Master of Fist

Chapter 302: Valkyrie


Seeing this scene, Overlord's complexion changed first, and his face suddenly became solemn.

The two phantoms collided in mid-air for a few breaths, and then canceled each other and exploded into a wave of air that disappeared in all directions.

Jiang Heng stared at this scene with his eyes wide open, he was shocked but also a little grateful, and at the same time had deep doubts, not knowing who came to the rescue. But anyway, he survived.

His eyes fell on Lu Yixin who was at the side, and before Jiang Heng could ask, the Overlord yelled, "Who is it?!"

Overlord felt a little uneasy at this moment, this uneasiness came from the fact that the group of ants had refreshed his three views today, and of course it was also from the action of the person hiding in the dark just now.

"What have Zhenfusi and Zhenyousi been doing all these years?"

Overlord was annoyed, these incompetent idiots didn't even know there was such an existence in the rear of their own house?

If he hadn't forced this mysterious man to his hand today, the Overlord wouldn't even have known that there was such an expert hiding behind Dayan University.

"Haha! Little guy with an energy level of only 1456, you don't have the ability to know the old man's name!"

At this moment, an old man laughed loudly, and an old man in a gray suit slowly floated behind one side of the mountain. The feeling of wearing a robe.

The old man has no hair, but there are long white beards above and below his lips, which looks like thick white hair growing under a marinated egg.

The old man's face looked kinder, but because he was too old and wrinkled all over his face, he gave off the feeling that he would be blown away by the wind.

He slowly landed between Lu Yixin and Jiang Heng, turned around with a somewhat stooped figure and patted Lu Yixin's shoulder with a smile.

"Boy Lu, you did a good job! You found such a good seedling!"

Speaking of which, the old man looked at Jiang Heng and nodded with the same smile, and Jiang Heng hurriedly returned the gift. At this time, he had no idea what was going on. It seemed that Senior Lu and this senior were acquaintances.

"Senior Chen, this is Xiaoyou Jiang, whom I mentioned in your letter. But his strength is much stronger than what I described at the beginning, and he is on the same path as you!"

Lu Yixin bowed his hands respectfully.

The old man nodded with a smile: "Well, the old man just saw it. The energy level reached 975 at the peak, not bad! Not bad!"

Energy level again? !

Jiang Heng found that the old man mentioned this word twice in a row, which seems to be another way of evaluating strength? It's just that this kind of statement is clearer and clearer than that of the ?

He didn't quite understand the identity of the old man, and he was a little confused about Lu Yixin's identity at this moment. The two seem to be in the same group, and from what Lu Yixin said, it seems that he has been helping the old man?

"Old man, you don't think much of this king!" Overlord shouted angrily. He was afraid of the old man in front of him, but it didn't mean he was afraid of the old man in front of him. After all, this is still Bazhou, right? His territory!

"1456 What are you yelling about? The old man is not deaf yet!" The old man picked out his ears and scolded dissatisfiedly.

"Go to hell!"

Hearing the old man's almost humiliating words, the overlord, who could no longer suppress his anger, made a bold move, and his body suddenly swelled. In just one or two breaths, his body swelled rapidly, and the huge monster that reached 30 to 40 meters was suspended In mid-air.

The original shape of the Overlord is a crocodile-like monster with some slender bones and scales covered with ferocious bones. Its ferocious head is full of anger, its fangs emit a cold light, and its jaw muscles are very strong.

In addition, even if the limbs are covered with scales, you can see the bulging muscles contained in the scales, which seem to be full of unimaginable terrifying power.

The old man looked up at the huge monster floating in the sky, grinned lightly and said, "The power level of the enlargement is only 2999, which is far worse than the one in your family!"

"Big words!"

The huge giant mouth let out a cold snort, and then the figure suddenly jumped down, opened the big mouth full of stench and full of fangs, and rushed to bite away.


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The entire Qiong Ding Peak was half blown apart under the impact of this terrifying and ferocious monster, and the old man had appeared in another sky at some point at this time, but at this time he was holding Lu Yixin and Jiang Heng one by one.

"how is this possible?!"

Overlord who had bitten at the ruins of Qiong Ding Peak raised his ferocious eyes and looked at the old man. With his blow just now, he used his natural ability to lock that area. Besides, with his speed, few people at the same level can dodge it.

"2999, next time I will play with you again! This time I will not accompany you!"

