Master of Fist

Chapter 288: Senior Yu, do you have medicine at home?

"Are you comfortable?"

Looking at the smiling Jiang Heng, at this moment Liu Shizong felt how friendly and warm the smile was, full of affinity. This made him nod unconsciously.

"But it seems that the position of the bone is wrong!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng pulled with one hand, and the arm that had already begun to heal was pulled out again, and blood spurted out.


Liu Shizong's comfortable expression instantly became distorted. This sudden pain was like pouring a bucket of cold water on you while you were sleeping soundly.

Fortunately, Jiang Heng quickly connected it again, this time he found the right position, and it seemed that there was no major problem, so he let go of this arm.

The life energy gushing out of the black ball in Jiang Heng's body can easily deal with this kind of injury, even if there is not much life energy left. But Liu Shizong's situation is not Yu Youdao after all, this kind of physical injury is a small problem for life energy.

It took enough time for the two arms to catch a stick of incense from Jiang Heng, but fortunately, they didn't use much life energy during the period, and finally left the last ray for themselves.

Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief, not to mention that this kind of technical work is quite strenuous.

"Okay, look around!" Jiang Heng let go of Liu Shizong and let him try it out.

At this time, Liu Shizong was full of excitement of regaining what was lost, and he was about to accept this fact. Unexpectedly, there is another village where the willows are dark and the flowers are bright.

It's just that he was still a little troubled in his heart, but after moving his five fingers according to his heart, he no longer had any doubts at this moment. He twisted his wrist and moved his arms excitedly, feeling that everything was so comfortable and familiar, and he was very happy.

Obviously this kind of movement is nothing more than an ordinary movement, but at this moment Liu Shizong still had a great time playing with it.

"What happened? What black armor army?"

Jiang Heng had come to Yu Youdao's side at this time, frowning and asking.

Yu Youdao glanced at Jiang Heng like he was looking at a monster, and when he saw Jiang Heng, he restored Liu Shizong's severed arm to its original state with just one or two efforts. The feeling in his heart was indescribable. He thought that he had practiced the health-preserving skills for most of his life, but the result was not as good as others' two-and-a-half, and he even choked.

"The Black Armored Army is the royal family's army!"

Speaking of the Black Armored Army, Yu Youdao's face turned serious.

"The royal family's army?"

It was the first time Jiang Heng heard that the palace had an independent army.

"The number of people is about 500. It's very mysterious. In terms of individual strength, each of them is not inferior to the average master master!" Yu Youdao said, his face sank: "And I suspect that they may not be normal people!"

Jiang Heng frowned. He had already expected that Dayan would have a unique army under the hands of the dignitaries. Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress the entire Dayan warriors and foreign demons by relying on these aristocratic families and royal families alone.

"If my guess is correct, they may all be half-demons! That is, the offspring of demons and humans, they are chaotic and unstable monsters."

"Half-demon?!" Jiang Heng was slightly startled by this, as he had heard of the existence of a half-demon from a few words before.

"There are quite a few such half-demons in these aristocratic families, and most of them are monsters with mixed blood. They don't carry monster aura with them, and their appearance is no different from that of humans. They may only carry some of the physical characteristics of monsters.

Moreover, their strength is far inferior to pure-blooded monsters, not even ?? level. Even so, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. They are the most loyal minions of the monsters in Dayan, and they are the most beneficial weapons to rule the entire Dayan. "

Yu Youdao's face was gloomy. These were all he had inquired and figured out after years of entrenched in Bazhou. Because the black-armored army seldom shows up outside, and every action is very crisp and neat, and they never remove their armor, and those wearing black armor never speak.

The feminine man he saw today was something he had never seen before, which was a little different from the past, because in the past, the old man Huang Qi from the Huang family led the team.

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"Then they came this time..." Jiang Heng asked with a frown, this is what he was more concerned about.

So Yu Youdao recounted everything that just happened in detail.

Jiang Heng nodded after listening, admiring Yu Youdao's approach in his heart. Immediately, he frowned again.

"It's just that, the young master..."

"He...don't worry about it!" Yu Youdao was more open than others, he smiled and waved his hands, "As long as the palace doesn't catch me, they won't touch him for a day. Even if he catches me, he won't do anything to him, at most he will force me to submit."

Jiang Heng didn't think so, although he wouldn't do anything to Yu Shouren, but if he didn't find Yu Youdao later, some beatings and tortures would definitely be unavoidable.

Looking at Yu Youdao, who seemed to be doing nothing, Jiang Heng sighed inwardly.

It's just that there is still a long way to go before the strength wants to step into the blood sea realm. After absorbing all the energy, the blood essence in the body is only worth 270 drops, which is still far from 300 drops, let alone the blood sea. environment.

However, the Sea of ​​​​Blood Realm is now at least somewhat promising. With more and more condensed blood essence, Jiang Heng feels that every 300 drops of blood essence should be a threshold. As for the Sea of ​​Blood Realm, it should be 900 drops.

If the realm of the great master is divided into levels, then Jiang Heng is only in the early stage right now, only three hundred drops can enter the middle stage, and six hundred drops is the late stage.

Nine Hundred Drops directly stepped into the Blood Sea Realm.

I have to say that although there is no bottleneck at all in the Sea of ​​Blood, the accumulation of essence and blood itself is an extremely time-consuming effort. If there is no black ball, only relying on its own absorption and refining, who knows how long it will take.

Jiang Heng estimated that hundreds of years ago, those foreign martial arts practitioners in the former Chen Dynasty, but all those who stepped into the Blood Sea Realm must be old men over a hundred years old.

After knowing that the palace still had a Black Armored Army, Jiang Heng became less and less optimistic about Lu Yixin. If this fell into a wheel battle, Lu Yixin's sword pellets would be exhausted before he could kill all the black armor soldiers.

Moreover, Jiang Heng still has doubts about the power of the sword that Lu Yixin had accumulated.

"Jiang Xiaoyou, do you want to bandage this?"

Seeing Jiang Heng covered in blood scabs, Yu Youdao was a little worried.

As he spoke, he pointed to the tray on the side, and Jiang Heng followed his gaze. Looking at the bottles and cans above, Jiang Heng's eyes lit up instantly.

"Senior Yu, how many medicinal materials do you have in your warehouse?"

Yu Youdao was a little dazed by the sudden inquiry. He didn't know that his behavior just now was to lure wolves into the house. Now Jiang Heng can't help turning all the medicinal materials into energy whenever he sees them.

There is no way, the energy required by the blood sea is too huge.


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