained in a person's body, so it's called energy level. As for the judgment standard..."

Chen Wuji smiled and glanced at the crowd, he raised his hand to his ear and pressed on the void next to his ear, and then he saw a burst of unstable light flickering and refracting around his ear, followed by a metallic And the half-hanging glasses with a sense of technology appear on the right eye.

this thing...

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, he felt familiar with this thing no matter how he looked at it.

Isn't this thing similar to a certain animation in the previous life? However, the shape is more ergonomic, and the overall color is matte black texture. When the transparent lens looks at everyone present, there will be some light digital display.

Jiang Heng didn't know what kind of characters it was, but he could roughly understand that it should be a type of number, but he had never seen it before. It wasn't the font of Qinglan Jie, and it wasn't the Arabic numerals of Jiang Heng's previous life.

"This is the judging criterion. This is what I call the technological product of the Amethyst Federation, which can distinguish the specific strength of each individual. Of course, there are many kinds of such detection devices in the galaxy outside the domain, and the types produced by each civilization are different. Different, but generally have this function."

Chen Wuji described it as concisely and clearly as possible.

"But I only have one usable left of this thing, so I won't give it to you."

Looking at the novelty and hopeful eyes of several people, Chen Wuji interrupted their fantasies with a smile.

"Old ancestor, you are my ancestor, so wouldn't it mean that I can live to be three thousand years old?" Chen Xu opened his mouth at this time, and directly said what he was looking forward to very much.

"It's impossible for you!" Chen Wuji broke Chen Xu's illusion about longevity without hesitation: "I don't know how many generations of grandchildren you are, and your blood belonging to the Amethyst Federation is pitifully small. Said that you are an ordinary person in Qinglan Realm!"

Before Chen Xu was lost, Chen Wuji said proudly: "Only the weak will worry about lifespan, and the strong will only climb one peak after another, constantly breaking through the level of life. Only those who rely on themselves are the real strong!"

Chen Xu was faintly moved, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was more depressed.

"Okay, let's go back first. This is not a place to stay for a long time. It will be difficult to lure those old monsters in the capital. I will tell you some details slowly!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, but Jiang Heng couldn't help complaining in his heart, you seem to be one of the old monsters too.

"Senior, where are we going?" Jiang Heng couldn't help asking in the sky

This time Chen Wuji had already brought the three of them galloping towards the east. This time it was a bit weird, Chen Wuji carried Lu Yixin and Chen Xu in one hand, because Jiang Heng was too big, so he had to carry it alone.

"Donghai!" Chen Wuji said calmly, looking straight ahead.

"But the younger generation still has family members..." Jiang Heng was a little worried about his family members, after all, the whole family is still staying in Bazhou, a place where dragons and tigers hide.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, I have already asked people from the Yiqi League to arrange for your Jiang family to go to a hidden place, and ordinary people like your family will not attract much attention."

Lu Yixin explained with a smile.


Hearing that his family members were fine, Jiang Heng was relieved. But then Jiang Heng was stunned, how could this have something to do with the Yiqi League.

"Brother Jiang doesn't know that the Yiqi League was originally created by Senior Chen. Even I am a hidden existence of the Yiqi League. Every opportunity will allow people from the Yiqi League to contact them.

Of course, like Brother Jiang. It is rare to have no qualifications, and even the incident is so big. Lu had no choice but to ask Senior Chen to do it himself! "

Lu Yixin narrated the matter in an unhurried manner.

Jiang Heng was stunned, looking at Lu Yixin's smiling face, he felt a little depressed.

I thought you were the one who went to die resolutely, but I didn't expect that you had a backer behind you, so don't panic!

"Boy, you are a rare commodity. I haven't seen someone after the Chen Dynasty in hundreds of years, whose energy level can reach more than 500. You are the first one!"

Chen Wuji was full of emotion, and immediately cursed with anger on his face again: "The last time I went to Liuzhou, I thought there was a good seed. But it turned out that those **** turned out to be fishing. The old man almost I got hit!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng knew what the other party was referring to, probably the Sacred Monster Slayer. Didn't realize it was fishing.

"Senior Chen, Senior Lu can slash super monsters with a sword, so isn't his level over 500?"

Jiang Heng was skeptical, if this was the case. It is true that Lu Yixin's strength is calculated according to the energy level, and the strength should have reached above 500.

"Huh! This kid has gone astray! He was strong before, but look at him now, his energy level has dropped to less than 200. However, there are tens of thousands of cultivation paths outside the Qinglan Realm, and I can't tell the specific path of his cultivation. In the end is right or wrong!