While talking and laughing, the old man carried Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin and quickly flew towards a certain place. The Overlord wanted to pursue him, but he stopped immediately when he made a move. Because in just a moment, the opponent's figure has quickly turned into a small dot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the opponent has completely disappeared in just a few breaths.

"Who is this person?!"

Overlord slowly regained his human form, standing alone among the ruins, looking at the direction where the other party disappeared, with a very ugly expression on his face.

"You must tell Brother Huang about this matter as soon as possible, and ask father to take action!"

Bawang's face was gloomy, he didn't even go back to his Bawang's mansion, but flew in the direction of the capital.

The lingering wind was blowing recklessly on his cheeks and whole body, but Jiang Heng thought it was okay, the pain was nothing. On the other hand, Lu Yixin covered his cheeks with his hands a little uncomfortable, and closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look around.

Jiang Heng gazed down, and the world below had become small and small. At this moment, Jiang Heng really looked at the world with his eyes wide open. Just didn't expect it to be this way.

The current altitude is about 3,000 meters, and the speed...

Jiang Heng reckoned that the speed was about the same as that of the large airliner in his previous life. Jiang Heng glanced at the old man next to him, his mind was full of thoughts, and the roaring wind was everywhere in his ears, so he had to temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

But at this moment, the old man started to descend the altitude, finding a certain direction and descending rapidly.


Jiang Heng looked down and found that this was still in Bazhou, even not far from Qiong Ding Peak and Juxian Villa.

What is this for?

"Since it's hard for me to come out, I'll wait for the old man to find an old friend!"

The old man's voice seemed not to be disturbed by the wind at all, and fell into the ears of Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin clearly.

Then, regardless of whether Jiang Heng and the two agreed or disagreed, he had landed firmly near a village.

Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin stood still, both of them felt a little turbulent, and a sense of nausea came over them. Fortunately, both of them were warriors, so they quickly got used to it.

Jiang Heng settled down and began to look around. This is a village surrounded by mountains, with only one narrow mountain road leading directly to the outside world.

From time to time, a little smoke rose from the village not far away.

The old man ignored Jiang Henglu and walked towards the village alone. Seeing this, the two quickly followed.

"Senior Lu, this old senior is...?"

Taking advantage of his free time, Jiang Heng quickly lowered his voice and asked Lu Yixin.

Hearing this, Lu Yixin smiled knowingly, he looked at the old man in front of him, and saw that the old man didn't respond. Only then did he smile and said, "This senior used to have a title, I believe you have heard of it."

"Oh?" Jiang Heng frowned suspiciously.

"Senior was called Martial God before!" Seeing this, Lu Yixin didn't pretend to be a joke, and said slowly in a low voice.

"War God?!"

Jiang Heng's heart surged wildly, Martial God?

This old man is a warrior? !

Jiang Heng looked at the back of the old man not far away in disbelief, staring carefully at the other person, looking at the broken body shape of the other person who seemed to be blown by the wind, he was a little unbelievable.

But isn't Valkyrie dead?


Jiang Heng suddenly remembered that what Senior Yu said in Juxian Villa was not too sure, he just said that he was probably dead. Because the Yu family did not record it later, and there was indeed no news of the Valkyrie afterwards, so the Yu family suspected that the Valkyrie was dead.

But this old man turned out to be a warrior? !

Jiang Heng was a little unbelievable, but the opponent's previous methods were indeed far superior to the unfathomable Overlord.

Even more like playing Overlord.

But why is this old man so strong, but he never makes a move? Sit back and watch the world become a plaything in the hands of monsters?

Jiang Heng was full of thoughts, but right now it was not good to directly ask about such things.

"Maybe there are some concerns?"

Shaking his head, everyone had come to the village at this time, because there were not many people in the village outside because it was close to the meal time.

The old man looked around, finally found a direction and strode away, and finally stopped outside a small courtyard of an ordinary farmhouse. He knocked lightly on the door.

Both Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin stood behind the old man and waited quietly. Jiang Heng observed Lu Yixin who was on the side, and saw that there was also a little doubt on his face.

It seemed that Senior Lu didn't know who was inside.

After a while, someone pushed open the courtyard door, and the other party opened a crack in the door, looked at the few people outside, and looked a little wary. But when the other party's eyes fell on Jiang Heng, the expression on his face froze.

Seeing the person inside the door, Jiang Heng was also taken aback, he had an impression of this person. Isn't this the Badaomen disciple who survived by chance?

"Senior, it's you!"

Chen Xu's face was full of excitement, and he quickly opened the door, as if to welcome everyone into the courtyard.

This scene made the old man a little astonished, he glanced at Jiang Heng strangely and didn't say anything.

Several people were welcomed into Chen Xu's room, and Chen Xu had already served tea to everyone.

"Hehe, I'm a little sorry, the humble house is so simple, I've neglected seniors!" Chen Xu still spoke to Jiang Heng, and it was obvious that he didn't care about other people, and he was very polite to Jiang Heng alone.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "It's not me who is looking for you, but this old senior!"

As he spoke, Jiang Heng pointed to the old man with a strange face beside him. Jiang Heng felt that this little face should be given, otherwise this old senior is so powerful, if the other party has a bad temper, he will suffer.

"Old man?"

Chen Xu's gaze finally fell on the old man next to him. He looked suspicious, because in his opinion, the other party was just an ordinary old man, and there was nothing unusual about him.

But just as Chen Xu was thinking, a big skinny hand grabbed his arm suddenly. Chen Xu wanted to break free, but he suddenly found that the opponent's strength was so incomparable that he couldn't allow him to resist.

After a little groping, the old man let go of Chen Xu.

" are so unreasonable!" For some reason, Chen Xu felt a little afraid of this weird old man.

"It's the exercises passed down by the old man back then. You are a descendant of the Chen family, right?"

The old man stroked his beard, his words did not mean to ask at all, but with a hint of affirmation or even conclusion.

"A descendant of the Chen family?" Chen Xu looked at the old man in front of him warily, and murmured in his heart, "My surname is Chen, and I am also a descendant of the Chen family, but who knows what I have to do with the descendants of the Chen family you are talking about?" relation?"

"Okay! Little guy, you don't have to be wary of this old man. If you count seniority, I am your ancestor!" The old man stroked his beard and smiled and waved his hands.


Hearing this, Chen Xu was stunned for a moment, and then scolded angrily, "Ancestor, you are a ball, you are an old and disrespectful old guy, I am still your ancestor!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent, Jiang Heng fumbled for his chin, thinking slightly. On the other hand, Lu Yixin glanced at Chen Xu with a strange and pitiful expression.

The old man fell silent, his old head drooping slightly, sinking into the darkness.


With a loud bang, the old man hit Chen Xu flying with an uppercut with lightning speed, and then his old and emaciated figure jumped onto Chen Xu's body with an old punch.

Then Chen Xu's heart-piercing howls sounded in the room, and Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin were shocked.

Seeing the old man's figure which is clearly about to sink into the ground, but still so vigorous, Jiang Heng can only sigh, your uncle is still your uncle!

"Old man, you have the guts to beat me to death! If you want me to recognize my ancestor's young master indiscriminately, I will kill him and deny him!"

Chen Xu screamed while still straightening his neck and roaring.

What an iron head!

But the fist raised by the old man stopped, and he lifted Chen Xu, whose face was already swollen like a pig's head, back to the old wooden chair.

"This old man's surname is Chen! Chen Wuji is this old man! Just take out your family tree and you'll know!"

The old man was still a little blowing his beard and staring.

Hearing this, Chen Xu touched the painful pig's face, gave the old man the same stubborn look, and said harshly: "My old Chen family has been poor for several generations, and has a fart genealogy! Don't try to fool the young master, you old man! Chen Wuji, I'm still Chen Tianba!"

The veins on the old man's forehead were throbbing, and then the same situation happened again. In the eyes of Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin, the old man's vigorous figure flashed across again, and then Chen Xu kept howling miserably.

After a while, the old man brought Chen Xu, who was a little more swollen, back to the seat. At this time, there was only a slit in Chen Xu's swollen eyes, but he still looked at the old man without showing any weakness.

"You practice the Nine-Star Carrying Method, this time you should know what the old man said is true, right?" The old man was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Chen Xu fell silent. He scratched his head in puzzlement and said, "What is the nine-star transfer method? I don't know how to read!"

The old man's widened eyes were momentarily speechless.

It is true that Chen Xu could not read at all. The reason why he started to practice the martial arts handed down from his family was thanks to the map above.

The old man took a deep breath, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, but his clenched fist loosened and tightened, tightened and loosened...


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