But if he wants to climb to a higher level, he must first solve the problem of longevity. He won't live long, and he won't be able to keep his sword skills for many years. "

Chen Wuji's words made Lu Yixin below look bitter, how could he not know that the way he was walking was flawed.

This is exactly the problem he wants to set out to solve.

"Senior, you are from outside the region, so please tell me about the forces outside the region!" Jiang Heng said, he was really curious, it was like opening his eyes to see the world for the first time, wanting to know everything.

Indeed, this kind of knowledge is exactly what Jiang Heng needs to know, otherwise in the desperate place of Qinglan Realm, without any hope, it will really become despair.

"I know what you're thinking, brat!" Chen Wuji looked sideways at Jiang Heng and grinned.

"Don't worry, the old man was able to come to Qinglan Realm back then, so he can naturally leave Qinglan Realm. It's just that there has been a missing link before, and now you appear to make up for it! I will have a way to break through the current situation as long as one person leaves Qinglan Realm. Dead end!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up. Everyone has had enough of this kind of life of hiding their heads and showing their tails, especially when facing the cruelty of demons, they can only sit back and watch, and feel even more aggrieved when they can't do anything.

Want to change all this! This even includes Jiang Heng!

"If you want to come up with some things, I'd better talk to you guys, especially you kid. You'll have to do your part when the time comes, and I'll have to explain things to you sooner or later."

Chen Wuji said this while looking at Jiang Heng, and Jiang Heng looked a little puzzled.

"Although the old man is a member of the Purple Star Federation, he is also a warrior who joined the Warrior Alliance. You don't need to know what the Warrior Alliance is. You only need to know that the Warrior Alliance is the deadly enemy of the Orcs.

It is one of the most powerful forces in the galaxy where we are. The old man had some accidents and fell into the Qinglan Realm while performing a mission of the Warrior Alliance. "

Seeing Chen Wuji's appearance of describing his life, everyone listened quietly. Even though Chen Xu and Lu Yixin didn't know much about some of these terms, they didn't interrupt Chen Wuji.

"When I came to Qinglan Realm, it was still a very ordinary world. There were no warriors in this world, and they were all ordinary people. The word Wu was passed down by the old man.

After that, Chen Chao rose up with my support, but unfortunately, I am not a mechanic, so I really have no clue about these flying shuttles. There has been no way to fix it. The communicator was damaged, so I could only stay here slowly, but the orcs also found this boundary, so the old man could only stay here.

First, he helped Chen Chao resist demons, but the old man gradually discovered that the resources in this realm are limited. It is obviously impossible to resist these continuous orcs. It is even more impossible for these resources to break through to a higher level, so the old man has kept them until now. "

Speaking of this, Chen Wuji was silent for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "You can count as much as you can understand. It may be beyond your understanding."

"Senior Chen, the flying shuttle you mentioned is a tool that allows us to leave Qinglan Realm and go to other worlds, right?" Lu Yi thought for a while and pondered.


Chen Wuji nodded, very satisfied with Lu Yixin's understanding ability. As for his descendant, Chen Xu, he completely ignored him.

"But isn't it that the flying shuttle can't fix it now?" Jiang Heng was a little puzzled~ He valued himself so much, wouldn't it be because he was asked to repair the spaceship?

He doesn't understand this stuff either!

"It's fixed! After so many years, the old man finally fixed it step by step by looking at the drawings. This is much more troublesome than practicing martial arts.

It's just that I can't do without the shuttle now! "

Chen Wuji shook his head with bitterness on his face.

This made Jiang Heng and the others a little curious. Since they have the tools to leave, why can't they leave?

"Orcs generally invade a boundary, and there will be masters patrolling outside. On the one hand, it is to guard against possible dangers in the starry sky outside the boundary. On the other hand, it is also guarding the nearby boundary to prevent unexpected existence in the boundary.

In the early years, the old man suffered a bit at the hands of that guy! "Chen Wuji was full of helplessness.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was startled, he suddenly remembered the sword that Yu Youdao said hundreds of years ago to tear the sky from outside the territory, it is said that the sword almost cut off the Valkyrie.

Could it be that the strong man is the so-called master of the orcs patrolling outside the domain?

"I don't know what the senior wants the junior to do?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and asked in a deep voice. He really couldn't figure out how he could help in this level of confrontation.

I guess it doesn't even match the soy sauce, right?


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